1875 I come from the future

Chapter 129 The Sound of Drum Horn 1

[129] The sound of drums and horns starts to fight (I)

Bai Xiaoqi bowed his head and said, "Chairman, what does good-looking flag have to do with whether you can attack the city?" The sound is not loud, but the whole conference room can be heard. It seems that she is still struggling with the number of attacking troops.

Li Jun blushed and retorted, "This flag is beautiful! That's what the chairman said! As for the siege, I went to the second company and the first company together! Two 120 people in a row will definitely take down Jimo!"

Bai Xiaoqi was a little melancholy and a little impatient. She found that she followed the object of rebellion so inexperienced in war.

"Chairman Yao, there have been clouds in military books since ancient times, and the siege of the city has been besieged. Jimo has 200 soldiers bravely defending the city, which requires ten times the strength to be surrounded on all sides, so that the other party's troops are scattered in the head of the city, and the front and back are too tired to take care of each other, so that the ants can attack the city. Bai Xiaoqi said her thoughts frankly. She felt that she must be responsible for the army of the man in front of her and could not watch him hit such a small city as Jimo.

Yao Fan waved his hand and said, "In Jimo City, one connection is enough. However, what you said is also reasonable. The siege is a good way. The siege can be used to help.

After saying that, Yao Fan pointed to the map and said, "I guess that among the two garrisons of Manmeng Eight Banners, the one who can come to rescue Jimo is probably the Qingzhou garrison camp." He pointed to the map and said, "The soldiers of the Qingzhou Eight Banners garrison battalion are divided into Manchuria Zhenghuang, inlaid yellow and Mongolian Zhenghuang and inlaidhuang. Most people are afraid of death these days, and they should not rush up too much. However, the Eight Banners of Mongolia have such an opportunity to plunder troops, and they should be dispatched quickly. The 2,500 members of Qingzhou Battalion are all cavalry, five Mongolian cavalry battalions, 250 people each, and more than 1,000 horses in each of the five battalions.

Li Hainiu nodded and said, "The Mongolian horse team is good at fighting, but their brains are also rigid. They only dare to eat 30% according to the usual, that is to say, their combat effectiveness is still guaranteed. Now that they have an opportunity to carry out looting through rebellions, they will not miss it. Qingzhou came to Jimo for only 300 miles, but the horse team traveled for two or three days.

Bai Xiaoqi still felt that Yao Fan and others despised the enemy and said to Li Hainiu, "Don't underestimate the five Manchurian horse teams. That's not the old eight flags in Shandong. The old eight flags have long been killed by the Nian army. These are Xidan recruited by Ding Baozhen in Jilin and Heilongjiang at the beginning. The so-called Xidan is Yuding of the eight flags in Manchuria. Some people used to live on hunting, which was very barbaric and skilled.

Yao Fan frowned when he heard the words, held one hand on his chest, and touched his chin with one hand and said, "If all 2,500 people from 10 cavalry battalions in Qingzhou go out, it will be a fierce battle. The cavalry is flexible, and even if only 70% of the posts are difficult to deal with." He walked in front of the map and said, "If we use the method of encirclement and help, I am worried that these guys will not move at all, and they will take the opportunity to urge the court to owe money and draw money, and there will be some delay. Second, I'm also worried that once they come too much, we won't be able to eat or hurt our stomachs.

Li Hainiu said, "I think it is very likely that they will delay the dispatch of troops. After all, in the past few years, the imperial court has laid off more than 22 brave camps in Shandong. It can be seen that it is a lack of money. No one can say whether the pay of the Eight Banners can be paid on time every month. If we have surrounded Jimo for a long time, we may not be waiting for the Eight Banner Cavalry, but the brave camp. I think it's better to take it with one spirit. After taking Jimo, wait steadily for the Qing army to attack in the city.

Li Jun asked Yao Fan: "Chairman, 7 garrison battalions under Chen Huilong, the general of Dengzhou Town, have now been taken down by us. We have attacked another Jimo camp, and there are still five battalions. Why didn't you count them?"

Yao Fan shook his head: "I have asked about the situation of the seven garrison camps under Fudengzhou Town, Wei Guo, and according to him, they are all birds. Wendeng, Yantai, Laizhou, Qingzhou, Shouguang, Jimo, Jiaozhou, the seven green battalions are all rotten. I think they will only guard their garrison and are unlikely to come to rescue Jimo. As for the two battalions stationed in Penglai Benbiao in Dengzhou Town, it is estimated that it is not much better. Of course, I don't rule out the possibility of them coming to rescue, so I also need to ask the White Horse Association to strictly inquire about the important places and send back messages in time.

Zhou Shi looked at the map and said, "According to the results of our interrogation of Lu Shan, I think the chairman's judgment is very reasonable. Lu Shan said that Dengzhou Town has been rotten for a long time, and there are no soldiers in the green battalion. Except for this target, half of the other battalions are usually idle in their towns and live by collecting road taxes. Lushan was severely beaten by me three times. Every time he answered the same, he should not be able to talk nonsense.

Yao Fan listened and said with a smile, "Zhou Fourth is very thoughtful."

Praised Zhou's fourth sentence, Yao Fan continued: "In addition to Dengzhou Town, there are also Caozhou Town and Yanzhou Town in Shandong Province. The distance between Yanzhou and Yanzhou in Caozhou is too far away to be considered at all."

When Liu Jinbao saw that the other four company commanders had spoken, he was not willing to show his military knowledge reserves these days and said, "Chairman, there are two general officers directly under Ding Baozhen in Shandong. The green battalion under Zhou Juerong is not enough, but Wang Zheng, another general, can still have 22 brave battalions under him. ! These brave battalions are stationed in Qingzhou, Texas, and are arched together with the two eight-flag garrison camps. I'm afraid it's not easy to do.

Yao Fan's heart sank when he thought of these 22 brave camps in Ding Baozhen's hand.

Liu Jinbao said self-righteously, "If their 22 battalions attack, I'm afraid the victory or defeat will become five or five. Chairman, we should take strict precautions."

Li Hainiu shook his head: "The brave camp has always paid first, then collect the draw fee, and then set out. I don't think it's possible for them all to go out. It will only be the Yong camp in Qingzhou with the Qingzhou Eight Banner garrison camp. According to the one-to-one Ma Bu army, there are several horse teams in the Eight Banners in Qingzhou, and the brave camp will follow a few steps. Barracks. But if they don't give a day, I'm afraid they won't fight for a day.

Bai Xiaoqi was stunned in the conference room. Although the electric light is very strange, the blackboard is also very strange, the chalk is also very rare, and the red silk used as the military flag is also very beautiful, but these are no matter how strange they are, they can't compare with these mouth-mouthed horse-running guys in front of them!

"Chairman Yao, I, Bai Xiaoqi, said something unpleasant."

"Although the military meeting is to brainstorm and let everyone fully express their opinions." Yao Fan looked at her with a smile.

Bai Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and looked around the people in the conference room like a meteor:

"Your department takes itself too seriously!

Your department only has a few hundred people at the time, right? He just took the mouth of Qingdao by sneak attack. How dare he not pay attention to the imperial army? If Chairman Yao has 3,000 or 5,000 people under your men, those green camp, brave camp, town standard and Fubiao will probably take the opportunity to urge pay and delay the dispatch of troops, but if they know that you are only this kind of people, won't they grab credit like hungry dogs?

Yao Fan was stunned and said, "Bai Xiaoqi, you are so right! You have a thorough grasp of the psychology of Qing soldiers! OK! OK!"

Yao Fan straightened up and said to all the officers, "After some time ago's training, the new recruits of each company have initially mastered the basic combat skills and common rules. I announce that our army is now reorganized.