1875 I come from the future

Chapter 135 The sound of drums and horns 7

[135] The sound of drums and horns starts to fight (7)

Guo Jixiu just arrived in Laizhou Prefecture. Before his buttocks were hot, he learned the news that Yao Fan had captured Guojiazhuang. As soon as he heard that Yao Fan had shot more than 50 people in the Guo family at the public trial, Guo Jixiu was furious and fainted on the spot!

"Yao Fan is a dog thief! I'm with you!!!" This was the first sentence after Guo Jixiu woke up. Although his gums were bleeding and the blood in his eyeballs burst, Yao Fan couldn't hear it.

At this time, Yao Fan was worried about facing the first Qing army encirclement.

After guiding his working group to divide the land and property of Guojiazhuang, Yao Fan held the highest military meeting again.

In the Jimo County government, the skylight shot through the cracks under the eaves of the middle hall, and the officers sat around a long table temporarily assembled with a square table in the middle.

Yao Fan sat in the first position on the right side of the long table, clenched his fist on his thigh and said, "Please note that in order to better complete this anti-encirclement campaign, the reserve training has temporarily stopped, and the five battalions went all out to participate in this battle."

Seeing the silent nod of the officers, Yao Fan continued:

"Bai Xiaoqi, please introduce the enemy."

Bai Xiaoqi nodded to Yao Fan, got up and walked to the big map hanging in the hall and said:

According to the current intelligence sent back by Tanma, the Qing army has completed the preliminary assembly. The eight flag garrison battalion in Qingzhou has dispatched five 250-person cavalry battalions, including three Mongolian regular yellow flags and two Mongolian yellow flags. As analyzed by the chairman, the Mongolian cavalry took the lead in order to carry out the first looting and Qingye, according to the information, they can arrive in Jiaoxi County tomorrow.

Yao Fan knows that Jiaoxi County is today's Jiaozhou City.

Bai Xiaoqi pointed to the map and said, "Look, this is Jiaoxi County, only 100 miles away from Jimo County and 120 miles away from Qingdao. The Mongolian horse team marched quickly. It is not ruled out that they will divide their troops and attack Jimo and Qingdao at the same time. However, I estimate that the troops of the Qing soldiers will come. In the past, they could only mast, in order to drive us into the city so that they could plunder nearby villages.

Bai Xiaoqi frowned and said, "There is another bad news. Chen Huilong, the general of Dengzhou Town, the old fox, can't sit still, probably because we took down the two garrison battalions of Jiaozhou and Jimo in his hand, which made the situation unstoppable. Now that the incident has started in his garrison area, if he doesn't fight a bad battle with us, it is estimated that the court will take him up as a small matter and take off his official uniform and ask for a big crime. So whether he can fight or not, Chen Huilong must come and fight with us.

According to the Malai newspaper, Chen Huilong gathered a lot of people, borrowed a lot of families, gathered enough people, and rushed to Laiyang with two 500-person military camp of Penglai's original standard for 1,000 people, where he converged with two temporary posts there. Now These two thousand people have left for Jiangshan County and are expected to arrive in Jiangshan County tomorrow. It seems that they are always ready to go south to fight me to the death. Look, the location of Jiangshan County is 60 miles north of Jimo County. If the march is fast, it can reach Jimo in a day.

Yao Fan saw that the atmosphere in the conference room temporarily converted by the Jimo County government was very heavy, so he had to smile and say, "Good to come, his four camps can make up a table of mahjong."

Hearing Yao Fan's improper joke, the atmosphere in the conference room became a little relaxed, and everyone couldn't help smiling.

Bai Xiaoqi looked at Yao Fan like a meteor, "This Yao Dong family is really bold, and he is still in the mood to laugh at this time."

"In addition to these two bad news, the third news is still bad news." Bai Xiaoqi doesn't seem to intend to let Yao Fan hear any good news today.

"Chen Huilong, the general soldier of Dengzhou Town, still has two garrison battalions, which are stationed in Shouguang and Qingzhou, and now they have also set off. Guess who they came with?" Bai Xiaoqi asked with a tiger.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Let me guess, Bai Xiaoqi, did they go with the brave camp in Qingzhou?"

Bai Xiaoqi pointed to the map helplessly and said, "That's right, the two garrison battalions set out from the station and followed the brave battalions under Ding Baozhen all the way to Pingdu Prefecture to the east, waiting for Wang Zhengqi, Mo Zushen and Li Peirong's Zhenzi Camp, Shenzi Camp and Pei Zi Camps to gather together and go down to the southeast."

At this point, Bai Xiaoqi stressed: "Chairman! In Wang Zhengqi's 12th Battalion, there are four 500-person barracks and eight 250-person cavalry battalions, with a total strength of 4,000!

Mo Zushen's three battalions, one of which is a foot barracks, two cavalry battalions, with a total strength of 1,000 people!

Li Peirong's fourth battalion, two-step barracks and two cavalry battalions, with a total strength of 1,500 people!

Chairman, there are a total of 6,500 people in these 19 battalions! Although they eat 30% of the empty pay, as long as these brave camps take the money and the fee, they can immediately pull out the auxiliary soldiers and replenish the full staff! This is much better than the four green battalions of the general officers of Dengzhou Town!

Ding Baozhen only laid off 22 of more than 50 brave camps, and the rest are all his elite direct line. Although they dare not say that the trained soldiers are strong and horses are strong, the armor knives and guns they use are all the best! One of these soldiers are also veterans who have fought with the Nian army. Although Ma has been released to Nanshan for ten years, he is even more cunning and capable!

As for Wang Zhengqi, Mo Zushen and Li Peirong, they were all fought a bloody battle with the Nian army in those years!"

Obviously, Bai Xiaoqi does not want Yao Fan to underestimate the enemy, which is very detailed.

Yao Fan wanted to greatly praise the information about the white flag, but when he saw that the officers were all worried, he immediately changed his mind and waved his hand and said, "It's just the mob, the mob. I don't care about it.

His grandmother's, Mrs. Ding also looks down on me. Obviously, she still has Jizi Camp, Jingjian Camp, and Lijie Shuishi Camp, but she refuses to take it out.

Li Hainiu seemed to see Yao Fan's idea and said, "Chairman, I heard that the Lijie Water Division Camp has been transferred to Li Hongzhang, saying that he is going to build the Beiyang Navy and is not in Ding Baozhen's hands."

Yao Fan made a surprised expression and said, "Really? Doesn't that work? Doesn't Ding Baozhen also have a direct green camp? What do you do in Jinan? Don't you take the village head as a cadre? Dare to underestimate us! We must make them fall a lot this time!"

Bai Xiaoqi stood in front of the map and opened her mouth slightly, a little stunned. She was really made speechless by Yao Fan. Jimo is about to be surrounded by nearly 10,000 Qing soldiers around him. Why is Yao Dong's family not afraid at all? Let the nearly 10,000 Qing army fall? Is he talking in his sleep?