1875 I come from the future

Chapter 136 The Sound of Drum Horn War 8

[136] The sound of drums and horns to fight (eight)

Yao Fan got up calmly and walked to the front to signal Bai Xiaoqi to return to his position.

Bai Xiaoqi saluted everyone and went back to sit down. She wanted to hear what Yao Fan wanted to say.

Yao Fan cleared his throat, pointed to the map and said loudly in Shandong dialect: "Comrades! Have you found that the current form is very beneficial to us!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room showed puzzled faces.

Comrades! Our army should have an indomitable spirit! It will overwhelm all enemies! And not be subdued by the enemy! But I have been thinking about how can we prove that our army has this forward-thinking spirit?

The answer is yes, that is, to test whether we are qualified in battle.

This encirclement and suppression of the Qing army is a very good opportunity to review our own strength.

As the saying goes, a mule is a horse coming out for a walk. We should carry forward the style of brave fighting, not afraid of sacrifice, fatigue and continuous fighting, and prove that we have this forward-ending spirit by winning the battle.

Yao Fan carefully observed everyone's expressions and continued cautiously, "You may ask me how to fight this war?" I sum it up in one sentence: make up your mind, not be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory!"

Hearing Yao Fan's powerful, simple and easy-to-understand speech, the cadres applauded desperately, but there were still comrades with sad faces.

Yao Fan glanced and knew it, and immediately said confidently, "Do you think there are many Qing soldiers of nearly 10,000 people? I think it's rare!!!" In this last sentence, he shouted loudly.

Yao Fan took out his pyramid scheme and roared, "I said he is very few, because compared with China's population of 40,000, the number of feudal landlord reactionaries that they can mobilize is very small. There are 33 million people in Shandong, but the standing army that feudal landlords and reactionaries can mobilize is less than 10,000!"

Yao Fan raised his voice again and roared hoarsely: "Comrades! What does this mean? This is a lot of help! Lost and helpless! The reactionaries of feudal landlords are unpopular. Their army is a reactionary army, an army that suppresses the people!

Comrades! Revolutionary war is a war of the masses! Only by mobilizing the masses can we wage war! Only by relying on the masses can we carry out war! And the masses are on our side!!!"

Yao Fan explained in detail: "In the process of fighting local tyrants and divided fields, our cadres and soldiers have preliminarily recognized the people's support for us and the revolution!!!

The day before yesterday, the third sister told me that many people had come to the commune, saying why didn't the commune come to our village to fight local tyrants and divide the fields? It can be seen that the people's desire for us is like the drought of wheat seedlings looking forward to nectar!

This is the truth. We can give the people what the reactionary landlord class can't give! That is the right to land and equality! These two things, due to the limitations of the reactionary landlord class itself, can never be given to the people! The class attribute of the reactionary landlord class is destined to always stand on the opposite side of the working people.

Without the support of the people, they are doomed to the reactionary landlord class. They are paper tigers!"

These words aroused applause again, and the eyes of the cadres ignited a flame of hope.

Yao Fan picked up water from the table and took a sip, and continued:

"Back to practical military issues, we must form a concept that we should strategically despise all enemies and attach importance to all enemies tactically. That is to say, on the whole, we must despise it. On a specific issue, we must pay attention to it. War can only be fought one battle after another, the enemy can only be partially destroyed, and farmers can only plow piece by piece, which is also true for eating. We strategically despise eating: this meal You can eat it, but you can eat it specifically. You can't swallow a table of banquets. This is called individual resolution, and in military books it is called individual resolution.

Yao Fan's enthusiastic speech ignited the emotions of the cadres. Everyone felt that what Yao Fan said was really right. Suddenly, they had the backbone in their hearts. Suddenly, they were no longer panic and worried. They were excited and encouraged, and looked at Yao Fan eagerly.

Bai Xiaoqi was stunned. She had never seen such a clever person in her life! What is the ability to say a sad thing as if it were a joyful person? It's amazing!!!! You can rebel with such a person... No! It's a revolution! How lucky that is! How can I ask for it!

Yao Fan stood at the front desk with his left waist and waved his right hand in the air. He said powerfully, "Since we are soberly aware of our strategic advantages, we know that everything comes from the attack of the reactionary revolutionary team of feudal landlords, which must not only be defeated, but also can be defeated, so it comes out of the sky. When there are dark clouds, we will say that this is just a temporary phenomenon. The darkness is about to pass, and the dawn is ahead.

There was another round of applause in the conference room.

Yao Fan showed his wild energy and waved his right arm violently to encourage:

Comrades! Let's not be confused by the phenomenon of the enemy's external strength! I can't see that the enemy is about to be destroyed! The essence of your victory! For the invading enemy, we should resolutely, completely and cleanly eliminate it from the standpoint of self-defense! Never be intimidated by the fierce power of the feudal landlord reactionaries!

The purpose of the war is nothing else, that is to 'preserving ourselves and destroy the enemy'. Whether it is to take the initiative to attack and destroy the enemy or to destroy the enemy as much as possible in defense, it is to destroy a large number of enemy living forces. The more reactionaries we eliminate, the safer we will be!

Whether it is attack or defense, we need a brave and tenacious fighting style and a revolutionary spirit of sacrifice! War has to pay a price. This kind of sacrifice is not only necessary to eliminate the enemy, but also to preserve itself. All technical, tactical, campaign and strategic principles should be implemented! That is to say, under the premise of destroying as many enemies as possible and preserving yourself, carry out brave and tenacious battles and carry forward the revolutionary spirit of sacrifice!"

Seeing everyone's concentration, Yao Fan then began his temporary military tutoring class:

"Comrades, our military principles are summarized as follows.

First, fight the scattered and isolated enemy first, and then fight the concentrated and powerful enemy. Fight as little as possible, and fight against the weak with strength!

Second, the main goal is to annihilate the enemy's living forces, not to be conservative and capture cities or places. Conservative or seizing cities and places is the result of annihilating the enemy's living forces, and it often takes many times to finally effectively conserve or seize it.

Third, concentrate the absolute superior forces in each battle, surround the enemy on all sides, and strive to completely annihilate them so as not to leak the net. Under special circumstances, the method of annihilating the enemy is adopted to concentrate on the front of the enemy and one or both wings to achieve the purpose of annihilating one of the enemy and defeating the other. In this way, we are at a disadvantage, but in every part and in every specific battle, we have an absolute advantage, which ensures the victory of the battle. Over time, we will turn into an advantage in the whole until we annihilate all enemies!

Fourth, do not fight unprepared battles, do not fight unsure battles, strive to be prepared at every station, and strive to be sure of victory under the comparison of enemy and us conditions.

Fifth, carry forward the style of brave fighting, not afraid of sacrifice, fatigue and continuous combat.

Sixth, strive to annihilate the enemy in sports, and at the same time, pay attention to position attack tactics.

Third, supplement ourselves by capturing all the enemy's weapons and most personnel, which can make us stronger and weaker, making the front line an important source of human and material resources.

Eight, we should be good at taking advantage of the gap between two battles or battles to rest and train troops, but we should not take too long to prevent the enemy from breathing as much as possible.

Comrades, our strategy and tactics are based on the people's war, and no anti-people army can use our strategy and tactics!"

After Yao Fan finished speaking, he looked at his cadres and smiled and said, "So now, who can tell me how to fight this battle!"

Li Hainiu looked at Yao Fan with round eyes and worship. 'Huo' stood up and said excitedly, "Chairman! You are amazing! You are so right! Now I know how to fight this battle!"

"Li Hainiu! Tell me what you think!" Yao Fan's eyes lit up and said happily to Li Hainiu.

"Just break it one by one! Hit one by one!

At present, the biggest threat to us is the five cavalry battalions with yellow flags in Jiaoxi! I used to lead cavalry. I am very clear that the cavalry is as mobile as the wind, and I am good at fighting in the field and don't like to attack the city. We can take advantage of their characteristics to lure them to fight head-on in the wild and fight a firepower battle!" Li Hainiu is full of confidence.

"And then?" Yao Fan asked.

"Then we went to fight the four green battalions of Chen Huilong, the general officer of Dengzhou. When the green camp saw us taking the initiative to attack, we would definitely defend the city. Can the little Jiangshan County be stronger than Jimo? We suppressed the head of the city with fire, blew up the gate, and rushed into the city with 56 and a half, and then we would cut melons and vegetables!" Li Hainiu was very excited, as if he had seen the dead bodies of four green camps everywhere.

"Okay! Keep talking!" Yao Fan looked happy.

"After taking Jiangshan County, let's take a break and see how the brave camp in Pingdu Prefecture will react. If they go south, we will withdraw to the trenches of Jimo and wait for work and give them a good job! If they guard the city and wait for help, we will take the opportunity of the subsequent brave camp to blow up the four gates of Pingdu Prefecture and rush in to kill them!"

Li Hainiu's tone was resolute. At the end, his voice was hoarse, as if he had returned to his past career as a cavalry general and charged into battle.

Yao Fan smiled and pressed his hand to signal him to sit down and said to the cadres, "What do you think of Li Hainiu's tactics? Talk about what you think! The military meeting requires everyone to participate in the discussion! After discussing and unifying ideas, we will complete the battle plan!"

Li Jun jumped up and said, "I agree!"

Liu Jinbao also stood up and shouted, "I have no problem!"

Zhou Shi and He Shicheng, who came from the Qingdao garrison area, also stood up and said loudly, "We listen to the chairman's arrangement! We will fight wherever the chairman asks us to fight!"

Bai Xiaoqi looked at Yao Fan in a trance and thought, "Will this nearly 10,000 Qing army be like this by Yao Dong's family... No! Chairman Yao can eat it in one bite?" Although she was still a little suspicious, she had secretly felt in her heart that Yao Fan must have such a general ability.

"This man's ability can be known by listening to him. He is simply a natural talent and leader! According to his eight-point military ideology and the policy of fighting local tyrants, the Qing Dynasty will definitely be ruined by him!!!

This man is born to be the nemesis of the Qing Dynasty!!!

is a monster!!!"

Bai Xiaoqi thought.