1875 I come from the future

Chapter 150 The Red Flag Turns Over 6

[150] The wind and the red flag turned over the earth (6)

Behind the infantry position on the right side of the Qing army, Wang Zhengqi was scared by the sudden explosion and fell down from the platform and fell to the ground in horror. Before he recovered, the continuous explosion sounded more loudly. The artillery positions with 24 12-pound guns of the Qing army were half blown up, with heavy casualties. The ground was full of broken arms of artillerymen. An infantry battalion closest to the artillery position in the west was also unlucky, killing and injuring more than 100 people. 82 forced continuous precision shooting into the * placed behind the artillery position. The martyrdom of * was endless. Several shells fell close to the Qing army camp, and unexpectedly blew up the thick pine barracks with the mouth of the bowl. The pine wood with skin was smashed and fell in rows, and the ground was covered with broken wood slag.

Wang Zheng got up and lay on the ground anxiously and thought shockedly, "The glue thief has a gun!!! It's so accurate!"

He didn't have time to think about it. He was helped up by the soldiers and deputy generals around him and shouted harshly, "Fire! Kill the glue thief!"

But the artillery position has been messed up, and the surviving gunners and auxiliary soldiers are fleeing back, leaving only corpses and groaning seriously wounded.

Yao Fan looked really in the telescope and shouted, "Gui Ba! Extend the shelling to the east!"

"Yes!" Guiba, who also held a telescope to observe the landing point of the shell, roared.

"Hu Guangting! You taught the company to immediately attack the enemy's artillery position in the middle! Take care to spread out and protect each other! Remember, find the weakest breakthrough!"


Luo Qiren! Take your second company to keep up with the first company!"


"Tutu Wenfu, the commander of the third company, followed by the commander of the fourth company!"

"Yes!" Yes!"

Yao Fan sent out all the battalion of Li Hainiu in one go. 240 scattered soldiers spread to the enemy like blue clouds and green fog.

With four 82 rapid shooting! The explosion of 82mm high-explosive shells on the Qing army's position sounded, the earth rumbled, and smoke and mushrooms rose in the air. In the cry of the Qing army soldiers, 24 heavy 12-pound front-loaded smoothbore guns have all been blown up and overturned.

Then, the ammunition and * piled up by the artillery of the Qing army were also detonated by the * rain, with continuous martyrs and fire, and black smoke appeared in the center of the Qing army's position. The injured Qing army cried and crawled among the mutilated limbs and burnt corpses.

The explosion was very shocking. Seeing this situation, the formations of the four infantry battalions of the Qing army were in chaos, and their feet were shaken backwards, and everyone's faces were sad.

Wang Zheng's legs softened and fell in front of the platform again. He knelt on the ground like dead ashes. His blue and purple lips trembled. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak for a moment.

Hu Yuanda, the general who gave advice to Wang Zheng, quickly came up to help him and said in a crying voice, "General! Our cannons are all over!!!!

After all, Wang Zhengqi has been fighting for a long time. Knowing that the more this situation is, the more he can't panic. He struggled to get up and shouted fiercely, "Don't panic! Hold my feet firmly! It is said that Wang Songhe took the cavalry camp to the back! Anyone who dares to take a step back before the battle, be killed!"

But at this moment, the military spirit of the Qing army has been confused. More than 4,000 soldiers bravely saw a piece of smoke and explosion in the powerful cannon position of the Chinese army. How could they not panic? However, due to the military law, they can only stand still one by one.

The sentry officers of each battalion are roaring: "The glue thief is starting to come up! The whole army is loaded and ready to fire! Who dares to take a step back and kill!!!"

Due to the small flame of 82, most of the Qing army did not even find the position of Yao Fan's artillery position. They only saw the battalion of Li Hainiu in the middle road approaching bravely.

Hu Guangting, the farthest of Li Hainiu Battalion, taught that the company was more than 900 meters away from the position of the Qing army, and the formation was very sparse. The Qing army knew that the distance must be within 300 steps to fight such an enemy. So the Qing army stood uneasily, stabing gunpowder while anxiously waiting for the opponent to rush close and carry out the shooting tactic, so as to make these rubber thieves into a sieve.

Xu Zicheng, the left wing of the Qing army and Wang Zhengtai, two cavalry battalions on the right wing, were trotting their horses and intending to start full-speed impact when they approached 200 meters. At this time, they saw a series of explosions at the artillery positions of the Central Army. Even if they were riding on horses, they were extremely frightened and shocked.

Li Fangzhen was the sentry officer of the left wing Xu Zi's cavalry camp. He rushed to the front of the cavalry, waved a saber in his hand, and demonstrated to the soldiers of Yao Fan's left wing from a distance more than 700 meters away. The bright knife light followed his swing and skillfully shot into the enemy's eyes.

Li Fangzhen believes that before he rushes into the sparse front in front of him, the other soldier will be scared to flee everywhere.

But suddenly, Li Fangzhen's chest seemed to have been bitten by something. In an instant, he felt unable to breathe. His throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth with the bumps of the horse. His body suddenly softened, and the knife fell to the ground in his hand. He had no strength and lay on the horse's back.

At this time, the two sides of Yao Fan's tactics also began to slowly press on, while shooting the bullets at the two forward cavalry battalions for free. With the advantage of five-six-a-a-half automatic continuous firepower, he continued to point shots at the cavalry in front of him.

Some cavalrymen were shot and fell on the ground with broken bones and broken tendons; some cavalry were killed on the horse's back, lying motionless on the horse, and the knives and guns fell to the reins in their hands loose. Horses were constantly shot, hissing in pain and losing their front hoofs, falling to the ground like a meat mountain, and rolling heavily.

The two cavalry battalions were stunned and began to pull their horses from afar, intending to circle the outside of Yao Fan's wings and no longer dared to attack from the front.

Hu Guangting's teaching company of 60 people in three rows, scattered in an area about 50 meters square, followed closely by Luo Qiren's second company.

Seeing two companies rushing up, Yao Fan continued to order:

"Li Hainiu! With Tu Wenfu's third company and the handsome big standard fourth company, keep up with the previous two companies! The whole battalion of four companies trot forward in a 'convex' shape, broke through the center of the Qing army according to the battle plan, and then enveloped the enemy on the flank according to the situation, tearing the enemy away from the center!"


"The second battalion, the second company, the third company, the third company, and the fourth company are all ready to go into battle!"

"Yes!" The company commanders roared excitedly.

Yao Fan continued to observe the movement of the Qing army with binoculars.

He saw that the infantry formation of the brave battalion had begun to be a little untenable, especially the right wing of the Qing army, because the mortar landing point kept moving to the right, and it looked like it was on the verge of collapse. The Huai infantry battalion closest to the artillery position kept moving to the right and almost fled.

Facing a glue thief jumping like blue and green smoke on the front, the infantry of the brave battalion's feet were a little weak, but the other party had not yet approached 300 steps, so they could only hold the compressed foreign guns one by one.

Under the command of Gui Ba, the landing point quickly moved to the right like knocking on a drum set. When a shell landed on the right wing of the artillery position and in front of the nearest infantry battalion's mid-range sentry position, the Huai army of this battalion could no longer be tense, accompanied by a deafening explosion and smoke, and all shouted, a battalion five Hundreds of people's "T" team, all the T heads in front of them were blown up. The three outposts and the three behind them fled back, hoping to avoid shelling. Yao Fan saw some soldiers still holding guns in their hands, while others simply threw guns on the ground and ran back like rabbits.

Wang Zhengqi stood not far behind the camp. He really couldn't figure out how the fire of the glue thief could fall so fiercely and quickly continuously, and the landing point was so accurately! The explosion is so powerful!

"The glue thief has at least 40 32-pound cannons! Otherwise, how could it be bombarded like this continuously! The power of the explosion is so strong!" Wang Zhengqi cried to himself, as if accusing God of injustice.

The commander of the Huai Army Infantry Battalion was frightened, shouted and scolded crazily, beating the cowardly soldiers with the whip in his hand, intending to reorganize the formation.

At this time, Guiba has adjusted the new gun landing point.

" ruler 014, ten rapid shots!" Gui Ba put down the telescope and ordered the four artillery platoons. According to Napoleon's practice, Yao Fan prepared 300 rounds of ammunition for each gun, a total of 1,200 shells, which is enough for Gui Ba to squander.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Four consecutive shells exploded in a diamond shape in the position of the infantry battalion that had just collapsed, and the infantry battalion, which was just about to reshape, suddenly killed and injured more than 200 people! It's completely broken! In the earth-shocking cry, the survivors nervously threw away the rifles in their hands and shouted, "Defeated!" Lost!" Run to the Qing army camp in the rear.

This collapsed infantry battalion obviously affected the cavalry on the east side who were winding in the rain of bullets. Facing Yao Fan's right wing composed of the second battalion teaching company and the third battalion teaching company, Wang Zhengtai's cavalry battalion finally collapsed and dared to take half a step forward in the face of eight machine guns and continuous long-range shooting. Survivors All the horses went back.

Yao Fan ordered Li Jun, the commander of the right wing, in the walkway: "The six platoons of the right wing pressed me all within 300 meters, and put continuous pressure on the Qing army. Don't stay in place to sniper!"

"Yes!" Li Jun's answer is clear and powerful.

When the right-wing Wang Zhengtai cavalry battalion escaped, the left-wing cavalry battalion could not stand it. Under the long-range high-density fire shooting of three companies of Yao Fan's fourth battalion, they gave up the circuitous plan on the side and retreated.

At this time, everyone has seen that the Qing army is facing a situation of collapse across the board. Yao Fan's soldiers were as restless as beasts in cages waiting to be fed, waiting for the order to attack.

Li Hainiu's battalion saw the collapse of the Qing soldiers. The whole battalion was running hard to the center of the Qing army as if they were clocked up and taking gunpowder, and finally approached the range of 300 meters.

Hu Guangting shouted while running: "All machine gun groups cover me! Hit hard! Comrades! Go! The Qing army was defeated!"

Hu Guangting took a battalion of teaching company and rushed forward quickly to the combination of the smashed artillery position 300 meters ahead and the collapsed Qing army infantry battalion. Hu Guangting firmly remembered Yao Fan's words, "The breakthrough should be selected in the weakest place of the enemy!"

Seeing that the charge of the first battalion had gradually approached the Qing position, about 400 meters away, Yao Fan immediately threw himself into the second, third and fourth companies of the second battalion.

"Liu Taibang, the commander of the second company, Zhang Guangnan, the commander of the third company, and Gan Gan, the commander of the fourth company!"


"Keep up with me! Resolutely rush in from the breakthrough to the two wings!"


The two battalions on the left wing of the Qing army and the remaining battalion on the right wing were long-rangely shot by the first battalion of Li Hainiu, who were constantly assaulted in the middle. Soldiers were constantly shot to the ground, and their positions were also in chaos! If it hadn't been for the sentry officer holding a steel knife and beating several fleeing soldiers with the back of the knife and rolling them all over the ground, the battalion would probably have collapsed.

Whether it is the Green Camp, the Eight Banners, the Huai Army or the Hunan Army, he has a common problem - his will to fight is extremely weak.

The Huai army can fight a good fight, but once it encounters setbacks, it will collapse.

When it was found that the range and lethality of the opponent's rifle were above their own side, the army was already in chaos! After all, everyone is not here to die as a soldier. The Huai army could not do it at all. Like the British lobster soldiers, the shells cut the heads of their teammates around them and approached the enemy with a neat firing queue. Under the Type 56 semi-automatic bead-like dense firepower, the infantry battalion also began to be shot down, and the whole position kept retreating. The sentries were also afraid and hid behind the infantry and kept retreating.

The Huai army has long lost their courage to charge with a white blade. In the face of the most powerful rebels they have ever seen in their lives, their will is on the verge of collapse.

Seeing the two-winged cavalry being beaten back, the whole Huai army's will to fight was already in danger. Suddenly, before Guiba's cannon shooting point extended, the remaining infantry battalion on the right wing also collapsed. The soldiers collectively turned around and rushed back like a tide, or shouted "defeated!" Lost! ......”

The left-wing Huai Army saw that all the cavalry were beaten back, and the right flank collapsed. Only they stood on the front line, so they couldn't stand and trotted backwards, but they had not yet collapsed.

Yao Fan was not surprised at all about this. Every time the Qing army met a foreign army, as long as it found that the range of the opponent's rifle exceeded them, it would immediately collapse and escape.