1875 I come from the future

Chapter 151 The Red Flag Turns Over 7

[151] The wind and the red flag turned over the earth (7)

Seeing the whole front of the Qing army floating, Yao Fan also showed a faint joy on his face and said with relief, "It's about to win."

With the continuous shooting of Yao Fan's scattered soldiers rushing straight in the middle of the road, the Qing army finally collapsed completely. I don't know who got up. The infantrymen who were retreating before the left wing of the Qing army suddenly slid back like oil on the soles of their feet. This slip could not be stopped, and unexpectedly turned a retreat into a retreat. Scattered.

Yao Fan raised his right arm and pointed to the front and shouted, "The enemy's will to fight has completely collapsed!" Now I order the whole army to attack!"

The second, third and fourth companies of Liu Jinbao's third battalion, the last general reserve, were also engaged in the battle. There were endless shouts of killing on the battlefield, and the central field was dusty due to running and trampling.

Yao Fan ordered Gui Ba to extend the shelling after the Qing army.

"Pay attention to the speed of our army. In addition, don't fight the camps in the middle of the Qing army, where there is the food and fodder we need."

"I understand, Chairman." Gui 8 o'clock will pass.

The next 82mm* seemed to have eyes, chasing and bombing the scattered troops of the Qing army on the vast land, driving their footsteps faster and more chaotic.

Hu Guangting has rushed into the original position of the Qing soldiers, with a full 1,500-meter impact, making him sweaty and gasping at this moment. He saw a small two-meter-high platform, so he rushed up and stood to observe the fleeing Qing army in the distance.

The rumbling shells exploded into a mass of gunpowder smoke, and mushroom clouds soared into the north road, throwing guns all the way. Most of the fleeing Qing army tripped over the guns thrown by the former army, so they were killed and injured under the trampling of the rear troops. Hu Guangting suspected that these Qing troops who were trampled to death were shot and killed more than the vanguard of the assault group he led.

The next battle became a one-sided pursuit, and the cavalry on both wings of the Qing army had disappeared at this moment. Yao Fan couldn't help sighing the mobility of the cavalry again, but he also clearly felt that the decisive heart of the Huai army cavalry was not as good as the five Mongolian cavalry battalions they fought before, but on the other hand, this kind of wind The flexibility of the rudder also ensures that they can save the main force.

If Wang Zhengqi can put his eight battalions of cavalry together and rush to my side as soon as he comes up, this battle is really hard to say. After all, 2,000 people and 2,000 horses swept like clouds and ran 1,000 meters for only more than a minute. There will always be more than a dozen people who can break through the fire net? No matter how fast the firing speed of the machine gun is, as far as the average overall hit rate is about 1%, when the bullet is empty, the saber will fall on the head in a few seconds. Once there are casualties, can these new recruits of mine withstand it?

Yao Fan knew that this hypothesis was meaningless: "The cavalry of the Huai army can never have the courage to fight until the last soldier. Not only did the Huai army cavalry, Yao Fan even doubt whether there is a cavalry in the world that has such courage to die at this moment.

The 4,000 Huai army and more than 2,000 auxiliary troops in charge of logistics fled, and the momentum was like a flood of breaking the dike, running around the mountains and fields.

Yao Fan did not stop chasing. He picked up the walker and said, "Zhou No. 4! Li Jun! You speed up your left and right wings, envelop them and chase them all the way, collect troops at dark, and return to the Qing army camp to be stationed!"


Yes! Chairman!"

After waiting for a few seconds, Yao Fan heard the two respond one by one in the walker, and their excitement and excitement could be heard from his voice.

The battlefield is still 15 kilometers away from Pingdu. According to Yao Fan's pre-war plan, if the battle takes place in the morning, it will chase all the way to Pingdu, but now it is past three o'clock in the afternoon. Once the night comes, Yao Fan needs to guard against the enemy's death-attack. If the Huai army takes the risk to launch a cavalry counterattack at night, even two to one Yao Fan can't afford it.

Because they have not been given the opportunity to join the short soldiers, the soldiers* were almost useless. After driving the enemy far away five kilometers north of Zhanggezhuang, the whole army began to recycle as planned and gather in the camp built for them by the Qing army.

"Chairman!" Li Hainiu said excitedly, "There are more than 30,000 catties of grain piled up in the Qing military camp. There are countless forage, harnesses and carts. There are 410 horses alone!" Three hundred and nine mules and one hundred and fifty fat donkeys! In addition, 75 unharmed horses were captured. Thirty boxes of foreign guns, ten in each box! 120 gunpowder barrels! In addition, more than 400 foreign guns were found on the battlefield! More than 130 Qing troops were captured, half of whom were wounded.

Yao Fan sighed comfortably: "This is about ten days of grain and grass and all his means of transportation. If he doesn't have these things, he is a legless tiger." After swallowing his saliva, Yao Fan continued, "I really didn't expect him to bring out all his household."

Li Hainiu was energetic: "He must have expected that there were few soldiers, and he was afraid that we would escape from the war, so he took ten days."

Yao Fan suddenly smiled: "There may be more in Pingdu City."

Li Hainiu nodded heavily: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass will come first. The grain and grass in Pingdu City must be ten times more than this."

That night, the bonfire in the Qing army camp soared into the sky. Yao Fan ordered the soldiers to use the tools left by the Qing army to untie the pine camp as firewood, lit a pile of bonfires, and had a celebration banquet.

The People's Liberation Army parade march is played in the newike brand pull-rod portable speaker, and the vegetables, meat and eggs brought by the Qing army are open, making the soldiers eat round one by one after a continuous march and an afternoon of battle.

A strong soldier held the wooden bowl left by the Qing army and said vaguely, "This battle is comfortable!" This is a happy day! If I can have another glass of wine, I would rather die tomorrow!"

Another soldier sitting around the cauldron said, "Fuck you, I haven't married my wife yet!" Even if you want to die, you have to save a seed for my parents first.

"It's almost, it's almost time. Didn't you hear the chairman say that you will send it to your daughter-in-law after this battle? I believe in the chairman." The platoon leader picked up a long wooden spoon and fished a piece of meat from the pot: "This piece of meat is ready. Who wants it?" The large piece of horse meat is mixed with a heavy smell of green onion and ginger, and the aroma is compelling.

"The platoon leader! Give me another piece!" Several soldiers shouted almost in one voice.

"Don't worry, the chairman said, eat enough meat today!" The platoon leader smiled and pulled out the short * between his waist and began to cut the meat.

"This horse meat is really delicious, but it's not as fat as pork. If only I could meet the cavalry every time." The soldiers were smiling and chewing happily.

The leader of the platoon is experienced and said, "Cook it for a while, and the soup will be delicious!"

This picnic lasted for three hours. A row of soldiers surrounded the big iron pot left by the Qing army, ate meat and vegetables, beat eggs, and ate the bottom of the pot.

Yao Fan patrolled the camp with all the battalion commanders, deputy battalion commanders and deputy commanders, greeted the soldiers in front of a pile of bonfires, asking their opinions on food and views on today's battle.

As soon as the soldiers saw Yao Fan coming, they put down their bowls and chopsticks and stood up respectfully, straightened their bodies like javelins, and proudly straightened their chests.

Yao Fan walked through every platoon. Every time he came to a platoon, he came forward to shake hands with everyone. When he heard the platoon leader introduce the brave soldiers fighting in the platoon, he shook hands with the soldier for a long time and asked for warmth.

"The cadres should record the names of outstanding soldiers, and when we return to Jimo, we will hold a celebration conference to commend them one by one!" Yao Fan told Li Jundao, who was in charge of military records.

Yes, Chairman. Today, no one in our army died. Only five people were injured. Five of them were all caused by long-range shots by the Qing army, but the wounds were relatively shallow. Fortunately, there were steel helmets, so no one injured their heads. The names of the five wounded were recorded. Li Jundao.

"After the bullet is dug out, the wound is bandaged, and the oral anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be stopped." Yao Fan told him.

When all the platoon inspection was completed, Yao Fan was also a little tired and said to Li Hainiu, "The soldiers are very satisfied with this kind of horse meat hot pot. In the future, we can often do it. Don't waste the horses killed on the battlefield. Take advantage of the cool weather to clean up and cut off all the horse meat and marinate it. The horse bone stew is very good."


"Like last night, we must arrange sentinel positions. Considering the new defeat of the Qing army and fled to Pingdu, tonight's trench work will be avoided, but the toilet must be dug. It was dug very well last time."


"After dinner, immediately boil water to soak your feet. The whole army will get up at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. After breakfast, you will rush to Pingdu City and take Pingdu."

"Yes!" Li Hainiu looked at the god of war in his heart admiration.

But Yao Fan himself knows that although the cooperation, organization and discipline of this army have the appearance of a modern army, it is still far from the steel lion in his mind.

"Is it only in a difficult environment that can create such a special army? I don't think so!" Yao Fan thought.

"The objective environment can certainly hone the will of the army, but the key to creating this quality of will still lies in the subjective ideology and high spirit. To sum up, these two points are the problem of ideological style."

"The excellent ideological style comes from education and training; the second comes from the continuous strengthening of discipline; and from class origin. Especially this last point is the most critical! Only the proletariat, only the awakened proletariat, and the organized proletariat are truly indestructible warriors.

When Yao Fan slept soundly, Wang Zheng in Pingdu City woke up all night and didn't even touch the bed.

The war horses asking for help were sent out from Pingdu by batches, and the head of Pingdu City was full of torches, shining like daylight. The stone ring wood golden soup pot was urgently covered the city, and the bows and arrows and guns in the Pingdu city treasury were also taken out, equipped with the deserters and auxiliary soldiers who lost their weapons, and even two Ming Dynasty bronze cannons that were found nowhere were also tossed to the city.

Wang Zhengqi inspected the city anxiously. If there is another loss in peace, he, the second-grade general officer, will definitely be brushed to the end.

In the daytime, the 12th Battalion of Zhenzi collapsed at a touch, and could even be said to have collapsed before touching. Suddenly, he hit Wang Zhengqi from the high-like clouds before the expedition to the quagmire of complete loss of confidence. He changed his previous arrogance and went to the other extreme and became extremely cautious.

"Lock all the black dogs in the city." Wang Zhengqi resolutely ordered.

"The glue thief* can send beads quickly, and the range is extremely far and accurate, which is not a demon! What's more, the glue thief's artillery is sharp, accurate every time it blows up, and has the power of ghosts and gods! There is continuous bombardment. Obviously, there are a lot of cannons. Maybe there are hundreds of cannons! And our army didn't even see the fire and smoke of the glue thief's gunfire! Obviously, the glue thief used a blindfold, otherwise, even if it is a hundred cannons, how can it be so accurate from afar? Wang Zhengqi's analysis is very scientific, and obviously he has made a hard attack.

Poor he doesn't understand why the front gun in his hand is not as good as the short nameless foreign gun in the hand of the rubber thief.

In these days, the best rifle's rifle is only half a circle or even half a circle. Who would have thought that Yao Fan was equipped with a kind of four rifles evenly around! A monster-level rifle that forms an ultra-small winding four yin and four yang.

Of course, Wang Zhengqi can't think of it, so he can only attribute it to the power of ghosts and gods.

So he can only lose.

Wang Zhengqi has read military books. When he was about to sharpen his gun, the first thing he thought of was to ask for classics.

Since you are defending the city, of course you have to watch the Record of Guarding the City.

The parents of the Song Dynasty probably did not want their children to do some earth-shaking things in the future, and the rules did not live up to their parents' expectations. People, as their names are so old-fashioned and extremely conservative, that they can only write strange things like "The Record of the City".

The Record of Guarding the City clearly regulates the placement of the head of the cannon, and the genius creativity puts forward the principle of the muzzle facing the city. That is to say, when the enemy attacks the city, the cannon is not needed, but when the enemy enters the city, Zhu Jun can start fighting and start shelling the enemy in the city!

What kind of political ideology do you have! What kind of military ideas! Confucian reactionary and decadent thought corroded China's martial spirit like a poisonous snake, turning China's military thought from the external expansion of the Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties to a civil and military policy that advocates etiquette and religion.

Wang Zhengqi is worthy of being a book! He ordered: "Gout the two cannons to the city! If the rubber thief enters, he will be killed without a burial place!"

Yao Fan didn't know that Wang Zhengqi was such a rich man. After waking up, he left a battalion and four companies that replaced the wounded soldiers, guarded the captured supplies and the Qing army prisoners, and then went on an expedition again.

As Yao Fan went straight to Pingdu, Wang Zhengqi's riding whistle sent a report to Pingdu City like snowflakes.

In order to prepare for the cavalry attack of the Qing army and facilitate the formation, Yao Fan divided the four battalions into three routes, each 100 meters apart.

After seeing the outline of Pingdu City from the ground, Yao Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"According to the battle plan, four battalions surrounded four doors! After the general attack began, the four doors were fully blasted!" Yao Fan ordered.

"Is Wang Zhengqi's brain broken? The cavalry didn't go out to attack the city?" Yao Fan couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it.

"All battalions should pay attention to the formation during the siege and be alert to the attack of enemy cavalry!" He continued to order.