1875 I come from the future

Chapter 155 Wind and Red Flag Overturn 11

[155] The red flag turned over the earth (11)

In the lobby of Jimo County, the first military meeting after Yao Fan returned to the base is being held.

Yao Fan sat in front of a row of square tables and encouraged: "This victory is worth going down in history!"

"Through a series of battle victories, we have successfully smashed the strategic attempt of the Qing army from the north and west to face us, and completely changed the pattern of the entire Shandong battlefield. Now it is the Qing army's turn to enter the strategic defense, and our army has successfully entered the strategic advantage. But we have to realize that this time window is very short, which may be a year, or only half a year or even less.

Yao Fan picked up a tea bowl and took a sip and continued to say, "During this period, the Qing army was continuously annihilated by me on a large scale, especially the 12th Battalion of Zhenzi, which annihilated and captured Wang Zhengqi in the first battle of Pingdu, which can be said to have wiped out the flames of the Huai army in one fell swoop. And our field battle in the eastern part of Jiaoxi County is also extremely powerful for the large-scale elimination of five Mongolian cavalry battalions!"

Liu Jinbao added excitedly: "All the green battalion troops of Chen Huilong, the commander-in-chief of Dengzhou, have also been basically swept away by our army! At present, except for Shouguang garrison battalion, the rest of the garrison battalions and his two specimens have been eaten by us before and after!"

Yao Fan nodded: "After a series of fierce battles, no soldier died in our army. Only 37 people were injured in the battle. Such an achievement is also unique in world military history!"

"Now we have won a precious strategic buffer period through our own efforts. We should cherish this rare time window and carry out a large-scale expansion!"

"Here I will announce the next military expansion plan. Please listen carefully. If you have any comments, you can discuss them later."

Yao Fan picked up the manuscript prepared in front of him and read, "In order to better implement the principles of the three systems, the new military expansion plan will be implemented at the same time as the new preparation plan."

"I have decided to change the basic combat units of our army from platoon to shift in the future! The standard number of infantry squads is set at 12. In the future, our military will be built according to three squads as one platoon, three platoons for one company, three companies for one battalion, and three battalions for one regiment, and the main combat unit will be developed from the battalion to a regiment.

Li Hainiu said, "In this case, we will have more than a thousand infantry regiments! It is nearly twice as large as the formation of about 500 people in an infantry battalion of the Qing army!"

Yao Fan said, "According to this formation, we will expand the current five battalions into five regiments. In my plan, one of our regiments should have the ability to be independent and should have the strength to defeat five to six times the opponent.

"And since the army has expanded to the size of the regiment, there must be a corresponding configuration. Modern military requires specialization, so each infantry company also needs a 12-person cooking class. The cooking class only needs to master simple military skills, and the usual work is mainly responsible for the food of the whole company. In the future, the soldiers will no longer be responsible for cooking and only assist the work of the cooking class when needed.

"In addition, each regiment has a health company, divided into three platoons, no classes, and 60 people. The health company is responsible for treating the wounded on the battlefield, carrying the wounded to the rear with a stretcher, and also responsible for boiling water and laundry, so it is best to choose a female comrade who works quickly.

Li Hainiu looked at me and said, "Woman? A woman joins the army?"

Yao Fan said, "Women can stand up half of the sky, and female comrades work meticulously and patiently." After saying that, Yao Fan asked, "Don't you have confidence in the discipline of our team?"

Li Hainiu said, "Although there is discipline, I'm not afraid of 10,000 yuan. In case something happens, my reputation will be unpleasant. Even if nothing happens, I can't stand people gossiping, right?"

Yao Fan said, "If something happens, you will be punished according to discipline, and you will be shot resolutely!" As for public opinion, the revolutionary army is not only a combat team, but also a propaganda team. We should take the initiative to control public opinion, and not be at the mercy of public opinion!"

He Shicheng clenched his fist and said, "The chairman is right! Whoever dares to gossip will kill him!"

Li Jun asked with concern, "Chairman, will each battalion set up a teaching company in the future?" How to allocate machine guns?

Yao Fan said: "In order to ensure the quality of training and set an exemplary example, each battalion retains the setting of teaching companies, and each battalion still allocates four machine guns."

Yao Fan expanded his army to 15 battalions of five regiments in one breath, but he only purchased 80 machine guns before. As a result, his machine guns could not be popularized in each company, and he could only give priority to equipping the main companies of each battalion.

Yao Fan then arranged a plan to expand the artillery, and decided to expand it into three artillery companies under an artillery battalion on the basis of the four eight-person artillery platoons under an artillery company, three artillery platoons of each company, three artillery squads under each platoon, 12 people in each squad, equipped with an 82mm mortar, all The battalion has a total of 27 mortars.

Yao Fan instructed: "The battalion commander of the artillery battalion is Gui Ba. At present, 4 guns have been expanded into a battalion of 27 guns. Your work task is very heavy. You must arrange the training!"

Gui Ba said confidently, "Chairman, don't worry, as long as the comrades can count, I can teach them*."

Yao Fan looked at Gui Ba with some surprise and was happy for the change in his temperament. Looking at other cadres and soldiers, isn't it all like this? Each of them has undergone great changes in these short months, and both behavior and spiritual temperament are gradually transforming into qualified soldiers.

Yao Fan said: "In the future, all company-level and above cadres will be equipped with a guard. The candidates will be selected from their respective companies, but will not occupy the strength. Their establishment belongs to the Central Guard Company. Later, everyone will report the list. In addition, in the future, all company-level and above cadres will not have to carry rifles. Commune The Revolutionary Committee will give everyone a pistol.

Liu Jinbao said with great joy, "Is it the pistol used by the chairman? That's great! Thank you, Chairman!"

Yao Fan smiled and said, "I know everyone has been greedy for a long time. This time, it will be in place in one step and give everyone a hand gun."

The military meeting was in full swing from morning to midnight. Due to the large scale of this military expansion, the whole army has increased from more than 1,000 to more than 8,000. The arrangements are trivial and complicated. At the meeting, the cadres drew up the list of cadres for each new company, planned the training site, arranged the defense of the base area, the civil operations of the outer positions of the base area, the placement of sentries and barracks, etc., which were also planned in detail.

The news of Yao Fan's victory in leading the army spread throughout the base area. Some of the landlords who were secretly preparing to recruit troops to welcome the Qing army were scared and scattered, dispelled the idea of armed resistance.

According to the reports and revelations of farmers, Shandong Commune began to attack the local tyrants and evil gentry on a large scale. For a while, the chickens and dogs jumped in various villages of Mo and Jiaozhou.

Huang Family Courtyard,

The remnants in the pond in the backyard have been cleaned up, and the Xiangzhu Accord, which is covered with thick thatched grass on the top of the pond, is still closed.

Golden Mountain advised bitterly: "Dad! At the beginning, we didn't agree with the 100,000 roaring army. Now Yao Fan's first victory is just thousands of people, but you want our whole family to be attached?

Huang Chengli said, "Do you know that Yao Fan was defeated by the 12th Battalion! Two thousand marchers with foreign guns and two thousand iron riders were killed by Yao Fan in an instant! Do you have such a capable army?"

Golden Mountain also said solemnly, "I heard that Yao Fan only used less than 1,000 people. This time, only 37 people were injured in the triumph of the whole army, which is simply unheard of. I suspect that he bluffed and concealed the casualties."

Huang Chengren said, "I have inquired about it, and they all said that it is true, and Yao Fan's soldiers are everywhere boasting that he is really like a god. Since the word should be true, those peasants can't lie, and their confessions will not be so neat."

Golden Mountain said, "If this is true, why didn't Yao Fan take advantage of the situation to occupy the whole state?"

Huang Chengli said, "The autumn harvest has passed. Why should he divide his troops to station in these places? It's not too late to send troops next year.

Golden Mountain was silent for a long time and said, "Dad, what kind of revolution are we really going to do with Yao Fan?"

Huang Chengren said, "Since he wants to change the dynasty, there will naturally have a new policy, but I don't think he value the gentry. Such a policy of fighting local tycoons and divided fields is bound to offend scholars all over the world, and needs someone to be instructed."

Golden Mountain frowned and said, "Dad, you have to think about it. If this water is poured out, it will never be taken back. If you don't pay attention, my Huang family will be ruined!"

Huang Chengli said, "I have my own arrangements."


Yao Fan's work is very busy, and the ideological education work in the base area is very heavy. He has to give ideological and political lessons to cadres every day, and at night, he has to go to various companies to randomly check the soldiers' literacy education and three-examination activities. When they heard the news of the visit of Golden Mountain, they asked them to go to their temporary office in Jimo County for details.

When Yao Fan saw Jinshan, he got up and opened the letter in front of Jinshan and his fake cousin Huang Jinying. He stood there and read it carefully and said with a smile:

"Do you want me to stop fighting local tycoons and raise the flag of anti-Qing and restoration of the Ming Dynasty, so that the world can return home? Golden Mountain, your father's thoughts are still in the era of emperors and generals! This is contrary to the trend of world development.

After saying that, Yao Fan returned the letter to Jinshan. Jinshan couldn't wait to take back the letter, which seemed to him to be evidence of bandits, and quickly took it and stuffed it into the sleeve bag.

Yao Fan ordered the guards to make tea, invited Jinshan and Huang Jinying to sit down and said kindly:

"Golden Mountain, I clearly tell you that Shandong Commune is not a landlord's commune. It is a commune belonging to all the people and an equal regime. This regime is to establish a modern socialist state system. This state system is advanced, and it is a progress for her to replace the feudal system. "

"You may not understand this change in the social system, but our Shandong Commune welcomes readers to attend our training course. We will give free lectures to readers and distribute books for free for everyone to learn and research."

Golden Mountain hesitated and didn't know what to say. After all, his father sent him to convince Yao Fan and initially expressed his willingness and the cost and capital of investment to Yao Fan, which was clearly written in the letter. But Yao Fan didn't appreciate it at all, but taught him a lesson.

Suddenly, thewei niang Huang Jinying said, "Okay! I will participate! I want to attend your training class.

Yao Fan stretched out his hand happily: "Welcome! Comrade Huang Jinying!"

Yao Fan is extremely short of scholars at present. The literacy rate of the Qing Dynasty is too low, and the progress of the literacy class cannot be achieved overnight. After all, there are few literacy models, and they have been promoted to military cadres by Yao Fan first, so there is a shortage of people in all aspects of work. However, Yao Fan will never pick up the basket as a dish. If readers want to participate in the revolutionary team, they must participate in training courses, write ideological experiences every day, and write ideological summary reports and revolutionary essays every week.

Yao Fan saw that Huang Jinying's white and tender face suddenly turned red and did not reach out to shake hands. He quickly took the initiative to pull Huang Jinying's right hand, held her hands tightly, and said enthusiastically again, "Welcome! Comrade Huang Jinying! Welcome the Huang family to send more scholars to the training class.

Yao Fan is full of confidence in the brainwashing ability of his training class.

"As long as the success rate of thought transformation is one, it is a valuable asset!" Yao Fan thought