1875 I come from the future

Chapter 156 The Red Flag Turns Over 12

[156] The wind and red flag turned over the earth (12)

Yao Fan said to himself and held Huang Jinying's hand, but he did not notice Huang Jinying's trembling. After all, she was still a golden warbler, not a fictional Huang Jinying. When Yao Fan's hot and dry hand held her hand, it seemed that a pure flame spread over and was burning her body.

Huang Jinying quickly pulled his hand out of Yao Fan's hands and said with his chest, "I'm willing to attend Chairman Yao's training class, I'm willing."

Yao Fan now thinks this shy hypocrite is a little cute. He said cheerfully, "Then stay and stay for free."

Golden Ying's own initiative shocked Jinshan. Now he heard Yao Fan say this and was about to find an excuse to oppose it, but Golden Ying nodded: "I want to live alone. My family has a house in Jimo. I live in my own house and come here during class during the day."

"No problem, I believe that after the ideological education of the training class, once you accept the correct outlook on life, values and worldview, you will give up your young lady's temper and enthusiastically integrate into the working people." Yao Fan said to the golden warbler.

After arranging the golden warbler, the Golden Mountain left helplessly.

The Golden Mountain just left, but the next day, the American came.

"Oh! My dear James, when you are away, there is one less person around me who can share the joy. Yao Fan exaggeratedly expressed his feelings.

"Frank! Frank! Good news! Good news! Mr. Baland, the German minister, is coming to Qingdao!" Merrius broke into Yao Fan's office like a happy bucks and couldn't wait to report his diplomatic achievements to Yao Fan.

"Stay calm, James, calm down." Yao Fan smiled and said, "Before you tell me about your trip to Beijing, I want to share with you the joy of my victory."

Then Yao Fan told Merrison his series of great victories.

"Great, Frank, great, you let the barbarian emperor taste the whip of civilization." Meri was surprised and happy to hear the news.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "James, now it's your turn. Tell me what Mr. Barland, the German envoy in China, wants to do in Qingdao? Of course, I welcome his arrival, but I just hope to make some preparations in advance.

Molith drank tea and said, "I went to see Mr. Barland as soon as I arrived in Beijing. He was very interested in your plan. When he heard that you could speak German, I promised you that his eyes were shining at that time.

Because of the war in Qingdao, I came here on an American cargo ship. Mr. Barland will be a little late, but I estimate that he will come to Qingdao within two weeks.

Frank, don't think too much about politics. Politics and diplomacy are no different from business. He is here to talk about business with you. You are a smart businessman. You know how to deal with people like him.

"I just hope that Mr. Barrenland's expectations are not too high. I can't meet his requirements except those I promised." Yao Fan said lightly.

"Frank, you have won such a brilliant victory. I think the news will soon reach Beijing, and the emperor of the Qing Dynasty will definitely imposed a trade embargo on you."

"Yes, but what I need is the help of my allies, not the alms of the suzerain, otherwise I don't see the need for any revolution."

As Merrith said, the news of Yao Fan's victory has spread to Beijing, and the world is in an uproar!

As an English newspaper founded as early as 1850, Linxi Daily reported without hesitation: "According to the latest news of this newspaper, Yao Zaofan, a sea merchant in Jiaozhou, privately organized a mercenary and fought fiercely with the government troops who came to suppress the rebellion on the Jiaozhou Peninsula, and the government army was killed and injured...

According to the news from insiders, Yao Zafan launched an armed rebellion due to the latest insatiable blackmail of the local government..."

Although the Declaration is a newspaper that has just been published since 1872, it is not taboo itself. With its own British businessman's back #jing, it is openly reported in Chinese: "According to reliable news, Jiaozhou's rebellion is spreading on the Shandong Peninsula... Yao Zaofan, the leader of this rebellion, the owner of Yuchun Company, and businessman He won the first large-scale victory after his rebellion... According to people familiar with the matter, Yao Zaofan and Shandong governor Ding Baozhen have been very close in the past. According to this newspaper, his public rebellion is likely to be related to dissatisfaction with Ding Baozhen's unauthorized foreign affairs..."

(Wenwen will be exempted, and the author will translate it into vernacular on my behalf)

As a weekly missionary magazine in China, the International Gazette has always been politically rigid, but only copied the court's residence newspaper: "Overseas Chinese businessman Yao's Zaofan has always been ambitious. Instead, he did not want to serve the court, he colluded with local corrupt officials to plot to launch a rebellion. Recently, he has had a frontal conflict with the imperial army and was defeated by the army of the Celestial Empire. After retreating to Jimo, hold the place of bullets and resist stubbornly, and if you destroy it, you will be able to capture the day..."

For this rebellion, the only three newspapers in China did not spend too much pen and ink at this time. They only used a page the size of dried bean curd to report on current affairs, but a German business newspaper called Xinmin Evening News, which had just been released in the Shanghai Concession, reported the matter as a full page as a headline: "... There is no doubt that this is a revolutionary movement led by peasants and craftsmen led by the emerging bourgeoisie. The contradictions between the emerging bourgeoisie and noble landlords have been openly intensified, leading to this armed uprising in pursuit of democracy and freedom... The insurgents demanded that the Qing Dynasty be carried out in accordance with the spirit of the Declaration of Human Rights of the French Revolution. The people implemented liberation, demanded that the emperor abdicate and form a parliament and cabinet..."

Xinmin Evening News is indeed run by Merrith, but all the people he employs are Germans. According to Merisse's instructions, Xinmin Evening News is naturally biased towards Yao Fan, but there is a deviation in understanding, which makes Yao Fan abruptly a mixture of Napoleon and Voltaire.

The cold wind roars in Beijing, which has just entered December, and the temperature has been below zero. Every day, the "roads" that can't be endured are thrown out of the city by the collection of corpse trucks sent out early in the morning.

A fireplace has been lit in the Yangxin Hall, which is roasted warmly. The room temperature is like spring, and several pots of orchid grass properly regulate the air humidity, which makes people not feel too dry.

Cixi's face was gloomy, and Li Hongzhang, who stood below, asked, "Is this the foreign-related thing you mentioned before?"

Li Hongzhang's face is gray and his eyes are dark. Obviously, he hasn't slept well recently.

"To tell the Empress Dowager, Yao Fan ignored the grace of the court, deceived the officials of Zhili in Shandong, and privately plotted a rebellion, and should be killed quickly."

Cixi said gloomyly, "It's a pity that Ding Baozhen trained good soldiers. All 12 battalions were compensated, and they also took five Mongolian cavalry battalions in Qingzhou garrison. As for Chen Huilong's Dengzhou Green Camp, I didn't expect it."

Li Hongzhang lowered his head and frowned and said, "Empress dowager, I will rectify the troops in Zhili and prepare for the suppression of bandits in the state, but for now..."


The second update was agreed, and it was sent after writing. Again, please subscribe!!! I hope everyone can subscribe for support! Thank you!!!