1875 I come from the future

Chapter 189 The Shadow of the Three Armies 17

[189] Xingheying shakes the three armies (17)

When Yao Fan saw Ding Baozhen, the first sentence was: "Mr. Ding, I'm late. I've been wronged you these days."

Ding Baozhen's mood is complicated at this moment. He was a little stunned to see Yao Fan's attitude, and then said as pale as usual: "Yao Fan, your husband is so bitter. Do you know that a gentleman is noble and sincere?"

Yao Fan shook his head: "In the past, our relationship was not equal. How can there be any sincerity? If I tell you what I think, won't you kill me in the past? Now our relationship is equal. Although you are a prisoner, I promise that as long as you don't violate the rules of a prisoner, no one will kill you.

Ding Baozhen was angry when he heard the words and sat down in the back hall, completely ignoring his status as a prisoner.

Yao Fan sat aside with a smile and took out the Treaty on the Yunnan Case and put it on the coffee table between the two: "Mr. Ding, please see, the Manchu government has committed heinous crimes against the people again, and they have once again signed an unequal treaty that humiliates the country."

Ding Baozhen frowned and took the telegram to read it. He couldn't help cursing directly and scolding, "How can Li Hongzhang agree to these many conditions!? This contract must not be a sinner for thousands of years!"

Yao Fan was a little surprised by Ding Baozhen's anger. He felt that Ding Baozhen, an old fox, could have acquiesced to Li Hongzhang's behavior and attributed it to helplessness. However, Yao Fan didn't expect that Ding Baozhen had nowhere to vent his frustration after experiencing this period of setbacks, and now he was released on the paper treaty that brought him extreme discomfort.

Yao Fan comforted instead, "Anyway, this is not the first time. Has the Manchu Qing government signed fewer unequal treaties since 1840? Leaving aside the colonies like Shanghai, which is already completely belonging to the territory of the great powers, unilateral free trade rights, one-sided most-nation treatment, agreed tariff rights, free missionary rights, leased land and housing rights, consular jurisdiction, inland river shipping rights, * legal rights of trade, the right of free movement in mainland China, * the right of Chinese workers and slaves to go abroad...

So many rights in China have been sold one by one! What does it matter to add a treaty now?! Now the great powers will expand these vested rights step by step, and sooner or later turn the Chinese government into a puppet until it becomes empty!

Mr. Ding! Recognize the reality! Daqing is a *. At first, he sold his buttocks, but now he is completely naked. He can sell it anywhere! As for tomorrow, she will sell her mother and daughter to be a bitch! As for the day after tomorrow... I'm sorry! The revolutionary people who stand up will not allow this parasitic regime to have acquired!"

Ding Baozhen stared and said angrily, "Yao Fan! I read your book, and you are really talented, but why did you rebel? If you can serve the court with such a talent, why don't you worry that China is not strong? Although the Qing Dynasty was weak for a while, he rose up to catch up. Why don't worry about sweeping away the shame of the past?

Yao Fan said, "Mr. Ding is confused. Why don't I let good people do it and want to be a dog? No matter how hard the sheep train, no matter how many they are, they can't defeat a group of wolves.

Mr. Ding, from a class perspective, you are not a proletarian, but I believe that you are a patriot. Your integrity and talent are valuable. The Qing government can't give full play to even one-tenth of your talents. They just regard you as a ruling tool. Even if you work hard and are honest, you can't strengthen the country if you go the wrong way, which is equivalent to working for nothing all your life.

If you continue to help the Qing government suppress the persecution of the people and brutally commit * crimes, you will stink for thousands of years, because you are facing a people's revolution this time, not the rebellion of bandits! All your counter-revolutionary acts are the reversal of history and will be rejected by all generations!"

Ding Baozhen said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense! One minister is not a matter of two masters!"

"In the regime established by the people, there are neither slaves nor ministers. Every free man is his own master. Officials only take the rights granted by the people and exercise the rights in their respective hands for the benefit of the people. All rights belong to the people! All rights belong to the state!"

"Empty talk misleads the country! There is no such country in the world! Western powers also have emperors. If a country is ownerless, the world will not be in chaos! Yao Fan! You are talented, why do you have to take the evil way!"

"The truth is becoming more and more clear. How can human beings know the taste and nutrition of cooked meat when drinking blood? I can understand that Mr. Ding has stayed in the Qing regime for too long and has eaten raw meat all his life. He is not used to cooked meat for a while. Please open your mind and try to eat cooked meat from today. In the world, only a complete counterrevolution will miss a feudal slave country and be willing to be a minister in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

"Yao Fan, I think your land policy is uniform. You divided the landlord's field, offended the gentry of the world, and made public anger. Do you still think you will succeed?"

Compaion with the broad masses of the people, the gentry are just a handful of vested interests. Few of these people are scientific talents in science, engineering, agriculture and medicine. They don't know anything about the modern science that makes the country rich and strong. So even if they are all counter-revolutionary and killed, I don't feel sad. What's the difference between the role of old literati who can only recite poems on human scientific and technological progress and the development of productivity and a group of dancing dogs?

"Shiyi's long skills to control the barbarians, after all, depends on the gentry, does it depend on farmers who don't know big characters?"

"What is literacy? The people's government will promote compulsory education throughout the country and make every child go to school according to the law! Literacy for every illiterate person!"

"Where can you find these many teachers?"

Once the state power is in the hands of the people, nothing is impossible. Mr. Ding, I invite you to hold a position in Shandong Commune. If you want, you can choose any position.


Yao Fan and Ding Baozhen talked for two hours. Yao Fan tried his best and spoke dryly, but Ding Baozhen still did not agree with Yao Fan's proposal to hold a public office. Ding Baozhen understood that once he agreed, he would officially defect.

Yao Fan did not expect to convince Ding Baozhen as soon as he came up, but invited Ding Baozhen to attend the military parade in Jinan three days later. Ding Baozhen also wanted to see the details of Yao Fan's army, so he agreed, so he was put back under house arrest.

Regarding his idea of trying to persuade Ding Baozhen to join, Yao Fan returned to the general staff of the governor's office and explained to the cadres at the meeting: "Ding Baozhen is very prestigious in the officialdom of the Manchu Dynasty. As long as he agrees to join, it will be a great shock to the whole officialdom of the Manchuria!"

Li Hainiu said, "I agree with the chairman. If a great man like Ding Baozhen can surrender, there will be an endless stream of people following him in the future."

Yao Fan changed the topic: "Before, in Qingzhou, there were militiamen on the pretext of raiding weapons and creating vicious cases. This time, such a thing will never be allowed to happen in Jinan. We need to explain the policy to the Manchu compatriots in Jinan and ask them to actively participate in labor reform and transform themselves in road construction and mining. Thoughts obtained without effort. China is a multi-ethnic country, and the equality of all ethnic groups is the precious wealth of the country. We cannot extend the crimes of noble slave owners in the Qing Dynasty to the whole ethnic group.

Li Jun said: "According to the policy, the Manchu aristocrats in Jinan's inner city will be executed with blood debts first, and then, according to the Ding book, the Manchu men will be pulled out from the whole city to carry out labor reform under the custody of the militia. One year of labor reform, and good labor performance can be released in advance."

Li Hainiu said unhappily, "It's really cheap for these masters."

At the next meeting, it was decided that the troops participating in the military parade were naturally a division opened by Xiao Chu. Twenty companies were drawn. The rostrum was set in the square in front of the governor's government, and 20 companies lined up from east to west.

However, Yao Fan's military plan will not be delayed by the military parade. On the 24th, under the leadership of Liu Jinbao, Zhou Niansheng and political commissar Zhou Quan, the whole division commanders and mules went north from the two ferry ports of Lukou and Qihe, crossed the Yellow River, and stationed in Qihe County and Jiyang County. The third division of the First Army, led by Hu Guangting, Yang Weiyi and political commissar Zhang Erpao, also crossed the river from the three ferries of Lijin, Putai and Qingcheng, and occupied Lijin, Putai and Bin counties north of the Yellow River.

Among the ships collected for crossing the river, they were guarded at five ferry ports, small and medium-sized ships were towed ashore, and large ships were locked in ports. Each ferry was left with a platoon of troops, and a recoilless artillery squad was assigned to prevent the Qing army from sending sailors to attack.

According to the plan, the troops carried out a large-scale land reform under military control on the north bank of the Yellow River. Due to the tight time and heavy tasks, there was not much time to mobilize the masses. Yao Fan instructed the whole army to take the initiative to provoke the task of land reform, go down to each village, carry out indiscriminate suppression and execution of the big landlords, and forcibly divide the surplus land and property.

For a while, in the villages along the river on the north bank of the Yellow River, people and horses were jubilant, and their heads rolled down at the military-led struggle landlord conference. Like the French Revolution and the North American Revolutionary Army led by *, the big landlords were slaughtered, but the object of the massacre was changed from aristocratic landlords and pro-British landlords who supported the Bourbon dynasty. The October Revolution is so undifferentiated to all the big landlords.

The telegrams sent by the troops back to the Army Group Command on time four times a day can see that the amount of grain and gold and silver collected from the land reform is increasing. Yao Fan ordered again, emphasizing that the farmers should distribute as much grain as possible while distributing the fields.

On May 26, the military parade in front of the governor's government was held as scheduled.

On the temporary rostrum, the long table was patted away, covered with red cloth and a chair behind it. The militia around the square maintained order and controlled the citizens who came to watch the military parade outside the martial law line.

A 15-inch pull-rod portable speaker is placed on the east side of the rostrum, and the volume is turned to the maximum.

Yao Fan held the microphone and read his message for the liberation of Jinan:

"All the commanders of the People's Revolutionary Army, you have worked hard! In this people's revolution against traitor and dictatorship, the people's army has played a pioneering and exemplary role. We will always stand at the forefront of the battle, effectively attack the enemy, geniusly create experience, and fearlessly open a bright road!

We believe that in the near future, the wave of national rise and democratic liberation will sweep the country, and a great era is coming. Let us first congratulate Jinan on the liberation and another great victory created by the Chinese Revolutionary Army!

The Chinese Revolutionary Army will always hold high the glorious banner of serving the people, expand the cause of the people's revolution and liberation, converge it into a huge stream of waves, and smash the feudal slavery regime in the Qing Dynasty!"

There was a warm round of applause in the square, and the militia and the soldiers who did not participate in the parade applauded desperately.