1875 I come from the future

Chapter 190 The Shadow of the Stars 18

[190] Xingheying shakes the three armies (18)

Next, with the review march, Yao Fan wore a bulletproof vest, a Type 65 military uniform, rode a white horse, and passed in front of the troops on the east side of Long Street with a horse team composed of Li Hainiu, Li Jun, Zhou Fourth and Yang Ping's First Army commanders.

The high and loud review march made the audience excited, and the people talked about it one after another.

"Master Liu, these glue... What spells did the revolutionary army use? Can you make such a big noise?"

"I don't know. It's enough to watch the bustle. What do you care what he uses?"

"Ma shopkeeper, are you also coming to see the fun?"

"Isn't it? These troops have done nothing to do anything after entering the city. We have to inform everyone to watch the military parade."

"That's it. I also think so. If you don't come to support me today, maybe the army will come to trouble me tomorrow."

"Uncle Ye, do you think Lord Ding is sitting on that stage?"

"Hey! Your boy's eyes are sharp, that's really Ding Junmen! Did Ding Junmen drop the glue... revolutionary army?"


Every time they pass through a phalanx composed of a company, Yao Fan and the commanders of the horse team raised their hands to salute.

With a voice: "Goodwill, comrades." Hello, chief!" Comrades, thank you for your hard work." Serve the people!" Yao Fan completed the review ceremony, returned to the rostrum, and began to enter the parade.

Li Hainiu stood on the rostrum and held the microphone and said, "I announce that the split start!"

The cadres in charge of speaker operation immediately replaced the music with the march of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army.

With the symphony, 20 neat formations in a row walked confidently. When passing through the center of the square, they stepped forward with steel guns, and the snowy bayonets were as dense as the jungle.

Ding Baozhen was arranged by Yao Fan to sit at the viewing table. Lao Ding promised to visit the military parade, but he didn't expect to be arranged to sit in such a conspicuous place. For a moment, he blushed with shame and planned to refuse, but he thought that he had agreed in advance. If he repented at this time, it would be shameful, so he had to brazenly and stand still face. Sit there.

Ding Baozhen's family was also invited to sit next to Ding Baozhen on the viewing table. Ding Bozhen was often allowed to visit Ding Baozhen once after the liberation of Jinan. Today, when they met, they were no longer full of tears. He sat quietly beside Ding Baozhen. Ding Baozhen looked at his son, sighed and asked, "How's your home?"

Ding Tie often comforted: "Father, don't worry. Yao Fan did not embarras us. All the officials in Jinan City have been arrested, except for our Ding family. Lao San and I are allowed to go home. At present, the whole city is in good order, and buyers and sellers have also taken to the streets. However, grain trading was controlled, and all grain stores were forcibly redeemed. Yao Fan opened a grain supply station in the city, concentrating on buying and distributing grain, and each person could only buy 20 catties of grain at a time. Anyone who is reported to have more than 50 catties of food hidden in each person's home will be raided, the whole family will be shot, and half of the family's wealth will be given to the informant. Nowadays, people are reported and shot every day, and some big landlords' hometowns have been reformed. They have been reported by farmers from the countryside and directly tried and shot in the city.

Ding Baozhen was silent after listening. He read Yao Fan's book and knew that Yao Fan wanted to establish a regime without a landowner to break the historical cycle of the rise and fall of the dynasty. He just didn't expect this kind of incredible thing to happen every day.

"Can the gents everywhere resist?"

"I heard that the landlords in each village were killed. Some villages did not wait for Yao Fan's troops to pass. The farmers organized themselves to kill all the landlord's whole family, and then took the confiscated gold and silver to the city to find troops and asked the troops to make up for a land reform procedure for their village."

"Alas!" Ding Baozhen frowned and sighed when he heard this.

"Didn't Yao Fan have an enlightened gentry policy? Are these landlords stupid?

"Dad, which landlord is willing to hand over the field for nothing? Wouldn't you like it?"

"Alas..." Ding Baozhen sighed again.

There are only three rows of seats at the viewing table, and soldiers are sitting in the last row. All the famous people in Jinan who participated in the ceremony dare not come, which is almost equivalent to being escorted by soldiers.

After the division began, accompanied by the People's Liberation Army's march, he saw Yao Fan's army's bright steel guns and unified armed belts, steel helmets, rubber shoes, bullets, *, neatly lined up and walked through the square. Ding Baozhen brushed his beard nervously and exclaimed: "Yao Fan actually practiced Such a strong army! If there was such an army in the Qing Dynasty, what would foreigners be afraid of!"

The soldier in charge of custody behind him scolded in a low voice: "Be quiet!"

Ding Baozhen realized his lost state and sat down. When he finished reading the 20 consecutive columns, he whispered to his son, "Well, the Qing Dynasty is over."

Ding Titi often looked at his father in surprise: "Dad, why did you say that? This is just more than 2,000 soldiers.

After saying that, Ding Ting often approached Ding Baozhen and said, "I heard that Yao Fan gathered more than 10,000 such a regular army, and the other tens of thousands of people are all militia."

Ding Baozhen looked at his son helplessly and said, "I saw these revolutionary troops fighting in the distance of the city. In the Qing Dynasty, there were 100 brave people and 200 people rushed out, but they were annihilated by more than 30 people of such an army, died and surrendered... I'm afraid Yao Fan's army is three points more powerful than the foreign army. ."

The body is often dumb.

Ding Baozhen shook his head and sighed, "Look at these 20 squares, the soldiers are brave on each side. Have you ever seen the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty raise their heads so high? Although the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are also lined up, how can there be such a neat pace? Yao Fan can equip that kind of fast gun with the whole army, which shows that he must be able to build his own guns and bullets, otherwise how can the whole army be unified? Do you all use this kind of good gun?

Ding Teri was often surprised by his father's attitude and said, "But I heard that Yao Fan's army is full of old and coarse, all despicable people such as farmers and craftsmen. Can these people be generals? Can it be an accountant? Not to mention Sun Tzu's art of war, even thirty-six tricks, I'm afraid they can't say three.

Ding Baozhen shook his head vigorously and said, "It's normal! You have to remember! In the face of absolute strength, any strategy and military tactics are empty talk! The so-called ten sessions, this is the right way for soldiers!"

Ding often listens stupidly.

Ding Baozhen continued: "What's more, Yao Fan raised his troops last year, and in less than a year, he trained such a strong army of 10,000 people! It can be seen that there are millions of soldiers in this person's chest. When I read his book again, the political theory is wild and bold, but the logic is clear, and there is really a talent! At his age, I have never seen anyone who can write a bunch of shocking old and hot articles in my life. In his father's life, he only admired Zeng Wenzheng, but now he wants to add another person, Yao Zaofan.

Ding Tie often heard his father say this, and he couldn't close his mouth in surprise and couldn't speak for a long time.

Marx also participated in the military parade, but he did not sit on the rostrum. At this moment, the old horse is full of revolutionary enthusiasm. He is rejuvenated as a 65 military uniform, with a seagull camera given to him by Yao Fan around his neck, and taking photos in the square one by one. Since receiving the camera given by Yao Fan, Lao Ma has been completely fascinated by photography and puts the camera around his neck wherever he goes, no matter the wind. Scenery, characters, architecture and folk customs are all his materials. Yao Fan joked to Lao Ma that he could produce a personal photo album in the future, but Lao Ma admitted it. He saw the hardcover books with colorful pages produced by the Yao Fan family and knew that the Yao Fan family had the most advanced photo printing, so he became more and more fond of photography.

Laoma doesn't like color film, because Yao Fan told him that color film should be sent for overseas printing. Black and white film is very simple. You can develop it in the dark room by yourself, a black room, plus an oil lamp with red glass, plus the black and white film development potion, magnifying machine and photosensitive paper brought by Yao Fan, which can be very quickly. Use the magnifying machine to cover the negative and develop thick black-and-white photos on the photo-sensitive magnifying paper. In fact, this method can also develop color photos, but the effect and speed are much lower than that of professional automatic printing machines. After all, manual flushing color film is very unreliable. Simple magnifiers are not computer-controlled like printing machines, and cannot correct colors, and it is difficult to flush out good color photos.

Because the amplifier is similar to the simplest projector, the diesel generator carried by the army can meet the demand. After coming to Jinan, Lao Ma was full of praise for this city with electric lights. Yao Fan estimated that it was probably because he felt that he could finally get rid of the generator.

After the military parade, Yao Fan deliberately hung up Ding Baozhen and waited until the battlefield situation was more favorable.

Yao Fan now spends his energy on Xu Jianyin.

Xu Jianyin was captured in the machine bureau. For Xu Jianyin, Yao Fan's love for talent is no less than Ding Baozhen. He promised Xu Jianyin the position of industrial director of the future regime, and forced several troop political commissaries to give Xu Jianyin ideological and political lessons in turn. Then he had another interview and invited him to participate in the military parade, which really flattered Xu Jianyin.

After the military parade, Yao Fan met with Xu Jianyin again.

"Chairman Yao, my father is still under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, but I can't send you down, otherwise my family may be in risk of life."

When Yao Fan heard this, he knew that Xu Jianyin was finally moved and was overjoyed: "Your father enjoys a great reputation in Chinese scientific history, and the Qing government dares not touch him. But in case, of course, I will keep it a secret for you. Brother Xu, science and technology are the first productive force. Manqing only regards you as a craftsman, but in Shandong Commune, you are a scientist and the highest profession of mankind! Scientists are the most important talents to promote the development of human civilization. If China wants to strengthen the country and not be insulted by foreign countries, it must have its own scientists!"

"Chairman Yao, do you really want to run a big industry?"

"Brother Xu, I promise you that the industry I want to run is a hundred times and a thousand times larger than the Qing government's foreign affairs movement. All the goods of the Yao family you have seen will be produced in China in the future. All factories such as steel mills, machinery factories, fertilizer factories, petrochemical plants, chemical plants, etc. will be new in our regime in the future. Build it up!"