1875 I come from the future

Chapter 191 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Armies 19

[191] Xingheying shakes the three armies (19)

At the instigation of Yao Fan, Xu Jianyin promised to continue to work for Yao Fan as the general office of Shandong Machinery Bureau.

Yao Fan was happy, and the toad gasped and changed the name of Shandong Machinery Bureau to Northern Industrial Group.

Brother Xu, in the future, you will be the president of the Northern Industrial Group. The central government will also send political cadres to the Machine Bureau to assist the Bureau to implement political supervision and institutional expansion, add factory workshops at all levels, and set up special technical departments, scientific research departments, and TV teaching and training offices.

The central government will also issue you confidential technical documents, including the Technical Manual for the Filicon, Technical Standards for the Level of the Filicon and other training materials. You need to organize the technicians of the Machinery Bureau to study after work. All technicians will be graded. After evaluating the professional titles, they will be paid according to their grades. Remember that all technical books are confidential and must not be leaked.

Xu Jianyin and Yao Fan had a long talk. He was shocked by the grand vision promised by Yao Fan and was deeply fascinated by Yao Fan's personal charm and speaker style. But Xu Jianyin's main motivation comes from an impulse to die as a confidant. Before Yao Fan, no one would talk and discuss with him with such understanding. Ding Baozhen valued him so that he could do foreign affairs. The bureaucrats in the Qing Dynasty valued him because Ding Baozhen valued him and everything was mutually exploited.

But from Yao Fan, Xu Jianyin felt a kind of kindness, an understanding, and a kind of close friend-like care. Xu Jianyin had this kind of intimacy when Yao Fan installed the equipment of the Machine Bureau with him. Now Yao Fan has become the chairman of the commune, which still gives him such a friendly feeling, which is a kind of friendship between engineers and technicians.

"Chairman, rest assured that I, Xu Jianyin, am willing to show my strengths and contribute to this revolution. At present, the Machine Bureau has made small achievements in imitating the British Henry Matini rifle. The sample has come out and the bullet can also be produced, but the quality of the product is really not high.

Yao Fan said with relief: "Brother Xu did a good job, but the Henry Maticni rifle is of little significance to our revolutionary army. We have more advanced rifles. At present, I hope you can build an excellent machining workshop, produce accessories for our rifles, and reload the remaining bullets of our army.

Brother Xu, don't underestimate this work. Our army's rifle is a unified standard, which means that the parts you produce must meet a unified standard, that is to say, the same accessory can be used on any gun. This kind of production is not simply processed in a small workshop, but needs to be produced in life. Quality control is carried out throughout the production process. The specific production management model book is available. The central government will send you the book, and the new machine will be transferred to you.

As for the reloading of bullets, it is even more troublesome. Our army's bullets use smokeless gunpowder, * the design is also very complicated. It is industrial and mass production. You can study it according to the data to see if it is possible to carry out manual reloading.

Judging from your ability at this stage, the most likely job is to repair the miscellaneous firearms captured by our army, and produce * and * for our military militia.

Xu Jianyin listened carefully to Yao Fan's explanation, and the two discussed for a long time.

After leaving the Machine Bureau, Yao Fan was in a good mood and went straight to the General Staff in Jinan.

Shortly after returning to the staff, Yao Fan received a victory telegram - the south road battle scheduled to be launched today has been completed. Two days after Wang Guangxing took Ju County, Wang Guangxing led the 10th Regiment to cooperate with Luo Qiren 11th Regiment and Xi Dahu Cavalry Battalion, which took Yishui, to attack together in Yizhou City, which is the northern part of Linyi today. In the field battle, more than 5,000 Qing troops led by Liu Yulong were completely defeated, and most of the 8 infantry battalions, 3 cavalry battalions and 1 flower artillery battalion were captured.

"Venix!" Yao Fan secretly clenched his fist.

Li Jun asked: "Chairman, Wang Guangxing and Luo Qiren are now calling urgently to ask whether their two regiments should continue to attack Linyi or withdraw to Yishui and Ju County with prisoners and capture."

"What do you think of the buffalo?" Yao Fan asked.

Li Hainiu said, "Take advantage of the victory and take Yizhou!"

Yao Fan shook his head: "The Yizhou area is too big, and the surrounding traffic is vertical and horizontal, and it is easy to be attacked by three directions: east, west and south. At present, the strategy is to give priority to the north, so we don't have to stretch our hands too long in the south.

The news of Xi Dahu's cavalry is very accurate this time, so that we can find a field opportunity to completely defeat the Qing army, which is very good. If we take Linyi, I'm afraid that the three regiments on the south road will not be able to take it back. Once there is something in the area, we can't respond.

At present, the most important thing is to consolidate the occupied areas and launch land reform. In the areas of Yishui, Juxian, Rizhao and Zhucheng, the task of land reform is very heavy. I don't think it is appropriate to go south for the time being to provoke those southern gentry.

Li Hainiu nodded and said, "In the final analysis, we still have too few troops. If we attack on all sides, we will make too many enemies."

Li Jun said, "I agree. In the previous battle on the South Road, the Ming army suffered heavy losses in the field and was annihilated by us and captured more than 10,000 people. This is the strength of more than 20 battalions! Cao Guisheng's 12th Regiment also defeated five battalions of the Ming Army defending the city in Rizhao. Today, the 10th Regiment and 11th Regiments defeated the Qing Army north of Linyi. At present, there are only about 20 battalions left by the Ming Army on the South Road.

At present, as long as the road of Yishui, Juxian and Rizhao is guarded, the Qing army in northern Jiangsu has no ability to launch a counterattack. But if we continue to go south and enter the northern Jiangsu Plain with interlaced water networks and complex roads, the forces of the three regiments are bound to be dispersed and may change.

Yao Fan stood in front of the map, turned his eyes down, and finally pointed to the top of the map and said, "There can't be 20 battalions on the south road.

Since we crossed the Yellow River, the Qing army has been panicking. The Communications and Intelligence Commission sent spy agents disguised as businessmen in northern Jiangsu. It reported that at least ten battalions of Mingjun had sailed north, and the defenses in northern Jiangsu should be extremely empty at this moment.

Now that the Qing army has been destroyed, the remaining seven battalions of the Wuyi Army transferred from Hubei, together with the remnants of the Ming army, have been completely defenseless. The Qing government just wants to attract our attention with the empty Jiangsu, hoping that we can shake our strategy of going north and divide our troops to eat Jiangsu in order to get a chance to breathe.

Zhou Fourth, deputy commander of the First Army, said excitedly, "Chairman is wise! We don't lack territory now, and we don't have to be fooled by this at all. According to the principle of our army's combat, the first priority is to eliminate the enemy's living forces, so now we should speed up the pace of going north and accelerate the attack on the Beijing-Tianjin area.

Yao Fan said: "According to the information they heard by Bai Xiaoqi, the Qing army has gathered more than 30,000 green battalion troops in the north, which is mainly used as a defensive reserve force. They even transferred 20,000 troops from the northeast, plus more than 4,000 Mongolian cavalry recruited, and more than 10,000 Huai troops stationed by Li Hongzhang in Tianjin, with a total strength of more than 60,000. The Qing government also signed a traitor treaty with the British, and it is estimated that it can pull out more than 10,000 cannon fodder troops in a short period of time, plus more than 5,000 Ming troops from the north of the sea...

Comrades! When we go north this time, we have to deal with 80,000 enemy troops, which is eight times more than our first army! Where is the main battlefield? There is no doubt about it!"

Li Hainiu opened his eyes and said, "Chairman! Shall we transfer a group from the South Road?"

Yao Fan said heavily: "Yes! I think we can transfer two groups.

As the Yuan Guanghai Department of the 15th Regiment stationed in Zhucheng, it ordered them to move quickly to the northwest and quickly come to Jinan to garrison. Wang Guangxing's 10th Regiment was very good at fighting, so that they could also come up and follow the First Army and be responsible for the logistics and security along the road.

After saying that, Yao Fan immediately ordered the communication telegraph in the staff and said, "Cui Guangwen, send a telegram to the departments immediately!"


Wating Yao Fan's dictation to complete the content of the telegram, Li Hainiu immediately said to Yao Fan, "The soldier is very fast! Chairman, I don't think it's too late. The first division immediately left Jinan to cross Hebei. The First Army Group attacked Baoding, Tianjin and Beijing in three routes near Cangzhou, and the three routes responded to each other.

Yao Fan focused on the key: "It's not too late to inform Xiao Chukai immediately. All departments of the division will cross Hebei in turn from the afternoon and complete the river crossing within two days. Tomorrow noon, the headquarters and general staff of the First Army must cross the Yellow River and station in Qihe County!"


Although there is no drought and no rain, the Yellow River is still more than one miles wide. This mother river of Chinese civilization has generously nurtured the Chinese people for tens of thousands of years and continues the Chinese civilization from generation to generation. Yao Fan will cross her by boat today and go to Beijing for the exam.

Because of the strong wind, white waves rose in the yellow waves on the river. The big wooden boat Yao Fan rode forward under the helm of four pulpers and an old man. In the river, the sound of water is getting louder and louder, and the space around the boat is surrounded by the huge sound of water. The boat seems to have become a small leaf in the river, which may be crushed by the sound of water at any time.

Yao Fan felt a sense of generosity and sadness in his heart, and he felt that this was a long journey. In the new time and space, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation would also kick off.

On May 29, the First Army successfully captured Texas. Unwaiting the attack, more than 2,000 green battalions defending the city suddenly opened the north gate and abandoned the city and fled.

On June 3, the main force of the First Army went north and encountered most of the Qing army outside Cangzhou.

Chairman, the report of Hu Guangting Department of the Third Division! The main force of the Qing army appeared in Botou Town! The third division sent six reconnaissance companies to carry out blazen reconnaissance, judging that the other party had more than 20,000 troops, and the horses and artillery were countless.

Yao Fan's headquarters is located in Dongguang County. He raised his wrist to look at his watch. At this time, it was 6 p.m., and the sky was already gray.

Yao Fan struggled for a moment and said to the guard Niu Hu, "Go to my bedside. There is a backpack with a cigarette and a match in it. You can get it."

"Chairman, order Hu Guangting to build fortifications in place. It's dark. It's important to prevent the Qing army and horse team from attacking the camp." Li Hainiu said.