1875 I come from the future

Chapter 200 Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains to open up 4

[200] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (4)

Next, Yao Fan and Li Hongzhang talked about it in the middle of the night. The two sides agreed that Li Hongzhang would come forward to restrain the army and government in Tianjin, surrender to the revolutionary army and peacefully liberate Tianjin while ensuring social security.

All the newly recruited Xiangyong New Army in Tianjin were handed over to the Revolutionary Army for political review, and all the camp officers from the landlords in the old Huai Army were dismissed and reorganized by the revolutionary army troops stationed in Tianjin. Those who were unwilling to join the army were immediately disbanded, paid a debt, and returned to their place of origin.

On June 11, at dawn, on the official road from south to north, the infantry column was heading for Tianjin. The political commissar of the first division, Dabiao, rode on the horse and said to the guards around him, "Tell the soldiers to start singing after entering the city and make up the atmosphere."

"Commissar, which song do you sing?"

"Which capital should I go? Sing the days in the liberated area first."


Xiao Chukai, the first division commander, was still expressionless, and his straight body fluctuated up and down with the horse's back, showing strong strength.

"Lao Xiao, our first division is going to become bigger this time. The chairman's telegram said that after the first division enters the city, it will quickly reorganize the Qing army and expand it into a group army." Deputy teacher Huang Huisheng said contentedly.

Xiao Chu said lightly, "The chairman also said that we should be careful of the conspiracy and restoration of the enemy. Those soldiers of the Huai Army are not easy to eat. Lao Huang, tell the heads of the recruit companies that the political review of enlistment must be strict."

Huisheng nodded: "Well, according to the regulations, immediately carry out complaints and three-examination education. According to past experience, it only takes a week for prisoners to complete their ideological changes. If they go to battle and carry guns, those new recruits will be faster."

Xiao Chukai said, "The Second Division and the Third Division will also expand their troops this time. The soldiers will be provided by us. When you are responsible for the training of the recruits, pay attention to the good seedlings first. The Huai army is full of the people in southern Anhui, and the mountain people are simple, hard-working, and have few flowers and intestines, but there are always some flowing people in it. Such people are not Stay in our troops."


When a division entered the city of Tianjin, the roadside was full of gentry and students organized by Li Hongzhang, who had returned to Tianjin in advance, bowing and welcoming them.

The political commissar Dabiao said warily to Xiao Chu: "It seems that this is going to give us ecstasy. Lao Xiao, according to the instructions of the central government, we must refuse all banquets in recent days, vigorously publicize our military policies, and at the same time understand the inside information of Tianjin and seize the power of Tianjin!"

Xiao Chukai smiled and said to the handsome Dabiao: "Dabiao, you are the political commissar with the highest political consciousness. I will leave it to you to deal with these local tyrants. I am only care about the reorganization of the army."

"That doesn't work. The chairman explained that the army should vigorously develop grassroots party organizations and progressive students in the local area. How can I be busy alone?"

"You just choose people, and the cadres of the whole army are up to you."

"I think a few comrades from the Zaofan Young Cadre Training Class are good, and they can let them try this part of student work."

"Op, but pay attention to observe their ideological movements."

Seeing more and more people greeted by the roadside, the soldiers of the first division began to sing loudly and entered Tianjin all the way.

Along the way, the welcoming gentry placed drinks and refreshments on the roadside, but no one touched it. The local scholars in Tianjin were shocked when they saw this situation.

"I didn't expect these rubber thieves to be so disciplined."

"Do you want to die? Sound low! This is called the Revolutionary Army! Now Lord Li has surrendered, which shows that this army is extremely brave.

"I heard that these eight hills were murderous. Only a few days after entering Cangzhou, they killed all the squire landlords of more than a dozen surrounding villages."

"There is a saying that soldiers have been washed, and Lord Li's sincere move is also sympathetic to the people of Tianjin. Otherwise, Tianjin will be washed into a situation like Cangzhou."

"Alas, the Qing Dynasty is over. These soldiers don't even leave their braids one by one. They are really simple. How can their parents shave as fine as monks?"

"Aren't we also shaved our heads in the Qing Dynasty?"

"That's different. Our Qing Dynasty hasn't been shaved."

"You said these rubber thieves... The revolutionary army won't give a head shaving order, will they? Just like entering the customs in the Qing Dynasty, leave your hair without leaving your head..."

"Since ancient times, changing belts have changed, and the clothes and makeup have naturally changed. It's really not strange for me to shave my head. At that time, everyone will just be obedient, cut their braids and put them in the box and save them. If there is any changes in the future, it's nothing more than finding a hat to sew the braids."

"Meng Fu, this is a word of heart-to-heart! Although Lord Li has surrendered, he hasn't cut his braids yet!"

"The Qing Dynasty is almost gone, and the middle court has surrendered. The revolutionary army doesn't care about cutting one more head. Brother Fang must not be mistaken. Those who need knowledge and current affairs are also handsome."

"Alas, what Meng Fu said is that in the world, I'm afraid there will be a group of heroes, and I don't know if Lord Li's thigh is thick enough."

"Looking at the strong army in front of you, the military uniform is clearly unified, and you can know that it is rich, strong and fat, and you can know that it is well trained. Thinking about it, you will also know that I am afraid that the real dragon emperor in the future must be Yao Fan."


"Well, it makes sense."

At this time, Yao Fan's base camp remained unchanged in Cangzhou, constantly commanding the front troops to move through daily telegrams.

After Li Hongzhang left, Yao Fan issued an emergency report, informing Shandong to immediately organize all cadres and young students to transfer to Cangzhou to prepare for entering Beijing. The family members of cadres should also be prepared for the transfer. At the same time, more than 300 outstanding agricultural association cadres from villages in various parts of the liberated area have emerged in recent stages to be stationed in Cangzhou to prepare for China. Land reform was implemented in the northern region.

After sending Li Hongzhang away, the city of Cangzhou immediately held a meeting. The General Staff called all the members of the revolutionary committee and party committee accompanying him. Yao Fan arranged the work at this internal meeting:

"We will soon overthrow the Manchu government, which is good news, but we can't forget it.

At present, our party organization is not large in scale. There are only more than 2,000 party members and only more than 3,000 reserve party members. Many new party members are not well educated and are activists emerging from rural land reform in the previous stage. They have revolutionary enthusiasm, but lack the means of struggle and governance experience. Time to cultivate requires cadre training courses to conduct accelerated training for them.

But we should not underestimate ourselves. What the new * needs most is not those feudal bureaucrats. What we need is a large number of grass-roots cadres. Grass-roots work is the core of our party's work. Grass-roots work is mainly around the implementation of the decisions and policies of the Central Committee, and does not require them to formulate policies, so it is not What we need is too high a culture, what we need is to obey orders and commands, and what we need is the idea of serving the people!

At present, the cadres of the Agricultural Association are selected by farmers in rural areas after land reform. They are very familiar with the rural situation. We should make good use of them to contribute to the comprehensive land reform in North China. There are 40,000 farmers in China, among which there are countless capable people. We must not worry that no one is available. As long as there are activists who sincerely support the Chinese Socialist Labor Party, support the revolution, and stand out in the land reform, we should use them boldly! Don't be afraid of them making mistakes!

It is inevitable to make mistakes at work. There is nothing terrible about it. Even if the landlord class is allowed to be an official, they make mistakes, but such mistakes are different in nature. They are class oppression and crimes against the people! Therefore, we would rather let the backbone of the farmers make mistakes, so as to learn from work experience and struggle experience, and never put the landlord into the ranks of our grassroots cadres regardless of class struggle.

At present, Li Hongzhang is willing to join our coalition government, which is extremely beneficial to us. There is a large group of people around Li Hongzhang who are very familiar with the operation of the Qing government. We should stabilize these people! Supervise them! Make good use of them! This is very important for the smooth transition of the regime.

Will these people have a sincere understanding and support for our socialist Labor Party in their work? I think there will be. As time goes by, there are still a lot of them. I estimate that half of them will want to rely on us. If our publicity work is good, this proportion will even increase to 70% or 80%. Some of these people are sincere changes of ideas to support us, some are following the crowd, and some are fake and speculators. I think the proportion in the middle will be larger. The first and third cases are rare. We should pay attention to observe and be careful of these people's conspiracy and restoration.

The establishment of the new regime is thorough and brand-new. Instead of taking over the old regime of the Manchu Qing government, we will establish a new regime belonging to the people. After taking Beijing, on the one hand, we must stabilize the old regime and build a new regime on the other hand. The latter is the most important. In order to complete it, we need to absorb some people from the old regime, but we need to supervise them well and use carrots and sticks to give them both soft and hard.

To stabilize the people of the old regime, they have to rely on two things, one is a barrel of a gun and the other is a pen. There is a regime in the barrel of the gun. Our barrel is very hard. We should hold it firmly and not let go. Whoever dares to talk and move should be suppressed immediately. We don't have enough talent in this area, so we should strictly control it. The propaganda must be intensified. Newspapers should be controlled in our hands. Those reactionary pamphlets and handwritten manuscripts that may be instigated and restoration should be severely investigated and resolutely suppressed.

For the assets of the Manchu government, we should resolutely confiscate them. For the royal princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, we should confiscate their property, give part of their property to their servants, and then demobilize them. For those stubborn people who do not want to leave, we must patiently persuade them to reform through labor. The ordinary flag man did not move for the time being, only ordered to hand over the hidden knives, guns and weapons. Treat it according to the general public.

For the remaining princes and ministers and the emperor's family, they and all their families should be moved out of the Prince's House and the Forbidden City for reform and ideological education. No one is allowed to visit without the approval of the central government. All eunuch women will be paid severance and disband. The Forbidden City will be transformed into a museum in the future, and we should protect cultural relics.

In a word, all work should be realistic and specifically analyzed and solved. Each working group should be established immediately to study and solve problems one by one. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, and actively ask for instructions and reports.


The work of establishing a new regime is full of ideas. Yao Fan arranged one by one, and the meetings were held for a whole day. Next, there were a series of small meetings every day. Even so, Yao Fan was not sure that he could cover everything and could only hope to solve them one by one in the future.

But Yao Fan attaches great importance to the military. He understands that only military strength can ensure the existence of a new regime.