1875 I come from the future

Chapter 201 Ten Thousand Rivers and Mountains Open a New Face 5

[201] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new look (five)

As the second division and the third division surrounded Beijing and released Prince Gong Yixin to negotiate in the city before the battle, the city of Beijing turned into a pot of porridge, all the grain shops were closed, and the people hid at home, waiting for the moment of change. The princes and ministers gathered outside the Forbidden City, waiting for news. The important ministers of the imperial court were summoned day and night to discuss countermeasures in the palace. They were not allowed to eat, drink and leave home. Many old ministers were exhausted.

Yixin hurried into the city and was summoned to the palace all the way before she could go home to change her clothes. When he saw Cixi again in Xinuang Pavilion, he suddenly found that the middle-aged woman in front of him was haggard and panicked, and there was no aura to speak of.

"See the Empress Dowager." Yi Xinxu made a salute.

"Prince Gong! How did you take so long! What's wrong with Yao Fan sending you here!" Cixi went to battle in person and asked impatiently.

"I am incompetent. Yao Fan not only refused to recruit, but also pulled Li Hongzhang over. Li Hongzhang has now rebelled! Presented to Tianjin!"

"Incompetent! Incompetence!!! Li Hongzhang, this bastard! I have always trusted him!!!"

Yixin said sadly, "Yao Fan promised me that as long as Beijing does not resist, he can keep the city safe."

Hearing this, Cixi was full of grief and indignation. She picked up the tea bowl on the table and threw it out, but fell on Shen Guifen, the minister of the Ministry of War, not at Yixin.

"Shen Guifen misled the country!" The Ministry of War roared.

Shen Guifen was so scared that she knelt down quickly, trembling all over and didn't dare to say anything. At this moment, he hoped that Yao Fan would quickly attack the city.

"What to do! What do you say?" Cixi screamed, shouted in a gaffe, and then pointed the finger at Yixin: "Prince Gong, didn't you rebel against the thief!"

Yixin was escorted all the way from Cangzhou to the front line of Beijing. It can be said that she was a dusty servant. At this moment, after hearing this, she couldn't care about fatigue and said urgently: "I was born to love the new Luo family, and I dare not betray my ancestors!" Empress Dowager! For today's plan, we can only ask foreigners for help.

When Cixi heard the words, she seemed to hold a life-saving straw: "If so, don't go quickly! Prince Gong, I now issue an order to make you the minister of Gu Ming, the prime minister in all affairs in the court! You must persuade foreigners to come forward and don't be reluctant to spend money!"

With that, Cixi said to the chief manager of the Minister of Internal Affairs, "Quickly allocate 500,000 taels of silver from the internal treasury. Don't be stingy with all kinds of antiques. Prepare generous gifts. Do it now!"

So Yixin temporarily clung to the Buddha's feet and began to carry out silver dollar diplomacy with the British Embassy in Beijing.


Waiting 24 hours without seeing Yixin reply, the revolutionary army launched a general attack on Beijing. The mortar accurately knocked on the wide wall of the horse, the blasting group blew up the gate, and the whole army rushed in. In this one-sided attack, it captured countless flags defending the city.

"Report! The second division called and has invaded Dongzhimen! The sharp platoon is leading the militia to attack the Anding Gate and Qihua Gate!"

"Report! The third division called and has taken Zhangyi Gate, South West Gate and Yongding Gate!"

"Report! The first regiment of the second division has occupied the Drum Tower, and the main force has begun to attack the south of Anmen in the Forbidden City. The sharp platoon is leading the militia to attack Deshengmen and Xizhimen!"

"Report! The third division called and has blown up the Shunzhi Gate. At present, the militia is attacking Pingzemen and Qianmen with the city wall!"

"Report! The second division and the third division have completely controlled the nine gates of the inner city! Surrounded the Forbidden City*, Di'anmen, Dong'anmen and Xi'anmen!"

"Report! The militia has controlled the seven gates of the outer city!"

"Report! The second division has taken the Di'anmen and rushed into Jingshan!"

"Report! A foreigner hit with a gun*, and Division Chief Hu Guangting ordered to fire bullets. As a result, 27 foreigners were killed and six prisoners were injured. Master Hu said that the foreigners could not understand what they said and did not know the identity of those people for the time being. At present, the embassy area has been controlled by the three divisions.


The telegram flew to the Cangzhou base camp like snowflakes, and Yao Fan sat there motionless waiting for the final result.

Li Hainiu paced hurriedly in the headquarters: "It's not a trivial matter to kill so many foreigners. I'm afraid the foreigners will negotiate next."

Li Jun looked at Yao Fan anxiously: "Chairman, the foreign minister will never give up. This is difficult. Hu Guangting can really cause trouble. How can he kill so many people!"

Yao Fan said lightly, "The war is ruthless. The foreigners do not stay in the embassy, but come out to find faults. It is obviously an insult to our army. Hu Guangting killed well, killed a hundred times, shocked the foreigners, made them dare not move, and objectively protected the lives of foreigners."

Zhou said four: "The second and third divisions, plus three militia regiments, more than 10,000 people bombed Beijing. There should be no big problem."


The chaotic war in Beijing is in full swing, and the sound of gunfire is "pop!" It kept stir-frying like an oil pan, mixed with the explosion of *. There was no one on the street. The citizens all hid at home and speculated in horror about the war situation outside.

A large number of captured flagmen defending the city were escorted to the Temple of Heaven by the militia, and after the Forbidden City was blown up by the Di'anmen, the revolutionary army immediately rushed in and occupied the four gates of the Forbidden City. At present, in the whole Forbidden City, only the Forbidden City in the middle, that is, the Palace Museum in the Later Wumen Gate, has not been launched for the time being according to Yao Fan's instructions. Attack.

At this moment, the guards and eunuch maids guarding the city saw red flags flying everywhere from the wall. They were already scared. When they were a little sober, they began to clean up softly and steal the objects in the palace. Some eunuchs even stuffed gold and silver into *, hoping to escape the search and take them out of the city.

The concubines in the harem were trembling and only felt that the end was coming. Because they were afraid of being the imagined "thief soldiers"*, there were all those who fell into the well and swallowed gold, and there were crying everywhere in the Forbidden City.

Cixi took the five-year-old little emperor and listened to the bursts of gunfire outside the city and stayed in the Dongnuan Pavilion at a loss. She almost begged and said to the ministers who were also trapped around her: "You guys want to think about Yao Fan to withdraw from the army and discuss everything!"

The ministers looked at Cixi blankly, as if looking at a dying man, and no one wanted to talk to him.

Cixi was extremely angry and screamed, "This imperial city is given to him!" Let him go with me and the emperor! Go to Xi'an! Go outside the customs! "Wherever you go!"

"Empress dowager, the rubber thieves outside the city shouted that as long as they surrendered, the new government would never embarrass the emperor and the empress dowager. The glue thief also said that he would only give an hour to consider, and after an hour, he would shoot the Forbidden City. Desheng, the minister who led the bodyguard, knelt down on one knee and replied with a haggard face.

"One hour..." Cixi clenched the hem of her robe and was confused.

"Empress dowager, according to the news she has got these days, Yao Fan is still trustworthy. After Li Hongzhang presented Tianjin City, the whole city is full of Han, and everything is safe. I heard that Yao Fan's soldiers are brave and disciplined. Except for occupying the envoys of various government departments and changing the Tianjin garrison, the rest of the soldiers are stationed in the barracks outside Tianjin. Xu Tong, the servant of the Ministry of Affairs, said.

"You quickly sent someone out of the city, discussed with Yao Fan, and asked him to let me and the emperor out of Beijing in person, and I will give him the forbidden city." Cixi is still struggling.

None of the ministers responded, and suddenly Li Hongzao, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, shouted, "I would like to go."


Hu Guangting stood on Jingshan and looked at the Forbidden City, with two mortars on the top of the mountain.

"Lao Zhang, do you think the old witch of Cixi can agree to open the city?"

Political commissar Zhang Erbao hesitated and said, "We can't wait for her to open the city, so that we don't waste shells. In case we break the valuable guys in the city, I'm afraid the chairman will be unhappy. But the chairman said again that there was little hope.

Hu Guangting said impatiently, "Since there is little hope, it's better to blow up the gate quickly. It's really anxious to wait like this.

Yang Weiyi said nervously, "*Don't mess up any more. It's already a mess to kill so many foreigners just now."

Hu Guangting said with a black face, "I didn't know those foreigners were so arrogant! The troops shouted for them to stop. Do they listen? A group of people rushed to the martial law zone in front of * with guns, and the machine guns did not have long eyes. What do you want me to do? Hygiene can't even be saved. What can I do?"

Three people are speechless.


Li Lu's company was responsible for occupying the North Sea, the Central Sea and the South China Sea. Li Lu and his infantry platoon were responsible for the Central Sea. After rushing into the Central Sea, more than 100 eunuch maids were captured. These people were selected by Li Lu to have a large yard, all locked into various rooms in the yard.

"Maotou, you take good care of it in the yard. Whoever dares to move will be killed immediately." Li Lu ordered.

Yes! Chief!"

"How many times have I told you! Don't call me leader! How can this title be called nonsense!"

"It's the platoon leader!"

After the Battle of Botou, Li Lu left the relationship with the company commander and pulled her hair into her platoon to make up for the shortage of a sacrificed soldier. Company commander Gu Nian Li Lu fought bravely and became a combat hero, so he agreed to his request, but ordered Li Lu to be responsible for bringing up his hair and becoming a qualified soldier. These days, Li Lu has taught Maotou and the new militiamen in the platoon all kinds of discipline, queues, shooting essentials, bomb dropping essentials, and bayonet essentials.

Although Maotou is still too big in a small military uniform, he is already a proud revolutionary soldier driven by the happiness of a full meal.

"Pplatoon leader, this city in Beijing is really big. I'm afraid it's unbeatable if we have 100 villages together."

"Nonsense, a thousand add up to nothing."

"Pplatoon leader, will this Forbidden City be for Chairman Yao in the future?"

"Of course, if you have overturned the emperor, you will naturally be the largest of our chairman. Who will live in this land?"

"This room is so good, more spacious than the house of my old landlord."

"Nonsense! This is the house where the emperor lives. Why is it not big? In the east wall, the house is probably bigger.

"Pplatoon leader, why didn't the division commander hit the east wall?"

"What are you doing? Look at these eunuch maids."

As the two were talking, the eunuch in a room opened the window and waved, "Good job, military master. Let us go. We have a big gift for the military master."

Li Lu approached the window with a calm face: "What's the big gift?"

The group of eunuchs in the room found a burden from somewhere. The leading eunuch held out the burden through the window and said, "Master, please see, this is a hundred taels of silver, full of official silver."

Li Lu sneered: "These emperor's lackeys still want to buy us with money."

Hearing Li Lu's words, Maotou immediately raised his rifle and aimed at the eunuch in the window, which made him scream and dodge in the room and knelt on the ground.

"Maotou, confiscated the silver, but the company has assigned a task, and all the captured property will be handed over as military pay."

Yes! All seizures should be returned to the public. Maotou took over the heavy burden while carrying the discipline of the army.

Li Lu ordered, "Go and call a class in and search these eunuchs to see how much money they have brought!" I really think that our revolutionary army has never seen silver buns. Every month, the salary in our platoon alone is more than 300 taels! If we go to the countryside to fight local tycoons, we won't seize thousands of taels of silver ever!"

The hairy worship said, "That's right! One hundred taels of silver is not enough to support us for half a month.

Li Lu educated: "Last time I read the chairman's notice to you, our whole army is not counting militia and civil affairs cadres. There are more than 20,000 commanders of the army alone, and it will cost 300,000 taels a month for military pay alone. If it is not captured, will it be asked to drink the northwest wind! The clothes we wear, the rice noodles we eat, the guns we carry, and the bullets, which one is free? These emperor's dog slaves, eat our blood and sweat, greedy for our money, and ask them all to spit out today!"

Maotou was also inexplicably angry. He ran out of the yard and called a group of soldiers and began to force the eunuchs to take off their clothes and search their bodies one by one with bayonets.

"Take off! I won't kill you!" The hairy head shouted at the eunuchs with a bayonet.

"Poon leader, do you want to search the maid?" He Laoliu, the head of the platoon, asked.

Li Lu heard the question and quickly said, "The discipline is clear. You are not allowed to flirt with women. Women should be locked up first. Later, leave it to the female soldiers of the health company to search."

He Laoliu laughed and said, "Is the platoon leader a nurse who wants to be a hygiene company?"

Li Lu scolded, "Bulls, I have a wife in the countryside!"
