1875 I come from the future

Chapter 203 Thousands of rivers and mountains 7

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[203] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (7)

Knowing that Yao Fan agreed to see him, the British envoy Vertomar proudly rode a Chinese-style carriage and drove straight into Zhongnanhai.

Yao Fan heard that Witoma had arrived at Ziguang Pavilion, so he put down his work to meet him.

It was the first time that Vitoma saw Yao Fan. When he saw the legendary rebel leader, he felt a bright eye. This person did not wear Qing people's clothes or braids. Sure enough, he was indeed the legendary "fake foreign devil". When Vitoma saw this, he couldn't help secretly happy and a little worried.

Yao Fan wore a suit from the 21st century and leather shoes with a tie. This outfit was originally used by Yao Fan after crossing back, so as to avoid his 65 military uniform being regarded as an extra and causing passers-by to watch.

Seeing Yao Fan's energetic suit and tall body, Witoma began to feel a little uneasy. He didn't know the details of the Qing countryman with no braids in front of him. At present, for this rebel, because they are developing too fast and the siege is too fast, giving people a very mysterious impression. British diplomats are now desperately trying to inquire about Beijing, where the military is under martial law, and they have nothing to gain. Even Yao Fan's suit cloth, Witoma I haven't seen him, but Yao Fan is not solemn enough to wear such a casual coat to meet him.

Yao Fan didn't know that the modern suit style he wore was regarded as a casual jacket invented in 1850 for only 20 years. He spoke fluent English: "Hello, Mr. Witma."

From the moment he saw Yao Fan wearing a suit, Witma decided that the rumor was true. Yao Fan was indeed a Chinese who returned from abroad, at least a Chinese who had stayed abroad. Witma's accompanying translator was also an Englishman, raising his chin frivolously and not even looking at Yao Fan.

As the representative of the world's largest power, the British Empire, Witoma fully showed his domineering. After simple mutual greetings, Witoma sat at the negotiating table and directly said, "Chairman Yao, on behalf of the British Empire, for the brutal killing of our diplomats in your country, the British Empire said Infinite indignation! Here I make a seven-point request.

First, you must immediately arrest and try the murderer. The whole trial and execution process must be supervised and executed by British diplomats, and a monument or an archway in your country must be set up at the place where British citizens were killed to apologize and mourn the victims. Second, as part of a sincere apology to the British Empire, you must immediately hand over the murder weapon used for killing at that time and destroy the tools used for these crimes by the British Empire. Third, for each dead or injured, your country must provide compensation of 100,000 taels of silver per person to their families. And apologized for the British government's compensation of 10 million taels of silver. Fourth, your country should immediately release the illegally imprisoned Her Majesty the Empress Dowager and His Majesty the Emperor, which will be supervised by the envoys of various countries in China and jointly responsible for the life safety and noble dignity of your royal family. Fifth, you must clearly guarantee the safety of life and property of British personnel in China and prevent the recurrence of such matters. This clear guarantee must be in writing and pay a deposit to a British bank. Sixth, in order to ensure the safety of British and other diplomats in China, you should designate the Dongjiao People's Lane area as the embassy area. Chinese people are prohibited from living in and entering the area. Britain and other countries in the world have the right to establish barracks and station troops in the embassy area to provide security protection for embassies of various countries. Seventh, your army must immediately withdraw from the Tianjin area, and the British army must be stationed in the British Concession in Tianjin to protect the British expatriates and businessmen in the Tianjin Concession.

Yao Fan was very angry at the beginning, but later he became more and more happy. After Witoma farted, he asked directly in English, "Can I understand that Britain has recognized the legal status of the Chinese revolutionary regime internationally?"

Witoma thought that the play had finally begun and coughed softly: "The specific establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides needs to be consulted by the British Parliament and Her Majesty, but you must first show enough sincerity."

Yao Fan laughed and said, "Can we add Article 8? Britain protects the legitimate existence of the new Chinese government, just like protecting the kings of India."

Witoma said solemnly: "It is not difficult, but it needs to sign a corresponding treaty. In fact, if Chairman Yao is willing to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, I can ask Her Majesty and Parliament to grant you the honor of the British colonial governor in North China. I can see that you are a civilized person, not a native of China. As an outsider and with the support of the British Empire, your regime in North China can be right.

Yao Fan suppressed his smile and said calmly to Witma, "Ambassador Witma, considering your ignorance of the new Chinese revolutionary regime, first of all, I want to forgive your rudeness and recklessness.

Next, I also want to explain seven points to you. First, the Provisional Government of the Chinese Socialist Revolution is a government completely composed of Chinese people. It is a revolutionary government composed of the awakened Chinese people, not a broken platform built by outsiders, so this government will not give in to any reactionary forces in the world. Second, your so-called powerful British Empire is a paper tiger in my opinion. Last year's crude steel production was only 700,000 tons, and the production of raw iron was only more than 6 million tons. Such steel is not enough to give every Chinese in two. The total number of steam engines in your country is only 20,000, with a total power of less than 5 million. According to the calculation of one horsepower equal to ten original labor force, it is only 40 to 50 million people, which is not as large as the total population of the areas currently controlled by the Chinese interim government. Third, the Chinese Provisional Government has a good and close relationship with the German Empire, so we are not afraid that Britain will break off diplomatic relations with us. Fourth, we express strong indignation and protest against the use of illegal armed means to interfere in China's internal affairs. Considering that these armed gangsters have suffered a shameful end, we have decided not to take further action against your country for the time being, but we reserve the right to take all actions. Fifth, your embassy illegally accepts Chinese citizens Yixin. No matter what your purpose is for, this kind of behavior is intolerable. We ask you to hand over Yixin as soon as possible and do not continue to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. Sixth, all the property brought by Yixin to your embassy belongs to the Chinese people. Your country has no right to possess them privately and should be handed over as soon as possible to obtain the understanding of the Chinese people. Seventh, Britain has been threatening the peace of China and even the world for a long time, and has continuously invaded and plundered people in China and even countries around the world. This situation will not last long. I think the international situation has reached a new turning point. With the rise of the Chinese people's national liberation movement, there are now two winds in the world, the east wind and the west wind. There is an idiom in China that either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. I think the east wind will soon overwhelm the west wind. If Britain does not recognize the situation, it will lag behind the world trend and lose irreparable development opportunities.

WTMA's accompanying counselor Swickets was dumbfounded while listening. The thin and black-haired British man was surprised that he couldn't close his mouth, because he himself did not know whether the 1875 British industrial data he said was true or false, but he actually used Liu for Yao Fan. Li's English also said seven points, and he felt extremely admirable for the confrontation with Witoma.

"This Chinese man is the smartest Chinese I have ever seen since I came to this primitive country. At least he is very bold. Unlike Qing officials, he always dodges and vaguely. I hope he will not be crushed by your minister..."

He thought to himself, then closed his surprised mouth and looked at Yao Fan with respect. He was no longer frivolous when he came in with Witoma at the beginning.

Vitoma did not recover at first. It was not until Yao Fan finished speaking that he returned angrily, attached himself to the negotiation table, elbowed his elbows to the table, and pressed the two messy eyebrows on his eyebrows: "Mr. Chairman, as a diplomat, you are responsible for what you said!"

Yao Fan took out two cigarettes, threw them in front of Witoma and his counselor, and handed one to Li Jun beside him.

He took out the match and sprayed smoke and said, "I know the logic of your country, Mr. Witoma, your logic is power. A gentleman named Darwin in your country proposed the so-called law of the jungle, which is the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. But I think only low-IQ creatures will use such a cruel way. Civilized people like us should pursue common interests and survive in the world.

Seeing that Swift, the counselor of Wittma, curiously picked up the Taishan cigarette with a filter, Yao Fan picked up the match with a smile, lit it and handed it over. Swift hurriedly put his head over to light a cigarette.

Seeing Yao Fan draw another match and handed it up, Witoma also lit a cigarette with the stream. He took the opportunity to think about it and said, "Chairman Yao, we can't accept your accusation. Yixin's gift was given to the British Empire on behalf of the Qing Empire."

"This is your own opinion. But I prefer that his gift is to compensate the British diplomats who were recklessly involved in the sacrifice of the Chinese Revolutionary War. Yao Fan's meaning is very clear. As long as Britain no longer pursues and does not make unrealistic demands, Yao Fan will not care about Yixin's foolish gift.

"These are two things, Chairman Yao, these are two different things!"

"It seems to me that it is the same thing, and it is obvious that we have suffered a loss. 500,000 taels of silver is not a small amount, not to mention the precious antique jewelry of ten cars. The combined market value of these things must exceed 1 million taels of silver, or even 2 million taels! As for how much money you will share with the families of the victims, I don't care. You can dispose of these property on your own.

"I protest! Chairman Yao! You are insulting my personality!"

"Then I can take back my words. In short, I hope this matter can calm down and everyone will be at peace."

"Chairman Yao, my opinion has been made clear in the previous seven points, and these requirements must be met!" Vitoma said forcefully.

Yao Fan's face darkened: "There is an old Chinese saying that you don't drink a toast!

Mr. Witma, I remember German Prime Minister Bismarck said that the truth is only within range of the cannon. Britain has many cannons at sea, and China also respects Britain's interests at sea. But on land, especially on China's territory! From now on, the Chinese will have the final say! If you are not convinced, then let the cannon and machine gun debate!"

After saying that, Yao Fan immediately stood up and turned around to leave. Li Jun followed Yao Fan excitedly and said, "Chairman, what you said is really hard!"

"I seek truth from facts. At present, the strength of the revolutionary army can be said to be the first in the world. In the case of equal strength, unless the commander is a strawbag, it is impossible to lose to any army in the world! Only we don't have a navy, which is a headache. If Britain pulls the dozen broken ships of the Far East Fleet, it can really block our harbor.

"What should I do? Now Qingdao's export volume is expanding day by day. If it is really blocked by the British, you can't earn a taels of silver! Chairman, your family's factory overseas will not be able to transport supplies to China!" Li Jun immediately worried about the consequences of being blocked by Britain.

"Although the Far East is a British sphere of influence, if it delays others from making money, they will not agree. Diplomacy does not regard foreign countries as a whole. Western countries will not be monolithic even in another 200 years, not to mention the hegemony of the great powers today.

"Chairman, what should we do next? The British are likely to send troops to interfere when they are so stiff with Witma just now!"

"Has Barland arrived? I think it's time to test the friendship between China and Germany.