1875 I come from the future

Chapter 204 Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains 8

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[204] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (8)

Out of the Ziguang Pavilion, Yao Fan and his entourage rushed to the Summer Hall to meet with German minister Balander.

After the British minister Witoma was thrown in the Ziguang Pavilion by Yao Fan, he said angrily to Counsellor wickets: "This guy is a madman! Otherwise, it's just an arrogant maniac! In short, it's all the same. Only when the stick hits their heads can they wake up.

Sweitz said, "At least he is still smooth before you show an unshakable position, but he may overestimate his army."

Witoma looked at Swartz and said, "He relies on nothing more than that kind of quick-fire machine gun. That thing does look extremely light from afar, but I bet that it is a thing that sacrifices reliability. The thin barrel and thin body are cutting corners at a glance. The Chinese use it to fight their so-called Three axes.

Sweitz, I have been in China for 34 years. I know the Chinese way of thinking. Most of them are cowardly and gentle small creatures, shrewd and ignorant. A sudden fierce attack will make hundreds of soldiers lose their fighting spirit and collapse and escape. This is called the 'three-board axe', which is a Chinese tradition. It is said that ancient Chinese warriors can only make three movements. If the three offensive actions cannot defeat their opponents, he will expose his poor skills.

Wittma walked out of the Purple Pavilion and educated him all the way: "But their design idea of this weapon is very smart, that is, to try to gain an advantage by shooting fiercely when the battle begins. The design of that thing is so simple and weak that I suspect that it can only play one or two rounds, otherwise it will explode.

Sweitz listened to Wittma's speculation and said suspiciously, "But they still have a continuous rifle."

Witoma said: "This is probably an improved version of Henry's 1860 combo rifle. This gun is very expensive and complicated to maintain. Those stupid farmers will quickly fill the rifle with gunpowder residue. The accuracy of this rifle is not worth mentioning, but when shooting at close range, it meets the kind of fierce fire that meets the tactical requirements of the three-board axe. ."

Switz has now been convinced by Wittma's three-plate axe tactics. He and Wittma got into the same carriage. On the way back to the embassy, he asked, "So once the British army and Yao Fan's army fighting, how can we avoid the loss of this kind of three-plate axe?"

Vitoma said, "We have cannons."

Sweitz patted his head: "Yes, I almost forgot that we have cannons, which are much better than the Qing cannon captured by Yao Fan."

Witoma ordered: "After going back, immediately draw up a report, send someone to Tianjin, send it to Shanghai by sea, and send a telegram to Hong Kong to tell our commander that he must bring more cannons and try to avoid close charges."


When Yao Fan entered the Summer Hall, he saw that Barland was already waiting. Yao Fan smiled and spread his hands and motioned to sit down on the chair in the Summer Hall. There was a new cup of tea on the small table between the two. The windows on all sides of the Summer Hall were wide open, and a cool June breeze blew through the hall.

"Frank, should I change my name to Chairman Yao?" Barland joked.

"We are also old friends. We knew each other as early as when our party and our army were stationed in Jimo. Now we have a private conversation, which can be more kind."

Barland smiled and nodded: "I want to congratulate you, Frank, you did it successfully! Your revolution is so smooth that you have even won Beijing, which is a merit worthy of going down in history.

"I have something to tell you. I just negotiated with British Ambassador Witoma, and he is very unhappy."

With that, Yao Fan told Barland about the content of the negotiation just now.

"Frank, your attitude is too tough, but I admire your attitude of brave refuting for the dignity of the country. But the fact is that the British are a poisonous snake, and they will never give up. At present, because Germany has monopolized the export quota of the six major commodities exported from Qingdao, such as bicycles, thermos bottles, sewing machines, folding umbrellas, pens and dyes, and only distribute a small amount to them in Shanghai. British businessmen are very angry. I guess they will immediately I will complain to Witoma."

"Mr. Barland, Germany's profit on these six major commodities is very considerable during this period, right? I know that Merriz Commercial Bank has now increased its capital and expanded its shares, and almost all the leading German merchants have taken shares in it. You must also own shares in it.

Barland said without concealing: "Frank, I would like to thank you for your kindness and generosity of the German Empire. Similarly, all Germans currently have close feelings for your regime. His Majesty William I and His Excellency Bismarck have approved the secret agreement we reached before. This is our friend. A clear proof of friendship."

Yao Fan said: "I heard that the Merrith Commercial Bank bought 19 second-hand merchant ships in one go after stock expansion, with a small displacement of two or three hundred tons and two or three thousand tons. This kind of hand is really amazing. I sincerely wish you can make such a safe fortune all the time.

Barland said gratefully, "I believe that the friendship between us with common interests is indestructible. Although His Majesty William I and His Excellency Bismarck are not satisfied with your acceptance of Marx and do not agree with your use of such a radical slogan as socialism, I and all German businessmen are on your side. We persuaded His Majesty that it is better for Marx to stay in Asia than to stay in London and be British. The Chinese people control it much better.

Dear Mr. Barland, I am very happy with your efforts. However, our talks with the British have collapsed. Next, the British will intervene militarly and may even blockade Qingdao Port at sea, which will undoubtedly harm our interests. At that time, I will have to shift the focus of trade to stimulating domestic consumption.

Barlandhu thought with a face. During this period of time, the profits of American firms have been growing at a terrible rate. By exporting thermos bottles to Europe and North America alone, the annual profit expectation has reached a staggering 7 million taels. Together, the total annual profit is expected to exceed 12 million taels! This is equivalent to three million pounds! 60 million German marks! As one of the shareholders, Barland will never give up such a golden doll, never!

"Frank, I believe that your infantry has strong combat capabilities, and the war in this period has also proved this. If you need to purchase German weapons, whether it is rifles or artillery, even the latest equipment of the German Army, I can help you get it. I I also know some German bankers who can help you lend money to their banks.

"No, Barland, you are in the wrong direction. I have full confidence in my army, but I'm worried about whether your merchant ships can trade as usual once the British navy is blocked."

"All the ships of the Merridis business are now hanging black, white and red flags, equipped with German sailors. The attack on German merchant ships is an attack on the German Empire, and the British dare not do so!" Barland said solemnly, but he was not sure. Although the Qing Dynasty, as a British sphere of influence, allowed all countries to have interests, it has never allowed countries to send troops without the approval of Britain.

"This is too pale in front of the cannons of British warships. Do you think it is possible for the German fleet to protect your maritime interests?"

Barland said frankly with a trace of helplessness: "From Europe to China, the coal and water supply ports on this road are under British control. Without British permission, no German steam warship can reach Qingdao."

Yao Fan pretended to be angry and said, "Is the German navy so weak?"

Barland did not refute, but said seriously: "As a mainland country, Germany confronts France, Europe's largest army state, in the west, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the east to resist Russia's covement. We really don't invest much in the navy."

Yao Fan was silent.

Barland said excitedly: "But the dignity of the German nation must be protected at sea. If the great German nation cannot ensure its own interests at sea, it will be the greatest disaster and humiliation!" Frank, I promise you that I will do everything I can to facilitate the protection of our trade between us!"

Yao Fan knows that he can't be too hasty, but he hopes to provoke Germany and Britain to compete for hegemony at sea. At present, the German navy is really weak. Even the mosquito cannon ship ordered by Li Hongzhang, the Germans themselves have actually purchased two sea forts to use as defense against the sea, which can be said to have no ambition to compete for ocean hegemony.

"Mr. Barland, Germany's maritime power is deeply relied on by the Chinese people and hopes that His Majesty the Emperor of the German Empire can make decisions that make the Chinese people feel safe."

Barland nodded silently, knowing that he had a great responsibility and wanted to persuade the Kaiser to strengthen the ocean-going strength of the navy, which not only required a huge investment in capital, but also had the awareness of a maritime arms race with Britain.

"Frank, I will try my best to help you with Witoma for now. I will go to the British Embassy tonight."

"Dear Barland, you said to the British that despite sending troops, you can't interfere in the maritime trade between Germany and me. This should be your bottom line."

"Yes, Frank, that's what I mean. I know you are very confident in your army, and Germany is not capable of fighting directly with Britain in the Far East. You can only rely on yourself on land. Germany is willing to open the door to arms purchases to you, but it really can't send troops to interfere."

"Barland, you can't just negotiate with Britain. You should also try to persuade other countries not to participate in the British expedition plan. I don't care about more idiots coming to die, but that will bring complex multilateral diplomatic pressure to our alliance."

"You're right. I will try my best to win over the ambassadors."

After the talks, Barland left the Summer Hall and looked at the sunset in the sky. He sighed and thought, "If Britain can make a big fight in China, what a wonderful thing it will be for the German Empire. Damn British, I hope the more they die in China, the better. If they can make Russia and France also pulled in and died together, which would be even more wonderful!"

Barland dares to think so.

During this period, more and more Germans have followed American Foreign Bank to open trade offices in Qingdao. While participating in American Foreign Bank, they got their export share, so they also invested in Qingdao to set up their own company offices. According to Yao Fan's agreement, German businessmen in China must abide by Yao Fan's laws, and these legal provisions from the 21st century are obviously very civilized. These beautifully printed German versions of Chinese laws are detailed and clear. Except for not enjoying the foreign legal rights enjoyed in other parts of China, they are very Complete.

It is precisely because there are more and more Germans in Qingdao that Yao Fan's army level has gradually been detected by German businessmen. Balander's eyeliners found that the training of the Qingdao garrison is very hard, and the integrity is terrible. The situation of corruption of money in the Qing Empire everywhere is completely impossible to find in this army. Soldiers' salaries are very high, and they have a strong spending power. Due to discipline, they can't * and smoke, but their monthly salary, which is as high as American soldiers, puts their living standards at the highest level in Qingdao.

As Yao Fan violently swept North China and defeated the Huai Army, China's most powerful army in Barland's eyes, Barland was convinced that this army called the Revolutionary Army had the strength to compete with the European army. Barland is very clear-headed. He understands that such a powerful army, in local warfare, has countless soldiers to be requisitioned, and it is impossible for any European army to take advantage of them after crossing the ocean.

Therefore, Barland does not intend to adopt all Yao Fan's suggestions. Negotiations with Witoma is necessary, but Russians, French, Americans, Japanese, Italians, Austria-Hungary... Barland feels that he wants to treat it differently. He should dig pits, sell favors to wake up, and resolutely stop it. In a word, it is most in the interests of the German Empire to ensure that Britain, France and Russia are involved in the Far East, which is highly likely to fail, and let Yao Fan, an emerging force, play the role of a meat grinder!