1875 I come from the future

Chapter 205 Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains 9

[205] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (9)

In the British Embassy, Vitoma stood in front of the globe in a vest, with a small lapel edge of his snow-white shirt, decorated with a circle of lace edges. He said to himself, "If the parliament does not agree to send troops, then I should continue to negotiate. Maybe I should take out a softer figure. I can see that Yao Fan is a smooth Dude, but extremely tough on some ** issues, this kind of person is an authentic dangerous person. Perhaps, as he said, receiving gifts and calming things is the best solution... The German has obviously reached some kind of secret agreement with him, which is probably a business agreement..."

Witoma unconsciously fell into meditation, and suddenly the door was pushed open. Swift came in with an envelope bag with an anxious face: "Mr. minister, Yao Fan has just promulgated the North China Temporary Security Act, and at present, the embassies of all countries in China have been notified."

With that, Suitez handed the * with the envelope bag in his hand to Wittoma. Since Yao Fan took over Beijing, all * have adopted the mode of envelope bags and fire paint.

The sealing paint has long been opened. There are two pieces of paper in it. One piece of rice paper is a notice issued by Yao Fan's government, and the other piece of snow-white letter paper is the original text just translated by the British Embassy. Witoma took out the rice paper in the file bag. With his profound knowledge of Chinese, he quickly understood the words and understood the meaning.

"This thug! This thug! Well, he can get what he wants. Yes, this is the anger of the British Empire!!!"

Sweitz has obviously read the contents of the document from the translator. He said anxiously: "The three points put forward by the Chinese are too much. First, we should completely ban the * trade of the so-called 'liberated areas'. All addicts will be arrested for reform through labor, all * sellers will be sentenced to death and raiding their homes. All the families of these people will be distributed to work. Change. This violates our greatest interests! Everyone knows that 90% of the Chinese market is provided by the United Kingdom!

Article 2 claims the immediate abolition of the Treaty of Yunnan, which is simply intolerable regret! This is an insult and teasing to the British government!

Article 3 actually claimed that their revolutionary army would be armed and stationed in the British Concession in Tianjin to carry out the so-called temporary takeover to ensure regional security. This is a complete invasion of the overseas territories of the British Empire!"

Witoma's facial muscles twitched and said ferociously, "This thug! Ruffy! Since he wants to start a war, he will get it! As long as the British Parliament and Her Majesty get his three bullshit statements, sending troops will be inevitable!"

Similarly, the rest of the envoys to China who received the Provisional Security Act in North China are also have their own minds at this moment. Because Britain's interests under the premise of British approval among the great powers in order to deepen China's colonial level are all related, everyone can more or less be divided into some colonial interests in China, but nine All of the above are controlled by the United Kingdom. Because Britain monopolizes all sea supply ports from Europe to East Asia, the cost of merchant ships in any country is higher than that of British local merchant ships. This kind of market competition is obviously unfair.

The minister to China of all countries has seen that according to the content of the treaty promulgated by the Chinese, Britain must send troops this time, and probably this war will be named the third * war. As in the past, most countries believe that Britain will be the winner, but Britain will probably win over its own joint troops by sharing the dividends of the war, so the next negotiation with Britain is crucial. The number of troops and the division of dividends are worth bargaining.

But there were also those who were not moved. The Austrian-Hungarian minister was dissuaded by the German minister Barland, which meant to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not understand where the Germans's confidence came from, the Austro-Hungary, as an ally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire still decided to sell his personal feelings, not to mention Austria-Hungary At this time, the empire could not draw troops at all, and they did not have any Far Eastern colonies to transport troops over short distances. In the same situation, there were Italy, the Netherlands and other countries.

The most active strategy for using war to teach China a lesson and further deepen the colonial level of China in civil strife are France, Japan, Russia, the United States, and some countries such as Peru, Portugal, Spain and other countries. Although they want to participate, Britain does not like them, and does not Willing to share benefits with them.


At Tianjin Governor's Mansion, Li Hongzhang began to stare at the pomegranate trees in the courtyard again through the window, but this time he was not standing in the study, but in the small hall in the side of the study. At this time, nearly July, the pomegranate flowers had all faded, and the green pomegranates appeared energetically on the branches.

"What do you think of Zaofan asked me to go to Beijing to help him form the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference?" Li Hongzhang asked.

Zhou Fu, as the number one staff, was responsible for all the documents of Li Hongzhang and said, "Yao Zaofan's land policy has offended the gentry of the world. If you go to say something for him, you will be hated by the gentry of the world. It's better to stay in Tianjin for the time being and watch it change. Now Yao Zaofan has torn his face with the British. Once the British send troops, Yao Zaofan will be defeated and the world will be in chaos. Not long after he started, he had no foundation. Once he was frustrated, his camp may change.

Originally, Sheng Xuanhuai, who accompanied the British to explore iron ore in Hubei in 1876, is now in the Tianjin shogunate. He calmly said, "Yao Zaofan is not an ordinary person. He dares to provoke the British. Naturally, he has made up his mind to cut a piece of meat from the British. Although I don't know where his confidence comes from, looking at this person's article, his logic is meticulous, his mind is profound, he reads his poems, he is heroic, and his heart is really a hero in 300 years.

Li Hongzhang said, "So, Xing Sun is in favor of going to Beijing?"

"Students think it's better to go early than to go late. To put it badly, the adult is now empty in the governor's mansion but has no soldiers. Yao Zaofan is nothing more than the reputation and ability to govern the country. I don't think Yao Zaofian is very popular, otherwise he will not offend the powerful gentry in the world. Moreover, Beijing is full of officials. Yao Zaofan's knife is hanging over their heads. It is easy for him to win over any of them, but he only looks at important people. It can be seen that what he wants is the talent of governing the country.

If adults have the intention to return, they can return to live in seclusion. I guess with Yao Zaofan's ambition, although he will retain it, he will never stop him. If adults want to show their ambitions again, they must integrate into Yao Fan's system.

Yao Zaofan has now got into North China and has carried out land reform to win the hearts of the people. The soldiers are brave and honest than never before. It is only time to cover the world. Although his land reform policy is smelly among the gentry, as he said in his book, the regime comes from the barrel of the gun. I can't refute it.

Zhou Fu said seriously, "Then he will go to Changzhou in the future. Are you willing to hand over the fields in your hometown for nothing?"

"The general trend of the world is like this. If we really get to that point, my Sheng family will have to drift with the tide. Can't we block the car with our arms? Yao Zaofan made it clear in his book that in order to break the feudal monarchy and establish a republic, we must change the old land ownership system and break the historical cycle law of the rise and fall of Chinese civilization.

I read his words and thought hard that I couldn't refute it for three days and nights. In this case, I am not qualified to sing the opposite. He said that he hoped that the enlightened gentry in the world would run industry and commerce from now on. He said that industry and commerce are the foundation of a powerful country, and the distribution of land to the world's poor is the basic national policy for the Republic for ten thousand years. I am convinced of it! My Sheng family is willing to transform into an entrepreneur, run a factory for a powerful country, and do business as he said.

Li Hongzhang took a look at Sheng Xuanhuai, who said what was in his heart, and admired him. In fact, Li Hongzhang also thought so.

"If I go to Beijing, would you like to go with me?"

"I'm willing to follow Sheng Xuanhuai."

"Student Xue Fucheng is willing to follow."

"Zhou Fu is willing."


The land reform in North China is in full swing. Yao Fan adheres to the principle that anyone who is willing to implement the policy of enlightened gentry will immediately disperse the fields, divide the big family into a small family unit, and retain the property and property of the original owner, but do not allow him to enter the peasant association to hold any position. If you are stubborn, please taste the bloody land reform under the military management.

Yao Fan's expansion of his army basically did not choose the old green camp, but relied on the farmers after the land reform, and these soldiers were the strongest. Yao Fan also adopted the method of completely dispersing the allocation of the Huai Army and did not retain the original system at all. 300,000 troops practiced day and night on the land of North China, and the troops deeply promoted the "Guo Xingfu Teaching Method". Frequent competition between officers, soldiers and instructors made the soldiers grow rapidly.

Good news from Zibo Mint. Due to its thorough understanding of the coinage production process, the mint now produces more than 100,000 silver coins a day at the rate of 6,000 silver coins per hour, which is more than 3 million a month. Based on the same two silver coins such as one-dollar silver coins, a silver coin weighs 26 grams, which is more than the original. 32.5 grams of loose silver should save 20% of silver.

What makes Yao Fan unhappy is that due to the rapid expansion of the army, there have been some phenomena of non-compliance with military aircraft. Some soldiers have * and even gambling. While strictly ordering the troops to criticize the evil spirit, Yao Fan promulgated the "Measures for Handling of Brothels in the Liberation Area, * (Draft)", which banned brothels while banning tobacco casinos. A vigorous declaration of war against pornography, gambling and drugs began.

Yao Fan ordered a quick trial and rapid execution of all madams and brothel shopkeepers to solve the problem quickly. The situation of military internal and external pressure and the shortage of political cadres made Yao Fan not have time to delay these sections. At the same time, a large number of casino owners, smokehouse owners, and gangsters were arrested and quickly interrogated. For a while, North China was one of the Qing Dynasty.

Considering that these days' * are all sold into brothels, and letting them be good is equivalent to cutting off their rations, Yao Fan ordered * transformation as an important job and mobilize a large number of military women * departments to help * learn sewing. Yao Fan has a large number of ready-made pedal sewing machines, so a garment factory with various regions and cities as the core was planned to be established, mainly to process and produce underwear, underwear, cotton-padded jackets and other clothing for the army.