1875 I come from the future

Chapter 217 Ten Thousand Rivers and Mountains Open a New Face 21

[217] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (21)

For 1876, two months of military expansion training is not long, but it is enough to copy the PLA infantry training system of later generations. According to the wartime recruit training system provided by Yao Fan, the recruits can be sent to the battlefield within a month. For a period of time in the Republic, some infantry squads used to have only the deputy squad leader as veterans, and the rest were all new recruits who were less than a month old. Except for the skilled queue, these recruits had little hope for shooting, but such troops were still sent to the battlefield of counterattack in southern Xinjiang. But even so, the wartime recruit training system still puts the queue first in training. Discipline is more important than anything else.

By August 8, the training of 20 armies had been basically completed, and the main generals of each unit were begging for war. Every day, they asked Yao Fan's general headquarters for war in routine telegrams, requesting to be arranged for the first round of attack.

For the direction of sending troops, Yao Fan's first consideration is Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Huguang. The grain-producing areas are really too eye-catching for the new government in the year of famine.

As for the revenge of the British, Yao Fan did not pay much attention, but arranged heavy troops to be stationed in the liberated area to wait for the rabbit.

In the past two months, foreign missionaries in the liberated area of North China have been wiped out, and all these actual spies have been forced to stop illegal missions and sent to Tianjin. The new government requires them to leave China as soon as possible. On China's land, all churches must be registered and active in accordance with Chinese laws, and all religious practitioners must be Chinese approved and registered by the state.

Yao Fan's religious nationalization decree angered many foreign consulates, who protested against Yao Fan. Yao Fan ordered the People's Daily to publish an editorial "Patriotic Movement to Welcome Catholics and Christians".

According to the article, the revolutionary government, at the initiative of the majority of patriotic religious groups and people, expelled those illegal missionaries and confiscated the land and ancillary buildings on the land occupied by illegal missionaries in China. The article righteously condemned the infiltration of spies and illegal ** in China by illegal missions.

German Minister Balander also complained about Yao Fan's religious toughness, but after the patient explanation of Guo Songtao, who had just been appointed as the acting foreign minister of the interim government, he finally expressed his understanding.

In the original history, Guo Songtao will go to the United Kingdom in the winter of 1876 as an ambassador to the United Kingdom. Now, under the recruitment of Li Hongzhang, he has entered Yao Fan's interim government to act as a diplomatic agent.

During this period, Yao Fan also expelled four foreign expeditions in North China, one from Germany, one from Britain, one from Russia, and one from Japan. Due to the strong protest of the British minister Witoma, Yao Fan decided to exchange Yixin with the British expedition with Witoma. This negotiation was handed over to Guo Songtao. Unexpectedly, Witoma actually refused Yao Fan's request.

In the Summer Hall in Zhongnanhai, Yao Fan held a daily summary meeting with the members of the party committee.

Li Hainiu said, "Chairman, during this period, the capital seems to be calm, but in fact, the dark tide is surging. I heard that Li Hongzhang has now gathered a large number of people in his hands to meet in Hongyu Temple all day in the name of forming a CPPCC. I think they want to seize power!"

Bai Xiaoqi said, "Chairman, our intelligence department has collected a list of people, mainly the people Li Hongzhang has contacted during this period. Please have a look."

With that, Bai Xiaoqi, the current Minister of Intelligence, handed the envelope to Yao Fan.

"Guo Songtao, Liu Xihong, Li Fengbo, Xu Jingcheng, Xu Yongyi, Zeng Jize, Yuan Chang, Weng Tongyu, Wang Zongyi, Fang Zongcheng, Li Hongzao, Zhang Deyi, Peng Yulin, Li Chengmou, Wu Tingfang, Shen Guifen, Zhou Fu, Sheng Xuanhuai, Xue Fucheng..." Yao Fan carefully checked and thought about these people in Li Actions in history.

Yao Fan said slowly, "Since we have promised Li Hongzhang the position of chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, we should always allow him to do things and always contact people. Didn't he help us contact many civil and military officials in the south during this period? This is beneficial to our liberation of the whole country.

Now there are so many officials in Beijing, many of whom have been idle by the court for a long time, and these people have the idea of defecting to us. There are also many people who used to be brilliant, but they were depressed after we entered Beijing. Li Hongzhang can play a balancing role here. I don't think we should worry too much. As the ruling party, we should be confident and not afraid of their connection.

Now there are many officials and students who are flocking to us. Recently, I took a look and found that many of them are from people who have been idle officials for a long time or simply idle. These people are now arranged to study Marxism-Leninism in Marx's party school. I think there may be several real people among them. Revolutionary.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people come for our thick thighs.

Yao Fan's last sentence was so interesting that everyone laughed.

Li Jun said, "Then leave it alone for the time being. At present, the troops have begun to gather and move according to the established deployment. I think military victory is our biggest goal at present. As long as we win the whole country, our party will have the capital to gather talents in the world.

Yao Fan said, "That's true. Now we still have to take military struggle as the main line. The main task of Beijing's new preparatory departments is to serve the military. At the same time, we should pay attention to political study. We can't relax for a moment."


After the meeting, Bai Xiaoqi stayed and reported separately to Yao Fan.

Chairman, I have something to report to you. Do you remember that after capturing Jinan, you asked Third Sister Su to decide Guo Jixiu?


"I just received a secret telegram from Gui Ba, the political commissar of the 15th Army and principal and secretary of the Party Committee of Qingdao Artillery School, which was sent with the new password of the Intelligence Department. He said that Su Sanjie sent a telegram to Yuan Guanghai, the commander of the 15th Army, ordering him to kill the Guo family who was serving hard in Qingdao and asked not to stay. Yuan Guanghai executed the order yesterday and secreted 131 people in a ravine in Laoshan.

Yao Fan was shocked, thought for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Su Sanjie is now the Minister of Health and Secretary of the Party Committee. Yuan Guanghai is an active soldier. How can she listen to her command?"

Bai Xiaoqi said: "Sister Su used the telegram of the Military Commission. Our intelligence department investigated and found that although the signature of the telegram was Su Sanjie, it was Li Hainiu who ordered the report, and..."

Yao Fan frowned and said, "And what?"

Bai Xiaoqi bowed his head and said, "And we found that Li Hainiu has recently given Su Sanjie two gifts, one for silk and one for the gold ring. Su Sanjie has received it. The two are now very close, probably because Li Hainiu is pursuing Su Sanjie."

Yao Fan said, "Your intelligence department found it in time this time. This information is very important."

Bai Xiaoqi continued: "At present, the work of the Intelligence Department is relatively chaotic. There is all kinds of information other than military intelligence. We want to quickly delimit the internal intelligence of the organization to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or hand it over to *."

Yao Fan said, "There is no harm in crossing. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is now mainly responsible for the intelligence of civil affairs and the investigation of cadres. * It is mainly responsible for social security intelligence. Your intelligence department does not have to hand over this business to them."

The white flag nodded.

Yao Fan said, "Don't tell anyone about this matter. It is recorded in the top secret file of the Intelligence Department. No one is allowed to read it without my permission."


After Bai Xiaoqi left, Yao Fan was a little angry. He always regarded Su Sanjie as his sister and did not object to Li Hainiu's pursuit of Su Sanjie, but why is Su Sanjie doing this now?

"It's just for revenge, but in this way, this is an indelible stain, this black material..." Yao Fan shook his head and continued to think, "Not many people know about her things, and they are all from the upper class. She is very strict, but she is really too bold to do this."

"Li Hainiu now dares to bypass me and give orders in the name of the Central Military Commission. After that..."

Yao Fan's mood was complicated and he meditated for a long time, and finally decided not to move for the time being.


Beijing has entered summer, and the white sun has made people feel the scorching temperature.

British minister Witoma walked back and forth in the British Embassy with a folding fan in his hand.

"This Yao Fan is simply crazy. He does not allow embassies to enter and leave freely, British citizens to travel freely, and even ask us to go to his so-called Ministry of Foreign Affairs to apply for special diplomats *, which is simply an insult to us!"

Counsellor switz said, "I speculate that he will definitely refuse to recognize the treaties signed by the Qing Emperor before and other countries. Your Excellency, your decision is correct. We should indeed send troops to China."

Witoma said fiercely, "It's a pity that we started late. When he made trouble in Qingdao, he should have sent the troops of the East India Company to land in Yantai."

Sweitz said: "At that time, no one would believe that a rebel army would develop to the scale it is today. Their newspaper People's Daily said that they already have 300,000 troops, which is terrible."

Vitoma shook his head and said, "It's just a mob. Didn't the former Taiping Heavenly Kingdom claim to have two million troops, and it was finally wiped out? Now they have not killed the emperor and the empress dowager. According to my information, the emperor and the empress dowager are in the palace*. They are safe, but they are imprisoned.

Swiates said, "I don't know how many troops the East India Company will send this time? If the East India Company does not take action immediately, it may take large-scale military action. In that case, it will probably choose to attack in the autumn.

Witoma said, "Wait, I think the East India Company will quickly coordinate all forces..."

The two were discussing when suddenly there was a noise outside.

Witoma was surprised to walk out of the three-entry compound and found that the British embassy was surrounded by armed soldiers. The soldiers surrounding the embassy were armed with live ammunition and helmets, which was obviously menacing.

In anger, Witoma stood in the embassy yard and scolded: "You crazy farmers! This is the British Embassy, a sacred territory protected by Great Britain. It is against international law for you to do so!"

A leading officer stood up and said, "According to the order of your superiors, if your embassy does not hand over the wanted criminal Yixin, we will close the embassy and expel all British personnel in China!"

Wituma was furious. Previously, Yao Fan asked to exchange Yixin for a British expedition, but he did not agree. Yao Fan had to expel the British expedition from Tianjin to a British cargo ship to Shanghai. Now Yao Fan actually wants to play hard.

"This is a serious provocation. If you don't stop immediately, you will be retaliated by the British army! All the perpetrators will be hanged!"

However, Witoma's stiff Chinese turned into a burst of sneer, and the soldiers scolded the foreign devil in front of them in Shandong dialect.

There is only one reason why Yao Fan began to adopt a strong field. 300,000 troops have completed the training.

On the morning of the same day, at the meeting of the Central Military Commission at the Wucheng Hall in Zhongnanhai, Yao Fan issued an order to liberate the whole country. 20 armies, 60 infantry divisions and 60 divisions were mortar battalions, ready to meet the glory and challenges in the upcoming war, exercise himself in blood and fire, and grow rapidly.