1875 I come from the future

Chapter 218 Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers Open a New Face 22

[218] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (22)

In order to avoid his confusion in place names, Yao Fan has previously promulgated a new method for naming national place names and administrative regions, no longer using the old name of the Qing Dynasty, and also adopted new place names on the map of the whole army.

In the Wucheng Hall in Zhongnanhai, all the members of the Central People's Revolutionary Military Commission have come together. At present, they have been assigned to the commanders of the General Staff, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the Central Military Commission. Through the clear division of these four responsibilities, Yao Fan, as the chairman of the Military Commission, has a strong The armed forces can effectively mobilize and manage various troops.

The weather is sultry, and the windows on all sides of the Wucheng Hall are wide open, and a gentle wind with water comes from time to time in the South China Sea.

Everyone in Wucheng Hall is sitting upright, with piles of battle plans on the long meeting table.

Yao Fan announced:

"The First Army is stationed in Beijing and Baoding;

The Second Army is stationed in Tianjin and Cangzhou;

The Third Army went north to Qinhuangdao and Dalian to garrison, that is, Shanhaiguan area and Lushun;

The Fourth Army attacked Shenyang, that is, the Fengtian area, and then controlled and stationed Shenyang, Dandong, Tonghua and Baishan;

The Fifth Army attacked Changchun, Jilin, Hunchun, Harbin, Qiqihar and Suihua. Qiqihar is the Ningguta area. Suihua and Qiqihar have Ningguta General Ecuo and Heilongjiang General Feng Shen stubbornly resisting. They must defeat them and quickly receive the whole northeast region and control all sides under the jurisdiction of the second general. Border residence. The ethnic environment in this region is complex, and there are many Mongolians and Manchus. The Fifth Army should pay attention to ethnic issues and strengthen national unity in the land reform;

The 6th Army entered Zhangjiakou, Datong, Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang, based in Shanxi, and expanded north at the same time, putting pressure on those princes on the Mongolian grassland;

The 7th Army attacked Zhengzhou, Luoyang and Kaifeng and took Henan;

The Eighth Army attacked Xuzhou and Hefei and took Anhui;

The Ninth Army attacked Yangzhou and Nanjing and stationed in Jiangsu;

The 10th Army attacked Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou and was ready to attack Shanghai at any time.

The 11th Army attacked Wuhan and captured Hubei

The 13th Army is stationed in Jinan;

The 14th Army is stationed in Yantai, Penglai and Weihai;

The 15th Army is stationed in Qingdao and Rizhao areas;

As a general reserve force, the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Armyes are mobilized by the General Staff to support the participating forces in land reform, and are ready to make reinforcements at any time to prepare for the future crossing of the Yangtze River to liberate the whole country.

After reading the basic deployment in his hand, Yao Fan sat at the end of the long table and looked at a room of "National Defense Green" and asked, "If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

There was silence in the conference room.

Yao Fan nodded slightly and continued: "The battle plans of all armies have been issued. Everyone should study them immediately and begin to officially implement them three days later.

In this operation, the mobilization of troops has been unprecedented since the establishment of our army. Whether it is road march, logistical support, ideology and politics, occupation and reception, and publicity activities, it is a great challenge. Therefore, the Central Military Commission decentralizes the forces as much as possible, allowing the troops to exercise the greatest authority within its ability, but all actions of the armed forces must be reported, absolutely obey the command and discipline, and the unorganized and undisciplined warlord style must not be allowed.

In the past two months, while expanding our army, in addition to paying close attention to military training, we have also established a pure and bitter political work force through complaints and three investigations, and improved and established soldier committees in various troops, which greatly promoted democracy in the military and attacked The arrogance of a small group of patriarchal military leaders in the army.

I would like to reiterate that the Party's command of the gun is not empty words. The political commissar of each unit should pay close attention to their thoughts and resolutely deal with those who emerged in war and fear death, and report the results. Those who violate the eight precautions of the three * laws will never be tolerated and punished in accordance with military discipline and party discipline. As the common order of our army, the internal affairs order, discipline order and queue order are the basis of our army and the guarantee of victory in the war. Who dares to take a step over the minefield and serve the warlords!"

The Wucheng Hall was silent, and everyone quietly listened to Yao Fan's instructions. In their hearts, Yao Fan was already an unshakable spiritual leader and supreme commander. Everyone also feels like a dream that they can rise to the top in a short time. They know that the root of all this today comes from their leaders, the gods in their hearts.

But Yao Fan is always worried that there will be individual ambitious people sooner or later. The continuous victory covered up all problems. After capturing Beijing, many farmers' leaders showed a style of greed for pleasure. Although Yao Fan has already issued documents to remind people to pay attention to their lifestyle, some people are still keen to buy houses in the capital, and some even accept banquets and gifts from the "enlightenment gentry" in the city. After strict investigation and dealing with several cadres, the evil wind convered. However, Li Hainiu previously ordered Yuan Guanghai, the commander of the 15th Army, to kill Su Sanjie's enemy without the consent of the Military Commission, which made Yao Fan feel that there were already signs of ganging in the army.

Yao Fan glanced at Li Jun, and Li Jun, the director of the General Political Department, immediately picked up the document in front of him and solemnly announced:

"According to the investigation and evidence collection of the Party Central Committee, Comrade Li Hainiu bypassed the Central Military Commission and issued an order privately. His behavior is suspected of serious violations of discipline. He has decided to revoke all positions in the party's army from now on, retain party membership, explain the problem within a time limit, and wait for formal handling opinions. Yuan Guanghai, the commander of the 15th Army, executed Li Hainiu's personal order without organizational procedures and was suspected of seriously violating military discipline and military law. He decided to revoke all his positions within and outside the Party from now on, submit them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for trial, explain the problem within a time limit, and wait for formal handling opinions.

After Li Jun's announcement, everyone's eyes showed a surprised expression, and many people suddenly realized why Li Hainiu, the former chief of the General Staff, could not be seen at this expanded meeting of the Military Commission.

Yao Fan considered that the expansion of the army was too fast and too fierce, and the elderly needed to coordinate and stabilize in it, so he still planned to give Li Hainiu a chance to reflect. At present, Yao Fan is still focusing on unity and educating the leaders of various forces. He felt that it was not yet time for the real rectification.

Yao Fan looked at the respectful and serious faces in Wucheng Hall, looked at the worshipful and loyal eyes they threw, sighed in his heart, and said secretly, "All I can do is remind and warn over and over again. If that day, some of you still continue to be like a bear, don't blame the anti-revolutionary movement. It's ruthless."

After the meeting of the Military Commission, Yao Fan kept holding a meeting of the Ministry of Political Affairs, emphasizing the supervision and secret reporting system of political cadres to officers of various units.

"Political commissar and Party branches at all levels should collect and report the ideological trends of all troops in a timely manner, and report the right-leaning anti-military counter-revolution in a timely manner. Although the communication departments of all military forces are now responsible for the political departments directly under the military, secret telegraphs of political departments must be sent by password..."

Yao Fan believes in balancedism under centralization. At present, the political quality of each army is uneven, and the feudal tradition of people's ideology is still relatively stubborn. Without internal supervision, there is no balance between power and personnel. Once there is a word, there may be a small hill of nepotism. At present, the army is expanding rapidly, personnel changes are frequent, and mountainism has not yet formed. It must be supervised and prevented at this time.

After the meeting of the Ministry of Political Affairs, Yao Fan attended the meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and demanded further strengthen the secret investigation and intelligence collection of all officials in the liberated area.

"The main investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now is the CPPCC officials who have been absorbed into the interim government to assist in the work, as well as the remarks and actions of a small group of people. This small group of people, including dismissed feudal bureaucrats, enlightened gentry, and scholars. Once these people are deliberately destroyed, a sense of smell will gather together. Counter-revolutionary forces, which will cause great damage to our great cause, and the secret investigation and surveillance of these people are necessary, and the arrest and trial of some people should be carried out jointly. There is basically no corruption among the Qing bureaucrats, so the focus of arrest and trial can be on recovering the illegal gains of these people in the feudal dynasty in the past..."

Recent meetings after another, Yao Fan deeply realized that Lenin was exhausted and extremely tired after the October Revolution.

After the establishment of the Soviet Union, Lenin found that cadres at all levels had different degrees of corruption, with senior cadres ranging from about 50% and grassroots cadres at about 70%.

Yao Fan knows that he absolutely has corrupt officials, which is human nature. If there is no firm belief and lofty ideals, no perfect supervision and audit mechanism, and no effective management structure, then this nature will devour a person's soul. When Yao Fan raised his butcher's knife to these people, he decided when he would take the national power.

With the military operations of various troops, the ancient Chinese land was full of revolutionary beacons.

The troops of the Revolutionary Army, holding the red flag and holding the portrait of Yao Fan, continued to go south, north and west. The battles progressed smoothly and rushed all the way. Wherever the army went, Zhan County seized the government, divided the land reform, judged the gentry, publicized policies, distributed brochures, organized villagers' elections, established farmers' associations, and established the Revolutionary Committee.

For a while, the gentry in the world were frightened. They never thought that Yao Fan had trained so many troops so quickly and quickly launched a march on the whole country. Previously, he was still busy purchasing foreign guns and cannons from foreigners. The gentry who practiced the courage of the countryside formed a level of combat effectiveness within two months. The sporadic resistance was completely destroyed under the iron flow of the revolutionary army, and all the gentry and officials who dared to resist were ruthlessly suppressed and executed.

This revolution is armed with the most powerful military and the most subversive ideological weapons! The destructive power of the feudal regime is unparalleled!

After the start of the full-scale war on August 20, only ten days after September 1, the army to the north had reached Jinzhou. The troops advancing west have captured Datong and Taiyuan and began to exercise military jurisdiction over the whole territory of Shanxi. Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and Luoyang in Henan were seized, and the land reform of the Central Plains was in full swing. The troops attacking Anhui went south along Xuzhou and captured Huainan. Jiangsu was like a broken bamboo all the way. The revolutionary army conquered Yangzhou and went straight to Nanjing. The land in northern Jiangsu was full of a jubilant wave of local tyrants.

The successful telegrams are sent to Beijing through telegraph relay stations set up by the Ministry of Intelligence, and the orders of the Military Commission are also sent to various troops regularly every day. The military momentum brings about large-scale social turmoil, full of landlords and gentry fleeing from the south, and Shanghai's concession is full of rich businessmen and dignitaries who have fled.

This scene in the concession reminds people of the Taiping Army period, when the Shanghai concession was also full of trembling landlords and gentry.

Wu Yuanbing, the governor of Jiangsu, hid tremblingly in a local merchant's mansion in the British Concession of Shanghai. He pushed the window and looked at the carts and accompanying domestic slaves on the street. He turned to his family angrily and said, "The world is in chaos! Yao Fan's demon words confused the people and swept the north, but no one could stop it! Li Hongzhang helped Zhou to abuse, which is extremely hateful!"

Wu Yuanbing's son Wu Fuxin said sadly, "Dad, if you had known this, you should have received Li Hongzhang's post at the beginning, and we also fell into an enlightened gentry."

Wu Yuanbing scolded, "My Wu family is a century-old family, with 8,000 mu of fertile land in northern Jiangsu!" How can this ancestral foundation be handed over to Yao Fan for nothing!