1875 I come from the future

Chapter 225 Artillery Cluster

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[225] Artillery Cluster

After more than a dozen calibrated shots were completed, the Chinese Army artillery cluster relied on front-line reconnaissance and radio guidance, and direct command under long-range optical observation, and the first round of 324 82mm mortars began.

Several of the previous school shots were very accurate, and even one fell into the neat infantry queue of the left-wing Japanese and American coalition, causing more than 50 deaths and injuries.

If such a gunfire attack appears in modern warfare, it will undoubtedly cause the soldiers to immediately disperse to hide and do everything possible to evacuate the area of the artillery attack.

But these days, the infantry pay attention to the courage to move forward in the rain of bullets. The British army can even stare at the valley of the opponent's line infantry like wood, listen to the drums and Scottish bagpipes, line up in a neat line, walk 30 meters in front of the opponent's line and then shoot, trying to kill as many opponents as possible under the first round of volley. , thus occupying the advantage of morale. These days, if you don't hit the deadly part, it is not fatal to get stuck in the muscles, because these days, no one in the world has studied the destruction effect of bullets after entering the human body. The purpose of the worm is only to shoot farther and more accurately, and does not take into account that the bullet itself is relative to ensuring accuracy and speed, redundant high-speed rotation to the human body. The damage caused.

While being killed and injured, U.S. Colonel Brown and Japanese Major Nokiori, who served as the command of the left wing, both believed that this was accidental and only by continuing to move forward can they win.

The British and French allied forces in the middle saw two shells falling in front of them. Although they marveled at the explosive power of the mushroom cloud, they were not afraid. Instead, they urged the troops to immediately line up and prepare to attack.

In the view of Naiper, the commander-in-chief of the five-nation coalition forces, since the Chinese fired artillery and fought so close, the artillery position must be one to two kilometers in front of the coalition, so they must immediately line up in battle formation. So the columns of the British and French allied forces in the middle immediately lined up in a horizontal line and advanced densely forward with the force of the horizontal line. At the same time, the artillery was ordered to remove the artillery from the horse and immediately launch a shelling position.

The left, middle and right wings of the five-nation coalition are all an idea. We should meet the enemy as soon as possible and fight as soon as possible.

The first round of volley of the Chinese Army Artillery Group began.

324 rounds* were continuously sent into the gunbox in a few seconds, and the sound of tinkling, dong, bang, dangdang, and the sound of the seat sheet impact rose and fell on the artillery position, like the king of Qin breaking the array of a clock.

12 mortar battalions received orders to quickly correct after one round of valley, complete ten rounds of valley in continuous correction, and strive to destroy most of the enemy's living forces in the first wave of ten valleys.

The roaring shell is too dense. The muffle design of the bullet body has become a decoration under such a dense launch, and the roar of death gathered in the air and woven into the first movement of the slaughter.

Napier also heard this strange voice, and his rich battlefield experience made him read that it must be the enemy's shelling.

"It's the roar of shells, and the Yankees really have a lot of artillery..."

Before the words fell, the rain of shells in the air came down overwhelmingly.

It's obviously day at this moment, but there is thunder on the ground with lightning, and thunder in the lightning!

The rain of dead shells suddenly covered the area where the five-nation coalition forces were located. The rain of shells rumbled and was magnificent, like the punishment of the gods, as if to show the majesty and rule of heaven and earth.

The smoke is expanding rapidly, and the water vapor in the soil is exploding to form mushroom clouds, and the dust is swept up in all directions.

Life on the land quickly disappeared in trembling, and a shell fell on the side of Baron Napiel, tearing it together with Major General Rafye, the commander-in-chief of the French army, and several young white officers. Countless steel balls and fragments flew happily on the earth with the explosion, harvesting a piece of life. Human dignity, emotion, action and language all turned pale and weak in this heavenly punishment of death.

A shell landed next to the horse pulling the gun, and the horse was instantly blown into a gaseous state by the explosion and thousands of steel balls. The iron cannon just unloaded behind the horse was blown into pieces and fragments splashed. The boxes and trucks carried by the artillerymen were martyred, and with the heavy smoke exploded by the shell rain, and the artillerymen had disappeared. Lost in the air, only the bloody smell mixed with pungent smoke reminds the world that there were traces of life in this slaughterhouse.

A shell happened to fall in the infantry hollow phalanx. The hollow phalanx in front of the center of the team of more than 200 people immediately fell radially on all sides, splashing blood and broken meat bloomed like petals. There are 18 layers in hell. This is the 19th floor. Twisted howls and painful chest sounds come out of strange places. Some sounds seem to come out of the hole behind the body, some sounds seem to come out of the headless throat, and some sounds seem to be squeezed out of the bloody black hole in front of the chest...

Guiba, the commander-in-chief of the artillery group and the principal of Qingdao Artillery School, looked at the battlefield that had been completely shrouded in smoke in the distance. The slaughter of the 19th floor of hell could not be seen in the telescope. There was only the orientation in the radio, and only the coverage was calculated in his mind.

"The No. 3 position should be quickly adjusted to strengthen the coverage of the enemy on the east side." Guiba held the artillery calculation table and calculation paper clamped on a thin and small wooden board with an iron clip in one hand, and a pencil in the other hand, quickly calculated while giving orders.

The second round of salve began. On the endless battlefield, new mushroom clouds have grown again. Presumably this fertile soil will not need to be fertilized for a long time in the future. A sufficient nitrogen infiltration will have the effect of urea. The soil will also be loose and breathable by the explosion of the shell.

The rest in the middle of each round is like the end of the storm, but it will soon be replaced by a new storm, completely shrouded in the battlefield under thick smoke, and bursts of flashes reveal, reminding people of the eternity of death in an instant.

At the time of the fifth round of volley, there was no noise on the battlefield, and bursts of hissing and burning sound spread on the land, and the smell had covered the pungent smoke.

Suddenly, Thor's shouting and roar were once again accompanied by the sixth round of shell rain, and the unstoppable king came to the world. The dazzling electric light tore the white fog and black smoke, and the dazzling flashed every moment.

Guiba drew a circle on the map of the temporary table in front of him and said confidently to the close guard, "Notify the General Committee that there is no need to fight anymore. Six rounds are enough. It's a waste to play ten rounds."

"Yes!" The guard looked admiringly at his leader and quickly ran to the tent where the radio station was located.

So with the order of the General Committee, the main forces of the four armies did not wait to besiege and could not wait to sound the charge. The sound of killing on the Jiangnan Plain was shocking, and the horns were boiling. The revolutionary army wearing green military uniforms and green steel helmets set out together and launched a general attack on the positions of the five-nation coalition forces. The torrent of soldiers was like magma. It quickly covered the battlefield of the left, middle and right wings.

"vomit!!! ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~”

A new soldier, like a vigorous pony, rushed into the central position of the British and French allied forces first. Seeing the scene in front of him, his throat immediately couldn't control the acid in his stomach and bowed his head and vomited wildly with a 56 semi-automatic rifle.

The position is full of broken corpses, and the rampage of the dense artillery cluster makes there almost no complete corpses, lacking arms, legs, and headless. The human limbs are broken at an unimaginable strange angle and hung on the torso by leather bands. It should have been a round head. It has become flat, and even only half of it is left. The white brain has become charred at high temperature, and the smell of protein charred sulfide permeates the air, as if countless rotten eggs have been broken and smeared on the spot.

Ge Shunan, the commander of the 77th regiment that rushed into the U.S.-Japanese coalition position on the west side, pinched his nose and said disgustingly to the guards, "The enemy has been completely annihilated. Our department is cleaning up the battlefield. There are not many intact weapons. Please be mentally prepared."

After saying that, Ge Shunan picked up a Springfield 1855 rifle that was broken by shrapnel or steel balls, frowned and said to herself, "Good things are white. This thing can't be used for the militia to hunt. How can this be captured..."

The former general committee of East China received a report of victory in a big house in Wuxi City. While reporting to the central government, it quickly decided that the whole army took Shanghai and surrounding Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Ningbo and other places with a spirit to pave the way for the next step south.

The central telegram soon reached the front line and fully agreed with the opinion of the General Front Committee of the East China Theater to liberate the whole South China before the end of the year!

In the process of cleaning the battlefield, the revolutionary army finally found a group of prisoners and executed them collectively according to Yao Fan's order.

With the liberation of Shanghai, the concession of Shanghai was also restored, and the Chinese fleet of the Royal Navy fled with a group of British rich businessmen in Shanghai and went south to Guangzhou.

The news of the defeat of the five-nation coalition forces in the Battle of Shanghai and the destruction of the whole army seemed to have wings, and soon spread out through the cable radio station on the ship of the Dabei Telegraph Company in Denmark on the Huangpu River with a submarine cable connecting Hong Kong.

By the end of October, the revolutionary army had captured the whole of Zhejiang, northern Fujian, northern Jiangxi, northern Hunan and eastern Sichuan. The general trend of the world has become clear. Liu Shenyi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, actually sent people to Beijing by boat, welcoming the revolutionary army for the peaceful liberation of Guangxi, Guangdong. Liu Changyou, the governor of Yungui, and Liu Yuezhao, the former governor of Yungui, who were dismissed because of the Ma Jiali incident, also sent people north to contact the revolutionary army, expressing their willingness to accept peaceful liberation in accordance with the conditions of the enlightened gentry. As a Manchu, Wenge, the governor of Sichuan, was extremely frightened that he died at his home in Chengdu after being occupied by the revolutionary army in Chongqing. His subordinates immediately went to the revolutionary army and expressed their acceptance of peaceful liberation.

For a while, the world was almost in Yao Fan's hands.