1875 I come from the future

Chapter 226 World Shock

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[226] World Earthquake

The news of the collapse of 20,000 five-nation coalition forces in China reached London.

The whole UK has been blown up.

Newspapers all over Europe are reporting this amazing news in a row, and British newspapers use "slaughter!" Conspiracy!" Attack by barbarians!" Despicable sneak attack!" And so on, some newspapers put all the responsibility for the defeat on Nai Peel, the commander-in-chief of the coalition, accusing him of being the number one fool in Britain. For a while, the streets and alleys of major cities in Britain were talking about this fiasco. At social banquets and dances in high society, rich businessmen and dignitaries were inseparable from China's war. For a while, the word China became the hottest topic.

The most radical group of militants scrambled to jump out, scolding the incompetence of the parliament and the corruption of the Ministry of the Army, while demanding that the British Empire maintain its sunless majesty by force and immediately form an expeditionary force to officially declare war on China.

The reason is that there is 15th in the first year of the first lunar month. China can slap Britain fiercely today. Tomorrow, in the British colonies around the world, the ruled locals will follow suit. In this way, the hegemony of the empire will be shaken in the world.

In contrast, those who were frightened by the shocking news have demanded that the rash land attack be stopped and imposed a blockade on China at sea, forcing China to agree to compensate for the losses of Britain and its allies, while looking for opportunities to come at the right time after being fully prepared. At that time, he used force against China again.

Their reasons are also very practical. The 20,000 expeditionary troops are not a small number, but only overnight! These two thousand soldiers disappeared like small stones thrown into the lake, and even the waves did not turn up a little. They claimed that since China has a population of 300 million, China's revolutionary army must have used sea tactics and rely on 300 million people as the basis for recruitment. As long as they give a bayonet to each of the poor people, they will have endless soldiers, and such an army can't finish killing. As soon as the British expeditionary force landed, it would be submerged by the tide of barbarians.

There was a quarrel in the British Parliament, and the main war faction and the blockade faction were deadlocked over whether to send troops again immediately. However, at this point, the thoughts of the two factions are still unified, that is, they must teach the Chinese people not to be arrogant and do not know who their surname is.

Since 1850, a party with distinct modern characteristics has emerged in the British parliament. The Liberal Party and the Conservative Party have successively established a national party department, established the party constitution, and elected the party's agent, that is, the party leader or party whip. In 1876, the fierce struggle between the two parties* system has taken shape, and the ruling Conservative Party has been criticized. The opposition Liberal Party has constantly criticized the ruling Conservative Party, claiming that the war was due to the reckless dispatch of troops by the Conservative Party and had no advance of the strength and intelligence of the rebels in northern China. Judgment and understanding led to the destruction of the whole army.

The Conservative Disraley cabinet has always adhered to the policy of territorial expansion. Under his anxiety, Prime Minister Disraley strongly asked the parliament to approve another troop dispatch. The Liberal Party firmly opposes and advocates imposing a maritime blockade on China and completely cutting off China's access to weapons from overseas. If Disraley's plan to send troops is approved, the army will receive special funds from the parliament to prepare for the expedition. The maritime blockade policy means that the parliament will increase naval military spending to cover its large-scale blockade activities in the Far East.

Disraeli scolded Yao Fan as a cruel butcher in the parliament, saying that China's execution of all prisoners of war was sinful. Disraeli also said that although China had not acceded to the Geneva Conventions, its behavior was not a civilized country at all.

These words have been widely supported in the parliament. Although the two parties have not been unified in the way of revenge, everyone believes that they must retaliate ten times against China.

British Queen Victoria also supported the immediate second military action to launch a full-scale war against China.

France was at this time in the period of the French Third Republic. From the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, France's chancellor was like changing broken shoes. One year after another, the current Prime Minister Dufer was already the fifth new prime minister. Dufer learned the bad news that the French colonial infantry were destroyed in Shanghai, and immediately Contacting Britain, he expressed his willingness to take the lead and join the next dispatch of troops or sanctions, but in one way, all military expenses must be paid by the United Kingdom. Duffer also proposed that Britain should bear the death pension of France's troops this time and give priority to the interests of France's colonies in Annan.

As a loan shark country, France eats the old capital left by Napoleon. 40% of the country's people are profit-making class. After the Franco-Prussian War, France was so scared that it hugged Britain's thighs tightly and did not dare to shake its diplomacy. Britain has become the political support of France, although society is clamoring for independence. Independent, but the senior government knows in their hearts that only by holding Britain's thighs can France be fundamentally safe, otherwise they can't live a good life.

After learning about the tragedy of the destruction of the whole army, Russian Tsar Alexander II urgently summoned ministers to discuss countermeasures.

Since 1810, the number of serf* in Russia has been like riding a rocket, from 83 times in 1810 to 596 times in 1850. After Alexander II abolished serfdom, the increasing trend of rural * has finally eased, but the feudal land ownership has not wavered at all. The aristocracy and The big landlord still occupies all the vast land in the country, and the serfs have only changed from slaves to landless tenants. Therefore, although the number of rural * has decreased, it still maintains a strange * frequent trend. With the spread of communism in Russia, the backward and barbaric Tsarist monarchy had to be exhausted and busy suppress it.

Alexander II was extremely shocked by the outcome of the Battle of Shanghai. Considering that Russia is currently preparing for the 10th Russo-Tustani War to be launched next 1877, Alexander II and many ministers and generals have reached a consensus that the 10th Russo-Tusian War planned by the Russian Ministry of the Army Strive for priority, immediately propose peace talks to China, make use of Britain and France's strong * field with China as much as possible to create favorable conditions for Russia's peace talks with China, take advantage of the Chinese people's idea that they do not want to attack on all sides, and try to make benefits in the peace talks with China as much as possible.

As for the United States at this time, it is only a complete addition in this painful defeat. The so-called fifty-eight and forty without him is the current status of the United States. The rising star country in the New World is currently experiencing serious deflation. The per capita currency circulation has shrunk from 50.46 US dollars in 1850 to 14.60 US dollars in 1876. According to the original historical process, by 1887, the per capita currency circulation will shrink to 6.67 US dollars. Yuan.

Under the manipulation of Jewish bankers, the United States is tied to the gold standard and cannot move, because gold in the world is basically monopolized by Jewish banking groups. By controlling the import and export of gold in the United States, Jewish bankers can play with the value of gold in the American market. Among the applause, since the value of gold can be manipulated, the value of the dollar linked to gold will naturally fluctuate. By manipulating the value of the dollar, the Jewish banking group has expanded wildly in the United States, implementing the acquisition of means of production, annexing industry and commerce, and then buying the United States.

Under such deflation, the U.S. government has no money to fight, so it can only scold Yao Fan's execution of prisoners in the newspaper. As for printing money to fight war, the United States does not dare at all.

This is a long story. In short, the Jewish international banking groups that make up the London-Paris-Frankfurt axis have been constantly trying to completely control the emerging continent by provoking wars since the colonial period of the Americas.

After carefully planning and provoking the Civil War, both ends of the Jewish banking group* borrowed money to the south and the north at the same time, encouraged them to fight hard and mortgage everything to the Jewish banking group in exchange for loans. As a result, Lincoln did not accept interest rates of up to 24% to 36% of war loans, so he issued it himself to the government The green bill of annual fiscal revenue as collateral finally defeated the South. Throughout the war, the north, which issued its own currency decoupled from gold, increased from 100 to 216%, relied heavily on Jewish bank group loans, and the south, which implemented the gold standard currency, increased from 100 to 2776%.

Lincoln tasted the sweetness of relying on the government's financial credit to issue its own currency. After the war, Lincoln not only refused to admit the loans owed to the South, but also wanted to promote green tickets that could not be manipulated by Jewish bankers. As a result, the American Civil War ended on April 9, 1965, and he was beaten to death on the 15th. American politicians were frightened and had to continue to use the gold standard. In 1966, Congress passed the Austerity Act under the manipulation of the oligarchs of international banks and announced the recall of all green votes issued by Lincoln.

Then talk about Japan. Japan died the most this time and suffered the most. It can be said that it is a profound lesson, but the Japanese have always had a strength and are willing to learn. Whether it is completely Sinicization or Westernization in history, in short, it has never been a historical and cultural burden. The reason is very simple, and the girl has no own Culture is speakable. All cultures in China are imported products and variants developed in China. Ya is also a small country. Naturally, the steamed buns that have been angry for thousands of years can't develop the stubborn arrogance of the heavenly kingdom.

After a violent beating in China, Emperor Meiji decided to unilaterally request peace talks from the provisional government of China for three days after discussing with the interim government and hoping to establish equal diplomatic relations with the interim government.

Mei's idea is very pragmatic. Britain, France, Russia and the United States are no match for China. It can be seen how rich this veteran leader in East Asia is! I am a country that has just begun to modernize, and it is so close to China. The more happy I dance now, the more likely I am to be punished in the future.

Meizhi felt that Japan was not as good as the Western powers, but also the geographical distance was limited and could not escape. Moreover, Japan is no less popular with the West than China in modern times. For the Western powers, on the one hand, Japan grovells and learns, and on the other hand, it is resentful and always wants to find the scene.

There has always been a group of people in Japan. Due to their history and geographical location, they have always advocated working with China to resist the invasion of Western powers. Now after being violently beaten by Yao Fan, this group of people are not resentful, but also ecstatic and run to tell each other. It seemed that all Westerners died in the battle of Shanghai, and there were no Japanese in it. For a while, the voice of Zunhua Xiyi rose again. Yao Fan's books and articles published in China were actually introduced into Japan by these eager pro-China faction who hoped for a powerful country. Due to the minimal cultural barriers between China and Japan, Japanese intellectuals all knew Chinese characters and immediately published them widely! Respected! In the view of the pro-China faction, Yao Fan is a rare hero in China for thousands of years.

Meiji finally decided to send a plenipotentiary to negotiate with the Chinese envoy in China, hoping to get peace and friendship, so as to get the opportunity to learn modern industrial science from China.

Mei saw a lot of Chinese goods during this period, and I felt an eye-opening and amazed. I found that whether it was watches, thermos bottles, bicycles, dyes, high-quality cotton cloth of various patterns, or even small things such as pens, none of them were made in Japan. The Lanxue school in Japan is also dumbfounded. These industrial products can't even be made in Europe and the United States, let alone those Lanxists who learn Western fur.

After full discussion, the cabinet believes that there is no doubt that the Yao Fan government in northern China will change China into a dynasty. The military strength of this new government is so terrible that it is difficult for Japan to win on land unless it devotes its national efforts.

There is no doubt that 20,000 people of the Five-Nation Alliance were annihilated in World War I! The influence of such news in the 19th century was like a blockbuster, which not only deeply shocked and intimidated the five countries participating in the war against China, but also spread its profound ideological and political significance rapidly.

This is an era when the global literacy rate is not high. Reading and literacy are intellectuals in many countries. After learning the amazing news that the Chinese revolutionary army was fighting to annihilate the five-nation coalition forces, countless oppressed nations and countries, especially in areas under Western colonial rule, where intellectuals have turned to China one after another Looking at me with surprise and curiosity, I hope to know as much as possible about this country in the far east.