1875 I come from the future

Chapter 230 180,000 hands of gold

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[230] 180,000 hands of gold

Li Hongzhang's courteous talks with Japanese minister Mori were not so smooth, because Yao Fan's requirements for Japan were more demanding than Russia.

In Yao Fan's view, diplomacy is to put it bluntly, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, and looking at people's dishes.

On the one hand, Russia is a big bear in the north and has a vast land border with China. Before Yao Fan completely unified the country, only by stabilizing this big bear can he better free his hands to improve the construction of domestic regime. More importantly, Yao Fan is still counting on Russia to fight in the Balkans and find something to do for Britain and France. At this time, it is obviously not appropriate to add obstacles to Alexander II.

But Japan is different.

First of all, as an Asian country, Japan is too ambitious and always dreams of being the boss of Asia. Although the Meiji people don't say anything now, how can they deceive Yao Fan?

Secondly, Japan does not have the ability to help Yao Fan contain Britain and France, and Yao Fan certainly does not have the time to help Japan get rid of the unequal treaties imposed on it by Western powers such as Britain and France, so there is no reciprocity.

Thirdly, Japan now occupies Ryukyu and still remembers this fat meat. They are full of hope that the embankment will be lost and supplemented by external expansion to make up for the suppression of themselves by the unequal treaties imposed on it by Western powers. In this way, the contradiction between China and Japan in practical interests is simply irreconcilable.

Therefore, Yao Fan's request to Li Hongzhang is that if Japan wants to coexist peacefully, Japan must first do three things. First, return it to Ryukyu; second, it will compensate China's 500,000 taels of silver as a loss of military expenses. This is exactly the amount of compensation to Japan by the Sino-Japanese Treaty of 1874. Third, abolish the Jianghua Treaty forced by Japan.

Li Hongzhang looked at these three conditions offered by Yao Fan. Good guy, it's completely a lion!

Lao Li was anxious at that time: "As harsh as possible, can the Japanese agree?"

Yao Fan said, "Mr. Li just told the Japanese that if you want to establish peaceful and friendly diplomatic relations with China, you must be based on the non-aggression of both sides. It is impossible to take advantage of yourself and be obedient! If Japan settles the old accounts, China and Japan will be negotiable in the future, otherwise we will not finish it.

Li Hongzhang frowned and said nothing. He knew that Yao Fan had a terrible logic about diplomatic relations between countries. The young man's thoughts in front of him were as deep as cosmic stars. He actually divided state relations into extremely complex definitions.

When Li Hongzhang first got the brochure on the definition of diplomatic relations sent by Yao Fan, he suddenly smacked his tongue. According to the practices of later generations, Yao Fan divided diplomatic relations into simple diplomacy, good-neighborliness, mutually beneficial relations, partnerships, strategic partnerships, strategic partners, comprehensive strategic partners, comprehensive strategic partners, comprehensive strategic cooperation partners, and all-round strategic partnerships... After Li Hongzhang read it deeply, Only then did I understand the subtle differences.

"Chairman, the new government has not sent ambassadors to any country at present, and no country has submitted a letter of state to us. Even in Germany, which trades closely with us, their emperor's credentials have not arrived yet."

Yao Fan smiled confidently and said, "Diplomatic relations are better than abuse. Don't care. A truly friendly country with China needs time and events to test."

According to Yao Fan's instructions, Li Hongzhang went to negotiate with Sen, the Japanese minister in China, and as soon as he came up, he fell into an impasse.

Mori means that the two sides are not to blame for their past. China continues to maintain the equal relationship with Japan as agreed in the previous Beijing Treaty of 1874, and also continues to impose the current 5% tariff on Japan.

Li Hongzhang said that in order to resume normal exchanges, we have to agree to Yao Fan's three requirements. As for tariffs, it needs to be discussed separately. At present, China's customs sovereignty has been nationalized and is no longer held by foreigners. The new import and export tax rate for hundreds of goods is set by the General Administration of Customs. As for the most-nation treatment of trade It requires a one-year trial, approved by the president, and only given to the closest friendly countries or strategic partners.

In this way, the two sides can only fall into a stalemate.

Yao Fan arranged all kinds of busy affairs. On November 16, 1876, he took the special tractor fleet that currently belonged to him. Some cars led people, some cars loaded with oil barrels, and rushed back to Qingdao and traveled back to 2012 again.

When passing through the warehouse area of Weifang, Yao Fan briefly inspected it and felt very satisfied.

Weifang warehouse area is the number one major event ordered by Yao Fan to be run by the Shandong Provincial Party Committee. Under the strong construction of a large number of migrant workers, the ground has been raised and consolidated, and a more than two-meter-high civil structure wall has been built on the periphery.

After Yao Fan returned to Qingdao, he traveled away with his goods in the heavily guarded Yaojiazhuang warehouse area of Qingdao. Because the Qingdao warehouse area has become a place for valuables to travel through time and space, a whole army is stationed here.

After four months, he saw Yao Fan again. His mother, Li Hongmei, was very excited and talked about it for a long time, but Yao Fan patiently listened to his mother's nagging. For the first time in his life, he did not feel his mother's words, but only felt warm and bright in his heart.

"Van Fan, why don't you come back in August? You missed the real concert."

"Which one is true? ...Oh, you said Zhou Hanzhen... If you miss it, miss it. Mom, no woman like me is at home for a month, and I will suffer..."

Then Yao Fan began to inquire about the company's accounts and the logistics warehouse in Weifang. Yao Peng told Yao Fan that the company has invited various experts to issue various project plans. According to the idea of preliminary industrialization, a large number of industrial equipment and raw materials have been purchased, including construction equipment, drawings and video teaching, all of which have been shipped. Arrived at the warehouse in Weifang.

"Great, the area where the warehouse in Weifang is located has been emptied by me and covered with a civil structure. I have inspected the Weifang warehouse area and measured it with an optical rangefinder against significant geomorphological features, which can completely include the geographical location data you gave me."

"Van Fan, have you really unified the whole country?"

Yao Fan nodded with a smile and asked, "Dad, how much money is in the company account now?"

"Recently, the speed of spending money has been too fast, and the price of various industrial purchases is not high. At present, there are still more than 500 million yuan on the book, but there are still more than 200 kilograms of gold in the Yaofu Gold Building. In addition, some jewelry has not been sold, which is almost worth 500 million yuan."

"Ok, I know. If you bring back a lot of goods this time, the company's books will soon be very rich.

Next time I come back, I will bring the goods from Qingdao warehouse area. You must remember to vacate the warehouse area and arrange security guards to be on strict alert. In the future, whenever I bring goods there, I will go to the Weifang warehouse area. When I bring the goods back, I will go to the Qingdao warehouse area.

"Van Fan, when will you go back this time?"

"I will go back after finishing the purchase. I always need it for half a month."

The family chatted for a long time and was happy.

Yao Fan never mentioned that he was married in 1876, and the golden warbler was pregnant. He felt that if he said it, his parents must be particularly sad to think that they would never see their daughter-in-law and grandchildren with their own eyes.

It's better not to say this.

Yao Fan came back this time and brought 181 tons of gold. In addition to the land reform during this period, it mainly came from the princes and nobles and the Grand Palace in Beijing.

Due to the rush of time, Yao Fan only brought 181 tons this time. In addition, hundreds of tons of gold are being escorted to Qingdao by troops across the country. In addition, Yao Fan also brought back a large number of antiques, calligraphy and painting, porcelain, furniture and jewelry this time.

According to Yao Fan's instructions, Yao Peng has now established Global Trade Aluminum Company into a large-scale trading group with a security company.

Because he became rich too quickly, Yao Peng was also worried, so now the family takes bodyguards to go in and out, and even Li Hongmei goes out to buy vegetables. Wherever she goes, there are two strong bodyguards in black suits and black sunglasses behind her. Li Hongmei felt unhappy. Now she seldom goes out. She hired two nannies to stay at home and bought five safes on the second floor to store her favorite jewelry collection.

Yao Peng followed Yao Fan to the warehouse area and spent his bodyguards. He opened the container and saw a box of gold inside.

"With so much gold, the safe of Yaofu Golden Building can't be put down! Not counting the antiques you brought back, 181 tons of gold alone, and there are more than a dozen cubes in the box!"

"Dad, it seems that Global Trade Aluminum Company needs to repair a vault. I estimate that the total investment will be at least 50 to 60 million."

"Yes, but it's worth the money. If so many antiques are damaged by improper preservation, we will become sinners. At present, the company's security subsidiary has the qualification of armed escort. There are more than 150 security guards, all of whom are usually in the warehouse area. More than 200 cameras and infrared alarms are installed inside and outside the wall of the warehouse area, so this warehouse area is still very safe. The vault can be repaired in the warehouse area.

"Dad, antiques can be sold slowly, but gold can be sold immediately. I'm short of money now. I need a large number of military and civilian materials."

"Then I will now arrange for the gold store to melt 3000 grams of 99.95 pure delivery gold ingots, and then send them to the delivery warehouse of Qingdao ICBC, which will be on the futures market tomorrow!

At present, domestic gold futures have risen to more than 350 per gram, and the folk atmosphere of gold speculation has been feverish. I don't think it's a good thing. It's better to take action as soon as possible.

"Dad, don't hesitate. Whether it rises or falls in the future, it is important to raise funds."

Yao Peng's calculation said: "1000 grams is a hand, one ton is 1,000 hands, leaving one ton for gold stores for their own use, 180 tons is 180,000 hands. At present, the main varieties of the Gold Exchange generally trade 30,000 to 60,000 hands a day. I smash the market like this, and it is estimated that the price of gold is crazy. Falling..."

Yao Fan frowned and said, "Then how did you deal with 18 tons of gold last time?"

Yao Peng said, "That's only 18,000 hands. Although the limited amount of the member units of the Gold Exchange is 5,000 hands, I asked other member units to help me to sell together in the form of physical mortgages. All of them were sold out in a week, and the physical goods were delivered when they expired. As a result, the market price could not come down at all. , is still rising.

Yao Fan said, "I think this price is the last madness. Generally speaking, the country's gold reserves account for about 10% of the foreign exchange reserves, and China currently accounts for less than 2%. Now the country is aware of this problem and is increasing gold reserves. International buyers are vigorously pushing up the price of gold at this time, that is, increasing the cost of gold storage.

Yao Peng said, "I think Goldman Sachs in the United States is the most popular in this wave of rise, but I'm afraid it's not a good thing. Previously, some friends told me that the last time I partnered with other member units to buy 18,000 hands in kind to trap some big crocodiles' hot money. Haha, I didn't expect that Yao Peng could do such a big deal when he was old. It's really a blessing from you. Since it's a foreigner who wants to rise, I will smash him down this time!"

After saying that, Yao Peng laughed and was very proud of his ability to smash the market now.

Yao Fan also smiled and said, "I have also seen the trend of gold prices at present. It's really like sorting out and shipping at a high level. Then I won't arrange anything tomorrow. It's up to you to smash the market!"

Yao Peng said, "It's useless to look at it. 5,000 warehouse receipts are not enough for me. Last time I asked three other member units for help. This time, I don't think three companies are enough. Even if I find another five or six companies to help and deliver them monthly, it will take more than a year to take more money out all. If I throw out such a full warehouse every month, I'm a little scared when I think about it now.

Yao Fan calmed down and said, "This is really a big trouble. It may cause big trouble. Let me try to find a way, otherwise I will smash the market for a year in one breath, and maybe it will cause trouble.

Well, you will take action in the market step by step tomorrow. At the same time, I will think of a way to see if I can find someone to help speed up the realization of this batch of gold.