1875 I come from the future

Chapter 231 Buying a Car

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[231]Buy a car

Yao Peng did not leave with his son, but stayed in the warehouse office to arrange the transportation of a large number of goods in different categories. Yao Fan left first.

Li Hongmei's new Italian high-end leather shoes for her son cost more than 8,000 yuan a pair, which is equivalent to the three-month salary of a migrant worker in the city. The shiny leather shoes exude a faint leisurely luxury, and the unnecessary leather soles are silently rubbing against the cement floor.

Yao Fan did not ask Yao Peng's newly hired driver to drive the car. He was not interested in his father's new Maybach 62S. On the way to the warehouse, he sat in the back and felt that it was no different from the business class of the plane.

He strode to the door of the warehouse and took a taxi home.

In the taxi, Yao Fan thought left and right and called Liu Zhefu.

"Hello, Manager Liu, hello... Haha, I haven't seen you for a long time. I just came back from abroad. I don't know if your Northwest Industry can answer the list."

"Mr. Yao! ...Oh, I'm looking for you so hard! I'm in Zhuhai now... The air show will close on the 19th, the day after tomorrow.

"I have something urgent."

Liu Zhefu was slightly stunned at the other end of the phone and immediately reacted: "Then I'll go back to Beijing now!"

"No, you can fly directly to Qingdao. I'll treat you to dinner."

"Well, I'll ask someone to book a ticket now, and I'll probably arrive in the evening."

"Well, call me when you get off the plane and I'll treat you to dinner."

"Mr. Yao is too polite. It's my treat."

Yao Fan turned off the phone and looked forward from the middle of the back seat of the taxi.

The north wind in Qingdao roared in early winter, and passers-by wrapped their scarves and shrank their necks on the sidewalk. Yao Fan suddenly remembered a text message he received on his mobile phone after he came back. It was an old message in August. As a VIP user of telecommunications, text messages will be retained within a year.

"Your mother said that you went abroad and couldn't come to the concert. I'm so happy."

Yao Fan shook his head at this brainless text message.

"I haven't driven for a long time. I really want to touch the steering wheel."

Yao Fan said to the taxi driver, "Don't go to Pearl Garden, go to Longsheng Car Rental."

Longsheng car company is not big, but it is very famous. The owner of the car shop organizes a local supercar club and often takes his car friends to drive millions of luxury cars.

Yao Fan, who drove QQ before crossing, likes cars very much,

There are no engineering students who don't love cars,

Yao Fan couldn't afford a good car at that time,

Every time I pass by the car, I always look at those sports cars through the glass.

When the taxi arrived at Longsheng Car Shop, Yao Fan opened the glass door that he had never opened for the first time and walked closely to watch the eight luxury cars parked in the wide store.

Yao Fan went straight to the nearest Porsche 911.

"Speaking of which, I have never driven a car with more than 300 horsepower in my life... The gantry crane with a single hook weight of more than 300 tons in the factory should not be counted... That thing... Hahaha..."

Yao Fan stroked the 350-horsepower black carala while laughing that he actually compared it with a crane with a sports car.

The car sales manager of Longsheng Car is a beautiful woman with long hair and shoulders. She came forward and smiled and said to Yao Fan, "Sir, if you like it, you can test drive the Maserati next to you. This Carella has been ordered."

Yao Fan's eyes lit up: "So I can test drive without buying a car?"

Yao Fan said, "I don't usually stay in 2012. It's definitely not cost-effective to buy such a good car for a while. Since you can test drive for free... This is quite cost-effective..."

The long-haired beauty looked at Yao Fan's shy smile on his face and was slightly disappointed. She didn't change her mouth and simply said, "Yes, sir, what's your last name?"

Yao Fan smiled sweeter: "Don't ask Yao, let me test drive that Maserati. How much horsepower is that car?"

"Eight cylinder 450 horsepower, 4.7 liter natural inhalation, Mr. Yao, let me go through the test drive procedures for you."

Yao Fan answered "Oh" in his mouth, but he couldn't help saying "Oye!" I was excited.

"Mr. Yao, wait a minute, I'll ask the tester to help you drive the car out."

Yao Fan nodded and opened the Maserati door. He was about to sit in and feel it. He saw a man and a woman coming outside. The man did not know him, and the woman was Zhou Hanzhen.

Yao Fan wanted to hide. He didn't know why, but it was too late and had to say hello.

Zhou Hanzhen was stunned when she saw Yao Fan and saw the man in front of her wave to her with an innocent smile. She smiled inexplicably, smiled back, and approached, "Yao Fan, are you coming to buy a car?"

Yao Fan is really embarrassed. People are such an animal. They can let go in front of strangers, and it can be seen that acquaintances can't wipe their face.

"Well, test drive." Yao Fan answered vaguely and quickly got into Jaguar. He ate his buttocks on the leather cushion and felt much more comfortable.

The young man who came with Zhou Hanzhen looked white. When he saw Zhou Hanzhen greeting Yao Fan, he narrowed his eyes, made an intimate expression, and came forward and said, "Maserati is a good car."

Yao Fan didn't say anything and ignored him at all.

Seeing Yao Fan ignore him at all, he continued like a demonstration: "My name is Wan Jun, and I'm Zhou Hanzhen's boyfriend."

Zhou Hanzhen frowned when he heard the words: "Don't you want me to accompany you to pick up the car? Hurry up, I have to practice the piano at night.

Yao Fanle was happy and still ignored Wan Jun. He said to Zhou Hanzhen, "Really, you have a new boyfriend? That's right, the young man is a talented person."

Zhou Hanzhen looked at Yao Fan's evil smile with white teeth and inexplicably became angry. He turned his head and didn't look at Yao Fan. He took Wan Jun's arm and said, "Get the car quickly."

Wan Jun was flattered and quickly said, "Okay, okay, okay, yes, hurry up and pick up the car." After saying that, he stared at Yao Fan fiercely.

Yao Fan didn't pay attention to him at all and went to the front desk to sign a test drive agreement with the car sales lady.

The tester carefully opened the 2012 Maserati GT out of the side door of the hall. Yao Fan chose the sports mode and stepped on the clutch and lightly bombarded the accelerator. In the low engine roar, the engine speed quickly broke through 2,000.

"That's good." Yao Fandao.

"Sir, be careful, this car accelerates too fast. Take it easy." The test driver said cautiously.

Yao Fan circled around the nearby block a few times and listened to the moving roar of the engine. Although he was not enough to experience the scream and wild oil replenishment of the engine, he also felt quite satisfied under the strong push back feeling.

After driving the car back to the exhibition hall, Yao Fan sincerely said to the long-haired beauty of the car sales manager, "Do you rent a sports car here?"

The long-haired beauty said with her big eyes open indifferently, "I'm sorry, sir, we don't rent a car here."

Yao Fan thought it was true, and he was a little disappointed to take out the business card given to him by the long-haired beauty.

"Thank you...Miss Mary."

"You're welcome."

After having a good time, Yao Fan nodded politely and smiled shyly. He heard Wan Jun in the hall talking to Zhou Hanzhen Taotao about his research on sports cars, delicious food and red wine, and introduced some delicacies that Yao Fan had never heard of.

"Really, Porsche's transliteration is too rustic. This word is actually pronounced as 'Pasha'. Isn't it cool, hehe?"

Yao Fan shook his head slightly with a bitter smile and was about to leave when Wan Jun's voice suddenly raised behind him: "Chinese people are like this. As soon as they see that the test drive is free, they want to take advantage of a little advantage. It really makes you laugh. You must have never seen such a person in the United States. There's nothing you can do. That's the quality of Chinese people.

The smile on Yao Fan's face disappeared, and the footsteps walking out of the door also stopped.

Yao Fan thought his self-restraint was already very good, but he didn't expect to be provoked by other people's words.

He shouted to himself in his heart, "Don't pay attention to that nonsense! Don't pay attention to that bag! That SB may be a trust!"

But he couldn't help turning around and walking back to the long-haired beauty Mary: "Do you have a car you can pick up today?"

Mary was slightly stunned.

As a professional car sales manager, she has met countless people. From Yao Fan, she could see the calm and generous style at a glance. This tall and strong man had a magnificent momentum. When he didn't speak, his kind and calm eyes were full and upright, and his white teeth when he smiled looked evil wild.

Mary knows that this person must be very identifiable.

Therefore, although she saw that Yao Fan was not here to buy a car today, she did not mind and entertained him to have a test drive experience.

Seeing that Yao Fan was about to leave, Mary looked at the man's back with a slightly disappointed look and felt that the tall and strong man was full of wild power, a magic that made all women excited.

"Yes, in addition to this Jaguar, there is also a new Porsche Pamela in the underground garage.

Our store acts as an agent for all supercars in the world. As long as any sports car you have heard of has not stopped production, we can help you order it. Mr. Yao, if you want to pick up the car now, only these two sports cars are available.

If you are willing to wait, all the supercars represented by our store are ordered from the original factory and will be picked up within half a year.

"I want both of them. You can issue an order." Yao Fan said lightly.

Mary's scalp was numb: "This Maserati GT is a luxury configuration, 3.28 million, and the garage Pamela is 3.6 liters of top configuration, which cost 1.58 million."

"I'll write you a check."

Yao Fan took out the check and wrote it without saying a word.

Mary took out two car purchase lists and gave them to Yao Fan as soon as she got the check, and went to the finance room to call to verify the guarantee.

Yao Fan turned to Wan Jun, who was already silent next to him, and smiled white teeth at Zhou Hanzhen and said, "Really, I'm sorry that I couldn't attend your concert."

Zhou Hanzhen smiled and said, "There is no regret. It's good that you didn't come."

Yao Fan stuffed the car purchase in his hand into Zhou Hanzhen's hand: "In order to make amends, I'll give you a small toy to walk."

Zhou Han was really surprised. What happened in front of her was too fresh and dramatic. She stood still for a moment and didn't know what to say for a moment.

When she reacts, she will immediately return the car purchase ticket to Yao Fan.

"Yao Fan, what are you doing? I can't take it."

Yao Fan didn't answer and smiled, "You are my girlfriend. Why can't you ask for my gift?"

Zhou Hanzhen frowned and said, "Who promised you to be your girlfriend?"

"So you are going to be this blind girlfriend?"

Zhou Hanzhen said anxiously, "Don't talk nonsense. Wan Jun and I are ordinary friends!"

Yao Fan smiled and said, "I said, where did you find this quality young man?"

Wan Jun became angry and looked up and said, "Yao, get out of here!"

Yao Fan shook his head: "Get out of here and stop pestering my girlfriend, or I will be rude to you next time."

Zhou Hanzhen was really pissed off by Yao Fan. He dumped his car purchase list on the ground and walked out of the car exhibition hall without looking back.

Yao Fan looked at Zhou Hanzhen's back, shrugged his eyebrows, and laughed helplessly.

Wan Jun stared at Yao Fan fiercely and hurriedly chased him out.

Yao Fan laughed more happily.