1875 I come from the future

Chapter 234 Never Escape

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[234] Never get out of secret

Weifang Library District.

Originally, at night, it covered an area of more than 3,000 mu, and most of the warehouse area of about two square kilometers were silent in the deep darkness.

However, in the past few days, the night in the warehouse area suddenly brightened, and seven or eight-story-high lampposts were erected by the increasing number of PLA engineers here. The bright high-pressure nemine bubbles overlapped and shone on the area, illuminating the open warehouse in the wall like day.

On the periphery of the warehouse area, armed police sentries with live ammunition are closely arranged at a distance of 50 meters per person. Although there are few people in the warehouse area, they are all technicians who are installing various experimental instruments.

There are a variety of goods piled up in the warehouse area, including strict mechanical equipment and cement wrapped in waterproof canvas, as well as industrial components and steel stacked in the open air. All the goods are stacked in different areas and look neat and uniform.

At 8 p.m. on November 27, Yao Fan entered the library area and began to arrange the blood sacrifice array on the spot under the video of a group of researchers. At 9 p.m., the blood sacrifice array was arranged.

In the temporary headquarters outside the library area, Yan Jun and a group of scientific researchers in military uniform nervously observed the temporary multi-screen holographic monitoring curtain wall. There are many monitoring pictures and real-time data of various monitoring instruments on the curtain wall.

"Beijing Measurement and Control Center, Jianbing No. 7 has arrived at the working area."

"881 received."

"Beijing Measurement and Control Center, Environment No. 9 has arrived at the working area."

"881 received."

"Beijing Measurement and Control Center, Outpost No. 5 has arrived at the working area."

"881 received."

"The real-time monitoring signal of the Air Force Temporary Command Center, the experimental reconnaissance comprehensive aircraft 12112 has been sent back, and the target is locked normally."

"881 received."

"Temporary Command Center of the Air Force, the starry sky data chain has been integrated and the monitoring is in progress normally."

"881 received."

"Beijing Measurement and Control Center, Jianbing No. 7 has sent back a multi-aperture radar debugging signal, and each coding unit is operating normally."

"881 received."

"Beijing Measurement and Control Center, Samsung's on-or-track posture has been fully debugged, and the temporary work plan No. 104 has been implemented, and the monitoring time for the target area is 15 minutes."


"Beijing Measurement and Control Center, Samsung successfully entered the full power monitoring state, and the encrypted signal has been delivered to the 6684 base."

"This is the 6684 base, and the integrated monitoring of the sky has begun. 881, you still have 15 minutes."

Yan Jun picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand: "Yao Fan, you can start. You have 15 minutes."

In the library area, Yao Fan put his walkie-talkie on the ground and stood in front of the camera and lit a cigarette.

Through the monitoring screen, Yan Jun watched Yao Fan light a cigarette and couldn't help clenching his hands: "This boy! Do you know that there are 100,000 in the sky and on the earth for a second! Do you know how difficult it is to transfer three satellites and a scientific research and reconnaissance aircraft from a nuclear test base!"

Suddenly, Yan Jun saw Yao Fan on the screen moving.

Yao Fan took a deep breath of smoke, flicked his middle finger, and flew into the air with the cigarette butt of Mars.

On the combined screen in front of Yan Jun, the picture began to twist uncontrollably. With snowflakes and hissing noise, more than a dozen screens turned into blue screens in a few seconds. At the same time, Yan Jun felt a itch on his face.

"The sound wave monitor found a 0.5 Hz sound wave abnormality!"

"The ray monitor found that ultra-high-energy rays react instantly, and the wavelength is lower than gamma rays, which is an unknown ray!"

"The magnetic spectrum monitor found an abnormal ultra-high-energy magnetic spectrum, which exceeds the detection range and cannot be valued!"

The photon monitor found no photon reaction! Photon-free reaction! The target area enters a lightless state!"

"The electromagnetic monitor found ultra-high-energy electromagnetic release, and the magnetic control receiver was suddenly damaged and could not provide data."


As the data of each monitoring instrument was reported to the temporary headquarters one by one, Yan Jun began to tremble at the monitoring curtain wall of the whole blue screen.

"I believe it... I believe it!" Yan Jun didn't know whether he was excited or afraid, and he said.

Suddenly, a split screen on the right side of the curtain wall struggled to end the blue screen state, presenting a distorted ribbon image, and then struggled to return to normal display again.

In the picture, Yao Fan's original library area was empty, and only a bright and dark red dot on the ground flashed with the wind.

The monitor operator quickly pulled closer to the image, but it turned out to be the cigarette lit by Yao Fan. At this time, only the cigarette butt was burning.

Yan Jun quickly calmed down, abandoned the microphone, walked into the cabin behind a truck next to the temporary headquarters, opened a black iron box with a fingerprint lock, picked up the phone and reported the current situation to the 6684 base.

There was no hesitation at the end of the phone, and the superior ordered it.

The 881 experimental project team will be on standby from now on, prohibiting all external contact.

This experiment is top secret, and the participants will never be out of secret.

All the participants waited for the arrival of the top-secret special train in Weifang, preparing for the uninterrupted transfer to the 9215 base in Qinling.

Arrange intelligence personnel to monitor and protect Yao Fan's family 24 hours a day.

"Yes." Yan Jun responded with a blank face.


After returning to 1876, Yao Fan immediately contacted the guard regiment. According to Yao Fan's instructions before crossing, the guard regiment has been guarding outside the Weifang warehouse area.

The soldiers of the guard regiment had not seen Yao Fan for nearly two weeks. At this time, they suddenly saw Yao Fan coming out of the warehouse area and couldn't help but surround them all.

Chairman, when will you come to Wei County? Why don't you inform us so that we can pick you up? Duan Guoxin, the new head of the guard regiment, said excitedly.

Duan Guoxin's predecessor, Yao Fan's personal guard Niu Hu has been arranged by Yao Fan to serve as a minister. Duan Guoxin was promoted from among the soldiers. Like Niu Hu, he only has a private school degree.

"Thank you for your hard work. Don't say anything. I miss you too. Now notify the Weifang garrison and local cadres to organize the transportation of materials immediately. The weather in the north at the end of November was already very cold, and Yao Fan gave an order in vain.

"Chairman, the office of the library area is locked with the message sent by Beijing during this period. Please take a look." Duan Guoxin Road.

"Okay, I'll go and see."

Yao Fan returned to the office in the library area and carefully read through the telegrams during this period. He felt that the affairs were complicated, and all aspects of the work were proceeding in an orderly manner according to the deployment before leaving.

"Li Hongzhang's conversation with the Japanese collapsed..."

"German minister Barland asked to meet and hope to exchange national letters at a specified time..."

"Britain and France increase troops in Hong Kong to prepare for war..."

"The British warship shelled the Jing'an cargo ship of the Merchants Bureau at the mouth of the Yangtze River, causing serious damage to the hull and kill more than 50 people. At present, the coastal transportation of the Merchants Bureau has stopped..."

Yao Fan couldn't sit still when he saw the shelling of Jing'an.

"It seems that without taking Hong Kong and Annan, we can't cut off the northbound supply line of British warships. But the most important thing is to build a navy.

Yao Fan ordered the guard to issue a report immediately and inform the central government that he would return to Beijing on the same day.

Under the escort of the guard regiment and the garrison along the way, Yao Fan's tractor truck brigade arrived in Beijing on December 2.

After re-entering the capital, Yao Fan immediately began to deal with the remaining affairs during this period and arrange local construction across the country.

Yao Fan's meeting with German minister Baland was accompanied by Marx.

"Dear Ambassador Balander, after this exchange of credentials, the German Empire has essentially become the first sovereign country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Although the formal ceremony will be held after October 1, 1877, in essence, we have officially established diplomatic relations in advance." Yao Fan said.

You mean that the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China will be held on October 1 next year? So there are still ten months left. Why did you delay so long? Barland asked puzzledly.

"At present, the British are still blocking us. You must have known about the Jing'an incident, right? The British actually shelled our merchant ships with warships, causing more than 50 civilians dead and injured.

"I am indignant on behalf of the German government for this kind of British behavior. The German government believes that such attacks on civilians are illegal and the commercial security of all countries must be protected! Indeed, if you need it, I can help you coordinate. Barland Road.

Of course, Yao Fan would not think that Barland was worried about the death and injury of Chinese civilians.

Historically, after the occupation of Qingdao, the Germans used countless Chinese laborers to build Qingdao's underground military facilities, that is, the Qingdao sewers that later generations kneel down and lick and sing. These underground corridors connect Qingdao's military fortresses and coastal forts, which can reserve war materials and soldiers. Of course, they also have drainage functions. .

Later, when the Japanese attacked Qingdao, 40,000 people and hundreds of cannons were invested to capture the 3,000 German-gun project, which relied on Chinese workers to build with countless lives.

As for the Chinese workers in the construction project, they were undoubtedly thrown into the sea because they knew all the structural information of the underground passage.

Kaiser Wilhelm II said in his 1900 infamous Xiongnu speech, "... If you meet the enemy, kill him, don't show mercy, don't live. Whoever falls into your hands will be at your disposal. Just as the Huns under King Etzel's command are still powerful in the legends circulating so far thousands of years ago, Germany's prestige should also be spread to China, so that no Chinese dares to look sideways at the Germans.

When the Eight-Nation Alliance entered China in 1900, the German army killed and set fire to and plundered the Beijing-Tianjin area, and the bodies piled up and blocked the whole alley.

So in essence, Yao Fan doesn't trust any foreigners at all.

"Dear Barland, in the face of the threat of war, the best way is to respond with war. I don't think the British will accept your mediation until you get enough lessons." Yao Fandao.

Barland nodded and said, "You're right, but we can't watch the British expand the blockade. Once they target the current rapid development of maritime trade between China and Germany, we will suffer heavy losses."

Yao Fan said: "Through the reform of the new public grain tax system under the new land ownership system, China can raise enough government financial funds, so we are not worried about Britain's maritime blockade.

Of course, we do hope that Germany can show courage and strength to stop British maritime violence. But I'm personally not optimistic about it."

"I will talk to the British. In any case, they are not allowed to attack German merchant ships." Balander is a little depressed.