1875 I come from the future

Chapter 235 Oriental University

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[235] Oriental University

Barland went on to propose that China would switch to Germany to make new dyes, which was refused by Yao Fan.

"China can become good friends with Germany, but China's technology is only conditionally open to the socialist camp. Science and technology are related to the survival and future development of China. We can't trade it as an ordinary commodity."

After Yao Fan finished speaking, Marx and Taotao endlessly discussed the current situation in Germany with Barland in his mother tongue.

Marx hoped that Barland would tell Kaiser Wilhelm I to stop persecuting the German workers and workers' movement, stop arresting the Communist Party in Germany, and stop white terror against left-wing newspapers and remarks.

In the conversation, Marx's beard shook like a lion's mane, and his face was full of red light.

Since arriving in China, Marx has liked this country more and more day by day. With Yao Fan's military victory, Marx even brought all his family to China for happiness. Not only his wife Yanni, but also his third daughter Elena, the salary of the president of the Central Party School is 245 yuan, if only according to the exchange rate For example, it is equivalent to 60 pounds, which is enough to make Marx's family very rich even in London.

In addition, Marx's eldest daughter Yanni and his second daughter Laura, as the leaders of the European branch of the Labor International, enjoy the subsidies and activity funds issued by the Labor International under the leadership of China, and also live a life of worry-free food and clothing. Now Marx is fully committed to the scenes of the international communist movement. Organization and planning.

Inspired by the successful establishment of socialist regime in China and encouraged by Yao Fan, Marx and a group of international communists around him are actively planning to export revolutions to the world.

Barland hated Yao Fan's heavy use of Marx. As soon as Marx opened his mouth, Barland's face was extremely ugly.

"Since I can't get China's technology transfer #, please allow me to leave in advance." Barland got up politely, said goodbye to Yao Fan, and closed the door to Marx by the way.

After sending out Barland, Yao Fan said to Marx, "You are doing this by asking for fish and asking an imperial #nationalist for socialist improvement. You should understand that this is not feasible."

Marx said in blunt Chinese: "But I think we must have the courage to interfere in other countries' internal affairs."

Yao Fan was almost stunned when he heard Marx say this.

Marx continued: "We must put enough pressure on these countries not to make them feel that the great socialist regime is begging for their friendship. They should understand that if they want to be our friends, they have to make political adjustments and pay a price. The friendship they get without paying the price can't stand the test.

Yao Fan feels that what Marx said is also reasonable. This is probably the difference between Eastern and Western cultures...


In a blink of an eye, on New Year's Day, farmers who are used to being at home can't be idle. The establishment of governments at all levels and the construction tasks assigned by the central government have also been placed in front of governments at all levels.

At present, the construction tasks given by the central government to various places focus on the construction of grain depots and roads. Because grain collection and storage have been transferred from landlords to the government, all counties across the country need to build large-scale grain depots. Considering the huge amount of public grain, it is necessary to complete the centralized construction of grain depots in each county before the beginning of spring.

And the renovation of roads is an important work to dredge the national bloodline. Under the arrangement of the Ministry of Communications, it is required to be widened and raised on a large scale on the basis of the original dirt roads, and the standards of national highways, provincial highways and county roads have also been implemented.

The central government has put forward a generous compensation plan for migrant workers participating in the construction of the project, and provides construction funds through the discount distribution of brand-new agricultural tools, rubber shoes, cloth and soap.

Without land reform, the central government would not have completed such a large-scale construction task. However, after the land reform, the farmers assigned to the fields are full of energy. Under the material stimulation given by the government, counties, townships and villages have been assigned places to build migrant workers.

Industrial construction is also in continuous progress.

The construction of the roadbed of the railway line is very smooth, and the construction of small and medium-sized iron bridges and stone bridges is a relatively difficult point. However, with the support of Yao Fan's large-scale cement and steel, Xu Shou, Minister of Railways, with a group of engineers hired by Labor International from Europe, carefully planned, and the railway bridges along the line have completed the bridge foundation construction one after another and began Close it.

As the number one industrial base planned in Xinhua, the coal mines, iron mines, thermal power stations, steel mills, mechanical processing plants and chemical raw material factories under the Northern Industrial Group under the leadership of Xu Jianyin have all sprung up one by one.

In the suburbs of Beijing, the textile factory established by the Ministry of Textile Industry has completed civil construction and machine commissioning, waiting for trial production after the power is in place.

In the national construction boom, the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army wears thick winter clothes to carry out military training and military tasks.

According to the order of the Central Military Commission of the Labor Party headed by Yao Fan, the revolutionary army launched a larger military operation in January.

The armies took them to form and expand militia forces in the attack and marched towards all Tocheng areas and remote areas, almost completely expanding the territory of New China to the limit of the previous imperial rule.

All areas across the country except Tibet and Hong Kong were liberated, so the nationwide anti-bandit work began to be carried out on a large scale.

The bandits these days have no combat effectiveness compared with the revolutionary army with live ammunition. Although they have added a group of local tyrants and evil gentry who fled into the mountains, how can these mobs resist the machine guns and mortars of the revolutionary army? 56 semi-automatic fire shooting alone can defeat hundreds of bandits. .

Yao Fan, who is sitting in Beijing, is happy to watch the victory news every day through a telegram.


On this day, Hua Weifang, who was recommended by Xu Shou as the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, came to Zhongnanhai to report the good news to Yao Fan.

"Chairman, good news, the tower of Yuquan Mountain has been built, riveled and welded, with a total height of 26 meters! The 16 sets of steam turbine generator sets planned by the Beijing Thermal Power Plant have now completed the first set of power generation commissioning. In addition to supplying power to government agencies in the capital, it can also drive the broadcasting system! The first step of the broadcasting network you mentioned covering the whole country has been successfully taken. Hua Yufang's face was excited.

"How is the training of the personnel of the Central People's Radio Station going?" Yao Fan asked.

"The Banchang Hutong Multimedia Training Center under the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has completed the training of the first batch of backbone personnel. Now as long as the system is debugged, it can start broadcasting!"

"The political quality of all personnel must be excellent, and the confidentiality work should be done well."


"At present, the Ministry of Power Industry has not been established, and the postal and electricity have been centralized. Thank you for your hard work."

"What's the matter, Chairman, I'm really indescribably happy to see that China is now running a large-scale industry and science, who has never been able to participate in the imperial examination."

"How is the arrangement of Beijing's telephone system?"

"At present, the ministry intends to pull up the telephone network between the residences of central organs and department heads in the capital, and the first batch is about 200."


Finally, on February 10, 1877, the first public radio station in China and even the world was opened, and the first telephone network was built in Beijing.

On February 18, after the New Year, during the rainy solar term, the golden warbler gave birth to a daughter for Yao Fan, and Yao Fan named his daughter Yao Yutian.

"Zhaofan, my brother said that he will do his niece's one-monthly wine, and he always needs to have a lot of fun." The Golden Ying said while coaxing her daughter in Yao Fan's office in Fengze Garden.

Yao Fan thought of his father-in-law Huang Chengli and his brother-in-law Jinshan, frowned and said, "Your brother Jinshan is now the deputy minister of transportation, and his father-in-law is now the vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Is he afraid that others will not know our relationship?"

"Since you don't want to, we can do it ourselves." The golden warbler is very simple.

"Don't make any full moon wine as I said, just ask the kitchen to make more red eggs, send them to the people you know, and your family will have another meal to celebrate."

"I'll listen to you." The golden warbler looked at the doll in his arms with a happy face.

Then she added, "Li Hainiu changed his name. Do you know that his real name is Ji Dongyun?"

When Yao Fan saw that the golden warbler would not leave his office, he simply put down his pen and said, "What do you want to say? I have known his real name for a long time. When he was in Qingdao, he told me his details.

Golden Warbler said, "He and his third sister reported that they got married. One is the director of the Urban Construction Bureau and the other is the Minister of Health. Do you have to approve this report? Do you agree or disagree?

"I agree."

"Are you going to have a wedding wine?"


The golden warbler looked happy when she heard the words: "That's good. I'll call the third sister right now."


There is also a university established at the same time as Tsinghua University. Although it is quiet when it is listed, the establishment of this university is also of great significance. The name of this university is Beijing Oriental University, which is a university specializing in training foreign communist students. Referring to another time and space, the establishment of Moscow Oriental University plays an important role in exporting revolution.

At this moment, students from Dongfan account for the majority of Oriental University. After Yao Fan took Beijing, the officials of Dongfan's Beijing office were eager to establish relations with Yao Fan's regime.

Dongfan has always had officials and institutions in Beijing, but as a vassal state, it does not have the function of a consulate, but is arranged by the suzerain state to live in Hongyu Temple. After the Chinese Socialist Labor Party swept the world, the officials of Dongfan in Beijing suffered a great ideological impact, especially after the revolutionary army wiped out the five-nation coalition forces in one fell swoop, and were regarded as the hero of the suzerain by the diplomatic officials sent by Dongfan.

After contact with the cadres of the Chinese Socialist Labor Party for short, Dongfan officials quickly contacted Li Xi, the then #fresh king of the dynasty. Li Xi was confused and did not know what the Chinese Socialist Labor Party was. He only thought that China had a new emperor. When the emperor came to power, this person's name was Yao Fan.

What excites Li Xi is that Yao Fan openly ordered Li Hongzhang, who was negotiating with Japan, to propose to abolish the Jianghua Treaty to Japan, which is undoubtedly the refuge of the suzerain state in Li Xi's view.

So, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Li Xi resolutely sent 200 domestic scholars to China to learn the new culture of enriching the country and strengthening the army. These students were all arranged at Beijing Oriental University. They studied nothing else but Marxism and Yao Zaofan Thought.