1875 I come from the future

Chapter 238 Sea bayonet

[238] Sea bayonet

The roar of British naval guns sounded like drums in the sound of water. The three warships of the North Sea Fleet, Tai'an and Weiyuan, which did not dismantle the artillery, fought back against the British artillery fire. After rushing 2300 meters, they fired back with the bow guns of the three warships.

Haijing has three artillery, one 160mm and two 120mm, which are triangularly installed in the bow; Tai'an has ten small guns, arranged in the turret like a centipede, and there is only one 120mm gun in the bow; Weiyuan has a 178mm Krper cannon in the bow of the ship, 6 120m Only the front pair of MKrper cannons can fire forward.

So as soon as the North Sea Fleet opened fire, Griggin, the commander of the Chinese Fleet of the Royal Navy, laughed.

"These poor idiots, only three ships have just reached the range of the bow guns, and only 7 guns can fire. Hahaha..."

The British navy has a tradition. Each warship should be equipped with naval cadets. Even if it is a 500-ton gunboat, it has to arrange 6 to 10 cadets. The Eller Court is the flagship and carries 17 naval school cadets.

Hearing Grikin's ridicule, the five students and several other officers on the bridge observation deck in the front of the ship laughed elegantly.

"Your Baron, I think the resistance of these Chinese people has added interest to this naval battle, otherwise I really don't know how to report to the parliament and Her Majesty in the subsequent war reports." A clerical staff flattered the way.

Grikin smiled happily: "Halth is right. This is really unique." Griffin took a heavy bite on the pronunciation of the word interest.

"Report to the commander, the ship Haijing was shot twice in the head and one shot in the deck, and it is being repaired!"

"Report to the commander that the bow of the Weiyuan was shot and is being repaired."

"Report Commander, one person died after being shot on the front deck of the Tai'an mast."

"Report Commander..."

Unfavorable news came from the walker one after another.

Deng Shichanghu turned his face to the walker and shouted, "All the North Sea Fleet will listen to the order! Don't slow down! Raise the Z flag! Next year's today is the anniversary of the death of the enemy ship!"

Seeing five warships hit the artillery fire of British warships for nine minutes and rushed to 1800 meters, Deng Shichang couldn't help it anymore.

"Captains of each ship, order the unreinforced gun to fire! The machine gun is ready to fire the opponent's deck as soon as it enters 800 meters!"

Seeing that the North Sea Fleet approaching in the distance was constantly shot, but also hung the Z flag, Griffin was proud.

"These fools actually hang the Z flag...

The bow gun under the full-speed impact will fluctuate with the hull, and there is no accurate star at all. A few shells have not hit the great Royal Navy, and they even hang the Z flag desperately.

Haha, order all warships to change the high-explosive bombs and start preparing for volley shooting. Listen to my instructions, 1,500 meters to carry out the first starboard volley, hang the front triangular sail, three-quarters of the power of the main engine, keep the 7-bar speed in-place steering, and carry out the port side shot!"

Even in the Battle of the First Sino-Japanese War 20 years later, Dingyuan Zhenyuan's equipped large Krupak main gun can only hit 3,000 meters, and it's good to hit 2%, and no matter how far away it is, it may be.

The same is true of the Royal Navy of 1877, so Griffin has been working hard to carry out all naval guns within 2,000 meters.

Hu Yanyi sat in the bow of the river ship with his own artillery squad and another 80mm recoilless artillery squad, nervously aiming at the enemy ship. With the ups and downs of the hull, the huge target's jump in the optical scope became slower and slower.

More than 100 years of scientific and technological progress has made even the optical aiming system on the Army's recoilless guns much more accurate than the optical scope of naval guns these days.

"Pray!" Hu Yanyi roared.

Only listen to "Bah!" With a sound, 82 muzzle spewed white smoke with fire, and the exhaust hole behind the gun body also spewed white smoke.

Almost at the same time, another artillery crew also pulled the launch wrench, and the bow of the river ship was suddenly shrouded in faint smoke. The sea breeze brushed, and the smoke immediately dissipated without a trace.

All the recoilless guns on the five warships of the North Sea Fleet, Jiang, Meiyun, Haijing, Tai'an and Weiyuan, fired, "Bang! Buff! "Oh!" It was like the strange sound of the explosion after the gold and iron attack.

Standing on the bridge platform, Grikin didn't realize what the short cylinder on the bow of the North Sea Fleet was. A high-explosive grenade flew over, but it did not hit the hull of the ship, but hit the towering chimney!

There is a loud noise! The cast steel riveting is extremely strong in the eyes of the British, as thick as seven mm, carefully riveted outside the steel frame through cast steel semi-cylindrical, fixed on the deck with four thin iron chains, and the "great" chimney of the flagship Eller Court was blown up from the middle!

The power of the explosion was so powerful that there was a piece of death and injury on the deck under the chimney, and no one survived!

The huge explosion scared Griggin to squat on the bridge platform on the spot: "What! What is that! Damn, who can tell me what's wrong with the chimney!!!"

With the approach of the North Sea Fleet, many recoilless guns fixed the bracket with long iron nails on the deck of the warship kept shelling at a standard rate of 5 to 6 rounds per minute, and a high-explosive grenade shuttled through the air and flew to the Royal Navy. In less than a minute, all the warships of the Royal Navy had been shot.

Watching the huge explosion sound continuously on the enemy ship, Deng Shichang's blood boiled and waved his fist and shouted: "Have a good fight! Each ship must keep an eye on its own target!"

After being shot, the warships of the Royal Navy immediately found that the Chinese shells were extremely powerful. Unlike the British solid shells, the shells of the Chinese Navy were all high-explosive shells, while the Royal Navy's flowering explosive shells had a very short range and could only be used within a distance of 1500 meters.

"All shot!" Griggin could no longer stand the explosions on the warship and ordered the fleet in the T position to launch a zig at a distance of 1500 meters.

* emitted a neat and thick smoke. Forty-six guns on the side of the six warships of the Royal Navy fired at the same time, and forty-six shells hit their warships in front of them like rain.

"Two people were injured on the deck of the Jiang!"

Deng Shichang stood on the bridge of Weiyuan as if he had taken root, giving an unwavering order: "Don't worry about the British! Keep firing! British ships are also wooden shells, and shells are not as powerful as ours! Today, let's see who will smash whose shell first!"

Another high-explosive grenade hit the Ellercote. This time, it hit the sideboard. The wooden hull was as fragile as paper paste under the high-explosive grenade, and a large hole with a diameter of three meters was exposed on the hull! There are already four such big holes on the Ella Court! One of them was close to the water line, and the sea water poured in crazily! The British sailors responsible for repairing the damaged tube have no way to face such a huge hole!

Two 500-ton small gunboats of the British army were madly attacked by more than 170 by a large number of recoilless guns arranged on the sideboard of the North Sea Fleet because they were close to the edge of the column. Each ship was hit by six or seven rounds and was soon destroyed. In the * martyrdom explosion, the hull floated at sea. Burning, it is obvious that the whole ship is dead and injured.

The two six-class ships Pegasa and Abatros, which are more than 1,000 tons, were also hit by more than five high-explosive grenades each. The hull is like being poked by God's holy gun. The huge black hole is filled with smoke and has lost its combat effectiveness.

The barrel* in the partial ship was also ignited by the explosion of the grenade. The Pegasa exploded from the central bunker, and the whole ship became two parts. The rear part carrying the steam engine began to sink, and the front part kept rising.

The bridge of the Abatross has been almost flattened, and all the commanders have been killed. The whole warship is hanging with a devastated black hole, floating on the sea, still being hit by dense grenades from time to time, making a terrible explosion sound.

The stern cabin of the five-class battleship Cleopatra was shot, the dark wheel wrapped in the iron guard wheel has been blown up, the mast of the ship has been blown up, and the whole ship has lost power and floated aimlessly with the waves. A high-explosive grenade did not let go of the dead warship and was still beating it.

"Baron Grikin, the Chinese cannonballs are too powerful! Our warship was seriously damaged! As long as you are hit, it will be a huge damage that can't be cleaned up! We must evacuate!"

The staff officer on the Eller Court was panicked and shouted at Griffin.

Griffin was dumbfounded. In just two minutes, his fleet turned into a pile of broken wood, floating like garbage in the waves. Such a result was unexpected by him before the war!

"No! No! No! I want to fight with that despicable Chinese! Order the flagship to charge! Rush up! Beat him into a sieve with dense sideboard cannons!!!" Griffin waved crazily with the slender command sword given by Her Majesty, shaking like a mad demon on the bridge platform, but the remaining reason in his mind made him immediately shed tears.

"Oh!!!" Griggin finally burst into tears.

"It's over! China has the world's powerful explosives and flowering bombs, and such warships are invincible! As long as they enter their range, they will be completely destroyed!


Even in the face of battleships, I have to have the LeCote to insist on being shot more than 200 bullets without sinking, but the Chinese can destroy my flagship hull with one shot! That's four inches of oak!

Chinese cannonballs are made by the devil! It's the devil! The devil!!!

The Royal Navy is over... It's over!"

Before Griffin finished crying and rushed into the 1000-meter Caojiang, the crazy recoilless cannon sent four more high-explosive grenades, one of which hit the bridge. The mushroom cloud suddenly swallowed the deck, the smoke rose, the smoke dissipated, and the bridge platform disappeared. Griffin and his staff, together with several intern officers It disappeared without a trace.

On the three steam dark ship transport ships watching the battle in the distance, the British officers were so scared that they crazily ordered the turbine to drive at full power and quickly withdraw from the battlefield. However, the transport ship contained a large amount of coal and water. Due to the long supply line from Hong Kong, the warship deck was full of coal, not to mention the supply ships. , which is completely 200% of the carrying capacity. Although it has been consumed, there is still a fully loaded warehouse.

Deng Shichang has never been as vigorous as today, holding such a sharp weapon as a high-explosive cannonball, and he feels that he is invincible at this moment.

"Fight! Sink them all! Don't leave one, sweep it with a machine gun! Don't capture it!

The Meiyun Tai'an catches me up and must capture the British transport ship! Flag, if you don't stop the boat, smash them too! Try to wash the deck and don't break the hull!"

Chen Weipeng, the political commissar, had not said a word before, but at this moment, he finally couldn't help but be excited: "Old Deng! You are amazing!"

Deng Shichang held Chen Weipeng's outstretched hands and shook hands unskilledly: "Where, the recoilless cannon invented by the chairman is too powerful! It's a bayonet!"

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