1875 I come from the future

Chapter 239 National Time and Space Trade

[239] National space-time trade

When Yao Fan returned to 2013 again, his mobile phone was swallowed up by a bunch of text messages and unreed call reminders as soon as he turned on. Yao Fan checked one by one and found that most of them were inquiry text messages sent by Yan Jun every day. He wanted to know where Yao Fan was and whether he had returned.

Yao Fan's crossing site was selected in Beihai Park, but before he left the park, he was surrounded by two people in casual clothes.

"Hello, Mr. Yao Fan, Minister Yan has been waiting for you for a long time." One of them said.

Because Yao Fan once told Yan Jun in the underground bunker city that his next crossing was Beihai Park, Yao Fan was not surprised by the two people waiting for him.

"Show me your documents." Yao Fan asked.

After checking the documents, Yao Fan walked out of Beihai Park accompanied by the two.

Yao Fan asked curiously as he walked, "How did you find me? It's too fast. I was found by you as soon as I got here.

"Actually, Mr. Yao, we found you when you checked your mobile phone behind Ruifu Hall. Your mobile phone is equipped with special positioning software. As far as I know, Minister Yan should have told you this information.

"Oh." Yao Fan nodded and remembered that Yan Jun did say that the intelligence department had installed a location software in his mobile phone.

Three people walked out of the gate of Beihai Park, and two more people were surrounded by casual clothes at the door. The four people sent Yao Fan to the park parking lot like red in the east, west, north and south. Half of the vehicles parked here have been activated.

When Yao Fan put on a black bulletproof red flag, five black cars were driven out of the parking lot, and four Audis surrounded the red flag in the middle.

Yao Fan sat in the car and found that the car was driving all the way to the suburbs.

"Go to the underground bunker?" Yao Fan asked.

"Please use Project 6684 as the code name in the future." The casual clothes beside him reminded him.

Yao Fan took out his mobile phone and took time to watch the news on the Internet. In Project 6684, the mobile phone could not be used at all. Yao Fan has experience in this.

After receiving a phone call from Yan Jun, the convoy drove into the tunnel and drove towards the mountains.

It didn't take long for Yao Fan to stay in the conference room of the underground bunker city before Yan Jun came and the two shook hands enthusiastically.

"Yao Fan, you have been away for too long this time." Yan Jun complained.

"I have a lot of things to do there."

"Is it the founding of the country?"

"I plan to officially build the country on November 11 this year."

"Oh, that's enough for you."

After a chat, Yan Jun began a formal conversation with Yao Fan.

"Yao Fan, the strange phenomenon that happens to you is very rare, no! It should be said that it is unique! Superior leaders attach great importance to this! When you come back this time, the monitor will see you alone.

" monitor?" Yao Fan's face was full of confusion.

Yan Jun unfolded the newspaper he brought into the conference room, and Yao Fan suddenly saw the group photo of the new team of the Central Committee.

Even Yao Fan, who dominates the world in another time and space, can't stand the excitement and tension at this moment.

Yan Jun laughed and said, "Don't be nervous. After studying all the cultural relics and photos you brought back, the central government is very sure of your work in another time and space."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "I can't talk about the word work. I was not making up at that time, and the starting point at the beginning was not so noble."

Yan Jun said, "But the result is very good! This is worth remembering in history! How many cold and summers can people experience in their lifetime? How many people dream of leaving a mark in history, but no one is as legendary as your encounter!"

Yao Fan nodded: "It's really legendary. I don't know what the country wants me to do?"

Yan Jun held Yao Fan's hand tightly and said, "A lot! A lot!"

Yao Fan said uncertainly, "I... do my best."

Every word of the following events is confidential, and all participants are required to swear to keep secrets for life, never leak secrets, and never be secreted for life. The General Intelligence Department of the Army has set up a leading group for the construction of social civilization, which is personally responsible for the squad leader and serves as the vertical command of the team leader.

Yao Fan secretly became a member of the committee called the Leading Group for Social Civilization Construction and was directly responsible to the monitor.

At the end of March, Yao Fan returned to Qingdao. Before crossing back to 1877, he wanted to meet his parents.

According to the regulations of his superiors, Yao Fan will regularly return to the 21st century to report on his work every two months. Yao Fan felt that he had entered the establishment and his life was a little unfree, but when he thought that since then, safety has been guaranteed and can benefit two Chinese civilizations in time and space, he also accepted the arrangement calmly.

At present, Yao Fan is still the vice chairman of Global Trade Aluminum Company, and his father Yao Peng is still the chairman, but Global Aluminum Company has changed a lot, and the company has been replaced by intelligence personnel from inside to outside.

The original employees of the company were issued letters of introduction and sent to several large state-owned enterprises to hold corresponding positions. At first, the employees did not believe that a private enterprise actually issued a funny letter of introduction to state-owned enterprises, but as soon as they applied for the job, they were all hired, so the employees went viral in private for a while. Global Aluminum The company has been acquired by state-owned enterprises.

With the shellization of Global Trade Aluminum Company, the next step is indeed a merger. Northwest Industry silently merged the Global Trade Aluminum Company and officially cancelled this name. Yao Peng also sold Yaofu Jinlou, logistics company, security company and other assets to Northwest Industrial Group together with Global Trade Aluminum Company.

Northwest Industrial Group cleaned up these assets and sold the company and employees to enterprises in related industries, while Yao Fan was appointed as the president of the newly established Yaofu Logistics Group funded by Northwest Industrial Group.

This Yaofu Logistics has nothing to do with the former Global Trade Aluminum Company or even Yaofu Logistics Company, just the same name. As a first-class subsidiary of Northwest Industrial Group, it exists, but it operates independently and has nothing to do with the parent company. It is only responsible to the leading group for the construction of social civilization of the Ministry of Intelligence. According to the treatment given by the central government, 5% of the space-time transaction is given to Yao Fan as a commission dividend.

Yao Fan doesn't care about the formation of the company at all. In fact, he can't get involved. All the work is managed by the personnel of the intelligence department. The newly established Yaofu Logistics Group is essentially just a shell, which carries out social business activities in this name to cover up its space-time trade. There are less than ten people in the top-level senior office area of the headquarters building that the company has acquired and completed the renovation. These are soldiers of the confidential intelligence department, including agents who appeared as Yao Fan's secretary and bodyguard.

"Van Fan, get married quickly. Although the space-time trade is on the right track and you have fixed your schedule at both ends, if you don't have grandchildren for a day, your parents won't feel at ease."

Li Hongmei peeled apples at home while repeating the old story. For the apples her son ate, Li Hongmei insisted that she did not have to work for her, although the two nannies in the family have been replaced by trusted insiders by the intelligence department.

"Yao Fan saw that he had not gone home for two days, and the topic turned to the negative side and quickly said, "I'm going to find my wife, okay?"

"Where are you looking for this child? The real car you gave has been returned. The car key is in the desk drawer of your room. You are not at home for three days. What can you do, alas..."

"I'm going out for a walk." Yao Fanzhi responded.

People say that the more things they can't get, the more precious they are. Yao Fan used to be a little enthusiastic about Zhou Hanzhen, but now he is said by Li Hongmei, which arouses a trace of disconvinced. But when I think about it, I feel that I really have no fate with Zhou Hanzhen.

Although he felt little hope in his heart, Yao Fan still dialed Zhou Hanzhen's phone.

"Yao Fan, what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Zhou, we are neighbors and friends, can't I call to say hello?"

Zhou Hanzhen said angrily, "I don't have a haunted friend like you. The last time I saw you was a few months ago, right? He also inexplicably sent me the car."

"I often stay abroad for work reasons and come back every two months in the future. The car is really for you. You can't blame me if you don't like it, right?"

"Are you so busy? Returning to China once every two months is more tiring than the performance season for professional performers.

"I don't want to be so busy. Speaking of players, what was the response to your last concert? Did the professor from Beijing like your performance?

"The concert was quite successful, but Professor Tang said that my performance was too dramatic and Broadway. Anyway, it was not rigorous enough. It seems that I can't go to Beijing, but I mentioned it as an associate professor. Zhou Hanzhen opened the conversation box for Yao Fan.

"Have you become a professor? Congratulations! My mother worked for more than 20 years before she was awarded a professor.

"Associate professor, it's not interesting. I still want to be a professional performer in Beijing."

Yao Fan listened to Zhou Hanzhen's words on his mobile phone with loss, and he was also a little upset: "What a bullshit Professor Tang! I want him to recommend something! If you don't even understand the differences in personal styles, can such a person be a professor? Everyone's style is different, and I like your dramatic performance very much!"

Zhou Hanzhen giggled like a little hen on the other end of the phone: "You haven't heard me play. You're talking nonsense."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Isn't it just a concert! National Grand Theatre! Accompaniment of the Central Symphony Orchestra! Is May OK? I will go back to China in May.

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Han really didn't understand, but Yao Fan hung up the phone.

Yao Fan hung up Zhou Hanzhen's phone and immediately called Yan Jun: "Minister Yan, I'm Yao Fan."

"Hello, Yao Fan, what's wrong?"

"Well, my girlfriend is going to hold a solo concert..."


At the end of 1877, with heavy winter snow, a train from Qingdao to Beijing pulled a thick and white steam dragon under the vast blue sky and marched forward on the snow-covered wilderness.

"Chairman, Beijing is coming soon." Zhang Juan, the flight attendant of Yao Zaofan's special train, walked to Yao Fan and bowed slightly and whispered with reverence.

Yao Fan raised his head from the copywriting and looked out of the window of the whole train office box. He saw the snowfield spectacular and pure white and lovely. At this moment, he listened to the long whistle of the train in his ears, and his heart couldn't help butqi fu.

In a blink of an eye, the People's Republic of China and 21st century * have been carrying out national space-time trade for more than half a year. The land of China in 1877 is like high-quality seedlings soaked in nutrient solution, growing at a terrible speed.

A powerful power that can be seen with the naked eye is constantly providing forward acceleration to the People's Republic of China in 1877, making her sprint towards modernization like a rocket.

Ganghuang ridiculous greetings to everyone, I wish you all good health! Please subscribe and collect.