1875 I come from the future

Chapter 243 Hong Kong naval battle

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[243] Hong Kong naval battle

Deng Shichang, commander of the North Sea Fleet, personally sat in the command boat of the first fish #underboat brigade.

After experiencing the naval battle at the mouth of the Yangtze River, he is now full of confidence, and now he has understood the meaning of the secret letter Yao Fan gave him.

The previous sneak attack on the Iron Duke came from the 16004 fish # mine boat of the first fish # mine boat brigade. Among the 16004, the first 1 is the number of the North Sea Fleet, 6 is the type number of the fish # mineboat, and 004 is the battle number of the ship in the navy.

The surprise attack of the 16004 was very successful. Through a 50-ton rapid sea-grabbing flight, the boat successfully launched a 533mm large-caliber torpedo 3 kilometers close to the Iron Duke, hitting the stern of the joint fleet flagship Iron Duke.

Because the full displacement of the 026 fish # mineboat is less than 40 tons, the target of the boat is too small and painted gray, and the speed is ridiculously fast, so that the Iron Duke did not react until it was hit, and it was attacked by the enemy.

With the arrival of the end of the Iron Duke, the first wave of attacks on the three brigades of fish # mine boats has also been completed, and the remaining 29 rounds of fish # mines have been successfully fired, such as dolphins crossing the sea at a high speed of 1500 meters per minute towards the target.

Because the castrated version of the 533mm fish # laser range is extremely short, 2013 did not set the front, middle and back of the torpedo speed, but unified to a 50-node impact state with full power.

When this batch of fish# mines were castrated in the production plant under the Navy's 705, 705 completely couldn't understand what kind of strange country would require #purchase such a batch without wire control, but also shielding radio guidance function, without wake tracking, only with an active sonar probe, with a launch distance of 4 kilometers. Inside the "waste fish #torch".

But since it is a foreign trade product and a solid money-making project, everyone should work hard to complete the task. In the final analysis, it is important to quickly complete the production indicators of 500 rounds of training bombs and 1,000 rounds of live ammunition. As for how foreigners buy and use them, it is not something we worry about. But it is widely speculated that this is probably bought by other countries to blow up reefs...

Although this batch of torpedoes recommended the best launch distance by 2013 to be 3 kilometers, considering the follow-up pursuit of the Clippers, the actual fuel range of this batch of torpedoes is more than 10 kilometers. Once the radio guidance function temporarily shielded on this batch of torpedoes is turned on, there will be no problem to launch attacks ten kilometers away.

Even if this shielded radio guidance function is not turned on, as long as the sneak attack 10 kilometers away, as long as the torpedo is roughly in the correct direction, after the sonar is opened at 4 kilometers, as long as the enemy ship is in the front fan range and can be searched, it will still be accurately locked.

In this way, the attack hit rate is certainly not as high as the best firing distance with almost no bullets within 3 kilometers, but it is enough to ensure 50% of the hit.

Hong Kong is burning off the coast.

29 fish #thunder all hit the target!

Although multiple bombs attacked a target due to chaos due to the automatic locking of sonar, 29 rounds of torpedoes almost destroyed the entire joint fleet.

15 battleships and 4 transport ships of the Royal Navy's East India Fleet, 11 battle auxiliary ships in size of the Far East Fleet of the French Third Republic, 35 cargo ships ranging from 220 tons to 1,000 tons of Hong Kong colonial trading companies and shipping companies, and 65 ships of size have all been caught in flames.

As cursed by the British immigrants who failed to board and leave the port, the Royal Navy went to hell and was buried by the French Far East Fleet and countless British merchants and their cargo ships full of goods and property.

Because the naval battle of Hong Kong in the history of the Republic took place in the southeast of Nama Island, it was also called the Namma Sea disaster and even the Nya massacre by some people in later generations.

The reason is that these people thought that the strength at that time was too different. Compared with the North Sea Fleet, which was armed to the teeth, the old-fashioned fleet composed of these gunboats was completely slaughtered like lambs in front of the wolf attack formation composed of 30 026 boats of three fish # mine boat brigades.

Deng Shichang's energetic command in the command boat of No. 15001 026 fish # mine boat:

"The second brigade, the three teams obeyed my order, immediately dispersed and turned back after completing the first attack, and reorganized the formation in the predetermined sea area. The captains immediately observed the situation and prepared to arrange the second wave of attack targets of this brigade's fish #thunderboat. Be sure to annihilate the remaining counterattack forces of the enemy fleet!"

After Luo Fenglu, the captain of the second brigade, got the order, shouted excitedly on the radio:

"All the officers and soldiers of the Second Brigade of the North Sea Fleet of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army Navy heard the order! For the Republic! Assault!!!"

As an outstanding graduate of the driving class of Fujian Ship Administration School, Luo Fenglu was assigned to serve as a two-tube belt on a warship as soon as he graduated. When he was transferred from the ship to the fish # mine boat brigade, he was also in a mood and wanted to go home to farm. However, the letter from his hometown immediately dispelled his idea. Only then did he know that it was because he was in the navy that the Luo family, as a big family in Fuzhou, was pardoned as an enlightened gentry by the Land Reform Working Group, eliminating a knife on the neck of the patriarch.

When Luo Fenglu really mastered the 026 fish # mineboat, he no longer wanted to return to the previous steam sail warship.

During this period, he often boasted to his naval comrades who were newly promoted to the captain of steam sail warships: "Don't think our ship is small, but there are ten ships in my brigade, and it's no problem for each ship to fight alone!"

My torpedo is fired from the left and right. Cannons such as you may hit my 50-ton fast ship? One day, I can destroy a foreigner and a fleet! No worse than Commander Deng's performance in the naval battle at the mouth of the Yangtze River!"

The 65 large and small ships of the joint fleet are now nervously focusing on the strange and fast attack boats of the Chinese. The sailors in charge of observation on each ship found that although the three horrible fish #thunderboat brigade left at high speed after the tragedy, they strangely completed a head in the distant sea. The circle movement of biting the tail seems to be reorganizing the team.

After that, the speedboats that would launch horrible fish #thunder suddenly unfolded again, and the circles in three directions were pulled open one by one into three straight swords, rushing into the joint fleet again.

The joint fleet burning in the dead hell has no will to fight at this moment. The surviving warships and merchant ships have hung white flags one after another, and the copper bells on the ship are sounded by the sailors, hoping to remind the Chinese navy on the opposite side to notice that it has surrendered and can raise its hands.

The naval battle in Hong Kong is finally over.

The ancient and young Chinese fleet won a complete victory.

The good news of victory continues to spread to the heart of the motherland through radio waves.