1875 I come from the future

Chapter 244 The world is in chaos

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[244] The world is in chaos

The winter climate in the south is cool and suitable for war.

After completing the military operation to recover Hong Kong and Macao, the Guangzhou Military Region quickly completed the assembly and replenishment, united with the Kunming Military Region, and went straight to Annan with the strength of three armies.

The feudal army of the King of Vietnam collapsed under the attack of the revolutionary army. As the revolutionary army continued to go south, the land reform work in Annan Province began to be carried out in an orderly manner under the guidance of newly trained cadres who are familiar with the local language. The people of Annan who obtained the land were extremely supportive of the decision to abolish the suzerain country and abolish the province. , militias were spontaneously established under the organization of the government to provide transportation and logistical support for the revolutionary army.

Britain and France were struck by lightning after the naval battle in Hong Kong, and the whole country was shocked.

What happened in Britain this time** even surpassed the annihilation of the five-nation coalition forces in the last Shanghai campaign.

There was even a peace-seeking faction in the British Liberal Party for the first time, demanding peace with China.

Tredi, the leader of the peace-seeking faction of the Liberal Party, said at the interim meeting of the National Party Department: "With the completion of modern social system changes in China, the Republic liberated from the feudal system has become the most important force in the East."

"A country with a population of nearly 400 million suddenly got rid of the feudal era overnight. Its huge mobilization and the terrorist military potential contained in this mobilization will make it impossible for any European country to easily cross the ocean and consume huge logistical supplies and soldiers to fight against it."

Treddy said bluntly: "The sleeping lion predicted by Napoleon has woken up. He has slept for so long that once he wakes up, he will be full of the impulse of violence and destruction that needs to be released. Even if Great Britain is against it, it should become a witty hunter, instead of being brave for a while and fighting head-to-hand.

The Liberal Party Department argued for a while.

Kine the Liberal Party's foreign policy is related to who lost the 1880 general election. If the Liberal Party makes a wrong decision at this time, it is very likely that it may lead to the Conservative Party to be re-elected as Prime Minister and continue to dominate the parliament.

"I also think we can't continue to fight with the Chinese. Their population is too large, and the soldiers are almost endless. Judging from the fact that they have announced that they have 30 army groups, there is no doubt that they have the strength to produce their own new rifles and artillery. Take a step back, even bayonets Charge, that's also a terrible sea of people. Once a country turns from a feudal system to a modern government, I think everyone knows how terrible the will of soldiers is to fight. A congressman agreed with Teddy.

"Those damn yellow pigs should all be hanged! Great Britain must not make peace with this mob!" Voices like this are constantly coming from Liberal MPs.

"If the Chinese occupy Annan and complete what they call the return of the vassals, then the next one is Siam! Once they get Siam, our Myanmar will be directly threatened! And our Malaya! This will lead to the complete retreat of Great Britain in Asia! I must not agree to peace with the Chinese!" A congressman fired a map gun excitedly.

"The peace talks do not mean giving up Myanmar and Malaya, but acquiescing in China's acceptance of Indochina, which was originally a French sphere of influence. Siam, as a buffer zone between Malaya and Myanmar colony and China, must be retained. I don't think the Chinese will be stupid enough to attack. Siam, as an emerging republic, urgently needs to recuperate and consolidate domestic politics. Tracy Road.

"If the peace talks can ensure that Britain receives the same trade preferences as Germany, I can agree to the temporary peace talks." Another Liberal MP expressed his support for Tredi.

The Conservative Party is also facing this entanglement. Land and land can't be beaten, sea and sea can't be beaten. When has Britain ever encountered such embarrassment? In particular, the two maritime defeats at the mouth of the Yangtze River and Hong Kong simply humiliated the entire sunset empire. For a moment, all the British were wondering whether the sunset empire still had the ability to act as the world hegemon and maintain its colonies all over the world.

After being criticized by most of the members of the parliament, Conservative Prime Minister Disraley had no choice but to dismiss the former Secretary of the Navy and appoint Baron Walker as the new Minister of the Navy.

Paris, France.

At this time, the French Prime Minister was no longer Duffer during the five-nation coalition in the Shanghai Campaign.

Due to the fiasco in the Battle of Shanghai, the impatient French Parliament has elected Jules Simon, the sixth Prime Minister since the establishment of the French Third Republic in 1871.

The whole war report of the destruction of the French Far East Fleet and the capture of a large number of ships has sounded the death knelling bell for Jules's tenure, but even in the face of countless scolding in Parliament demanding that he step down, Jules Simon is still the British leader, demanding that Britain send more troops to Annan and protect France in Saigon. The colony and the trade port in the north of Vietnam completely drove the "despicable army" of the "shame ambitious Yao Fan" out of the land, or at least reached an agreement to partition Annan.

Jules Simon faced an extremely embarrassing situation. He not only had to intervene with Britain in the Tenth Russo-Turkish War to prevent Russia from excessively weakening Ottoman Turkey, to make the Slavs and Russia in the Balkans form a group, but also to maintain their colonial rule in the far east.

For the French people, the Slavic ethnic problem in the Balkans has much to do with him.

However, for the pheasant government of the French Third Republic, which signed a treaty of humiliation after the Franco-Prussian War, it has to compensate Germany 5 billion francs in 49 years, which is equivalent to 720 million taels of silver, which is more than the total compensation of the historical Qing Dynasty's Xinchou Treaty and the Treaty of Shimonoseki. The German army will completely withdraw from France after paying the compensation.

But in order to solve the Paris Commune Uprising, the pheasant government actually promised to raise enough money in three years by selling domestic products. So Germany sat and saw the French army suppress the city of the Paris Commune uprising. After that, France fulfilled its promise to sell domestic products under the guarantee of the Jewish banking group and gathered enough money to send the German army away from France.

At the same time, France has been completely reduced to Britain's younger brother, so Britain's affairs are equal to France's own affairs. Since Britain wants to maintain the homogeneity of the European continent and give Russia a little color, France certainly cannot stay out of it.

For Britain, the main reason behind the high-sounding rhetoric of maintaining the balance of the European continent is the hatred of the Jewish banking group for Russia.

At this time, London, as a European and even global financial center, has controlled the whole European continent through Jewish banking groups, and several Jewish families control the central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy and other countries.

But the only problem is that Russian Tsar Alexander II, a birdman, did not agree to the establishment of a privatized central bank. In other words, this led to the banks of Russian Jewish bankers unable to control Russia and monopolize Russia's currency issuance rights!

What's more abominable is that Russia only sought allies against the Jewish banking group by sending a fleet to support Lincoln, a rebellious guy!

Who is the dead Lincoln?!

This is a guy who dares to bypass the private central banking system and dares to deviate from the gold standard and rely on national financial credit to issue green tickets! This guy not only did not borrow usury from the Jewish banking group, but also usurped the rights of the private central bank, so that the Jewish banking group hardly made a lot of money from the Civil War - of course, after turning Lincoln into a dead ghost, the Jewish banking group finally took back their "full of pots".

So at this moment, the country that the most actual controller of Great Britain in the world, hates the Jewish banking group, is undoubtedly Russia.

From the assassination attempt of Alexander II in 1867 to the assassination again in 1881, Ya finally failed to defeat the monetary power of the international banking group and finally died. However, the fighting nation was that kind of character. Alexander III still did not agree to the private central bank. This is a lifetime. There are only two allies - the Russian Army and the Russian Navy.

Of course, this is all later.

Anyway, in a word, Britain must not tolerate the existence and growth of Russia, a country that does not open its financial market to the Jewish banking group.

So Britain decided that it must interfere in the Russo-Ture War and must suffer disobedient Russia!

Let's talk about Russia at this time.

Alexander II was extremely shocked by China's military victory!

He also had doubts about whether China would foolishly serve as a gun for Russia, even after Yao Fan agreed to send troops to Annan, constantly urging China to speed up military deployment.

But now the war report has come that Alexander II hardly believes his own eyes. The Chinese not only provoked France by sending troops to Annan, but also recovered Hong Kong and Macao before sending troops, and turned the British East India Fleet and the French Far East Fleet into scum at sea.

China's occasionally exposed and inadvertently exposed terror power of both sea and land has shocked the entire Russian upper class.

"I need a comprehensive understanding of China, no, it's New China, this People's Republic of China. I want to know what its economic structure is like, whose hands his central bank is, and whether he is hostile to Russia!" Alexander II shouted excitedly by blowing his beard in the Kremlin.

There is no doubt that in the view of Alysan II, an eastern country with a state-owned central bank and not controlled by Jewish capital, if it has strong military strength and can maintain friendly relations with Russia, it will face an opportunity to adjust its foreign policy. Perhaps the pattern of the whole world It will be different.

"Your Majesty, as far as we know, Germany is currently China's closest partner."

"If China's power is in the hands of a smart man, Germany under the control of the Rothschild family will completely annoy him and his people sooner or later!" Alexander II prophesied.


Yao Fan is currently receiving Germany's annoyance.

German minister Balander introduced to Yao Fan with an enthusiastic face: "Chairman Yao, please allow me to introduce this German banker, Sir Adam."