1875 I come from the future

Chapter 250 Loan to Russia

[250] Loan to Russia

Chinese Ambassador to Russia Xu Jingcheng met with Alexander II in the Kremlin.

The Kremlin complex integrating the four architectural styles of Byzantium, Rome, Russia and Baroque is collectively known as the Kremlin. The endless bell towers, churches, armories, internal guard camps, royal vaults, royal gardens, the Great Hall of the Aristocracy, the Royal Ballroom, the Tsar's Bedroom and other functional buildings along the Baltic Mount Witts constitutes the entire magnificent Kremlin complex in 500 years of continuous construction and improvement.

Xu Jingcheng was chartered by Alexander II to enter the Kremlin from the Tsar's exclusive entrance and exit passage of the Sparta Tower. The four-wheeled carriage passed through the deep passage under the Troy Tower and went to the Kremlin, where the Tsar's administrative palace was located.

This Baroque-style palace looks cute and touching. The yellow and white exterior wall is painted with bright yellow paint mixed with gold powder and inlaid with pure white marble as the window frame and outer column structure.

The six parts of the Kremlin are separated by a stone-inlaid pavement, surrounded by green lawns and chic trimmed shrubs. Spring roses climb out of the bushes and climb up the baroque white marble columns, which is a fairy tale-like scene.

The six parts of the Kremlin are different. The highest is five floors, and the shortest is two floors, but the five floors are not high and the two floors are not short. Alexander II received Xu Jingcheng in the main hall on the two floors. The first floor of the main hall on these two floors is eight meters high.

"Your Majesty, this is the letter sent to you by President Yao this morning, which has been translated into Russian. Please read it." Xu Jingcheng wears a silver-white tie, which is polite and heroic. His body is equipped with Busen leather shoes, which looks handsome and fashionable.

Alexander II took Yao Fan's secret telegram and looked at it. He couldn't help meditating and looking at Xu Jingcheng in fashion.

With the taste of high aristocrats, he appreciates Xu Jingcheng's casual jacket, which is simple and playful, especially the silver tie, which is very elegant, but it doesn't look like a grand formal dress.

"I think Chinese people think Western dresses are such casual coats."

Alexander II returned to the topic: "Ambassador Xu, your country proposed to offer a low-interest loan of 20 million yuan to Russia with an annual interest rate of 10%, which can only be used to buy Chinese industrial products in exchange for Russia's non-compromising Britain. What are the benefits to China?"

Xu Jingcheng said: "The Russian navy's right of free passage in the Bosphorus is of great significance to China. If Russia can have a certain degree of voice in the eastern Mediterranean, especially at the mouth of the Suez Canal, then Britain will never safely transfer a large number of land and navy to India and Southeast Asia."

"President Yao appreciates Russia's one-time liquidation of 200,000 rubles for China's dispatch of troops to Annan. He believes that Russia is a trustworthy country and is willing to carry out deeper exchanges and cooperation with Russia. Generally speaking, it is to expand the common interests of the two countries and strengthen bilateral economic and trade exchanges. Handle border disputes well.

Alexander II nodded slightly: "Russia also appreciates China's ability to send troops to Annan to contain Britain and France from the Far East. As soon as the great Russia obtained its own benefits and signed the San Stefano Contract with Ottoman Turkey, Britain and France can't wait to unite Germany and Austria to put pressure on Russia, which is extremely unfair. In the words of your Chairman Yao, this is the hegemonic ideology of Britain.

"As you said, this is the truth. The San Stefano Contract was exchanged for the lives of hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers. If only because Bismarck and the bankers behind him shouted for sanctions, Russia would give up the mouth of the Bosphorus. Your Majesty, your prestige Where are you?"

Xu Jingcheng received well-spoken information from China, saying that Russia will choose to spit out some of the interests in the San Stefano Contract in the face of pressure from Britain, France and Austria, mainly to give up the navy's right to sail in the Bosphorus Strait, so that the four countries will not try sanctions and follow-up military operations against Russia.

You should know that Russia won a tragic victory in this battle. More than half of all the seven armies participating in the Tenth Russo-Tuile War lost, with a total of 160,000 casualties, accounting for more than one-fifth of Russia's 720,000 troops. Considering that the participating troops are Russia's strongest elite in Europe, especially the trump card Royal Guard and brother The Sack cavalry was killed and wounded by the most advanced British and French rapid-fire rifles equipped by the Turks in this battle, and the low rate of fire and low accuracy of the Russian rifle were revealed.

Alexander II, with a calm face, read Yao Fan's secret letter again, raised his head and said, "China will provide Russia with the most advanced drugs that can significantly reduce the death and amputation caused by wound infection?"

"Yes, our penicillin has been successfully developed and successfully promoted and used throughout the country during the Liberation War, with unparalleled results."

"Do you have the ability to provide all the urgently needed woolen military uniforms and quilts in Russia?"

Xu Jingcheng vowed: "Even if Russia orders 300,000 quilts and 300,000 tweed coats now, China can deliver them smoothly.

In addition, China can also provide Russia with a large amount of cheap sulfur soap, which can effectively kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses and prevent the army from getting sick.

And a large number of thermos bottles produced in China can also help the Russian people drink hot water in the cold winter.

China can also export watches and cloth, steel and cement to Russia, which are urgently needed by Russia.

With the support of China, the blockade of Britain, France, Germany and Austria is not worth mentioning!"

Alexander II has long heard from the Russian envoy to China that China is now carrying out comprehensive industrial construction and crazily building railway trunk lines across the country. Although he does not know why China can have such a strong steel production capacity overnight, Alexander II has long been extremely taboo. I'm abhorr of this giant dragon that woke up in the Far East.

"Ambassador Xu, you said that you sent me the telegram sent by President Yao this morning in the afternoon. Do you mean that you have assumed a secret telegraph line in Russia?"

"Wired telegrams have long been outdated. China now uses radios, and information thousands of kilometers away can be transmitted on the same day without relying on the construction of countless telegraph poles along the way."

Alexander II asked in shock, "You mean that you can send telegrams without relying on wires?"

"Yes, this great invention has been born in China. If Russia is willing to develop the alliance between our two countries, China is willing to export radios to Russia."

"How much is one?" Alexander II couldn't wait to ask.

"One piece only costs 5,000 rubles." Xu Jingcheng has been authorized by China to export telegraph machines to Russia. The technology of integrated circuits and circuit boards is completely an insurmountable gap in the world today. It can be said that even if you get it, you can't understand the structure.

Alexander II walked to the window, meditated for a moment and then asked, "What exactly does China want?" If China really wants to become an ally of Russia, you should honestly tell Russia China's intentions.

Xu Jingcheng said: "As I have conveyed to Your Majesty several secret telegrams from China's Chairman Yao, China and Russia have a long boundary line, and China and Russia are fast-growing powers. If we are in a state of hostility to each other, then Russia will not be able to control Eastern Europe and even Turkey, while China Plans to develop into Southeast Asia will also be blocked.

In this case, only international banking groups are profitable. They make a fortune by lending at both ends. Does Your Majesty want Russia and China to become slaves of international financial capital?

Russia wants to dominate Europe, and China wants to dominate Asia. If we cooperate, we can accelerate each other's goals. Our confrontation can only allow other countries to take advantage of it and divide up the interests belonging to our two countries.

Alexander II said: "China is now increasing its troops in Xinjiang, Mongolia and Northeast China, which I think is extremely unfriendly."

Xu Jingcheng said: "This is precisely because China and Russia have not reached mutual trust and have not reached a consensus on the border issue. Russia has been trying to occupy Chinese territory for hundreds of years, such as Vladivostok in the Far East, which were seized by Russia by force.

For historical issues, Chairman Yao proposed to look forward and look at it from the perspective of development, so China hopes to strengthen relations with Russia and gradually resolve the historical grievances between the two sides.

In this world, many friends are much better than multiple enemies.

Hearing Xu Jingcheng's last words, Alexander II emphasized: "You're right, Russia needs friends, but for Mongolia and Xinjiang, I think Russia must get some compensation, and China should not swallow it alone."

Xu Jingcheng's face suddenly changed greatly.