1875 I come from the future

Chapter 251 Russia's Choice

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[251] Russia's choice

Alexander II's greed and cunning are nothing more than a dominant mentality against China that has been formed for a long time. Xu Jingcheng felt that he must give a stern warning.

"If Your Majesty insists on his greed and obsession with Chinese territory and looks at the territorial issues of China and Russia with a wrong view of history and territory, Russia will not be able to get China's friendship."

Alexander II turned around from the window and faced such a resolute opposition from Xu Jingcheng. He weighed the value of the current Sino-Russian relationship in his heart and proposed again:

"I agree with the proposal put forward by your country Chairman Yao to look at the problem from the perspective of development. Although Russia never begs for the friendship of other countries, Russia hopes that the two sides can achieve the greatest degree of mutual respect and form a friendly relationship."

Xu Jingcheng understands that Russia's current foreign policy is actually an isolated policy, which is so feared by all European countries because of their persistent dream of a pan-Slavic national unity.

"Dear Majesty the Tsar, Europe and the East, you can only aim at one target. Russia's geographical location also determines the efficiency of your operations. You should be clear that any military operation to the Far East is inefficient. Whether it is military logistics or farming and animal husbandry, the Far East is not the best choice for Russia. ."

In the next hour, under Xu Jingcheng's lobbying, Alexander II decided to accept conditional RMB low-interest loans from China to purchase civilian biological materials from China to alleviate the shortage of domestic materials and the five-fold rise in prices caused by the large-scale war and the blockade of Britain, France, Germany and Austria.

Shortly after Xu Jingcheng left the Kremlin, Alexander II specially recruited his son, the future Alexander III, from the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, and ordered the prince to be responsible for the construction of the Siberian railway he had always dreamed of.

Alexander III is extremely obsessed with railways. Historically, it took him 13 years to build a Siberian railway with a total length of 9288 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, consolidating Russia's position in the Far East. During this period, countless Siberian nomads and Mongolians were expropriated as slave laborers, and the line was full of white bones. Because of the shock after the defeat of the Russo-Japanese War, the forced completion of the construction of the Siberian Railway did not end here, and the subsequent final project took 12 years to complete. The whole construction period is actually 25 years!

Alexander II taught his crown prince: "China's rise is unpredictable for Russia. At present, they have offered us bread and salt and are willing to provide us with loans to fight against the pressure of Britain, France, Germany and Austria, but what about the future? It is unknown whether they will launch retaliatory military operations against Russia's Far East. Much of the great Russia's land in the Far East, including Vladivostok, came from the war against China, and we must be vigilant.

Alexander III said: "According to the information sent back by the Tatar spies we sent to China, the Chinese are building a large-scale railway in their own country. At present, at least 300,000 workers are building a border railway in their north. I heard that the Chinese construction site is full of steel rails. It is incredible , they use all steel rails, not cooked rails!"

With that, Alexander III took out a card from his pocket and carefully offered treasure to his father, "Since the Chinese entered Mongolia, they have been constantly issuing this kind of identity certificate. Because we can't imitate this kind of card at all. At present, many of our new spies have been arrested and hanged by the Chinese.

The identity certificate mentioned by Alexander III is actually a generation of ID cards, which is a complete set of systems and materials provided to Yao Fan in the 21st century. At present, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Civil Affairs are establishing a household registration system and ID card information collection nationwide.

Alexander II took the card handed over by the crown prince. The small generation of ID cards changed with the angle, and the laser anti-counterfeiting pattern on it continued to be colorful.

Alexander II sighed: "I have already seen this kind of identity certificate."

Alexander III's expression was slightly disappointed.

Alexander II continued: "As the Royal Russian Academy of Sciences said, the Chinese currently have some extremely confidential technologies. According to intelligence speculation, these technologies were invented by rebel scientists funded by Chinese President Yao Fan's family in exile.

Yao's family established a huge and independent secret technology system by doing business and funding scientific research during the reign of the Manchu emperor overseas. They studied these secret science and technology, launched a rebellion for his family to return to China, and regained power from the Tatars, and played the most It plays a key role."

Alexander III clenched his fist and said to his father with encouragement: "Russia should strengthen intelligence work and strive to get these technologies from China!"

In the past two years, I have found that the goods now produced in China have become an indispensable necessity for nobles. From St. Petersburg to Moscow, nobles now have to take thermos bottles made in China when they travel and take three sets of cars.

Everyone is proud of wearing the small and thin watch made in China on their wrists; they like to use Chinese-made fragrant soap when bathing; there are always people riding Chinese bicycles in the city who shuttle in frivolous ostentation; safety matches produced in China are not available to the public because they will not be collide. Seeking; various colors of dyes produced in China are competing for by large Russian textile factories because of their bright colors and non-fading; tailors in the city have put Chinese sewing machines as works of art in the center of the store; and high-class ladies now almost everyone has a Chinese folding umbrella; all kinds of fabrics produced in China are also sacred. Dances in Petersburg and Moscow are everywhere.

Alexander III became more and more excited and said, "Your Majesty, in the past two years, German businessmen have made a fortune all over the world because of their monopoly of China's export supply! As the closest neighbor to China, we have not benefited from it! Now, we have no choice but to impose high tariffs on German businessmen!

I agree to form an alliance with China!

As long as I can get Chinese technology, I don't care about such barren places in Xinjiang and Mongolia!

Russia can only be rich and strong by introducing advanced technology!

In the past, we only knew to rely on the introduction of technology from the European continent, but now we should pay at least half of our attention to China.

Alexander II was also moved: "Allies... China's closest ally at present is only Germany. The reason why they now throw olive branches to us is that they only hope that we can contain Britain in the Mediterranean and Suez Canal."

Alexander III raised his voice and said, "Then we will contain Britain!" I've had enough of the greedy infiltration of those Jewish international banking groups!"