1875 I come from the future

Chapter 256 Don't say it's unpredictable

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[256] Don't say anything

When it comes to Russia, many people think that this is a group of people who are not wise and brave. In fact, if Maozi was really hopeless, he would have collapsed in the process of continuous conquest by foreigners.

This nation was conquered by the Mongols and slaughtered men above the chariots. It was once invaded Moscow by Poland to establish a puppet regime. In order to compete for St. Petersburg, the Baltic seaport, it was abused to death again and again by the powerful Swedish army and navy.

Russians say that suffering is a grindstone, and the Chinese say how difficult it is to rejuvenate the country. The Russian nation has formed an extremely distinct personality after being honed under the butcher's knife for a hundred years.

Under the rule of Peter the Great and several successive Ming lords, Russia not only paid extreme attention to military strength, but also gave full play to its diplomatic cooperation. Every time it plundered land, it almost skillfully took advantage of the war situation on the European continent and the complex alliances and secrets between countries. Appointment.

Fight against Holy Rome, fight against Napoleon, fight against Poland, and go forward and follow up every time. Fight against Sweden and fight against Ottoman Turkey. Every war continues year after year, twice, three times at a time... After fighting, countless Russian soldiers known as gray animals went one after another, defending the right to life under the law of the jungle for the nation with their lives, leaving vastness for their descendants. The land.

Such a nation is by no means a simple bravery.

When Russia gradually developed into a super monster, it was finally feared by the whole of Europe.

This is normal. At this time, Russia already has a Baltic Sea estuary in the north, which can threaten the whole Baltic Sea and even the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean; there is a growing Black Sea fleet in the south, which can affect lifelines such as the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa and the Suez Canal; and in the east there is Vladivostok, which is eyeing East Asia under British control. Everyone wants him to die quickly, not to mention that he has bad relations with international banking groups and is regarded by Jews as the world's number one anti-Semitic country.

As the world hegemon representing the interests of the international banking group, the British have already begun to feel disgusted and afraid of Russia's ambitions, and constantly try to put small shoes on Russia, and even directly intervene in the wars in which Russia participated in, buy assassins to assassinate the Tsar, and finance various forces and riots...

Historically, Britain has teamed up with the United States to support Japan and loaned 450 million US dollars to Japan. One of the main purposes is to support Japan's war against Japan and cut off Russia's coveted East Asia under British control. Even later secretly funded Lenin from Switzerland to return to Russia to launch a revolution in order to mess up the country. Of course, the consequences of this funding were the unexpected failure of the international banking groups...

After careful consideration, Yao Fan felt that if he wanted to make Russia honest, he had to make him invisible **, but only saw the threat.

The only way to make a country immune to ** and even give up on interests is not to give him a chance.

Vladivostok is Russia's only access to East Asia. If you want Russia to no longer see the opportunity to intervene in East Asia and Russia no longer see the opportunity to attack and threaten China, you have to take Vladivostok.

Shangshuo Tang, Song, Liao and Jin have had Chinese activities in Vladivostok since ancient times. It was not until 1858 that they were transferred to Russia by the Qing government with a paper of the Treaty of Yi, and the 1860 Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing ceded it to Russia's Ussuri River area, including Sakhalin Island. 400,000 square kilometers of territory.

It was not until the opening of the Siberian Railway in 1891 that Russia was truly assured to control Vladivostok.

Yao Fan decided to recover this land of his ancestors who had just been ceded in the early 20 years.

After the Central Military Council set the tone and general strategy of the battle against Russia, the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army's subordinate theaters immediately carried out a unified deployment. Shenyang Theater, Beijing Theater and Lanzhou Theaters were immediately mobilized, and 16 army groups under the three theaters were dispatched to 12 The third road is heading towards the Sino-Russian border.

Yao Fan also issued a chairman's order, ordering the country to immediately compile 10 new armies, from the current 40 armies to 50. According to the current calculation of about 15,000 logistics personnel of each army group, the size of the army has expanded from more than 600,000 to more than 750,000.

But what is awesome is that this is far from the mobilization limit of the People's Republic of China.

In nearly six years since 1876, a large number of soldiers have been restored and transferred under the five-year military service system of the People's Revolutionary Army. The demobilized and transferred soldiers have established the People's Armed Forces Department, militia system, police system, intelligence system, administrative system and judicial system all over the country.

In terms of industry, the People's Republic of China in 1881 has exceeded 2 million tons of steel production, more than 4.5 million tons of cement production, more than 3 million tons of raw iron production, 1 million tons of crude oil production, 400,000 tons of sulfuric acid production, 200 million tons of raw coal production, 20,000 kilometers of railway lines, 80,000 Kilometer cement highway, 7 billion kilowatts of power generation.

Compared with the completion of New China's first five-year plan, all indicators are still 30 to 50 percent, but even so, compared with China in the 21st century, all indicators are only 1% or even 1 in 1,000.

But Yao Fan knows that it is easy to mobilize two million troops for such industrial strength. If you tighten your belt, four or five million people can also be mobilized. If you smash the pot and sell iron, it is not empty words that all the whole people are soldiers. After all, the system of socialist countries is placed there, based on the mobilization power of the Soviet Union in World War II, completely No capitalist country can achieve a military proportion of more than 90% of the national economy without collapsing.

At this time, at the same time as the military operation against Russia, there was also a nationwide broadcasting network implemented in the first five-year plan.

"...Comrades, Russian Tsar Alexander III's ambition for China is as despicable as his father. Although we have repeatedly tolerated and even provided a large amount of loans and assistance in amicably, it has not been able to dispel the wolf-like greed of the Russian invaders.

In Yili, Xinjiang, Kulun, northern Mongolia, and in Hailanpao, Heihe, Hunchun and Dongning in the northeast, Russian invaders have challenged the bottom line of the Chinese people again and again, and armed infiltration and plundering the border people have occurred repeatedly.

China cannot be bullied! The Chinese people should not be bullied! Chinese territory is sacred and inviolable! The Russian aggressors will be punished the most severely.

The current situation is dangerous and the consequences are serious. We should tell the Russian authorities not to be unpredictable.

Radios and newspapers all over the country have published an editorial of the People's Daily. Yao Fan put the black saying at the end according to his own interests. In the 21st century, the subtext of this sentence is--prepare the coffin.

With the continuous reports of radio and newspapers, large-scale parades and rallies began to appear in China. Angry students protested loudly outside the Russian Embassy in China for days and nights. From time to time, rotten eggs and ink bottles flew out of the crowd and hit around the window near the outer wall of the Russian embassy.

The new Russian Minister to China, Kryan, stood on the balcony on the second floor of the newly renovated embassy last year. As soon as he appeared, he was scared back by the protests below.

Kryyan anxiously ordered his subordinates: "Send another report to Moscow, quickly! We must not fight a hopeless war with the Chinese in the Far East! The horror of this awakening dragon is not what the big-bellied aristocratic talkers in the Kremlin can imagine! Once the war begins, our century-old business in the Far East will be destroyed!

There are too many unknowns in this crazily rising country! Too many incredible! There is a terrible potential hidden in China!

Their people's support for the government is almost fanatical! Young people are loyal fighters who self-ported to be leaders! Everyone is proud of the sacrifice of the country! Once the war starts, we will be overwhelmed by soldiers rushing from all directions like a tide!"

As the ambassador to China, Kerry Yang has a clear understanding of China's current situation and development.

Since he came to China at the beginning of last year, Kerry Yang has been deeply shocked. Although Chinese law stipulates the area and authority of foreign diplomats, even through careful observation of Beijing, Kerry Yang can know that the muscles of this country are growing at an incredible rate every day.

The streets of the capital city are paved with cement pavement, and the export of extremely expensive jeeps, trucks and tractors drive smoothly on the road;

There are high street lights erected on the edge of the main road, which stay up all night. Bicycles have their own special lanes, and the bicycle traffic to and from work every day is like ants rushing out;

The periphery of the city is like being wrapped in a large construction site, constantly extending the outer edge of the city around;

Various buildings have sprung up, and dozens of residential communities consisting of five or six floors have been completed in the city, and the new community is equipped with heating, water and electricity;

There are more and more institutions and even individuals installing telephones, and all the book and newsstands in the city are equipped with telephones;

Xinhua Bookstore, a five-story shopping mall with a wide range of books on its shelves; a Guangming Film City with 12 projection halls; a super department store that sells various goods; a primary school, junior high school and university that accommodates thousands of students; a community library; 15 buildings are under construction The National Library composed of groups...

A series of novel things have sprung up in this city, so that the people in this city have been honored to the extent that they are almost numb. Today, their eyes to foreigners are full of pride and self-confidence, without the numbness and fear mentioned in the report brought back to China by the Russian envoys to China decades ago.

There are no more braids on the street. At present, the braids that were once ubiquitous with the people of this country can only be found behind the heads of women and toddlers.

The price of expensive radios sold in Russia and Europe is only one-third of that in Europe. The government is still constantly distributing radios and batteries to workers as welfare. Now almost every household has a large or small radio.

So far, scientists in Europe and the United States have not been able to understand the structure of Chinese radios, and even don't even know how to produce the shell called plastic outside.

After China refused to announce his technology to the world for the fifth time, last month, churches in various countries unisoned and denounced the small pieces of the radio as many feet as devils. The new pope shouted in the Vatican to believers around the world not to buy things that would degenerate into hell. He claimed that the radio was made of the devil's dung, and every time he heard it, it would degrade people.

But even if the church attacks and opposes like this, businessmen from all over the world have purchased equipment from China, trained installers and operators, established expensive commercial radio stations, playing music and songs in various languages provided by China every day, and of course endless advertisements. As long as the upper-class aristocrats now travel, if they don't hang a small radio on their wrists, they are embarrassed to say that they are civilized.

At the New Year's Ball held at the Austrian Palace last year, Queen Elizabeth hung a diamond and ruby radio on her wrist, which was only the size of a teacup, and was equipped with soft-wire headphones launched at the same time as China, which caused a sensation all over Europe. It is said that it was with Yao Fan, President of the People's Republic of China. The national gift for the former Princess Sisi was finally made after careful processing by the Austrian royal jewelry craftsman.

Kriyan has visited schools at all levels in Beijing, and all students have shown good nutrition and shown perseverance and manners that can only be cultivated under extremely strict military discipline.

According to the government of the Republic, China's education expenditure accounts for 40% of the entire government's fiscal revenue, which is a terrible proportion. No country in Europe will provide large-scale free education and free on-campus lunches like China.

The government of the Republic even distributed uniform and customized clothes to students, which is extremely expensive! Not to mention that Chinese universities are actually the so-called three-package education that includes food, accommodation and clothing.

China's three-year primary school and three-year junior high school are compulsory education, which is said to have been popularized throughout the country. One-third of junior high school graduates can enter three-year high schools, and the rest will enter three-year industrial and commercial schools. One-third of high school graduates can enter five-year universities, and most of the rest choose to enter factories for internal training. , or enter the Advanced Business School.

Chinese universities are privately called TV universities by students. It is said that more than 80% of the courses in universities are taught with something called TV. Despite various legends about TV on the market, China has no intention to sell their so-called TVs abroad for the time being. It is said that it will not begin to accept global limited reservations until 1883, that is, two years later.

Unfortunately, Kryan's warning did not wake up the Russian authorities. Alexander III has decided that after being refused by China to transfer the technology, he threw an olive branch to the United Kingdom to ease relations with Russia and use unfriendly actions against China as a name to seek British support. Hold it to gain greater benefits in the Balkans.

Of course, he also made up his mind that if China compromises, he will close the door to Britain.

Alexander III firmly believes that no matter which of the two options will eventually be implemented, it will bring great benefits to Russia.