1875 I come from the future

Chapter 255 Growing Trouble

[255] Growing troubles

In order to improve the international status of the People's Republic of China, Yao Fan decided to provide advanced medical knowledge to the world free of charge and provide pathological research and treatment for more than 170 common diseases.

Of course, Yao Fan did not give up the patent and manufacturing technology of the drug.

For a while, all doctors around the world were working on the data published in China.

Tokyo Orchid Medical Workshop, a research center for the introduction of Western medicine in Japan, is meeting with a group of famous Japanese doctors to discuss the medical materials provided by China to Japan.

"It's amazing! Chinese medicine is so prosperous!" Da Zong, the chief official of Lanyifang, sighed.

The Maori gentry, a famous local doctor from Kyushu, said excitedly, "As China's Ministry of Health said, China's decision to provide their research results to the world free of charge is the purpose of international communism for the benefit of all mankind."

Sancheng, a young doctor who came to Beijing from Kumamoto Prefecture, nodded: "According to these data released by China, pneumonia, sepsis, athlete's foot, cold and heat, wound ulcer and other diseases can now be effectively cured completely. Thinking that these diseases that could kill people in the past are vulnerable under the drugs and treatment methods in China, I must express my highest respect for Chinese medicine.

Bigzong said, "But all that is needed to treat these diseases is a special medicine produced by China."

The Maori gentry said, "As long as it can come back to life, no matter how expensive the medicine is, it is worth it. If I could get China's special medicine last year, the young son of Prince Doro would not have died in my hands!"

These famous Japanese doctors nodded one after another. Most of their patients are rich or expensive, and the price of drugs is not **.


Similarly, Europe and the United States are also full of Chinese medicines. After all, a scientific medical report issued by China is easily acceptable to Western medicine.

After testing Chinese drugs for patients, doctors were extremely shocked by their efficacy. As a result, the market demand for various drugs made in China has soared like a rocket.

At this time, Sino-German relations entered the honeymoon period with the increase of trade volume.

German businessmen who made a fortune by handling Chinese goods formed a powerful buying power. Under their interference, German Prime Minister Bismarck finally selectively lost his voice and gave up the mediation of negotiations between Britain, France and Russia on the estuary of the Bosphorus Strait.

Although this makes the international banking group extremely dissatisfied, in the face of the rich profits brought by Chinese goods, the powerful buying class formed by layers of distribution is gradually controlling their own forces and political representatives.

In 1879, Yao Fan also got married in the 21st century, and his wife was Zhou Hanzhen. Because of Yao Fan's strong pursuit, Zhou Hanzhen finally decided to become a partner with him after achieving success in his career.

Yao Fan did not hide his identity as working for the military intelligence department, but did not tell Zhou Hanzhen that he was engaged in space-time trade.

Under the explanation of the leading comrades of the relevant departments, Zhou Hanzhen expressed his understanding of the nature of Yao Fan's work that can only go home once in two months. After all, Zhou Hanzhen felt that although he was a little frustrated, he was honored as a family member.

At the end of 1880, the first five-year plan was successfully completed.

The People's Republic of China has initially successfully built its own basic industries, including basic metallurgy, power generation, basic chemical industry, mechanical design and manufacturing, instrument manufacturing, petroleum extraction and refining, etc.

At the same time, the construction of railway and highway trunk lines communicating across the country was completed, and the Republic began to produce its own steam locomotives and internal combustion locomotives at the same time. Jeeps and tractors began to be put into large numbers for civilian use.

Governments at all levels in the Republic have also entered a period of stability. State-owned banks have covered the whole country, and state-owned department stores, supermarkets and private small and medium-sized businesses have spread throughout the country.

Because of the strictest entry and exit management, foreign countries have never been able to get a glimpse of the technology of the Republic, and are repeatedly shocked by the technology contained in new goods exported by China.

A large number of copycat products have emerged in various countries, such as pens, thermos bottles, bicycles, folding umbrellas and other commodities have emerged as inferior competitors. However, in the face of China's high-quality products, countries can only protect domestic industries by raising tariffs.

Due to the continuous improvement of China's position in world trade, the situation in European countries has begun to tighten, and the national industries and handicrafts of various countries that have been hit hard by Chinese goods have been unemployed or transformed to a certain extent.

Due to its close relationship with China, Germany has taken industrial transformation measures. By building domestic ports as a distribution center for Chinese goods and supporting Chinese goods on a large scale, Germany is unique in the sluggish economic environment throughout Europe.

For a while, Germany was very arrogant about unifying Europe with the Chinese as a traitor to Europe.

The international banking group based on Britain began to plan, hoping to encourage Germany to start a large-scale war with neighboring countries, so that British and international banking capital can benefit from it, preferably to greatly damage the whole European continent and destroy Germany, an increasingly powerful European traitor.

After feeling Britain's malice, Germany immediately communicated with China in private.

After that, William I brazenly decided to disband Bismarck, who was backed by an international banking group, and at the same time increase reconciliation with left-wing parties such as the Social Democratic Party and the German Labor Party, and agreed to raise the minimum wage for workers on the condition that it stopped going on strike and destroying production machines.

At the same time, Yao Fan also ordered the German branch of Labor International to stop making trouble, but continued to vigorously develop grassroots party organizations.

With the support of China's loans, Russia has guaranteed the right to go to sea in the face of the blockade of Britain and France. At the same time, Russia, like other European countries, has earned high taxes by imposing high surcharges on Chinese goods, which on the one hand protects domestic industry and on the other hand.

While continuing to invest heavily in the construction of the Siberian railway, Russia hopes to lead various Slavic countries and regions as the savior of the Eastern Orthodox leaders and Slavic peoples, and obtain Constantinople from Ottoman Turkey, so as to completely control the access to the Black Sea.

In 1881, various far-right bourgeois liberalization parties active in Russia, with the support of the International Banking Group, jointly established the People's Will Party to assassinate the tsar, overthrow the imperial system and establish a bourgeois regime.

The Russian Labor Party informed China after receiving the information. In this regard, the Beijing-based Labor International chose not to participate. At the same time, it did not warn the Russian government and ordered the Russian Labor Party to stand by.

In the spring of 1881, the assassin threw a bomb under Alexander II's carriage. The Tsar was finally strictly according to history and broke his legs and died of excessive bloodshed in the fifth assassination in his life.

After Alexander III succeeded to the throne, on the one hand, he strengthened the infiltration of the Ili region of Xinjiang, and on the other hand, the army carried out a military operation aimed at plundering the labor force in the Mongolian region, using Cossack cavalry to plunder hundreds of Mongolian herdsmen in the Sino-Russian border area as workers to accelerate the construction of the Siberian railway.

In Alexander III's view, this is not only a response to China's support for a large number of messy left-wing parties led by Russian labor, such as the Russian Labor Party, but also as a counterattack against China's repeated refusal to sell advanced technology and equipment to Russia.

At the same time, Alexander III had another consideration, which was to ease the contradictions with Britain and France, hoping that Britain and France would point their guns at Germany, which has close relations with China, and relax Russia's interference in the Balkans.

China's development in recent years has given Russia an ominous omen. In the view of a large number of Russian nobles, left-wing parties are more like floods than right-wing parties. These left-wing parties collusion is all workers and farmers, and they are wreaking rebellion.

The right-wing political party is just to engage in bourgeois dictatorship, and aristocratic landlords can still live by changing their flags, but if it is a dictatorship of the proletariat, the end of Annan, Dongfan and even those royal families and landlords in China are now known to the whole world.

In the past two years, with the support of the Labor International, Russia and labor have combined theory with practice, and underground activities and infiltration have begun to go on strike to demand the improvement of workers' treatment. Russia warned China many times, but was categorically denied by Yao Fan. Instead, it asked Russia to improve its status as workers and recognize the legalization of the Russian Labor Party.

But Russia has not even made a constitutional monarchy these days. How can it accept the legalization of the alliance between Russia and several other left-wing parties? As a result, the relationship between Russia and China began to deteriorate sharply, becoming more and more rigid.

Yao Fan is very angry.

The assassination is a far-right political party, and there is no dime to do with the Labor International. What kind of prestige did Alexander III come to China? Do you know who you are?

Yao Fan felt embarrassed at the same time.

His original goal was Southeast Asia. As long as Europe is in chaos, he intends to take Southeast Asia, British Malaya and Spain's Philippines, and completely turn the Western Pacific into China's inner lake.

But Alexander III is so noisy that he can't but give him some color, but it is related to his entire strategic layout. This is like the order of chess. If it is reversed, the effect will be completely different.

Once there is a fight with Russia, if the country cannot be destroyed in World War I, the long and incomparable border between the two countries will become a big trouble, and small-scale conflicts will continue. The fighting nation's conduct is to fight to the end.

But if the country is destroyed in World War I, Germany will inevitably be scared to pee. All Europe may unite to resist the "yellow # disaster", and this British shit-stiring stick will get a chance to breathe again.

Moreover, it is very difficult to destroy the country in World War I. With a span of tens of thousands of kilometers, the logistics and supply consumption of troops are too large. After all, the Siberian Railway has not been repaired yet.

So the Central Supreme Military Conference met to discuss. After a whole week of meeting, the chiefs of staff and the general staff of each war zone gave various plans. In the end, Yao Fan finally decided to adjust his previous strategy, not only against Malaya in the United Kingdom, the Philippines in Spain and Java in the Netherlands. At the same time, he will attack Russia.

"Some things, it's useless to say by your mouth, you can only rely on beating. The gun rod is held in your hand, not used as a fire stick. If you don't beat them hard and kill some people, no one will take you seriously if you say it ten thousand times." Yao Fan concluded at the meeting.