1875 I come from the future

Chapter 258 Outpost

[258] Outpost

As early as a week ago, the Russian army in the Far East had found the assembly of Chinese troops in the border area and informed Moscow that at the behest of Moscow's army, the Russian army mobilized their troops in an unfeared manner.

Thanks to the 600 radio transceiver imported from China at a cost of 3 million gold rubles in the past few years, the Russian army has now established a division-level radio liaison system. The strength of 20 troops across the country and more than 60 divisions under its jurisdiction all have their own radio stations. Russia also used radio stations to form a radio network to connect with major cities across the country.

However, in 1881 in China, radio has been popularized to the company-level establishment of infantry, while artillery has achieved a separate command of each basic unit, implementing radio command to the most basic combat unit to adapt to the artillery tactics of the Republic independent of the world at that time.

The Republic of China adopts a scattered artillery position that is different from other countries in the world. Unlike the single dense position of the centralized deployment of artillery that was popular among the European powers at this time, the textbook of the Republic's artillery school requires the relatively scattered artillery positions to be set up by artillery commanders through radio centralized command to prevent Because of the attack, you will be attacked by the enemy. At the same time, you can cooperate with the attack on the front line and flexibly deploy to change the position of the gun.

After the tragic victory in the 10th Russo-Tustani War, the Russian army has also carried out military reforms in the past two years, the most important of which is to strengthen the requirements for digging trenches. After absorbing the experience of blindly launching a large group bayonet charge in the Russo-Turan War, the Russian army began to emphasize that under the premise of trench defense, exhausting the opponent's spirit and then launching a loose line attack. Only when the strength is much stronger than the opponent, the bayonet charge is taken to capture the position.

Due to the tragic massacre of the Russian army by the Turkish Winchester 1866 rifle in the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, the Russian army decided to eliminate the single-fire rifle. Relying on the high domestic taxes imposed on advanced industrial products imported from China, the Tsar earned a large amount of taxes, thus gradually eliminating the existing domestic Perdan rifles that imitated the French Sharpes single-fire rifle in the army and began a large-scale change.

Due to the excellent performance of China's Type 56 semi-automatic rifle in various battles after the Liberation War, the whole world is extremely enthusiastic about this mysterious rifle. Russia had hoped that China could export the prestigious Type 56 rifle and get a chance to imitate it, but it was rejected. China said that in order to maintain world stability, it will not export weapons to any country for the time being.

So the Russian War Department began a large-scale imitation of Winchester 1866, and made a request to Britain to import this type of rifle. Britain, which had no hatred and could not prohibit Russian imitation, agreed to Russia's import requirements and sold more than 5,000 Winchester 1866 to Russia. In addition, Russia's self-imitation, the Russian army appeared a mix of new and old rifles and completed the replacement of an infantry regiment under each division.

Major Orich, the Russian military commander of the Bolanich Fortress on the east side of the Suifen River, is now anxious to observe the Chinese troops coming along the road with binoculars newly imitated by Russia in the past two years. At present, military factories in Europe are imitating the binoculars used by the Chinese army, due to the convenience of binocular observation and Practical, greatly supported and praised by the army.

"The Chinese left the road five kilometers away and unfolded into a scattered formation, surrounding us along the nearby hills and forests." Barozzo, the staff officer, said.

"The Chinese formation is sparse, and now it is too far away from us. Tell the artillery not to fire randomly, and wait for the Chinese to enter the distance of two kilometers before firing. Each infantry company sticks to the trenches, don't attack rashly, and use the firepower of continuous rifles to teach the Chinese people a hard lesson!" Battalion commander Oric ordered.

At this time, in the Russian observation post, all the officers suddenly found that strange vehicles rumbled out of the road. The shapes of these vehicles were completely different from the expensive Chinese jeeps or tractors in the European market. There were five wheels on both sides and two small wheels that did not hit the ground. After the rotation, the wheel is still wrapped in a layer of steel-cast tracks.

What's more strange is that there is no window on the body of a green car. There is a bulge on it, and a long stick extends forward. This stick... looks like a gun barrel, but won't such a slender barrel explode...

Before the Russian army could react, the 10th Division, the leader of the 4th Army, had begun to bombard.

Han Shihai, the commander of the 10th Division, ordered from the temporary command post hidden on the hill in the distance: "The first tank battalion has begun to attack, and the 30th infantry regiment is ordered to follow!

401 Artillery Battalion cooperated with the Butan assault group and launched a 20-minute uninterrupted shelling of the enemy position with a 152mm howitzer!

31 and 32 infantry regiments attacked the enemy fortress group from both sides according to the predetermined one-sided tactical arrangement.

Each regiment's mortar company accompanied the infantry and entered the preset position. When the shelling of the 152mm howitzer battalion ended, they immediately began to cooperate with infantry guns!


"Pay attention to each gun position, listen to my order, and fire in turn according to the binding of Zhuyuan!" Teng Yifeng, the commander of the 401 Artillery Battalion, ordered on the radio after receiving the order from the division.

So the 401 artillery battalion of the 10th Division of the 4th Army started, and 12 152mm howitzers began the next 20 minutes of heavy artillery bombardment from the position ten kilometers away.

Bolanić Fortress shook the mountain for a while, and the roaring 152mm large-caliber shells were like the hammer of Thor. A heavy blow hit the Russian positions. The simple cement bunkers were overturned, and the trenches were blown down. The Russian army in the trench died in an instant, and the remnants of meat and limbs mixed with soil were blown into the sky. .

"Large-caliber artillery! The Chinese used large-caliber artillery!" Major Orridge was extremely frightened.

In the blue sky in the Far East, a red star was brushed under a wing. The first six of 1001 skimmed over the Bolanich Fortress from an altitude of 400 meters like a light swallow. The pilot Chen Weipeng simply sent back the parameters of air fire proof-fire to the ground with the headphones on his helmet.

"This is 1001. According to visual measurements, the landing point is 25 south 10, repeat, 25 east, 10 south."

"Here are 4 sets of empty fingers, east 25, south 10, received, 1001 continue to observe."

"1001 understands."

The 4th Army Air Force Liaison Command Center immediately notified the 401 Artillery Battalion, and Battalion Commander Teng Yifeng continued to bombard after notifying the artillery binding parameters.

The infantry of the 10th Division rushed to Bolanich Fortress in all directions from the hill, or from the valley, or from the forest, but the speed was not as fast as the 1st Tank Battalion, which had got off the road at 20 kilometers per hour on both sides of the road. Behind them was the 30th Infantry of the 10th Division as the central assault group. The regiment carried out a smooth accompanying battle for the first tank battalion,

43 Type 62 light tanks of the 1st Tank Battalion of the 4th Army advanced at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. When they were close to the Bolanich Fortress and the surrounding Russian positions, the loaders on the tanks began to shoot at the Russian positions with a 12.7mm high machine.

After 20 minutes of shelling of 12 152mm howitzers, the Bolanich Fortress has been blown up. The whole three kilometers long and one-kilometer-wide oval position was blown like broken eggs. Egg yolk flowed all over the ground. The surviving Russian army trembled in the trench. At this moment, I saw a Steel beasts with blood-red flags rushed at high speed and suddenly became scared. They jumped out of the trench one by one and began a large-scale escape. The whole defensive line of Polanici Fortress collapsed in an instant.

The 30th Infantry Regiment of the 10th Division of the 1st Tank Battalion and the 4th Division did not stop, roaring ruthlessly over the Russian trench defense line and closely chasing the fleeing Russian army. The 56 semi-automatic rifles, 81 light machine guns and tank machine guns roared, constantly harvesting lives. The regiment was a series of recoilless guns. Or fired artillery and fired high-explosive grenades deep into Russian positions. The regiment's mortar company was unwilling to show weakness and fired shells at the fleeing Russian army.

When the last Gatling machine gun position on the right wing of the Russian position was rushed into by 62, the outpost was like a Gatling machine gun crushed by tracks, basically ending.