1875 I come from the future

Chapter 259 Siege

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[259] Siege

After capturing the Bolanizh Fortress, the 4th 10th Division did not stop at all and continued all the way to the southeast, heading for the twin cities renamed Usuriysk by Russia.

4 Episode 11 Division went all the way east from Polaniqi Fortress and occupied the Xingkai Lake area.

4 Episode 12 Division, as a reserve, joined the headquarters of the 4th Army and stationed in the bombed ruined Bolanic Fortress.

On the morning of April 6, after a short rest for a night, the 4th episode 10th Division launched a general attack in the darkness before dawn and began to liberate the homeland of the Twin Cities.

The 152mm howitzers unloaded from the back of the off-road truck were furious. The cannonballs cleaned the Russian defenders in the Usurisk fortress, and a shell pulled out a fiery red trajectory in the dark and roared at the Russian positions.

The twin cities, a fortress named by Russia as Usuriysk, were immediately covered by black smoke and bright red flesh and blood.

62 Lightly rushed all the way, followed the traces of artillery extending all the way, and rushed into Usuriysk with an infantry regiment. It took only one morning to complete the transformation of the city from Ussurysk to the twin cities.

The Russian Far East garrison did nothing against the blitz of the Chinese army, and sent an emergency telegram to Moscow like snowflakes.

On April 9, the 10th Division of the 4th Army all the way south surrounded Vladivostok and began a strong attack on the fortified port carefully built by the Russian army in the Far East.

First of all, the 152mm howitzers of all three battalions of the Fourth Army are concentrated. Due to the weak industrial base of the Republic, more than 90% of the 152mm howitzer shells need to be imported. High-priced shells from the 21st century cut through the sky with a killing radius of nearly 60 meters, one shot A pit steadily extends the trajectory of death to the depths of the fortress area. For this large-caliber artillery, due to the great killing power of shrapnel, only 150 to 200 meters away from the explosion radius is relatively safe.

In the Vladivostok fortress area, Russian artillery rang sporadicly, but were soon fiercely extinguished by the following mortars. Relatively speaking, the artillery hidden in the cement turret persisted for a long time, but as the infantry regiment of the revolutionary army found the target, the recoilless guns it carried carried a direct attack on the bunker. Soon, the artillery in the cement turret also began to collapse with the collapse of the peripheral bunkers.

Seeing the Chinese army attack the periphery of the Vladivostok fortress, the Russian elite infantry stationed in Vladivostok had no way back. At this time, the Russians showed their bravery in the desperate situation. A team of infantry with bayonet rifles and 1866 levered rifles equipped with Winchester The infantry regiment was mixed, rushed out of the fortress, and followed the dead corner of the artillery ballistics in the street to launch a decisive breakthrough against the Chinese army that rushed into the port city.

There are still more than 10,000 Russian soldiers hidden in the dense fortress tunnel of Vladivostok. Liu Jin, the commander of the Russian Far East Military Region, understands that this unfrozen port in the Russian Far East is not allowed to make any mistakes, otherwise he will be sent to a military court for hanging even if he escapes.

Liu Jin sent infantry companies from the fortress area to the outer trench defense line, hoping to recapture the outer positions as soon as possible. However, more than 2,000 of the 17 companies sent before and after had no news, which made him extremely uneasy.

The beard on Ivanov, the Russian company commander, hasn't shaved his beard on his face for half a month. With a vicissitudes, he held a Baidan rifle with a bayonet. He rushed to the east of the North Bell Tower with other soldiers with extreme uneasily. He looked at the sight that the buildings here was still intact and was not by the Chinese. The artillery was destroyed, and he felt that maybe he could rush out of the city from here to reinforce the troops who were still in the trenches outside the city and regain the outer defense line.

At the corner of a street, the Russian army encountered a team of Chinese infantry flying red flags. For a moment, the gunfire was loud, and 56 and half and light machine guns in the hands of the Chinese soldiers clicked, and suddenly swept down more than a dozen Russian soldiers.

Ivanov and the Russian soldiers who returned to the corner of the street put their backs against the wall. Ivanov roared at the soldiers: "There are not many Chinese, only a dozen people! Brave guys, get ready to listen to my orders and rush out together! Teach those timid Chinese with a bayonet!"

As soon as Ivanov was about to count down, there was a crackling rain of grenades in the corner of the street. The explosion and the accompanying smoke suddenly flooded the Russian infantry company. After suppressing the street with intensive fire, the grenades thrown by the bombs were far and accurate, all fell into them. The corner of the road where the street is vertical.

After a rumble of grenades exploded, "Kill!!! Kill!!! Go!!! Go!!! ..." The inferior number of Chinese soldiers took the initiative to charge, rushed across the intersection and occupied the corner.

Tao Yuannan, a private soldier, rushed into the street corner with the squad leader and couldn't help vomiting when he looked at the body of the Russian army that had been blown up.

Sun Ri, the monitor, said dissatisfiedly, "Xiao Tao, come all the way, not to mention the dead. Have you seen all the bodies that were blown out of their hearts and lungs by shells? Why are you still vomiting? Hurry up!"

Tao Yuannan staggered and continued to rush into the city with his comrades-in-arms. Before liberation, his father was Mr. Private School. After liberation, he worked as a teacher in the Normal University. Tao Yuan's three male brothers. He was the youngest and the least courageous.

A sudden loud noise came not far away. It turned out that a mortar shell landed on the bell tower north of Vladivostok and collapsed half of the bell tower. The sound was made by a bronze bell held by two people on the bell tower.

With the attack of the revolutionary army, grenades and shells continue to explode in the city, and the mixture of the fortress and the city is gradually being controlled by the Chinese army.

As soon as Tao Yuannan's infantry squad passed through the municipal square in Vladivostok, it was suddenly covered by a burst of fierce gunfire. It turned out that the south of the square was close to the east pier of Usuri Bay, and there was a cement bunker, which was connected to the underground tunnel. Russian soldiers stayed inside and used Winchester 1866 to continuously to the Chinese army. Shoot.

Sun Ri, the squad leader, was shot in the shoulder. Fortunately, the bullet did not hurt the bone. He gritted his teeth and ordered the whole class to quickly lie down and hide, and fired back at the same time.

Sun Ri, the monitor, was pale. He ordered the deputy monitor to take out five grenades, tie them together with yellow tactical tape, and stuff them into Tao Yuan's hand.

"Xiao Tao, go and blow up that bunker, and the rest of the people cover it!"

Tao Yuannan was stunned and cried, " monitor, I'm afraid."

Sun Ri scolded contemptuously: "Afraid of a bird!" Afraid of death and not being a soldier! Soldiers are not afraid of death! If you don't go, I'll kill you now!"

Tao Yuannan bravely said, "I'll go..."

Tao Yuannan gritted his teeth, held the cluster grenade# of the squad leader's fire line DI#Y, and crawled to the bunker south of the square. With the sound of gunfire behind him, the whole class of soldiers used light machine guns and 56 and a half high precision to accurately shoot the fire points in the Russian bunker and suppress them.

Due to the superior firepower of his infantry squad, it took less than two minutes, and Tao Yuannan even rolled and climbed to a stone step on the left side of the Russian bunker. He took a look behind, and the whole class had dispersed at this time. The half-encirclement shot at the Russian bunker, so that the Russian army in the muzzle of the bunker did not dare to look up.

Tao Yuannan opened all the back covers of the cluster grenade one by one, cleared the fuse, and cheered himself up in his heart. He picked up the bundle of grenades, and rushed to the side of the bunker with a few arrows around his waist and lay down. The grenade# bullets were placed against the wall of the bunker, quickly pulled away all the fuses #s, and immediately rolled in place. Like a mouse, he rushed into a corner of the bunker.

With a loud noise, five grenades exploded beside the wall of the bunker and suddenly collapsed the bunker. The inner wall of the bunker collapsed under the shock wave, and the stones shot killed and injured all the Russian soldiers in the bunker.

Seeing the success of the explosion, the whole class of soldiers roared forward and threw several grenades into the bunker.

"Good job, Xiao Tao, so brave! From today on, you have changed from a boy to a man!" Sun Ri took out a red star cigarette, lit it in his mouth, took a sip, and stuffed it into Tao Yuannan's mouth.

Tao Yuannan giggled, smoked the cigarette given by the monitor and coughed vigorously. This was the first time he heard the monitor praise his bravery.

"Follow me, continue south and take the East Pier." Sun Ri, the monitor, ordered.

Tao Yuannan held 56 and a half excitedly and rushed to the front. Suddenly, there was a gunshot sounded on the dock, and Tao Yuannan fell to the ground. It turned out that the sailors on the ship in the port shot.

"Xiao Tao! Xiaotao!!!" Sun Ri roared and rushed over, but saw Tao Yuannan fall into a pool of blood, with a sticky white behind his head, which was obviously hit in the head.

Sun Ri grabbed the Type 81 light machine gun from the deputy squad leader and roared at the Russian ships in the port.

"Fuck your grandma!!! Go to hell!!! Go to hell!!! ......”

Thousands of miles away in Beijing, Yao Fan and the generals of the People's Military Commission are also paying attention to the war situation in Vladivostok.

The Navy North Sea Fleet has been ordered to carry out the task of blocking Vladivostok.

Li Lu was promoted to a deputy division-level cadre because of her excellent performance in the liberation of Hong Kong four years ago. He also read books and wrote good calligraphy. He was regarded as an outstanding young cadre by the Guangzhou Military Region and was promoted to Qingdao Naval Naval Academy for three years, majoring in naval command and naval artillery.

After graduation, Li Lu was promoted to division-level cadre as the captain of the third detachment of the North Sea Fleet and the captain of the 611 hunting submarine.

Li Lu's third detachment was responsible for the blockade of Vladivostok this time.

Due to the rapid development of the Chinese navy in the first five-year plan, although it has not built large ships, it has formed a strong offshore combat capability, with 160 fish # mine boats and 30 037 hunting submarines.

The third detachment led by Li Lu consists of ten combat ships and two supply ships, respectively consisting of 2 037 hunting submarines, 8 026 fish # mine boats, a 700-ton transport ship and a 500-ton tanker.

After the third detachment set out from Qingdao Port and made a short supply at Luojin Port, which was just built in Jilin Province, it hurried to the sea off Vladivostok. The radars of two 037 hunting submarines took turns to search for suspicious targets at sea.

Because the Chinese navy played well in the two battles at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River, it annihilated the Chinese fleet and the East India fleet of the British Royal Navy and ate the French Far East Fleet, resulting in the Chinese navy's reputation throughout the Far East.

The Russian Far East Fleet has only 15 large and small gunboats and fish #torpedo boats, and has observed the Chinese navy's sea training from afar in recent years. Therefore, Borisovich, the commander of the Russian Far East Fleet, did not dare to leave the port at all, but hid in the port, relying on the fortress guns, and guarded Amu tremblingly. The port in Irvine.

The battle in Vladivostok lasted until the early morning of April 10. With the explosion of bunkers, the change of ownership of the whole city has become a for sure, and the dock where the Russian Far East Fleet is located has also been continuously attacked. In desperation, Borisovich ordered all warships to leave the port, hoping to rush separately from China's blockade. Escape from Amur Bay and Ussuri Bay and escape to Japan.

611 037 hunting submarine, the radar officer reported: "Suspicious targets were found at 42 degrees 44 minutes north latitude and 131 degrees 41 minutes east longitude, and the number is about 20!"

After receiving the report, Li Lu, who had just got up, rushed to the bridge command module before she could wash.

"This is 611. All the ships of the third detachment obeyed my order and immediately followed the flagship to the target area." Li Lu held the caller in her hand and shouted nervously.

Deputy captain Liu Huyu calmly ordered the first officer: "Right rudder 10, three-quarters of the output of the host."

"Yes, the right rudder 10, three-quarters of the output of the host."

The blockade fleet composed of 10 warships generally turned out from Buhamica Island outside Amur Bay, dragged out a snow-white track on the sea and rushed to the target sea area.