1875 I come from the future

Chapter 260 Maritime Block

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[260] Maritime blockade

Outside Amur Bay, the southeast wind is blowing slightly, and the sea is as clear as sapphire in the afternoon. Russian warships that escaped from the east and west ports of Vladivostok are lined up neat columns, like forest chimneys emitting coal smoke and fleeing eastward with maximum horsepower.

According to the idea of fleet commander Borisovich, the fully replenished fleet has two options, one is the port of Oliga, which has been thawed in the spring in the Far East, and the other is to take refuge directly to Japan.

Considering China's comprehensive attack on the Far East and the lack of materials in Olga Port and the inability to maintain the fleet, Borisovich finally chose to go to the Hakodate port in Japan.

With the help of surface search radar, the third detachment of the North Sea Fleet quickly found the Russian warships fleeing from port.

Two 037 hunting submarines charged through the waves under the command of Li Lu, pulling the snow-white tail straight into the enemy ship.

When the Russian warship entered the maximum range of 12 kilometers of the 57mm twin-loaded main guns of the two 037 hunting submarines of the third detachment of the North Sea Fleet, the 037 hunting submarine with a standard displacement of only 375 tons, detoured to the side of the Russian fleet. When the heading was 45 degrees with the target, Li Lu ordered to open. At this time, the distance between the two sides was only 9 kilometers.

With the help of fire control radar, distance, angle and relative driving speed are all calculated by the fire control computer. The first round of the double 57mm main gun, with a rate of four shots per second, hit the sea just 70 meters away from the Russian warship Duke Salif.

The observer saw it with a telescope on the bridge and immediately reported to Li Lu.

"Keep your course and fire continuously!" Li Lu gave the order.

When the shells exploded in the sea not far away, the Russian Far East Fleet flagship Duke Salif suddenly exploded, and the Russian sailors who had just fled from the smoke-filled port of Vladivostok, were in a mess and once again nervously entered a state of combat readiness.

On the towering observation tower on the bridge, the sentry shouted at the copper pipe voicer connected to the bridge: "Discover the enemy ship! It's a Chinese speedboat! 46 degrees in front of the left, about 9 kilometers away!"

Borisovich suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He had long heard that the Chinese artillery had a very long range. In the defensive battle of the Vladivostok fortress, the artillery of the Russian garrison was vulnerable under the long-range heavy artillery of the Chinese, and there was no power to fight back. It was beaten by the Chinese artillery ten kilometers away.

To put it bluntly, the land gun is a simplified version of the naval gun, and the naval gun is an upgraded version of the land gun. Of course, Borisovich understands this truth. How far the range of a country's land gun is, how far the range of the naval gun is.

"Keep at full speed and rush over! Open all the guns and prepare for the decisive battle!" Borisovich shouted in despair.

Li Huyu, the deputy captain, put down the telescope in his hand and said to Li Lu with a smile, "The black smoke in the enemy ship's chimney is getting thicker. The Russians want to fight a decisive battle. Their course has not changed. They want to wait for us to get close."

Li Lu said contemptuously, "Decisive battle? With those three ironclad ships and more than a dozen sailboats? The Russians want to run!"

Liu Huyu graduated from Fuzhou Maritime College, which was converted from Fujian Mawei Ship Political School. He smiled and said in Fujian Mandarin: "Run? There is no fleet in the world that can be faster than our Chinese navy!"

Compared with the maximum speed of 18 to 20 knots of navies around the world these days, the speed of 037 hunting submarines over 30 knots is like a 100-meter race between Olympic sprinters and primary school students. The 12-kilometer range of the dual 57mm main gun is generally 6 to 8 kilometers compared with the current world navy, which is like Yao Ming and Guo Jingming boxing.

"Captain, do you want to order the fish #thunderboat to attack?" Liu Mingyu asked.

Li Lu shook her head repeatedly: "Give me continuous shelling! This is the first battle after the 037 hunting submarine is equipped with our army. It is not a target for normal training. It is a rare opportunity. How can we give it to the fish # mineboat?

Liu Mingyu laughed and said, "I think so too."

As two 037 hunting submarines bypassed the flank of the Russian fleet like a dragon and a phoenix, the Russian Far East Fleet was continuously shot. A 57mm high-explosive #burning bomb and high-explosive shells fired from the two turrets in front and rear of the two 037 hunting submarines at 210 to 240 rounds per minute, cutting iron into the hull of the Russian warship, paralyzing the Russian warship one by one.

As for those wooden warships that are not even armored ships, under the 57mm high-burning #bombing **, a blazing fire suddenly ignited, and high-speed shells even penetrated the wooden hull. The hit steam engine boiler exploded, and the hot steam flowed high in the hull, steaming the Russian sailors.

Borisovich, the commander of the Russian Far East Fleet, looked at the ultra-high-speed attack of the Chinese fast ship on the sea and was stunned. The red muzzle flame emitted by the 57mm double ship gun equipped on the Chinese fast ship almost uninterruptedly, firing powerful small-caliber shells like machine guns.

The sea battle lasted only half an hour, and 12 warships of the Russian Far East Fleet caught fire and anchored one after another. The bridge of the Duke of Sarif, where Borisovich was located, was almost flattened, and the front turret was blown away.

Seeing that he could not fight or run, he could not run. After completing a circle attack by two 037s around the whole fleet, Borisovich ordered to hang a white flag and announced his surrender.

At this time, almost every ship of the Russian Far East Fleet was injured and was in a miserable shape, while the two 037 hunting submarines of the Chinese navy did not even hurt the oil skin. With the fish #miners watching the battle in the distance, they fiercely ordered the Russian military fleet to enter the Gulf of Amur and stop at the port of Vladivostok. The berth is surrendered.

This is a comprehensive attack. The artillery fire is not only in Vladivostok, but also in Khabarovsk, Blagoveshensk, Chita, Irkutsk, Ili, Kashgar and other places. These Sino-Russian borders are now shrouded in the power of the Chinese Army's artillery.

By the end of April, after capturing the four Far Eastern fortresses of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk and Chita, the Chinese revolutionary army had taken control of the entire area east of Lake Baikal.

The Beijing Theater in the middle and the Lanzhou Theater on the West Road have also crossed the grassland and Gobi Desert, and arrived at Irkutsk, Almaty and Dushanbe.

Outside Irkutsk, the First Army of Siberia of the Russian Empire and more than 20,000 infantry urgently recruited are engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the 7th, 29th and 30th Army Group of the Beijing Theater, which attacked from Kulen (Ulaanbaatar).

"General, the Chinese have invaded Sherehov!" An officer with a scribbled uniform and a stained colonel's rank rushed into the headquarters in the Irkutsk fortress and shouted in horror.

Malinev, commander of the Russian Siberian Front and commander of the First Siberian Army, was furious when he heard this: "Nikolayevich, I order you to take back Sherehov at all costs!"

Colonel Nikolaevich's face was haggard, weakly took a glass of vodka from the guard soldiers of the headquarters, then lowered his head and said in a numb tone, "It's over, my brigade is finished. The Chinese artillery is so fierce that they will destroy everything. The soldiers turn into powder in front of my eyes. It's too tragic... They still have planes, and the hell thing has been hovering over our heads. Our troop deployment and artillery positions have been completely controlled by them... Once the Chinese planes circled for a while, they will one after another. What came was the shelling! The Chinese cannonballs seemed to be in full and were extremely powerful. I saw with my own eyes an infantry regiment gathered on the side of the road being hit into the center by a shell, and hundreds of people were killed... General, there is hell in front of it, a hell made by the Chinese..."

General Malinoff seriously interrupted Colonel Nikolaevich's words: "Order the first guard regiment and the fourth column to gather, and you go with me to beat back those damn Chinese. We must defend Irkutsk before the arrival of Moscow's reinforcements.

"Comm-in-Chief is here!" The messenger shouted.

In the square outside the Irkutsk headquarters, the soldiers of the First Guard Regiment lined up neatly, with uneasiness and joy on their faces, waiting for General Malinoff's review.

Since the beginning of the war, the Chinese army has been going north from Kulun. In Ulan Ude, after paying the death of more than 2,000 cavalry due to the bloody battle of the cavalry regiment, Russia finally caught several Chinese prisoners. During the interrogation, it was learned that this Chinese army was sent from the Beijing theater.

Before being hanged, the Chinese prisoners proudly claimed that the total strength of the three armies was more than 50,000, with countless tanks, cars and tractors.

With the spread of rumors, the entire Russian army in Irkutsk was shaken, and everyone shuddered at the unknown tanks and the Chinese army armed to the teeth.

Chinese rifles, grenades, military uniforms, carrying tools, kettles, engineering shovels, and a pistol seized at a great price were urgently sent to Moscow.

The Chinese squad obviously angered them after being suddenly attacked by Russian cavalry in Ulan-Ude. Now their advance is getting faster and faster. Several infantry regiments previously sent by the Russian army have been annihilated by the Chinese. Now the Chinese army has attacked along Lake Berga and has rushed to Irkutsk. Sherehov, more than 20 kilometers south, invaded the town.

Malinoff didn't say much. He turned over his horse in front of the neat queue of the Guards, stabilized himself and pulled out the army # knife.

"Ritright." The head of the Guards Group shouted.

The soldiers raised their guns in unison, and the whole queue trembled.

"H Long live the General!" The soldiers roared.

Marinoff nodded melancholy and said a few words. His voice was very soft, and the soldiers in the back row could hardly hear them clearly. They only heard a few words, such as "brave... bloody battle...kill... Chinese..."

Then the general rushed out of Irkutsk with the Guards and joined the 4th Column of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 16th Infantry Regiments of the Siberian Legion and headed for Sherehov.


Because the First Cavalry Regiment of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment was ambushed by Russian cavalry in Ulan-Ude, the two reconnaissance detachments of cavalry squads sent by the First Cavalry Regiment were unfortunately destroyed. Although the Seventh Cavalry Army completely defeated the Russian cavalry with the assistance of the following infantry and cavalry with an indestructible strength of firepower, In the post-war battlefield search, it was found that the Russian army had taken about three to five prisoners and equipment.

Liu Jinbao, the commander of the Beijing Theater Command, was furious in the Kulun Command in Mongolia and ordered the Seventh Army to march to Irkutsk day and night at all costs to eliminate the stationed Russian army.

The Central Revolutionary Military Commission was also shocked. After all, this is the first time that China's advanced rifles and pistols have been lost under strict weapons control.

Beijing, Zhongnanhai.

Intelligence Minister Bai Xiaoqi said, "Due to the particularity of the cavalry, everyone was issued pistols, so this time the Russians also got our Type 5#4 pistol."

Li Jun, the current Minister of National Defense #, frowned at the meeting and said, "It seems that cavalry are easily found and captured by the enemy in reconnaissance. I think the state's funding for the third phase of the construction of Shandan Military Horse Farm can be slowed down. I think the mechanization proposed by the chairman is the future development direction."

Yao Fan waved his hand: "It is a miracle that infantry weapons will leak sooner or later. Even if there is no war, the enemy will spare no effort to get it. It is a miracle that it can be leaked until today.

The year before last, there was an incident of armed mobs attacking the military post in the Guangzhou Theater, and two rifles have not been recovered so far. Although we suspect that it was done by the British, the British have not imitated 56 and a half so far, indicating that our weapons have difficulties in processing and matching ammunition around the world.

Advanced weapon processing is a systematic engineering, and advanced fixed-loading bullets are also complicated in processing procedures and cannot be made at a glance. I don't think you have to worry too much."
