1875 I come from the future

Chapter 262 [262]New World cinema

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[262] New World cinemas

The sun shines on Marinov's body, and the golden Romanov family emblem embroidered on the left of the black-horned general's hat shines with gold.

He waved his command knife and rode on a horse to command the Russian soldiers in high hats and gray tweed uniforms, and bravely rushed to the seemingly disorderly scattered Chinese soldiers who rushed through the mountains.

One third of the Guards Infantry Regiment are non-commissioned officers. As the general's personal guards, they are dressed in cavalry costumes, with wooden feathers on diamond-shaped hats, and wooden feathers are decorated with long black Siberian bear manes. With the running of **don hippo, their manes are hunting and shaking in the wind.

The Russian Imperial Army did live up to the reputation of bravery. The soldiers held up their bayonet rifles and shouted, "Ula!" Ula!" Ula!" Mercury swept away to the south.

The artillery of the Chinese army is obviously ready after the previous four school shots. At this moment, it begins to rumble like a spring thunder that wakes up the earth. Each sound is like hitting the hearts of people on the battlefield, and the souls of the shocked people are trembling.

With endless mushroom clouds rising everywhere in the field. The Russian army's bayonets caused great casualties.

"Hang Long live His Majesty the Tsar! Long live the Russian Empire!" General Malinoff shouted wildly, ignoring the soldiers around him falling one after another, still encouraging the Russian army to continue to attack despite the large-caliber artillery bombardment of the Chinese army.

The bravery of the Russian army increasingly stimulated the blood of the revolutionary army, and the shouts of killing continued. 62 was soaring on the grassland with full power. The loader exposed his upper body on the tank turret and operated the 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun, "Sud..." He spilled the bullets out for free.

With the forward attack of the revolutionary army, the accompanying artillery cover finally stopped, and 24 arrows composed of 62 light tanks suddenly wedged into the waves of Russian infantry.

Because it was covered by artillery, the gray tide of Russian troops had been sparsely evacuated at this time. It was not so much like waves as a few thin trickles. One rushed in front of them were cavalry riding horses, followed by sparse infantry. But when the Russian army rushed into the tank assault group, it immediately hit the reef like a trickle and smashed to pieces.

According to the three-three system, the revolutionary army launched a scattered army attack, followed the coordinated tanks and quickly shot at the Russian army. The green Type 65 military uniform, accompanied by the green tank, quickly covered the whole battlefield.


"It's a pity that this is really a good horse."

A revolutionary soldier who cleaned the battlefield sighed and suddenly exerted his strength. He inserted into the skull of the white horse with a broken leg and fell on the grass. The injured horse was all over**. After the handsome muscles were straightened a few times, the four hoofs of the earth stopped shaking.

"This Russian soldier's hat is quite special. Is he an official?" A soldier pulled off the black-horned general's hat from Marinov's head and carefully looked at the golden Romanov royal emblem embroidered in the front left.

"It's so beautiful. It must be an official." The soldier next to him stepped on the horse's head, pulled out the three-rim# thorn, wiped the uniform of the dead cavalry on the side, and came over with a rifle and said.

The soldier who took off his hat kicked Marinoff's head contemptuously, pinned the head with a pair of bright gray eyes, and said with a smile, "I'll wear it."

He took off his helmet, put on a delicate Russian general's hat, and fastened his black hat under his upper jaw.

"Haha, Battle, you look like a Russian." Seeing this, several other soldiers who cleaned the battlefield surrounded and laughed.

Battle is a Mongolian soldier. He shyly took off his hat and said, "This capture is really interesting. Give it to the political commissar later and ask him to take a picture for us. The amount of my photo this month has not been used up."

The soldier who killed the horse's eyes lit up: "I didn't use it either. I also want to shoot."

Another soldier patted his thigh and shouted, "Let's take off all the officer's clothes and take pictures and wear a full set of clothes. That's majestic!"


The soldiers laughed and ignored the gunfire in the north, which was still being attacked by the Seventh Army in Irkutsk.

Alexander III, who was far away in Moscow, did not expect that China's reaction to his border harassment would be so strong.

In Alexander III's view, the Russian army in the Far East just took some Mongolians from the border pastoral areas, not even a Han. China's overreaction to this is undoubtedly a premeditated invasion.

But he doesn't know that in the eyes of socialist China, Chinese citizens of all ethnic groups are sacred.

With a defeated telegram rushing in front of Alexander III, he couldn't believe that the famous Russian army, known as the European roller, would be wiped out by the young Chinese revolutionary army like Tang Poxue.

From St. Petersburg to Moscow, and from Moscow to Ekaterinaburg, all Russia was mobilized. The nobles sent grain expeditions to collect all the food crazily. Wheat, flour, apples, sausages, jams, all of which were gathered in the name of military demand collection.

Since Russia expelled the Mongols, it has never been threatened from the East for 300 years, but the ** power of the Xiongnu King and the Mongolian Golden Horde has always been the darkest and most frightening memory of the Russian nightmare.

The vast Russia has enough strategic depth to drag the enemy to death in the face of the Western attack. However, once the attack is launched from the east, Russia has only experienced twice in history, but it has been defeated twice and even almost extinized.

Seeing the panicked appearance of the Russians, Britain, which was severely damaged in the first Boer War, almost cried with joy.

Britain, which claims to be an empire that does not set, is already anxious at this moment. After losing its sphere of influence in the Far East, South Africa is not guaranteed. It is really a great pleasure to see Russia's face.

Britain seized the opportunity and immediately reached an agreement with Russia, where Britain and the United States would lend 100 million US dollars to Russia to maintain the war against the People's Republic of China.


New York, United States.

The newly built Chinese Grand Theatre on Broadway is extraordinary. In the square in front of the theater stands a Chinese archway, carved beams and arches, red columns and green tiles.

New World Cinema, jointly established by China International Investment Corporation, Bank of China, China International Media Group and German Meri's Group, currently has more than 3,000 large and small cinemas in the United States, film, projectors, screens and audio equipment produced in China. , dominates the cinema line in the United States and even the world, and no country can produce color movie projectors and color films, which is China's exclusive secret.

These days, watching movies is a fashion and is regarded as one of the highest spiritual enjoyments in the world. China recruits actors from all over the world. In China's film and television base, various films are copied and then sent to cinemas around the world for screening.

After the first-class theater line is offline, copy it into the second-rate theater line, and after the second-class theater line is screened offline, copy it into the third-rate theater line. Of course, as an international enterprise controlled by China, the New World Cinemas will always be the first to try fresh cinemas.

Today, a new film was staged at the China Grand Theatre, a new film produced by China Disney Animation Company, called Frozen.