1875 I come from the future

Chapter 263 Movies and Electronic Products

[263]Film and electronic products

Tickets for the Frozen premiere and the opening ceremony of the Chinese Grand Theatre are not takeaway, but in the form of free tickets, which are presented by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China to the upper class in New York and Huasheng #ton.

The rest hall of the Chinese Grand Theatre is magnificently decorated with gorgeous large crystal chandeliers on the high ceiling, which are also shipped from China thousands of miles away. The four walls and roofs are sprayed with milky white latex paint, and gold paint is used to construct simple lines, which are both fashionable and classical colors.

Government officials and rich people from the upper class in the United States are crowded, smoking cigars in groups, holding crystal glasses full of champagne, talking loudly, just like attending a grand reception.

Brunette Charles Morgan said, "I heard that this is an excellent movie, as great as Alice in Wonderland last Christmas."

A rich lady around him said, "Yes, this is produced by Chinese Disney animation. I love watching Disney animation. I have seen more than a dozen cartoons released in the past two years. These cartoons are really wonderful."

The lady's husband is Barclays, a real estate developer and trader in New York. He nodded and said, "These yellow-skinned and dark-haired Chinese are rising too fast now. They seem to have suddenly learned after cutting their braids and have now become an important component of the civilized world. A few years ago, we were exporting cloth and machines to them. Who would have thought that the U.S. market is now full of Chinese-produced goods.

The lady said to the silent man in the dress, "Mr. Rockefeller, please also talk about your opinion. You know, we respect your opinion very much."

Rockefeller smiled politely: "Chinese movies are very well made. As trading partners, I am more concerned about how much oil they plan to buy this year."

Charles Morgan, a brunette young man, said: "I appreciate China's trade reciprocity policy. They do not blindly import goods. They turn the money earned in the United States into goods and ship it back to China. As the Chinese say, this is called complementarity."

Rockefeller took a meaningful look at Charles Morgan: "Morgan Bank, as a partner of the Bank of China, is responsible for operating RMB offshore settlement in the United States. You made a fortune last year. I heard that your father gave a Chinese-made QQ car to each of the girls who broke up with you."

Charles Morgan blushed, bowed slightly, and said respectfully to Rockefeller, "Please stop joking. My father is rich but stingy. He has just spent a lot of money to marry me a stepmother, but he is unwilling to provide a penny loan for Russia."

Rockefeller said, "Your father is right, and I also warned Stillman that First Citibank will not provide even a cent loan to Russia."

Charles Morgan said excitedly, "In this way, those families in New England will smile, and the First Boston Bank and the DuPont family will monopolize all the interests."

Rockefeller lowered his head with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth. He raised his champagne and took a sip of it. He said politely, "Then I wish them a successful investment."

At this time, Zhang Deyi, the ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States, walked up the stairs leading to the projection hall in the hall. He raised his glass slightly, and the hall suddenly calmed down.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of the People's Republic of China, I would like to thank all the distinguished guests for coming.

In the past three years, more and more investors and ordinary Americans have joined the New World cinemas. As of the first quarter of this year, the total number of New World cinemas in the United States has exceeded 3,000. The huge profits have made every investor full of joy, which represents that the common interests of China and the United States are constantly thriving. Grow up.

China's overseas investment has always unswervingly implemented Chairman Yao's idea, which is to closely connect us with the bonds of common interests by continuously expanding bilateral trade volume.

We never eat alone."

The latter sentence aroused laughter and applause in the hall.

Ambassador Zhang Deyi smiled kindly and continued: "China has the greatest goodwill towards the United States, and we look forward to continuously strengthening the friendship between the two sides.

We always believe that as the oldest country in the world and the youngest country in the world, China and the United States can provide endless impetus for world development. We should join hands to maintain peace in every corner of the world, sow the seeds of freedom and democracy, and let free trade flourish all over the world.

This year, in the face of Russia's brutal provocation, China decided to take military action to take back the territory that has belonged to China since ancient times and invite Russia out of Asia.

At present, our military operation has achieved good results and has achieved a preliminary victory.

China is not interested in European internal affairs and does not intend to expand its power to Europe.

But Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia!"

Ambassador Zhang Deyi said this, repeated firmly and loudly, and finally said heavily, "China's Asia!"

Hearing this, a reporter immediately asked, "Ambassador Zhang, just this month, Boston First Bank joined a group of bankers in the New England area to lend 100 million US dollars to Russia with the Royal Bank of England. What do you think about this? Will this hurt the good diplomatic relations between China and the United States?

Zhang Deyi nodded and said, "In this regard, I have officially protested to your President James Garfield on behalf of the government of the People's Republic of China. We believe that this is contrary to the spirit of independence of the United States and the commitment of the two sides not to interfere in each other's internal affairs when established diplomatic relations."

A reporter asked: "A few days ago, President Garfield spoke in Congress, saying that the current economic depression in the United States is partly caused by the dumping of Chinese goods. What do you think of this issue?"

Zhang Deyi replied with a unified caliber according to the official documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "I don't agree with President Garfield's view. Chinese goods enjoy a very high reputation all over the world, with high quality and low price, and extremely high scientific and technological content. Many goods such as radios, cameras, radios and so on are rooted in the United States. In this case, the trade between the two sides has formed a good complementarity. On the one hand, China exports to the United States products that the American people urgently need and cannot produce, and on the other hand, it purchases a large number of goods produced by the United States from the United States, which has created a large number of jobs for the United States. It has benefited from trade. At present, according to the data analysis I have obtained, the U.S. government's profit from tariffs is much higher than that of China's sales of goods. For example, the domestic price of Chinese seagull cameras is the same as the export price, which is about 300 US dollars, but the current tariff in the United States is as high as 45%. As far as I know, this is much more than Chinese manufacturers!

So I think on the contrary, China's exports have not affected the U.S. economy, but the increasing trade volume between China and the United States has eased the current depression of the United States.

The reporter asked, "So what do you think the United States needs to do to get out of the depression?"

Zhang Deyi said firmly: "We firmly believe that the direction of the world economy is global integration. Countries should establish different division of labor systems and improve people's living standards through trade complementarity. If the United States wants to get out of the economic depression as soon as possible, it should first reduce tariffs to reduce people's living costs. Only when the cost of living of the people is reduced will the operating cost of the American economy be reduced and the competitiveness of American goods be improved.

Most of the guests in the hall are capitalists with common interests with China. Hearing Zhang Deyi's words, there was a sudden applause.

Finally, Ambassador Zhang Deyi laughed and said, "I'm sorry for taking up everyone's entertainment time. Now please enter the cinema."

The screening of Frozen has caused a sensation in the United States. People in economic depression regard watching movies as the greatest entertainment to relieve their worries. Only when watching movies can they feel that they have escaped from the troubles of reality and get spiritual comfort.

Relying on the import of printing equipment and advanced ink from China, it quickly occupied the Huasheng Post in the eastern market of the United States and is famous for its excellent printing. After the premiere of Frozen, the front page of the newspaper was printed with a large headline - "Classical and Modern - The Fusion of Art", which was full of enthusiastic praise. Tao:

"This is another treasure that Chinese animation artists have dedicated to the world. The product assembly line of China Disney Animation Company has a bullet-like speed. Since the New World cinemas landed in the United States, this company has donated 29 animated films to us, almost one a month, and the production speed is amazing. .

I am honored to receive an invitation from Ambassador Zhang Deyi of the Chinese Embassy to watch the film at the Chinese Grand Theatre in New York, which just opened last night, the most advanced cinema in the world.

Just when I thought this movie was another wonderful story of a princess and a prince who could make my children happy for a whole month, I was deeply shocked from the first second when I entered the cinema.

What kind of epic movie is this? From the beginning to the end, the whole film has been flying at the peak of aesthetic art and has never come down.

Dance, opera, music, painting, all represent the highest achievements of film art. Every song is popular and beautiful, and every scene is like the most exquisite oil painting.

The article finally said: "...Whether you have children or not, this is an unmissable movie. This is not so much an animation for children as a fairy tale for adults."

It's not just Huasheng #Post, but newspapers all over the world are paying attention to this new film. Due to the birth of China, the film has become the most concerned topic and art of human beings overnight. Each newspaper has a column to discuss a film screened every week.

With the popularity of the film, Chinese-made Cassette Radios have also begun to go on the market around the world. Although the price is as high as $300, they are still sold out by the upper class. In order to expand its influence and continuously increase its attention, China adopts thirsty marketing methods. Traders from various countries can only get a small part of the quota every day, which makes the nobles and rich have to send their servants to wait at large department stores that distribute Chinese goods overnight wrapped in coats, just to get it in advance. Some electronic products that are enough to show off in the circle.