1875 I come from the future

Chapter 267 Seven Points of Entrustment

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[267] Seven o'clock entrustment

At this time, the Republic of China has completed the first round of training for county party secretaries of the Central Committee. After preliminary study, the county party secretaries from more than 3,000 rural counties across the country have understood what socialism and Marxism are like.

Yao Fan participated in the graduation ceremony of each training course to encourage the grassroots cadres of these republics. All county party secretaries remembered Yao Fan's seven-point instructions of "loyalty, self-discipline, people, pragmatic, honest, loneliness and responsibility", which were printed on the certificate of completion of the party school.

In the national radio network, Yao Fan personally made a speech and mobilized, focusing on calling on rural areas across the country to take action under the leadership of farmers' associations and party committees, earnestly grasp the three anti-five anti-movement in accordance with national laws and regulations, resolutely fight against all traitors and worms in the party and the government to the end, and fight against all evil customs. Struggle.

By the end of 1881, the three anti-five counter-movement entered**, and the focus began to shift from three reverse five, and a large number of criminals involved in tax evasion, bribery, defrauding state-owned assets and stealing national intelligence were arrested.

In Yao Fan's office in Fengze Garden, Li Jun, the new Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, was reporting to Yao Fan. Li Jun, dressed in a Zhongshan suit and sat on the sofa next to Yao Fan, said, "This Hongtu Company's case is a little noisy. Li Hongzhang asked someone to make an item, hoping to give Li Jingfang a An opportunity."

Yao Fan snorted coldly: "Li Jingfang bribed government officials and subordinate factories of Laigang Group to sell steel. This case involves more than a dozen officials, including not only old bureaucrats but also new party members. This influence is too bad.

He also agrees with this three antis and five antis. Now it has burned his son, so Lao Li has jumped out now. I think he will always give him face. After all, he is not at this time to clean up.

Li Jun nodded and said, "Li Hongzhang's two biological sons are both progressive. After graduating from the Physics Department of Tsinghua University in 64, Li Jingshu stayed in the school to teach and joined the Party. He is one of the youngest lecturers in Tsinghua at present. Li Jingxuan in 1966 is about to graduate. He is also in the Department of Physics and has very good grades. At present, he is a probationary party member.

Yao Fan said, "This case is going to be bigger, and I will also give a little warning to those enlightened gentry. Those party members and officials who collude with will be punished in accordance with the law, and one of them will be killed. All of them will be publicized in the radio and newspapers. For Li Jingfang, I will issue the chairman's special amnesty, but I will criticize it fiercely in the newspaper. Let everyone know that lying on the merit book of the mother can be avoided. If you die, you can't avoid losing your reputation.

Li Jun said, "Li Hongzhang is now the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. I'm afraid he can't hang up on his face."

Yao Fan looked at Li Jun and wanted to see what Li Jun thought.

Yao Fan sighed secretly and thought how I could tell you that I knew there was a red country. His former prime minister controlled 40% of Russia's natural gas. The former Central Secretary of the League opened Russia's largest bank, seven oligarchs, and more than 280 billionaires, all of whom were high-ranking officials in the party and controlled it. What about most of the oil, minerals and factories in the country?

How can I tell you that these original high-ranking officials in the party relied on joining hands with Western oligarchs, colluded with Western forces to overthrow the people's power, and devoured the labor accumulation of the people of that country for nearly a hundred years, and all the state of the people originally belonged to the people. The assets were put into their own pockets by these people overnight?

Yao Fan said lightly, "If you can't hang on your face, it proves that he is still reactionary in nature and has no clear understanding. In that case, just force him to jump out. It's better for him to jump out with his group.

Li Jun said, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't jump out. Zuo Zongtang and he have never dealt with him. At that time, he just need to beat the edge drum for Zuo Zongtang and let him come out to criticize. Li Hongzhang dared not say back what we criticized. Zuo Zongtang came forward, and Li Hongzhang may not be able to resist. Even if he can resist, his gang will definitely jump out and attack rampantly.

Yao Fan nodded and said, "I'm not too worried about the representatives of the old ruling class who are anti-socialism outside the party. These gentry now have nothing but money. They have no ability to collude with overseas conglomerates for the time being, and they are not famous at this stage.

I think our focus on anti-corruption is still within the party. For those hedonists in the party, we should pay attention to these people who are easy to be corrupted and should sound a wake-up call for them.

Among them, the most difficult ones are those who form gangs to work on the mountain. They want to run their own departments or provinces and cities into an iron bucket array that can't be thrown into. These people only deal with the spirit of the central government verbally, and they still go their own way and start their own business in the small kingdom.

These people are not corrupt for the time being, but they are paving the way for doing bigger bad things in the future. They should be more guarded and remind them that if they are stubborn, the central knife is not made of tofu.

Li Jun's face showed a puzzled expression: "What did the chairman say?"

Yao Fan said: "At the closing ceremony of this county party secretary training course, some county party secretaries reported to me that some leaders did not listen to the following opinions or did not listen to the following opinions at all. In order to raise money for various projects for the construction of provincial capitals, they allocated various taxes and fees to rural areas.

If the county leaders below have different opinions, the province will use the power of the Organization Department to replace people. It is useless for farmers and farmers' associations to oppose it, which is very unsful to the people. It also makes some county party secretaries sit in their seats trembling. Now many people say that the county party secretary supported by the farmers' association is useless. The above sentence will make you get out of here. So what does the farmers want to do? Forget it."

Li Jun nodded and said, "I must raise this issue at the next Standing Committee. Doing so is harmful to the interests of farmers and the hearts of farmers.

Yao Fan said, "Also, about the farmers' association, it takes too long to choose a representative once every five years. Some people show their fox tail as soon as they go up. I think it's chosen once a year, and there are only those people in a village. Village entrance, valley farms, and fields, anywhere is fine. Everyone sit together and discuss it. There is no need to make it like choosing a national leader. Sleeves are the same, once every five years.

Li Jun said, "I don't think the county peasant association should elect a president. They are all representatives of villages. They don't know each other and can't choose any famous hall. Instead, it causes disunity. I think the county party secretary should be the president of the peasant association."

Yao Fan agreed, "I think so. In addition, the war zones have been established for a long time, and some people probably think that they are the emperors of the earth. I think they will do a mobilization.

Li Jun asked, "What are the war zones?"

Yao Fan picked up a teacup and took a sip of water and said, "All, the deputy commander, together with the chief of staff, disrupted the redistribution and gave them a new environment."

Li Jun is dumb.

Yao Fan said, "I have said hello to the Minister of National Defense Hu Guangting, Xiao Chukai and Liu Jinbao about this."

Li Jun nodded.

Yao Fan continued: "They are now stepping up the construction of the navy and air force, especially the construction of various research institutes, military factories and military academies. I agree that this is not sloppy and should be put first. You, the prime minister, should support them.

Li Jun said, "Now all universities are building and expanding. Graduates are very popular, and most of the graduates from Tsinghua University have also given them to military industrial units."

Yao Fan said, "You can discuss this. I also know that people are nervous, so we should strengthen our work in education."

Li Jun said, "China's education has been invested in the first place in the world."

Yao Fan said, "Don't compare with the dwarf, compete with yourself."

Li Jun said, "In the Second Five-Year Plan, it is planned to extend the primary school by one year to four years, which increases the cost of training. It's better to save this money by three years of primary school."

Yao Fan said, "This has been decided. It's better to be poked in the day and evening. I think it's better to encourage enterprises and groups of various countries under the People's Asset Management Committee to let them run night schools for their employees."

Li Jun nodded, wrote it down in his notebook, and said, "The Russians are now frozen at the negotiating table with us, biting the North Sea and not let go, hoping to split the half."

Yao Fan said, "The place is in our hands, don't worry. The land reform in the northern agricultural and pastoral areas is very popular with farmers and herdsmen. Our regiment farms and poor mountain immigrant groups are also stationing little by little according to the plan, and the situation is very good. What's the hurry? I'm not in a hurry."

Li Jun laughed and said, "As long as the railway from Cullen to Xinbei City is opened, a large amount of steel and cement can be transported in and the construction of Xinbei City can be accelerated. It is expected that the size of the city will reach 150,000 within five years."

Yao Fan said: "The Siberian region has great potential. Berka Lake, that is, the North Sea, is rich in water resources and excellent water quality. It can be used as tap water for 7 billion people for 50 consecutive years. In the future, if Beijing, Hebei, Gansu and Shaanxi are short of water, they will carry out a north-south water diversion project, and their children and grandchildren will not drink it.

We should not set up a submarine test base there. If the water source is polluted, we will be sorry for our children and grandchildren.

Li Jun can't hide his joy when he thinks of this recovered homeland in the north: "I read the information and say that it is rich in wildlife resources and is a treasure house of fur."

Yao Fan said, "Yes, hydropower resources are also abundant. During the flood season, there are mainly snow water and few tributaries, which is much more convenient and convenient than repairing hydropower stations on the Yellow River of the Yangtze River.

In addition to water resources, Siberia can also find all the resources and mines in the world except rubber! Oil, natural gas and combustible ice reserves are extremely abundant!

There is all black land, planting wheat every year, or rotation, which is enough for the whole Soviet Union to eat. 10 million immigrants will pass, and it will be a big granary in the future!

Puting it in Lao Maozi's hands as a strategic buffer zone is simply a restraining thing.

Li Jun asked, "What is the Soviet Union?"

Yao Fan came to his senses: "Oh, I mean Russia."

Li Jun said, "Not long ago, the German American Group hoped to be approved to run a radio station in China and be incorporated into the national radio relay system for nationwide coverage and launch. The propaganda department is studying this matter. What is your opinion, Chairman?"

Yao Fan said: "Xinmin Evening News is now the only Sino-foreign joint venture newspaper in China. The American Group has tasted the benefits, but the radio station cannot be opened for the time being.

The propaganda position is very important. It can mess up a country or subvert a country.

Adults are fine. Generally speaking, they have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but for students, they can only focus on learning scientific knowledge and have a future.

Pasteur, a famous French biologist, said that the size of a person's achievement depends on his ability to continue to concentrate.

Once the publicity is opened to foreign investors, the messy thoughts will be uncontrollable. Students are confused about who will answer? Most of the teachers in the school have limited ability, and they may not be able to distinguish right from wrong, let alone answer questions for students.

Once people's faith is shaken, who is there in their minds to learn? Why do you struggle for this kind of ideal? There is no future in your studies. When you regret it in the future, it will be sad and there is no medicine for regret.

Li Jun was a little confused and tried his best to think.

Yao Fan continued to reveal the secret: "Our red textbook is the first firewall. If students' thoughts and values are correct, they can be compatible with textbooks and easy to learn well.

If students' parents, families and society instill some negative selfish ideas in students, there will be a conflict with our textbook values, and these children who have accepted the wrong values will be incompatible with the textbook, and there will be confusion and confusion subconsciously.

This ideological contradiction can cause difficulties in students in learning. Generally speaking, the smarter children are, the more likely they are to be affected and confused. The more difficult it is to obtain the ability to continuously concentrate on learning, and dull children are more likely to be undisturbed.

The doorway of ideological struggle in this area includes both pedagogy and psychology. Therefore, struggle is an art of science.

Li Jun seemed to suddenly realize that "It turns out that there are so many ways in students' textbooks!"

Yao Fanxin said that my mother is engaged in education, which is a secret.

The average IQ of Russians is only 100, which is 101% worse than the 110 of the Chinese, but the reason why countless super geniuses have emerged in the former Soviet Union is that their textbooks are so popular, their domestic propaganda is also simple and messy, the ideological field is highly concentrated, and the propaganda is extremely single and popular. It is purple, so students are easy to concentrate, have no mental troubles, and are prone to genius.

Yao Fan continued: "Look, it is not possible that anyone will revise our country's textbooks and remove the content about class struggle, socialist core values, capital exploitation theory and so on."

Li Jun is dumb.