1875 I come from the future

Chapter 268 Winter Snow

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[268] Winter Snow

Since the beginning of late autumn, the cold current has swept across Siberia. The weather is getting colder day by day. The revolutionary officers and soldiers stationed in the former Irkutsk-New Beihai City found more than 30 hot springs before the snow was frozen according to an accurate map.

The so-called Berga Lake, also known as the hot spring resources in the North Sea of China, is very developed. It surrounds the world's first deep-water lake in the North Sea, with more than 300 hot springs, large and small. In later generations, it is a very famous hot spring resort in Russia. What a wonderful enjoyment it is for people to enjoy the meeting of cold and hot in the pure air and in the snowy winter. No wonder the former Russian colonists called the North Sea the "Holy Sea".

Before the beginning of winter, the newly established Cullen war zone used the greatest force to build the foundation of the railway line. Prisoners of war, migrant workers, railway engineers, agricultural reclamation corps and herdsmen were all summoned and put into the road construction battle.

According to the requirements of the central government, the Cullen Theater was newly formed by drawing 7,29,30 from the Beijing Theater.

Because Russian forces were expelled from the Far East Pacific region and the pressure on the Shenyang war zone was greatly reduced, the former Shenyang war zone was changed to the Vladivostok war zone, and the defense center was also changed to the Pacific region.

Snowflakes have begun to float in the sky. Wang Guangxing, the new commander of the Kulun Theater, shrank his neck and rubbed his hands, and quickly walked into the temporary headquarters of Kuhai Railway Construction.

Wang Guangxing used to serve as the commander of the Kunming Theater, but now he has been transferred to the Cullen Theater as the commander, responsible for the formation of the Cullen Theater.

From the flowery spring city of Kunming, he took a special plane of the Ministry of National Defense to Kulun, a cold frontier city in the north. As soon as he got off the gangway of the five transport planes, Wang Guangxing was frozen.

The temporary headquarters of Kuhai Railway Construction is located in the Dalhan Banner 200 kilometers north of Coulon. The temporary cold-proof houses are lined up along the railway line, which is one kilometer long.

Wang Guangxing walked into the temporary headquarters in the board room, took off the 65 high-alamp area cotton coat with a furry sheepskin lining and gave it to the guards. He went to the stove and opened the stove cover with iron pliers, spread his hands on the red-glow and kept rubbing.

"Grandma, I'm freezing to death. I'm afraid the snow won't stop for a while!"

Wu Enqi, the staff officer, said, "Commander, if there is a white wind here, it will be a white disaster. If it is not more than one meter deep, the snow will not stop. In some windward slope areas, the snow is three meters to five meters deep, which is unfailing."

Wang Guangxing said, "Xiaowu, you are a Mongolian. Tell me, how did Genghis Khan march in such a heavy snow before?"

Uenqi was stunned. Although he was a Mongolian, he had never heard that Genghis Khan could send troops in this weather.

Uenqi scratched his head: "Commander, my family used to be a slave herdsman of the prince's family, so I have never heard of fighting in this kind of weather. Anyway, when we herdsmen encounter this kind of weather, they can only hide in tents to keep warm, avoid the white wind and heavy snow before going out to shovel snow. Why don't I help you find an old man to ask? Have those elderly people heard these stories?

Wang Guangxing stamped the snow on his feet and rubbed his hands and said, "Well, take time to ask for advice. If the snow continues, the whole project will stop. Many of the commanders in the headquarters had frostbite on their hands, and the frostbite cream was smeared layer after layer.

Uenqi said, "The Darhan flag is well stockpiled. The coal, grain and medicine previously shipped from Beijing Kulun Railway are enough for us to spend the winter, and the local cattle and sheep are also slaughtered and frozen."

Wang Guangxing sucked his stuffed nose and looked out of the window and said, "But you can't always nest in the board room. The center is looking forward to the stars and the moon looking forward to this railway..."

New Beihai City is another scene. The revolutionary army stayed in the city left by the Russians, burning firewood and coal, using hot spring water to welcome the arrival of winter.

Wen Ding, the military political commissar of the Seventh Group, took soldiers to send warmth to the local people of all ethnic groups door-to-door after the land reform.

There are too many food and bacon reserves in the Russian fortress, enough to feed 50,000 or 60,000 people for two or three years. These reserves were originally used as materials for the construction of the Siberian railway and the rations of the Siberian Legion.

Now, only the 7th and 29th Army are stationed in Xinbei City, and the land reform has been carried out, and a large number of surplus grain of Russian feudal landlords and nobles have been collected, so the materials are extremely rich.

At every household, Alyosha, a member of the Central Committee sent by the Russian Labor Party from Kazan, was busy helping the revolutionary army explain policies and distributing winter food.

After the Russian people got the food, they were grateful to these strange "aggressors". In their opinion, these invaders were really strange. Instead of burning, killing and looting, they sent them food and took them to sweep the nobleman's farm and the livestock and farm tools in the farm. Fairly distributed to each farmer, a bucket of jam in the aristocratic lord's manor storage room and cellar, a cart of bacon, a bundle of fur, a bag of grain, and cheese piled up into hills, all of which were distributed to these poor farmers.

After the abolition of serfdom, the situation of Russian farmers living on land has not improved at all, but the living environment has become worse.

In the past, as the lord's serfs, the lords regarded the serfs as a property, hoping as much as possible that these living things would not starve to death, so that they could work for generations. However, after the abolition of serfdom, the lords did not care about the life or death of serfs at all, so the methods of exploitation became more and more cruel and fierce.

With the help of the Russian Labor Party, the people of all ethnic groups in Siberia quickly understood that the People's Republic of China was a proletarian regime and the land reform policy brought about by the Chinese Revolutionary Army.

In the eyes of working people of all ethnic groups, this is simply a grace of God's kindness. Every family can share their own land, which is like living in heaven.

"Misa, don't follow us anymore. We won't accept female soldiers." Wending Political Commissar patiently said to a blonde Russian farm girl.

The little girl wears a sheepskin hat, and a few thick and beautiful blonde hair emerges from the edge of the hat. She wears a sheepskin coat and a pair of sheepskin boots on her feet, which are new and were divided in the land reform.

She saw that Wen Ding was finally willing to talk to him and chatty happily for a long time.

Alyosha, a comrade of the Workers' Party of Russia, said to the political commissar Wending with a smile, "The little girl said that she saw female soldiers in the revolutionary army. She knew that you were collecting female soldiers. She said that she knew the Berga Lake area well and could guide us, find hot springs, forests, deer and wild ducks."

Wen Ding stamured for a moment and said, "What she saw were the female soldiers of the health companies and propaganda teams directly under the regiments.

However, we do have plans to recruit a group of Russian proletarian soldiers, which is of great benefit to the further advancement of land reform and publicity work.

Ariosha, you ask her to go back to the headquarters with us, and I'll talk to the political department.

As soon as Alyosha explained to the peasant girl Misa, she suddenly became happy and smiled as beautiful as a flower. She rushed over and kissed Alyosha's face and kissed Wen Ding's face again.

Wen Ding was so scared that he stiffened his whole body and said, "Men and women are not close to you. This can't do this. You have to make mistakes."

The guard quickly drove the blonde girl Misara away.