1875 I come from the future

Chapter 270 New Ship launched

[270] New ship launched

Due to China's continuous lobbying, the German Empire has just passed the Trade Union Organization Law, allowing trade unions to legally register. For a time, more than 500 underground trade unions across Germany have applied for registration, and they are increasing day by day.

Bremen, Germany,

Uncle Hans, the representative of the port union, stood on a pile of goods covered with Chinese waterproof canvas in the port and delivered a speech to the workers.

"Friends, comrades, let me tell you what I saw on the cargo ship Balette to China this time.

When I set foot on the red port called Qingdao, which belongs to the working class, everything in front of me shocked me, countless cranes; countless cargo ships; countless containers and wooden containers; there was more prosperous than Bremen; more than Wilhelmshaven; more than Hamburg. It is the port center of the world.

I saw the workers there wearing neat blue uniforms and helmets. Yes, everyone has a helmet! We fought for a year, and Mr. Cavalero, the director of the Port Authority of Bremen, did not agree to give a helmet!

Mr. He, chairman of China's Port Association, received me warmly. We took the convertible car in the port and visited the whole port area. Yes, we visited by car, because Qingdao Port is too big. You can't imagine how big it is. Let me tell you that together with the dock storage area, there are 50 football fields there, maybe more than that. In short, I can't measure it with my own feet.

The neatness and modernization there will make every decent German feel shabby. The port has its own employee shuttle bus. There are many seats on that large car, and each car can seat 70 or 80 people. Every day after work, the beautiful shuttle bus will send employees back to the community where they live.

I eat in the staff canteen in Qingdao Port. You absolutely can't imagine what Chinese dockers eat. There are sausages! There is Chinese bread steamed with water! Soup with large pieces of pork, fresh meat, asparagus and tofu! The workers eat very implicitly. I bet they eat like this every day!

Ha, maybe you said that the canteen may have been extra because of my arrival. Let me tell you, under the leadership of enthusiastic Chinese guild comrades, I still visited the homes of several Chinese dock workers. They live in almost all buildings, with tap water, electricity, boiler heating. I heard that gas will be installed in the future to replace coal stoves! There is a duty room at the gate of each community, and there is a telephone in it!

There are supporting hospitals and schools near the staff community, and the people's government loves workers as much as they love their own eyes!

Chinese workers left me for dinner at their house. I saw that the rice jars in their house were full, the flour bags one by one, and the golden soybean oil was full of transparent plastic buckets!

The host warmly invited me to drink Chinese green tea, Chinese cigarettes, and fruit candy. I really hope to bring some of that kind of fruit candy back to my little daughter, but my dignity does not allow it.

The food was very rich, with fish and meat. I was very happy. The host kept asking me to eat more. In fact, I can't eat it anymore. I really ate too much.

In the homes of the employees I visited, I found bright electric lights, small radios, Chinese sewing machines loved by German women, hot water bottles, and even electric fans! Children go to a free primary school, and the school provides free lunches. The state even provides children with uniforms and coats for free.

Ah, what a happy life Chinese workers live. Everything is so orderly and full of joy. Yes, I call it the joy of life, which is a luxury for German workers.

How many times have you returned home and found that you couldn't even find a piece of black bread in the cupboard? Second, you found that the dried chestnuts had also been eaten up. When you opened the broken wooden box in the kitchen and found that there were only a few moldy rotten potatoes. The milk in the milk jug is always inferior with clots, and coffee and cigarettes are even more luxurious. We can't support the growing children at home. They always eat all our food.

Every year, if many of our families can eat a Frankfurt-style pork stewed sauerkrain, they will feel that this is the happiest time of the year, and those good memories can accompany you for a whole month. But Chinese workers have the opportunity to eat meat at home in the canteen every day!

Friends, comrades, we live like local buns in the countryside, and we are overwhelmed by the exploitation of capitalists.

This kind of day can no longer continue! We ask for a salary increase! I will never stop until my goal is reached!"

After listening to Uncle Hans's speech, nearly 1,000 workers gathered on the dock clenched their fists, waved rhythmically in the air, and shouted angrily: "Increase wages! Never stop until you reach your goal!"

The shouts of the crowd surged on the dock, and the representatives of the union took out the well-prepared slogans, tied their two ends with bamboo poles, matched with a red flag, formed a vast marching army, and angrily rushed to Bremen City Hall.

At this time, the German navy was making a friendly visit to China thousands of miles away. At the invitation of the Chinese navy, the German navy came to China thousands of miles away, one to deepen the feelings between the two countries and the other to more closely protect the lifeline of maritime trade between China and Germany.

In order to come to China, the German navy overcame many difficulties. When the British refused to provide coal and freshwater supplies along the Indian colonies, the two warships with a displacement of 8,939 tons and the Hansa with a displacement of 4403 tons, with a supply fleet of eight cargo ships After a vast journey, he finally arrived in Saigon. After completing the supply and rest and maintenance, he visited Guangzhou, Fuzhou and Shanghai, and finally arrived at Qingdao Port to participate in the new ship service ceremony of the Chinese navy.

There are four warships in service this time. 85% of all weapons and parts come from the 21st century. The Navy of the People's Republic of China is only responsible for the production of the remaining part, but the milestone is that all four ships are completed by the Qingdao Naval Shipyard.

After nearly two years of exploration and practice, Qingdao Naval Shipyard relies on the wisdom of the masses, video teaching, organizing research and assembly and welding materials. The skilled craftsmen in the working class have used their wisdom and diligence to complete the final assembly of four warships and summarized a set of shipbuilding experience and equipment. Installation technology.

This provides the foundation for the large-scale expansion of naval shipyards and the large-scale manufacturing of warships in the future.

In order not to start too difficult and complicated, the warship drawings sold by China to the People's Republic of China in the 21st century were the Type 6607 Anshan-class destroyer originally known as the Four King Kong, but they were not installed*.

After removing the two "upstream" anti-ship* launchers, the Anshan-class destroyer was equipped with a total of six 130MM single-tube 50x main guns and four double 37mm 63-diameter secondary guns.