1875 I come from the future

Chapter 271 Mission Visit

[271] Mission's visit

Under the guidance of two high-horsepower tugboats, the battleships "Deutsch" and "Hansa" entered Qingdao Port, accompanied by the German Imperial Mission sent by Kaiser Wilhelm I.

Bismarck, who submitted his resignation under the pressure of the domestic buyer bourgeoisie, served as the chairman of the German Imperial Mission this time with his close personal friendship with William I.

At present, a strong local buyer's bourgeois power has been formed in Germany. A group of consortiums led by relying on monopolizing Sino-German trade, led by the Merrith Group, have begun to establish a joint venture banking and financial system in Germany under the banner of Sino-German joint ventures, constantly eroding Jewish international bankers from London. Market share.

Because the diplomacy of Britain and France with China has always been frozen, China and France have only established a small agency in each other's capitals, and the Chinese diplomatic agency in London and Paris is also affiliated to the Chinese Embassy in Germany in Berlin, so that it is even more in diplomacy. There is no possibility of progress.

Germany has made a lot of money in recent years by monopolizing the European management rights of Chinese goods. The buying bourgeoisie has been constantly buying the German parliament and lobbying the government to repeatedly reduce tariffs. China has also repeatedly urged Germany to work hard to reduce tariffs, otherwise it will consider canceling the most-nation treatment given to Germany's trade.

The scale of German merchants' exports to China is also expanding by purchasing global cotton, grain and crude copper. The American Group has even merged a shipping company in the Netherlands, and the civil shipbuilding industry in Germany has also been driven.

Not to mention the current booming processing industry in Germany, all of which revolves around the processing of Chinese goods. China's investment in packaging factories, paper mills, printing factories, and even various mechanical equipment factories that rely on gears imported from China to produce machinery, radio factories that rely on imported movements to produce radios, and Mercedes-Benz auto factories that rely on imported Chinese engines, tires, transmissions, bearings and other parts to assemble cars... Wait, wait, it doesn't...

William I is now worried that Britain and France are secretly lobbying the whole of Europe in an attempt to isolate Germany, and all countries are dissatisfied with Germany, a rising bridgehead of Chinese goods in Europe.

Although at present, due to the irreplaceability of Chinese goods, it has brought great tariff profits to governments around the world, governments are covetous of Germany's monopoly on the one hand and can't talk about it on the other hand.

William I is afraid of being isolated by Europe, so he urgently needs China to come up with a practical plan to help Germany get rid of the current increasingly isolated crisis.

While the warship entered the port, Bismarck saw an Anshan-class destroyer docked by the Chinese navy in Qingdao Port from afar.

Lieutenant General von August, the captain of the battleship Deutsche standing next to Bismarck, said: "What a beautiful boat, very beautiful, without sails, fully mechanically powered propulsion!

The steam turbines made by the Chinese are the most advanced in the world, and no country can make such a thing. At present, the 10,000-ton ocean-going cargo ships built by China between China and Europe are now using steam turbines.

I just don't understand why they built a 10,000-ton cargo ship, but made the warship so small.

Bismarck said: "Chinese people are very logical. They do things very rationally."

General August nodded and said, "Yes, if it weren't for the facts in front of us, who would have believed that the Chinese small gunboats of more than 300 tons and less than 100 tons of fish #mining boats could tear up the British Royal Navy and the French Far East Fleet?

Sir, do you know what the British Royal Navy and the French Navy call China's 037 hunting submarine now?

Bismarck stood on the bridge blowing the sea breeze and looked sideways at August.

"They gave that thing codenamed Bull Terrier, which means that the small warship is fierce and fast, with fearless courage and agile mobility, and is the nemesis of those warships as big as bulls."

Bismarck said: "For us, the rise of China is like a mystery. The thin small cannon on the Chinese bullfighting terrier can hit 12 kilometers and is extremely powerful. China's torpedo can be launched within kilometers, and it is rumored to have a tracking function. China has made aircraft, which has played a great role in the war against Russia!"

General August said, "I hope the Chinese can sell us a few such bullfighting terrestles, which is the crystallization of science. If the German navy can master that advanced technology, British maritime hegemony will no longer exist, and German fleets and merchant ships will no longer have to worry when entering and leaving the English Channel."

Bismarck said: "The Chinese are very strict with technology. They are only willing to sell technologies that are a little outdated for them."

August put down his binoculars and pointed to the "Anshan" on the farboard 201 and said, "I bet that the main gun of the warship with a displacement of no more than 3,000 tons is more than 120mm! Six naval guns are vertically arranged in a 1-shaped shape, and the turret is wrapped in armor. There is only a huge chimney and a steel mast... It's really beautiful. Even if the tonnage is not large, I can feel that it is the peak masterpiece of the world shipbuilding industry..."

Deng Shichang, commander of the North Sea Fleet, and Chen Weipeng, the political commissar, had already been waiting at the military port dock. When the Deutsche approached the shore, German naval officers lined up on the side to salute the Chinese navy.

When the German docked and lowered the gangway, the Chinese naval band played a welcome march on the shore.

The German mission's visit to Qingdao lasted for three days. The grandeur and equipment of the Chinese naval shipyard opened the eyes of the German naval officers. According to the drawings and core components provided in the 21st century, the 12,000 tons of free forging hydraulic press assembled and produced by the Northern Industrial Group made the workers in the German mission Master Cheng was stunned and called it a miracle. When the 10,000-ton hydraulic press rubbed a dark red 40-ton long shaft forging again and again like kneading dough, Bismarck sighed, "The world is already Chinese."

At the service ceremony of the new naval ship, four identical Anshan-class destroyers lined up outside the port. Under the gray-white coating, the 50-diameter 130mm barrel was ferociously reflecting sunlight.

The German mission set out again. After the fleet arrived in Tianjin, the mission took the train directly to Beijing.

Yao Fan personally received Bismarck and representatives of the mission in Zhongnanhai.

"For Southeast Asia, an area where China has been emigrating, investing and developing since ancient times, our decision is to recover as soon as possible. This is the decision we have made, not a proposal or proposal.

We have been patient with the Netherlands and Spain for a long time. Their colonial rule in this area has brutally harmed the lives and property safety of overseas Chinese, which is unacceptable. The legal property rights of overseas Chinese are inviolable. In the newly passed 81 Citizenship Law, it is clear that It is stipulated that if overseas Chinese do not acquire local nationality, they will automatically be counted as Chinese citizens. Many Chinese citizens in Southeast Asia have received ID cards and are authentic Chinese citizens.

Bismarck looked at Yao Fan and asked, "Is China going to use force against Britain again?" And are you going to add two enemies this time? What about Germany? Your policy is making Germany more and more isolated from other countries on the European continent.