1875 I come from the future

Chapter 273 New Immigration

[273] New immigrants

There are thousands of islands in Southeast Asia, and it is difficult to describe any country in this region in words, because for the local indigenous people, the concept of the country is far away from them. On many of the islands, the indigenous people still live a primitive tribal life, just like Africa.

Because this area is rich in islands, pirates have become a promising profession in Southeast Asia. Mountain gorges, fishing villages, and nests are all natural nests for pirates.

The ignorant indigenous and crazy pirates make no country willing to operate this place as its own land. The Dutch, British and Spaniards define it as a complete colony, domesticate the indigenous people as jungle monkeys and cultivate one plantation after another for them.

Several insightful comrades in the People's Republic of China proposed to Yao Fan to operate Southeast Asia as a puppet country or colony instead of incorporating it into the territory.

To these comrades, Yao Fan always told them patiently: "Look at how many overseas Chinese there are there! Look at how barbaric and ignorant those indigenous people are! These two extreme antagonisms will inevitably lead to either extreme worship of Chinese civilization or extreme exclusion of China. The integration of the map is to prevent the latter situation from happening.

Considering that China has undisputed dominance over this region since ancient times, most people still support the recovery of this region.

The 037 hunting submarine numbered 35021 galloped through the Strait of Malacca. Huang Yuanmao, the captain of the boat, narrowed his eyes and pointed to two three-masted sailboats on the sea in the distance and said to Zhong Zhen, the political commissar, "In my experience, it must be a pirate ship. In half a month, the pirate den we have destroyed near here, all used this A fast Dutch sailboat.

Huang Yuanmao smiled confidently and said, "When he saw us playing the flag and didn't return, he turned around and ran away. The hull was shallow, and it could never be a merchant ship."

Committee Zhong nodded slightly: "If only we could take down the ship. To deal with these wooden ships, we can only collect the bodies as soon as we fire."

Huang Yuanmao said cautiously, "Although there are general hydrological information about this area issued by the central government, in terms of our understanding of the specific waterways and shore reefs of this area, we can't compare with these pirates. They are now desperately approaching the fjord. Who knows if there are reefs there?"

Committee Zhong patted his forehead: "Lao Huang, you're right. In case there is a mistake in the warship, this report can't be written later. Let's get rid of it quickly!"

Huang Yuanmao nodded confidently and picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand: "No. 1 gun position ready, target pirate ship, fire!"

In the face of the shelling of the Chinese navy, they felt that it was impossible to get rid of the high-speed pursuit pirates of the 037 hunting submarine. They quickly hung the white flag and obediently followed the shouts of the Chinese navy and pulled the ship over.

Actions like this to suppress pirates are staged everywhere from the Philippines to the Strait of Malacca.

At the same time, land reform is like an artifact, which works wherever it is used. The local indigenous people who were liberated from the cruel rule of the Spanish and the Dutch soon began an internal struggle. The nobles, elders, landlords, and the former rulers were cut off their heads, and the land had new owners. .

Under the organization of the local Chinese, indigenous people are organized to build local infrastructure. Large areas of rainforests are cut down, timber are transported and processed, the wilderness is burned, and endless fertile soil is displayed in front of them. The warm and humid climate makes Southeast Asia as a plantation or Cultivated land can be cultivated uninterruptedly all year round.

When 35021 towed two captured three-masted sailboats into Medan Port, a 4,500-ton steam cruise ship "Baiyun 03" from Guangzhou, dragging long soot and steam into the port with a long whistle.

"Lao Huang, the second batch of standardized immigration groups have arrived." Commissar Zhong showed a happy face.

Huang Yuanmao, the captain of the boat, smiled and said, "Okay! With these ten or eight big cruise ships, the more than one million paddy fields and plantations left by the Dutch in the Medan region will not worry about no one planting.

Zhong Zhen shook his head: "What is enough for ten or eight articles? According to the central estimate, in our Medan Port area alone, the arable land area to be developed is more than 2 million mu. In addition, the cultivated land area has been developed far more than 3 million mu. According to the requirements of the Immigration Planning Bureau of Saigon Theater, a family of three is divided into 30 mu of land. There will be 100,000 agricultural residents in the future, plus the urban population, and at least 400,000 immigrants.

Huang Yuanmao smiled and said, "The indigenous population here in Medan is less than 60,000, and the population of our country is really large."

Zhong Zhen said, "Don't mention Medan, the total population of the whole island of Sumatra and the surrounding small islands is only 610,000! Do you know the figures from our country's census last year? More than 400 million!"

Huang Yuanmao spit out his tongue.

While watching the deputy captain run out of the deck and greet the first officer to arrange to enter the port, Zhong Zhen said, "From Bangkok in Siam to the whole Malay Peninsula in Singapore, the population is only 550,000!

Java Island, east of Sumatra, has a larger population of 2.7 million.

Borneo Island in the east of Singapore and north of Java, the Dutch island called Kalimantan, has a population of only 200,000!

Do you know that Java Island covers an area of about 132,000 square kilometers, Borneo covers an area of about 740,000 square kilometers, and Sumatra Island covers an area of about 470,000 square kilometers. The total area of these three islands and the surrounding islands is about 1.4 million square kilometers, and the potential arable land area is more than 40 Ten thousand square kilometers, that's 600 million mu of arable land! According to the immigration plan of 30 mu, 20 million households can be supported!"

Huang Yuanmao's tongue can't shrink back.

Zhong Zhen talked about it and said, "In addition to the Philippines and the Malay Peninsula, the arable land in Southeast Asia is enough for 100 million immigrants. If Annan and Siam are added, it is even more difficult to calculate this account. In short, in Southeast Asia alone, there is at least a rural labor gap of more than 100 million. However, the total population of this area is too small. Siam, Annan, Cambodia and Laos add up to only 3.3 million, plus the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines, which is only more than 8.6 million, less than 10 million people!"

Huang Yuanmao withdrew his tongue and swallowed his saliva and said, "Political commissar, I think your level. Not to mention the political director of the Medan detachment of our South China Sea Fleet, it is enough to be the political commissar of the entire South China Sea Fleet."

Zhong Zhen laughed and said, "Nonsense, if the political commissar of the fleet Luo knew that I was bragging with you today, he would have to send me to the agricultural reclamation corps as a secretary, hahaha."

Huang Yuanmao and Zhong Zhen laughed while paying attention to their feet, taking the officer interns on the 037 hunting submarine down the gangway, commanding two three-masted sailboats in the distance, and landing with the help of the sailors and tugboats.

After surrendering, the pirates were killed by the 037 hunting submarine with the intention of fighting back the ship. Half of them were killed, and the remaining half were dull-eyed. At this moment, they were gray and tied with their hands tied to the ropes and taken ashore. What awaits them will be a long reform of labor. There are still many roads to be built in Southeast Asia.

The "Baiyun 03" cruise ship from the mainland also completed docking and lowering the gangway. According to the national policy, the immigrants who moved from the whole family from the poor mountainous areas were noisy getting off the ship.

"Ah, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, squeeze my chicken, I want you to pay for it!"

"This is Medan. This dock looks very elegant."

"Dad, hurry up, what are you doing? If you're going late, maybe you won't find a good place."

"Xiao Ling, hold Ah Fu well, and mom and dad have to carry their luggage."

"Children's father, why is Medan hotter than Guangzhou?"

"Fuzi, take a close look at Dad's carpenter's box, and I inquired about it on the boat. Your father and I are the only carpenter this time. Hey, this is very developed."