1875 I come from the future

Chapter 272 China's Asia

[272] Asia in China

Yao Fan said frankly to Bismarck: "According to our judgment, the arms race in Europe is currently escalating, and Russia and France are tending to form an alliance. In addition, the encirclement of Britain, France and Russia against Germany has been formed, which is not diverted by anyone's will. Europe is likely to break out a world war.

So, weakening the strength of Britain and its allies as much as possible before the war has become a crucial strategic goal for China and Germany at present.

Yao Fan logically outlined a picture of World War I to Bismarck: the Franco-Russian alliance, which agreed that when Germany or Austria-Hungary attacked Russia, France would attack Germany; if Germany attacked France, Russia would attack Austria-Hungary and the German Empire;

Britain will undoubtedly side with France and Russia;

Italy is unreliable, because the princes and dukes of this country are scattered, the bourgeois parliament is born out of the aristocracy, wavering is their nature, and they are likely to deviate from the German-Aust Austrian alliance;

Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland will follow the will of London's international bankers and join the war against Germany. Bulgaria has long been tired of Russia's instructions on all Slavic peoples, and their nobles will follow the inertia of history and fall to the Austro-Hungarian Empire..."

Yao Fan sincerely said to Bismarck, "My friend, China is not afraid of all this. Compatriots and class brothers of all ethnic groups have never been as strong and confident as they are today.

But Europe needs a leader to maintain peace and establish a new order to ensure long-term prosperity in the future. This leader is either Britain or Germany, and the losers will go to hell.

I don't mean to belittle Britain, but her imperialist #ist policy is not respectable.

Germany is China's closest trading partner in Europe and even the world. Our common interests are increasing, so we are happy to see Germany strong.

Bismarck saw his confidence from Yao Fan's firm prediction: "You are a strategist who sees far away. Germany is lucky to be your friend from the beginning.

But once you now march into Southeast Asia such as Siam, Johor, Aceh, Brunei, Java and the Philippines, the British will rudely cut off the Suez Canal and cut off the Indian Ocean, and Sino-German trade will be completely interrupted.

If the German navy's visit to China had not been replenished by the Portuguese colony of Goa on the west side of the Indian Peninsula and the French colony Madras on the east side, we might have faced the extreme difficulties of the last voyage. Even so, such an ocean voyage is still daunting.

Germany's naval power is far worse than that of Britain, and it cannot threaten Britain on land. In this way, Germany will be in an extremely passive situation.

So I firmly oppose your policy of seizing Southeast Asia from Britain, the Netherlands and Spain,

Yao Fan knew that this was a difficult problem: "Do you mean that once China enters Southeast Asia, Britain will completely block the route between China and Europe? Can't Germany be spared? This is equivalent to a declaration of war on Germany.

Bismarck sighed: "This is very likely. You can't take this risk. This is not cost-effective for both China and Germany. Germany is not ready to face the British blockade."

Yao Fan said decisively: "The People's Republic of China has always opposed any country's monopoly of colonial markets and ports and any interference in free trade. Britain must open all colonial ports to merchant ships."

Bismarck was surprised: "Do you think Britain will agree?"

Yao Fan said firmly, "If Britain doesn't agree, I will attack India."

Bismarck was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. After a while, he said angrily, "As soon as the German mission visited China, you sent troops to Southeast Asia. Everyone would think that China and Germany were weaving a conspiracy to jointly launch a war."

Yao Fan said, "But I'm ready for the war, and even..."

Bismarck said urgently, "Even what?"

Yao Fan said, "Even at this moment, China's warships and landing ships have set off."


At this time, the Saigon Theater and the South China Sea Fleet of the People's Republic of China have begun their combat plans against Southeast Asia.

In the spring of 1882, the 12th Army in the Saigon Theater Command broke into Siam and quickly supported the local Labor Party to establish the Siam Socialist Democratic Republic, declaring that the People's Republic of China had the right to establish military bases in 151 counties of Siam.

The 27th Army in the Saigon Theater took a large number of 067 and 271 landing craft to form an escort fleet with fish # mine boats, hunting submarines and supply ships. It went straight into the southern end of the Malay Peninsula, invaded Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, and controlled the Strait of Malacca.

The 21st Army in the Guangzhou Theater also took landing ships and, escorted by the East China Sea Fleet, set out from Kaohsiung to the south to the Philippines, carry out raids and landing operations against the Spanish garrison, warships and local puppet troops, and quickly invaded Manila.

With the help of the strong transportation capacity of the Beijing-Guangzhou-Saigon railway, the military mobilization capacity of the People's Republic of China at this time seems beyond imagination, probably because the opponent is too weak, and the whole Southeast Asia region was soon liberated.

Bismarck was annoyed. A large-scale friendly visit turned into the beginning of the war. Now all countries believe that Germany has reached a secret treaty with China.

In order to compensate the German Empire, Yao Fan agreed to transfer the production drawings and processing materials of the later Mauser 98 rifle, as well as some chemical and metallurgical technologies to Germany. At the same time, the two sides agreed that once Britain launched an attack on Germany or blocked the Central European route, China would attack India and even further declare war on Britain.

After returning to Europe, Bismarck immediately lod around, claiming that all countries in the world should respect any decision China makes in Asia, because Asia has been China's Asia since ancient times.

Britain showed a surprising silence in the face of China's occupation in Asia, or the 19th century version of the appeasement policy.

Although Britain has exploded, and the parliamentary representatives of Spain and the Netherlands in the United Kingdom have made indignation speeches, British Prime Minister Gladstone did not dare to start the war lightly.

As the leader of the British Liberal Party, Gladstone and the knowledgeable people in Parliament have increasingly seen the strength of the People's Republic of China over the years.

When professors and scholars from Oxford University and Cambridge University praised China's advanced science and technology again and again, Britain's imitation of China's advanced industrial products, troubles and inferior quality again and again, Britain's top and bottom have understood that China's rise has been a certainty.

There have long been legislators in Congress, claiming that any attempt by Britain to maintain its colony and sphere of influence around a rapidly rising superpower like China is undoubtedly unwise and inappropriate.

These feared people of China's power claim that Britain should immediately ease relations with China and recognize China's legal hegemony in Asia.

Liberal Prime Minister Gladstone also feels that as long as Britain can save India and Australia from the hungry Chinese, the loss of the Southeast Asian colonies of Spain and the Netherlands is completely acceptable.

Over the years, the quarrels about China in the British parliament have never stopped, but this time, the contradictions have become sharp, and the British Empire seems to have only two choices, war or silence.

Because except for these two choices, any language will appear stupid and make the British Empire the laughing stock of the world.

Gladstone finally decided to negotiate with China first, hoping to get a clear answer from China, and the two sides will formulate a reasonable plan to redivide the colonies of Southeast Asia.

At this time, in British society, the focus of public opinion was on the navy's flight without a fight. The Royal Navy Pacific Fleet unexpectedly fled to Medan without firing a shot when China attacked the Malay Peninsula.

For this reason, the commander of the Royal Navy Pacific Fleet was suspended and asked for an explanation. The commander of the Royal Navy Pacific Fleet and Lieutenant General Mosley was urgently recalled to London. When he spoke in Parliament, he was frustrated and frankly admitted that he believed that the 25 warships owned by the Royal Navy Pacific Fleet, No one can defeat the Chinese South China Sea Fleet.

"Since you can't beat it, why let the young men die?" Mosley will be straightforward.