1875 I come from the future

Chapter 277 Sweeping Thousands of Armies

[277] Sweeping thousands of troops

Major General Xius, riding a brown horse, and with British officers, led nine British colonial infantry regiments in northern India from New Delhi to the Himalayan Pass.

He was in such a bad mood that he couldn't be happy to see the open wild roses on the roadside.

According to the information sent by the lord of the northern Turkish states, the strong Chinese army has crossed valleys in the Himalayas after departing from Ali, Tibet, and has now entered the Capone Valley.

After launching several rash attacks on the Chinese army going south, the imperial association army of the northern Turkish states was beaten by the Chinese army's mortars. It has collapsed and is being chased and besieged by Chinese infantry.

Major General Xius was frightened. Once the Capone Valley changes hands, the Chinese army will successfully rush out of the Simla Pass at the southern end of the valley. If they can't block the Chinese people at the Simla Pass, it will mean a disaster. The Chinese army will rush into the plains of northern India. In the direction of attack, they will have countless The choice.

Major General Hughes was shocked by the speed of the Chinese army's attack, but Hughes felt that the number of Chinese troops could not be large. The commercial road from Ali to Lhasa was in poor condition, and the wilderness was full of gravel and streams. The logistics of the Chinese army must be very problematic.

Seus has three strong Sikh infantry regiments, two Punjabi cavalry regiments, and four hard-working Gurkha infantry regiments, led by more than 100 British officers and more than 500 experienced British soldiers, with a total strength of more than 20,000.

As the most powerful corps in northern India, Hughes boasted about the Marquis of Dufflin, the governor of India, and Count Scholl, the commander-in-chief of the British army in India, claiming that with such a strong garrison, it was impossible for the Chinese to step into the plains of northern India.

However, after several encounters, Susi was shocked to find that the Indian native soldiers he relied on for mountain warfare had no resistance in front of the revolutionary army composed of the Han and Tibetan ethnic groups.

Sius now pins all his hopes on the Capone Valley and Simla Pass. As long as he controls here, he can firmly lock the Chinese army in the Himalayas without taking half a step south.

After a morning march, the forward troops of the Xius Corps finally arrived at the Simla Pass.

The first opponent they encountered was the 11th Army of the Lhasa Theater of the Chinese Revolutionary Army, which gave them a blow.

As a mountain army group, in order to facilitate the field maneuvering, the armies under the Lhasa station area are equipped with a variety of mortars and non-reaction guns from regiment to company, and each division has a Type 56 160MM mortar regiment. Although the weight of more than one ton of 160mm mortar is not light, it is also more important than the more than two tons of 122mm howitzer used in the Kunming theater, making it easier for trucks and tractors to tow in the river valley.

In contrast to the British army, Britain has been thinking hard from the fiasco on both sea and land over the years and vigorously developed artillery. However, in 1880, Britain had not found a way to shoot 4 kilograms of shells out 3,500 meters.

The British War Department is extremely angry about this, because in their opinion, China's 82mm mortar shells are about 4 kg each (actually 4.75 kg, close to 5 kg). If Britain wants to compete with China on land, it has to take out a 75mm to 80mm howitzer to fire 4 kg of guns. Technology to bounce to 4000 meters.

So after strengthening the alliance with France, Britain and France jointly developed artillery. Britain exchanged its own naval technology with France's superior artillery technology and successfully produced the Type 85 75mm howitzer in 1885. The 25-capacity barrel and smokeless gunpowder allow the gun to fire 4 kilograms of grenades to 4 kilometers away, but its lethality only depends on more than a dozen uneven fragments of the shell case, while the firing of solid iron ball shells can reach 6 kilometers.

Sadly, the huge technical generation gap is between China and Britain, so that all the artillery of this era can continuously adjust the shooting of 200 rounds within two kilometers. Whether it is a grenade or a solid iron ball, the hit rate is only a little more than 10%. However, now all countries in the world are learning China's loose tactics. In the face of infantry that is no longer dense, the development trend of artillery will focus on grenades, so all countries are eliminating solid shells.

However, because all types of Chinese mortars have a range of more than 5 kilometers and 160mm can hit more than 8 kilometers, the war has been one-sided from the beginning.

The vanguard of the Xius Legion soon came into contact with the revolutionary army. The vanguard of the 11th Army opened the way with 81 light machine guns and 56 semi-automatic powerful firepower to collapse the forwards of the Xius Legion and was forced to retreat and reorganize significantly.

Then the artillery battle began. Due to the artilleryism advocated by Yao Fan, the Chinese revolutionary army has evolved modern warfare into the era of artillery confrontation. A 160mm mortar regiment spearhead of the 11th Army took the lead in the disaster. Under the radio guidance of the leading team, the 160mm heavy grenade mortar weighing 41 kg was poured into the position of the Xius Corps.

In the rumble of the cannon, the 160mm shell weighing 41 kg opened the British army's eyes. The weight of this thing is ten times the weight of the British army's newly replaced 1885 75mm howitzer shell, with a killing radius of more than 50 meters, covering an area equivalent to the size of a football field.

After the Seus Legion rushed into the Siram Pass to stop it, the large troops of the British colonial regiment were soon bombarded and shattered outside the Siram Pass. Each shell of the Chinese army took the lives of 50 or 60 soldiers, and even a shell was shot into a Gurk infantry regiment astrayed into a phalanx. Heart, causing more than 200 people to die on the spot, and more than 300 people were seriously injured...

Major General Xius's spirit is almost broken.

But this is not over yet. The modern infantry tactics of the revolutionary army have always been artillery coordination, and the arrival of artillery fire means the beginning of the infantry impact.

Long before the start of the annihilation battle in the Capone Valley, the 11th Army formed by the people of the Han and Tibetan ethnic groups had already completed the detour behind the enemy with iron pots and dry food. The two infantry regiments crossed the mountains from the east side, waded through the eastern valley, and detoured to the southeast side of the Xius Legion, accompanied by the fire of the artillery pioneers of the 11th Army. The cannon covered and launched a large-width encirclement charge against the Xius Legion.

Hearing the sad charge of the Chinese army sweeping mountains and rivers, the Indian soldiers no longer had the will to fight and began a large-scale collapse and escape. The British officers were at a loss and their command was completely paralyzed.

At this time, Major Generalius's spirit completely collapsed.

Seus rode on a horse and fled with panic. He smirked in his heart, "No one can defeat the Chinese. They are slaughtering us like wolves driving sheep. This is an unfair war..."

With the collapse of the Xius Legion, the main force of the 11th Army rushed out of the Silam Pass and attacked the North India Plain. Countless Indian and native armies retreated without firing a shot. The entire British army in North India began to retreat south on a large scale.

On the eastern front of the liberation campaign, the three armies in the Kunming theater also swept all resistance, rushed out of various rugged mountain roads and woodlands, bypassed the main legions of the enemy, and completely surrounded the 120,000 main forces of the British army gathered in Dhaka and Calcutta on the eastern front.

Then, the 1st Division of the Republic of China Air Force took off from the battlefield airport in Yangon, and 48 large-scale bombing clusters of 5 were dispatched. The silver deathmen handsomely dropped hundreds of tons of bombs on the besieged British army, completely losing the will to fight the main force of the British army in Calcutta and Dhaka. The two cities are almost ruined.

In the Bay of Bengal, it is hot in summer, and the salty and warm sea breeze makes people feel more and sticky.

The British overseas fleet gathered in the northern Gulf of Bengal, waiting for a decisive battle with the Chinese navy.

British Navy Marshal Olade stood on the bridge of the battleship Intrepid launched in 1884, looking down at the deck and found that the soldiers were praying for victory devoutly.

"Yes, victory, God bless the Queen, Great Britain needs a victory so much!"

Chinese-made radio transceiver ticked in the telecommunications room at the top of the bridge. The translator's work in the past few days only got a bunch of bad news. The British army in India's 200,000 troops retreated steadily, and the proud and loud numbers were annihilated by the Chinese establishment, and the revolutionary army added thunderous air power. Ergoda blew back to the Stone Age.

According to reliable information, the commander-general of the Calcutta Naval Base told Marshal Olade that Count Shore, the commander-in-chief of the British army in India, and his headquarters were also tragically attacked. Chinese planes dropped tons of bombs and blew up Count Shore's headquarters in Fort New William Fort in Kolkata into a pile of gravel. The British army has not found the body of Count Shore so far.

The Dreadnought is not a dreadnought-class battleship that later people think, but an upgraded version of the Royal Navy **-class ironcladship, with four 317mm main guns, each with a turret weighing 25 tons and a range of 10 kilometers.

Since the Royal Navy was defeated and defeated by the arrogant Chinese Navy, the British Navy has begun a large-scale shipbuilding campaign with the intention of disgrace. Therefore, the **-class ironclad was upgraded to become the current battleship Dreadnought.

The entire Royal Navy overseas fleet has 139 large and small warships, divided into 10 detachments, all of which are currently gathered in the Bay of Bengal, because according to intelligence, the Chinese fleet has set out from Banda Aceh and rushed all the way to Calcutta after resupply in Yangon.

Marquess Olade knew that the current overseas fleet of the Royal Navy is actually the most powerful fleet of Britain, even larger than the local fleet. If this fails to win against China, the British maritime empire will be completely destroyed, which is beyond his imagination.

The sun gradually rose. At noon, the third squadron in front sent a message and found the Chinese fleet on an unprecedented scale. In addition to more than a dozen large warships, there were more than 30 small boats under 1,000 tons.

However, the naval battle suddenly began without warning. The Chinese fleet more than 20 kilometers away showed its ferocious teeth before the Royal Navy squadrons rushed up to complete the siege.

Li Lu, the new deputy commander of the South China Sea Fleet, ordered a long-range* attack on the British Navy. Ten 024* speedboats scattered at sea, pulling out a formation of horizontal intensive attack.

The command of the captains of each boat echoed in the horn in the boat:

"All get ready for battle!"

"All members will enter the combat state immediately!"

"Each battle position is in place immediately!"

"Start self-examination in each battle position!"

"*The power supply is complete!"

"Fire control radar power supply is complete!"

"*Hand-loading electric explosive tube is finished!"

"The radar is locked, and the real-time data injection is normal!"

"The automatic constant temperature state of the motor is over!"

"The horsepower of the host is fully open! Moving forward at full speed!"

"All the crew have entered the bridge cockpit, and the water-tight door has been locked"

"I order, *launch!"

"Yes, launch!"

"Yes, launch!"

A dazzling tail flame erupted upstream* and shot at the British naval target. After approaching the target, the terminal guidance radar was turned on. After completing the climbing action, it roared and dived into the abdomen of the British warship.

There was a series of big explosions on the sea. Nearly 10,000 tons or even more than 10,000 tons of capital warships such as "Golaton", "Hercules", "firm", "Perris" and "Dignity" were destroyed in an instant. The Royal Navy was completely disrupted. No one knows what the Chinese navy used. How did the magic work?

Guangzhou, the main ship of the South China Sea Fleet, has a displacement of 13,000 tons. It is a junior battleship specially designed for the Republic of China in the 21st century. It is equipped with 4 203mm single-tube main guns. This is the ship type of 203mm howitzer. In addition, it is equipped with 4 130mm secondary guns, 4 57mm secondary guns, and 8 double 37mm automatic guns.

Because it is not designed with too complex electronic systems and double or even triple turrets, the shape of the ship is similar to the reduced version of the 071 dock landing ship, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Although it is a 21st century design, the main construction and assembly are all completed by the Republic of China, because it does not consider too much electronic equipment, nor does it require landing operations, and it does not bring helicopters or * drooping systems. Therefore, the ship's self-construction is not too difficult, and the localization rate has reached nearly 50. %.

The 203mm main gun with a range of 50 kilometers suddenly fired at this time, announcing that the whole fleet had joined the battle. Fuzhou, Kunming, Taipei of the same class as Guangzhou followed by firing, and then Hong Kong, Macau, Foshan, Maoming and other destroyers of the same class as the four King Kong also joined in, followed by the assault of the 037 hunting submarine and the pursuit of the fish # mineboat brigade, 203mm, 130mm, 5 The 7mm naval gun rumbled, and the fish # thunder thundered into the water, and hanged into a ball on the sea.

When the Marquis of Olade rushed to the battlefield, a batch of British warships were rushing to the Chinese fleet. Olade looked at the wreckage blown by the Chinese navy on the sea. Fire and black smoke enveloped the Royal Navy, as if it were a crematorium.

An idea came to Olade's mind: "Maybe I will never go back to London..."