1875 I come from the future

Chapter 278 Trans-Asian Railway

[278] Trans-Asian Railway

The Marquis of Olade stood on the bridge of the dreadnought and looked at the fierce battle on the sea with a mortal consciousness. The four 10,000-ton Chinese ships that were firing attracted his attention like magnets.

"What kind of cannon can have such a long barrel! Range...Range...Oh my God! They are shelling the 7th Fleet 30 kilometers away!"

Oled clenched the telescope with his sweaty hands and judged from experience that the giant ships were equipped with 203mm 8-inch caliber naval guns, which made his heart cold.

"Look at the length of the barrel, the diameter is about 40... Maybe 45... My God, the 12.5-inch 317mm main gun of Fearless is only 26 times the diameter, which is already the ultimate of Great Britain, but it can only project solid projectiles to a maximum of 10 kilometers, and the grenade can be fired at most 5 kilometers. Left and right... If you want to get a certain degree of accuracy, unless you are close to half of the maximum range, but..."

Oled visually observed the trajectory of the 203mm gun on the Chinese warship, and estimated that the range of China's 45x 203mm gun may be 40 to 50 kilometers, and the rate of fire is one shot per minute.

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Olade had no confidence and shouted at a loss.

"How can such a powerful gun load so fast in nearly 5 minutes than the 12.5-inch 317mm main gun of Intrepid!"

Oled's heart was trembling, and he knew that he could not defeat him.

Just as he wanted the Intrepid to make a flag to withdraw from the battlefield, a fish # mineboat cunningly rushed out from behind the sinking British cruiser USS Firm, quietly rushed at a low speed in the direction of the Intrepid USS, and fired two 533mm fish #thres at a distance of 8 kilometers. After communication with the 21st century, the maximum range of the 533mm torpedo equipped by the Republic of China has been increased to 15 kilometers, with an effective range of 10 kilometers.

However, the officers on the Intrepid did not find the 6625 fish # mineboat that was attacked 8 kilometers away.

The fish # torpedo imported by the Chinese Navy from the 21st century can have a maximum depth of 400 meters, which ensures that no opponent in the 19th century can find the torpedo from the sea from a distance.

Six minutes later, the dreadnought hit the first fish # mine that surfaced. The middle and front hull was completely broken into two pieces. 20 seconds later, the second fish # thunder came one after another. The dreadnought was shot again, cracked from the middle, and the hull was divided into three sections, and began to sink rapidly from the sea.

The naval battle in the Bay of Bengal lasted nearly six hours, from afternoon to dusk, ending with the destruction of the British Royal Navy. 139 large and small warships of the British overseas fleet were not spared, 75 were sunk, 24 of the 64 survived, were ordered to sink themselves, and 40 were captured, and returned to the port of Calcutta, which had been launched and occupied by the Chinese army under the escort of the Chinese navy.

Among the 36 large and small warships that the Chinese navy participated in this battle, a fish # mineboat was seriously injured, which was also because the boat was unfortunately shot after launching a 1,200-ton British gunboat to launch a 1,200-ton gunboat to wash the deck. Four other 037 hunting submarines were shot and slightly injured when they broke into the British fleet's melee deck.

By the end of 1886, the Chinese army had liberated the whole territory of India. In addition to parts of the northern areas that were under the direct jurisdiction of the Republic of China, they also established Beiluzhi, Sindh, Gujarat, Bikaner, Jeishme, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Meval, Bendkend, Guaryol, Indore, etc. 52 socialist republics, if they were not afraid of being too detailed and difficult to manage, according to India's hundreds of dialects and hundreds of ethnic minorities, they would have been divided into at least 100 countries.

While carrying out land reform and socialist transformation, these countries established their constitutions, naturally joined the United Nations, and voluntarily gave up military or semi-military rights other than the police in accordance with the Constitution. The Republic of China has also obtained the right to station troops and build military bases at 1455 locations in the region.

After this war, the pearl on the British crown disappeared, and Britain fell from the clouds of global hegemony.

All countries in the world saw Britain's weakness at this time. In particular, Germany began to expand its army crazily. In William I's eyes, Britain could no longer cover France as an ally at this time.

According to the historical records of later generations, William I nakedly confessed to William II and his close ministers in the palace that he took France, got the Mediterranean sea, further marched to Africa, and captured the African colonies belonging to Germany, which would be the hope for the future of the German Empire.

Britain lost India's 200,000 army, not to mention its vitality, it seems to have been broken and can hardly stand up.

There is a depression in the United Kingdom, and government bonds in the financial market have been sold out to almost worthless! International banking groups are transferring huge amounts of gold to flee crazily every day, with only one target, the United States.

The choice of the Jewish consortium is very wise. Under the nest, Britain is in chaos, and France is of course unreliable; the Germans and China wear a pair of trousers and are vigorously developing the so-called "German bank", which can't be relied on; Russia has always rid of worries and does not need to think about them at all; it can be said that Austria is a close relative of Germany; Slav Countries are all puppets of Russia; Ottoman Turkey is a heresy; the Nordic countries are too weak to be entrusted...

In this case, if you don't choose the illegitimate child of the United States, where else can you go?

For a moment, the United States suddenly got rid of the deflation that had been plaguing them, and there was large-scale foreign investment, which suddenly became inflationary and the economy grew rapidly for a while.

Since the Republic of China has torn up a war with Britain, it has no more scruples. The East China Sea Fleet went south to Borneo, continuously occupied the Sunda Islands, the Moluccas Islands, New Guinea Island, and landed in Australia with a total population of only 500,000 at this time. More than 6,000 Marines and soldiers soared to occupy the whole state of Australia. , and took New Zealand, which has a population of only more than 20,000. At the same time, all islands in the Pacific that do not belong to the United States will be landed and naval bases, ports and anchorages will be built.

Because Australia is in a state of war and Australia is vast and sparsely populated, and there are no strong requirements for land reform, Yao Fan has tightened immigration to these new lands of the Republic of China, including Australia, and the whole 3Five Plan is greatly inclined to the immigration plan.

Without the threat of Britain, Japan withdrew all the concessions in the country and abolished all unequal treaties. Although China did not promise to ease the technical embargo against Japan or any country, objectively, Japan has benefited from China's grand expansion.

Britain did not seek peace after suffering a great humiliation, and the Liberal cabinet collapsed. The Conservative Party came to power through early elections, declaring the British Labor Party illegal and began national general mobilization recruitment and large-scale ship building.

Britain dispatched a total of 110,000 infantry, artillery and cavalry to invade Egypt protected by Ottoman Turkey under the leadership of the local Grand Fleet and completely blocked the Suez Canal.

In the face of Britain's madness, Yao Fan still adopts the strategy of the army as the main navy, step by step, and does not consider the plan to liberate the Middle East before the Trans-Asia Railway is repaired.

The concept of the Trans-Asia Railway was urgently put forward in the Third Five-Year Plan, and the southern section is planned to extend west along the existing Beijing-Saigon route to Bangkok, Yangon, Jeddah, Dhaka, Calcutta, New Delhi and Karachi.

The northern section is planned to extend south to Samarkand, Dushanbe, Kabul, Islamabad, Lahore and New Delhi along the existing route from Beijing through Urumqi to Tashkent. As a result, the southern end and the western section converge in New Delhi and extend from New Delhi to the port of Karachi at the mouth of India.