1875 I come from the future

Chapter 279 Finale and Feelings

[279] Finale and speech

Although Britain blocked the Suez Canal, it is only for Chinese freighters.

Britain still released cargo ships from other European countries, but the water supply price of the Suez Canal has doubled, which is equivalent to shearing wool from all over Europe.

The most fundamental reason why Britain has not completely banned Eurasian trade is that her own strength has been seriously damaged.

Losing Australia and India is like cutting off Britain's two stinky feet in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, and Great Britain no longer has the courage to call itself an empire that never sets.

Whether it is for the army that urgently needs quantity to fill the quality gap, or for the navy that urgently needs to build ships, the poor Britain now needs too much money.

Considering the actual demand for Chinese goods in the European market and the ensuing tariff income, the British endured the continued passage of merchant ships from Germany, Austria, Italy and other countries between Europe and Asia.

In fact, due to the serious damage to Britain's strength, even if he wants to ban Germany, Austria and Italy from trading with China, tearing his face and engage in naval battles with the three countries'navies, it is difficult to say that he will win by relying on the strength of Britain's only domestic fleet.

Once the three countries completely tear their faces with Britain and unite with China to declare war on Britain... Britain has learned the strength of the Chinese navy. Even with France, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia and Ottoman Turkey, Britain is not sure of winning.

Instead of adding three European enemies for yourself at such a critical moment, it is better to manage the occupied Egypt and North Africa, lick the wounds, and prepare for the inevitable decisive battle with China.

At this time, China's maritime transportation capacity is also extremely tight. The suddenly expanding United Nations has too many land, sea and air bases that need to be built. In addition, the new land of Australia and Southeast Asia needs new tonnage everywhere.

Internal immigration and port trade alone occupy all the maritime transportation capacity of the Republic. As a result, Yao Fan had to purchase countless cargo ships on a large scale from the 21st century.

In order to achieve leapfrog development, in addition to the large-scale import of gold, gemstones and works of art from the world, the Republic's mineral development has blossomed everywhere to pay for the 21st century.

Large gold reserves in Siberia, Southeast Asia, Australia and India have been excavated in advance. The prisoners of war and the original ruling class in the land reform are excellent miners, providing sufficient human resources for the Republic.

In the autumn of 1892, the Republic of China completed the Third Five-Year Plan and launched the first aircraft carrier formation. Before that, the Republic of China had five Soviet-class battleships customized from the 21st century, forming an invincible battleship formation in the world.

This class of battleship was named Huaxia-class, which was provided with components in the 21st century and assembled in the Republic of China. The five ships were named Beijing, Shandong, Shanghai, Fujian and Guangdong in turn. Finally, Guangdong, which was launched, completed 85% of the localization rate. In addition to radar and electronic systems, Most of the artillery, armor and internal mechanical parts are produced by the Republic of China itself.

And the global arms race in 1892 has also come to an end, and the war is imminent.

The three countries of Germany, Italy and Austria are extremely angry about Britain's long-term occupation of the Suez Canal and charging high water diversion fees.

In the autumn of 1892, Germany declared war on France, Britain declared war on Germany, Russia declared war on Germany, and Austria declared war on Britain and Russia.

A month later, Italy declared war on Britain and Russia. After receiving the British promise to fight against the threat from Eastern China, Ottoman Turkey declared war on Germany, Italy and Austria. The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Portugal also joined the British side. Under the pressure of the international banking group, the United States unexpectedly remained silent.

In the face of the world war provoked by Britain, Labor International clearly put forward the slogan of the unity of workers all over the world for the first time. Although it did not join the military alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy, it also announced the slogan of Japan's General Liberation Day and the liberation of the Middle East.

After five Huaxia-class battleships with a standard displacement of 57,000 tons blocked Tokyo Bay, inspired by this, a large-scale Red Army uprising broke out across Japan. Red sailors controlled the naval warship and shelled Tokyo from the battleship Hyuga. There was a military ad in Tokyo, and Emperor Meiji and his ministers were shot in the east. Beijing Palace Front Street.

With the landing of the East China Sea Fleet and the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Japan, all of Japan was liberated in 1893.

Yao Fan announced the completion of the great unity of the Asian people.

In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, Japan gave up its full military power and merged it into the United Nations. The whole country implemented land reform. The original army and most of the Red Army were disbanded, and the remaining 80,000 were conscripted into the revolutionary army with a total scale of 1.5 million, land and air, and transferred to various parts of the world to carry out peacekeeping missions.

Britain and Ottoman Turkey lifted the blockade of the Suez Canal in 1894. After the liberation of Persia and the Arabian Peninsula, China swept Egypt and Ottoman Turkey with 500 62G light tanks and more than 1,000 Type 86 infantry fighting vehicles.

After China was forced to declare war on the four-nation alliance, the Russian Labor Party launched a revolution in response to the Chinese revolutionary army. More than 3,000 tanks and more than 7,000 armored vehicles stationed on the Sino-Russian border launched a blitz all the way into Moscow, liberating Russia, and Russia announced its withdrawal from the four-nation alliance.

During the process of land improvement in Russia, a large-scale white # army rebellion broke out in the territory, which is known as a three-year rebellion.

In 1895, the main force of the United Nations army was in the north of Istanbul, annihilating the British, French and Turkish coalition forces.

In 1896, France unilaterally concluded a peace treaty with China and withdrew from the Anglo-French alliance.

In the same year, the Chinese and Russian troops swept the Ottoman territory of Turkey. The fourth five-year plan of the Republic of China was successfully completed in the war and national mobilization.

In 1897, the three-year rebellion in Russia was encircled and suppressed, and a series of socialist republics were established in Russia, such as Finland, Ugol, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ashkenac, Ukraine, Ural, Caucasus, Moldova, Georgia and so on.

The socialist transformation of the Balkans and Ottoman Turkey was completed at the same time, and a large number of Slavic countries and Middle Eastern countries such as Armenia, Macedonia, Serbia, Kurd, Croatia and Snovenia became independent.

In 1898, Germany, which occupied all of France, was dissatisfied with China's unilateral peace with France and encouraged the independence of the Slavic peoples in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so it declared war on China after making peace with Britain.

In the same year, the United Nations army, navy and air force emanated the whole of Europe, including Britain, and added a large number of members of the Socialist Republic to the United Nations.

In 1899, after liberating all of Africa, the United Nations forces crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed on the east coast of the United States and invaded New York, Boston and Washington.

In the same year, a large-scale Labor Party revolution broke out in South American countries, and countries announced their accession to the United Nations.

In the same year, Yao Fan announced in Beijing that the United Nations is the only legitimate government on the earth, headquartered in Beijing.

The Constitution of the United Nations has been continuously improved, and Chinese has been established as the only official language.

In order to permanently commemorate the extraordinary wisdom and courage shown by the Republic of China in the establishment of the United Nations, the Charter of the United Nations stipulates that all countries shall voluntarily and permanently give up the right to establish military organizations. The Republic of China, as the world police, has the right to station troops and exercise force in any part of the world, and abolish the world There is an old currency, and the RMB is the only currency in the world.

Marx died in 1900.

In 1901, the fifth five-year plan of the Republic of China was completed, and the United Nations established a perfect supervision and inspection mechanism in all countries in the world to ensure democracy and peace in all countries.

In 1906, the sixth five-year plan was completed. The Republic of China launched an artificial earth satellite and announced the moon landing plan. Since then, mankind has entered the space age, and the people of all ethnic groups in the world are fighting for a beautiful communist ideal in permanent peace.

Laws are constantly improving, exploitation is being eliminated step by step, and education and health care are constantly advancing.

The ultimate society with great material adequay will eventually come.

Long live the great unity of the Chinese people! Long live the great unity of the people of the world!


Postscript and speech: The collection of this book has not been ideal, and the subscription after it is put on the shelves is relatively low, so the end is relatively hasty. After all, as an online serial novel, poor business performance means that it should end as soon as possible.

If you continue to drag and lengthen the book, there is a suspicion of cheating money for those readers who are used to reading the book and are unwilling to leave suspense.

At present, the theme of this book is not suitable for a long time.

Thank you for your love for a long time. Because of your support, this book is finally finished. Thousands of words are synthesed into one sentence. Bow and thank you! Thank you all! Thank you for your hard work!

Obviously, many people don't like this book or this kind of theme. After the book is opened, the collection and subscription are average, so after receiving the editor's notice to speed up the pace and coolness before it was put on the shelves, there was a hasty uprising. I hope you can understand.

The magnificent and absurd enthusiasm and impulse to write this book are obviously not as good as the previous one, so the subsequent collections and subscriptions have never been up, so I received a notice asking me to complete the book as soon as possible.

Although it is ridiculous that many characters and story clues have not been explained, in general, the general structure has been completed, which feels like a good finish.

is ashamed of the delay in the opening of this book, which leads to the lack of coolness, which shows that everyone has raised their taste to the cloud in long-term travel, which is undoubtedly a difficult challenge for the author. The only way to redouble their efforts to read the next book Create a more attractive work and look forward to repaying everyone's support.

Congratulations on a poem

Sincerely meet,

I'm looking forward to the reunion,

Since you choose to dedicate your heart,

will fulfill the promise.

For your love,

I racked my brains,

just to live up to this liver and courage.

I saw your red ticket and encouragement in the cold wind and cold rain,

Kear how lucky you are,

is no longer afraid of the distance.

is a new beginning,

As long as we love each other,

The reunion was expected.