Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

043, full of vinegar

"I finally found something that you would do without asking, stupid!" Su Nuannuan went to the room to clean up again, picked up the rag and soaked it in the sink of the balcony, and carefully wiped every corner of the room.

She wanted to laugh when she thought of Duan Chengyu's clumsy appearance of doing housework. Of course, she knew that he had never done this. Every time he came here with him, he sat alone on the sofa. Even if he occasionally helped him lift water, it was quite rare.

Every time he sat down, he had to take out a tissue and wipe the place he wanted to do a few times before he sat down. As for doing so much by myself, this is the first time.

Su Nuannuan doesn't know that this is Duan Chengyu's age of 27. It's the first time to do these things. It's inevitable that he is clumsy.

Su Nuannuan suddenly remembered that there was no trash can downstairs, so she had to mention the big dustbin on the east side of the previous building to throw it away.

Oh, he won't fall on the roadside. He will be scolded by the aunt of the neighborhood committee. She quickly put down the rag in her hand, leaned to the living room window, and saw Duan Chengyu going to the building in front of her. Isn't it stupid!

Su Nuannuan was about to laugh, but found that there was still a woman walking side by side, and the dustpan at home was in the woman's hand! Looking at the woman's tall and well-proportioned back and fashionable clothes, you can imagine that she is a young and beautiful girl!

Looking at the distance between the two people, Su Nuannuan intuitively felt that the two of them must know each other!

Soon, Duan Chengyu and the girl turned around and disappeared into Su Nuannuan's vision.

Su Nuannuan guessed the identity of the girl who seemed to know Duan Chengyu in her mind. As soon as you look at her back, you will know that it is not Ji Keyin. Ji Keyin's dress is always very demonic, and although this girl's clothes are also fashionable, she belongs to the category of breathable and dignified.

It's strange that he has been here so many times with himself, but he never knew that he still had acquaintances in this community! And Su Nuannuan can also be sure that she has never known a girl. Is she the woman who took the initiative to catch up with her like Ji Keyin in the past?

"Hmm!" Just as Su Nuannuan was thinking nonsense, Duan Chengyu and the girl appeared in her sight again.

Looking at the two people stopping on the path downstairs and standing face to face, Su Nuannuan saw the girl's appearance with 1.5 eyesight. She was really beautiful! The girl nodded to Duan Chengyu with a sweet smile and handed the dustpan to Duan Chengyu. While Duan Chengyu took it with his left hand, he reached out and touched the girl's face with his right hand, and then turned into the corridor.

Because Duan Chengyu turned his back to Su Nuannuan, she couldn't see his expression, but Su Nuannuan saw the expression on the girl's face after Duan Chengyu left, which was obviously a kind of reluctance and admiration!

"Hmm!" Su Nuannuan couldn't help humming again. The rag in her hand had already been drained by her and dripped on the back of the sofa by the window.

"Complete the task successfully!" Duan Chengyu walked into the door, raised the dustpan in his hand, and then gently put it in the corner of the living room.

"Hmm!" Su Nuannuan smashed the rag in her hand into the full bucket, and the water immediately splashed out and splashed Duan Chengyu, who was standing not far from the bucket.

"What's wrong? Are you tired? Take a break when you are tired, and I will arrange someone to clean it in the afternoon. Duan Chengyu didn't mind the water stains on his body and went to comfort Su Nuannuan.

"I'm not tired. It's Master Duan. Are you tired!"

"I'm not tired. I can still do it for you." Duan Chengyu didn't hear the sarcasm in Su Nuannuan's words. He rolled up his sleeves, put his hand into the bucket and pulled out the rag. "Are you going to wipe the sofa? Let me wipe it for you. Do you want to wipe it with this cloth? The water is so cold. No wonder you get dry. All right, sit down first and I'll wipe it.

"Duan Chengyu!"

Huh? After calling my name and removing the paragraph, you forgot that this little head really doesn't have a long memory.

"Duan Chengyu!"

"Nuannuan, what's wrong?" Only then did he find that Su Nuannuan's face was very wrong. Duan Chengyu put down the rag, quickly walked to Su Nuannuan and stroked her shoulders and asked.

"Are you tired?" Su Nuannuan's tone suddenly turned and was extremely soft.

"I'm not tired." Duan Chengyu looked at her transformation inexplicably.

"I think you are very tired."

"It's a little tired and heartbreaking."

"I feel sorry for the ghost! It's not that I'm tired of doing things! Duan Chengyu, you are so capable! Pretending to help me take out the garbage diligently, and it turned out that there were beautiful women waiting below! Which one did you play with me? Su Nuannuan slapped Duan Chengyu's hand on his shoulder.

"You, did you see it?" Duan Chengyu was shocked and didn't know it well. He quickly explained, "A clerk of my company happened to meet him downstairs and said hello."

"Cut, of course you can't wait for me to see it. I heard that your company is very big. You, a top manager, actually recognize the ordinary employees under every company? Or do you know every young and beautiful female employee under the company?

"I really don't know everyone, but I just know this one. Girl, it's not what you think."

"What do I think? I didn't think about anything! In broad daylight, my hand touched other people's face. If it was black and blind... Humph!" Su Nuannuan originally wanted to say, "If the black light is blind, I'm afraid I'll touch someone else." Thinking about it, she felt that she couldn't say it, so she disappeared.

"Okay, girl, don't be jealous." In the face of Su Nuannuan's aggressive accusations, Duan Chengyu smiled as if nothing had happened, " girl, I'm not interested in others except for touching you."

"Hmm!" Su Nuannuan ignored him, picked up the rag and began to do something.

"Wo girl."


"Wo girl!"


"Su Nuannuan!"

After half a morning, Su Nuannuan didn't say another word, but kept wiping, mopping and washing. No matter how good Duan Chengyu said, she ignored him.

At the end, Duan Chengyu sat down helplessly and watched her busy. He knew that she was jealous, and this time her jealousy was not ordinary sour. Thinking of her lovely appearance, he smiled, but he just opened his mouth, and Su Nuannuan shot two fierce eyes, which made him quickly resist. Thinking that this was because of the girl downstairs, Duan Chengyu shook his head.

Actually, this is how things really happened:

Duan Chengyu went downstairs with a dustpan and found that there was no trash can inside or outside the corridor. While looking for it, a young girl appeared in front of him.

Mr. Duan! Is that you?"

"Hmm. Is that you?" Duan Chengyu also recognized the girl.

This girl's name is Yan Ruoyan, and she is now a small clerk at the headquarters of Yuri Group.

One night more than three months ago, it was raining. Duan Chengyu drove home from the company and was stopped by a girl's car on the way. It turned out that the girl's mother fell on the road and injured her leg. She stopped several taxis, but the driver thought that the blood stains on her feet would stain the cushions and all went away, but she was helping her mother. At that time, the girl's mobile phone fell into the water again. I had no choice but to rush to the middle of the road to stop the car.

Duan Chengyu sent their mother and son to the hospital and then left.

He never took this matter to heart. He saw the girl again at the job fair a month later. At that time, Yan Ruoyan recognized Duan Chengyu at a glance and quickly went forward to express her gratitude that day. Duan Chengyu said one more word to her.

Unexpectedly, his subordinates mistook him for his friend, so that Yan Ruoyan's subsequent interview went well.

Although she works in the same company, one is a boss and the other is an ordinary employee. The opportunity to meet is really rare. Later, Yan Ruoyan asked Duan Chengyu several times to invite him to dinner, expressing her gratitude that night was declined by Duan Chengyu. She did not look for him again, and later she didn't know where she got his mobile phone. No, but I haven't called, just send him a message from time to time to say hello.

And he never replied to the message. The reason why he called her back on the day in C City was that she would text again, which would cause Su Nuannuan's misunderstanding, so when she received his call that day, she was so unexpected and panicked.

Of course, Duan Chengyu and Yan Ruoyan did not expect that there were inextricable links between them in the future.

"Mr. Duan, why did you come here?" Yan Ruoyan looked at Duan Chengyu in surprise and was very surprised.

"A friend lives here. By the way, where did the garbage come from here? Duan Chengyu just thought in his heart that if such a small thing had not been done, he would have to criticize Su Nuannuan severely.

"Oh, over here, I'll help you pour it down." Yan Ruoyan immediately took the dustpan from Duan Chengyu's hand.

"No..." Before Duan Chengyu could refuse, she had already mentioned it and walked forward.

Duan Chengyu also followed. He thought that maybe he would come with Su Nuannuan in the future and take out the garbage by himself every time.

"Have your friends lived here for a long time? My mother and I just moved here.

"Well, many years."

"Oh, I live in the two buildings behind here."


After the fall, Yan Ruoyan insisted on accompanying him back.

I went downstairs and handed the dustpan to his hand.

Duan Chengyu, who took over the dustpan, suddenly saw a leaf on Yan Ruoyan's hair. It was probably stuck under the tree when she just dumped the garbage, so she helped her brush off the small leaf and turned to go upstairs.

As a result, as soon as I came up, I encountered Su Nuannuan's storm.


"The girl..."

Duan Chengyu began to shout again, but Su Nuannuan still didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"I'll take you to see your parents in the afternoon."

"I will go by myself." Su Nuannuan said coldly.

"I'll take you there."

"I won't bother you."

"I'm willing to bother."

"I don't want you to bother."

"Okay, warm, good boy." Duan Chengyu grabbed the rag in Su Nuannuan's hand and pulled her to his side.

"Your hands are so dirty, don't touch me!"

"Are you still angry? Regenerating gas can become Dongshi."

"I like Cheng Dongshi. I'm willing to become Dongshi. If you don't like to see you, don't look at it."

"You become Dongshi, and I also like to watch it."

"I didn't expect that you looked like a talented person and calm, and you were so slippery!"

"My mouth is not greasy and my tongue is not slippery."

"You! Shut up! Don't talk to me anymore!"