Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

044, dissatisfied

"Well, girl, don't be unhappy, or we'll play games together tonight."

"I'm not interested."

"Or I'll take you to the largest amusement park in City A tomorrow."

"It's tasteless."

"Either...or I'll take you out for lunch today."

"I have no appetite."

"Is Gao Qun your classmate?" Duan Chengyu couldn't coax her. Suddenly, he thought of Gao Yiming's words and blurted out Gao Qun's name.

"High group? Yes, is he my classmate or deskmate? What's wrong?" Su Nuannuan's attention immediately shifted.

"Oh, nothing, let's go back." Duan Chengyu suddenly regretted saying the name.

"What's nothing? No! How can you say Gao Qun's name well? Have you seen him? Su Nuannuan didn't follow.

"A few years ago, Gao Qun came to your home and said that he would come to see you on behalf of his classmates." Since this question came up, Duan Chengyu simply said it.

"What? Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"You were not in a good mood at that time, so I didn't tell you." Duan Chengyu simply took the days when Su Nuannuan was drunk at home every day. "Now he knows that you are back and wants to come to see you. He also said that several students in your class miss you very much."

"It must be Xiaojuan. Did he say when to come to see me?

"Originally, his father asked me out for dinner at noon today and said he would bring Gao Qun and asked me to take you to sit with him. I was afraid that you didn't want to go, so I didn't say anything."

"I'll go! I haven't seen Gao Qun for a long time, and I don't know how he is now. Su Nuannuan couldn't help thinking about her previous life when she was studying and the incident of leaving school, and inexplicable sadness surged in her heart.

" girl, don't think about the past. Now everything has me. If you still want to go to school, I will send you to school these days, or if you don't want to go here, I can take you abroad. Duan Chengyu saw Su Nuannuan's thoughts and was afraid that she would think of Nie Yingqi's incident again. He quickly took her hand and comforted her softly.

Su Nuannuan looked up at Duan Chengyu and didn't say anything more.

"Nuannuan, I like to see you happy!" Duan Chengyu stroked Su Nuannuan's face, drew a smile on both sides of the corners of her mouth, and then moved her face to the portrait of her parents on the wall. "Look, your parents are smiling at you, and they also like to see you smile."

"Nuannuan, follow him and let him take care of you, so that mom can rest assured!" Su Nuannuan seemed to hear her mother say this to herself in her ear, and tears flowed down.

"Nuannuan, don't cry, don't cry!" Duan Chengyu panicked and quickly reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Nuannuan, you are so obedient. Don't cry!"

"I'll cry, I'll cry!" Su Nuannuan suddenly cried even more fiercely. Thinking that he and the girl downstairs seemed to be very close, Su Nuannuan was more angry.

"Warm!" Duan Chengyu sighed slightly, "Fool, why don't you have any confidence in me? I said that it's just employees of my company. If I really have any thoughts about these employees, do I still need them to come here for you to see?"

"Yes, people will take the initiative to send it to you!" Although Su Nuannuan's tone was full of grievances.

"Well, fool, now in my eyes, there is only one girl in the world, and the others are the same person." Duan Chengyu looked at Su Nuannuan's appearance and couldn't help laughing, "It's not good for your health to be jealous. Be careful that your whole body turns into pickled cabbage."

"If you know it's not good to be jealous, you have to do something to make me jealous! Humph!"

"Okay, it's not my fault. I shouldn't have found a girl to take me to take out the garbage. In the future, I just don't know if I can find it by myself, good boy." Only then did Duan Chengyu find that he didn't know that he had become so patient.

"Do you mean I made you wrong?"

"No, I didn't do it well! I made you feel wrong." Although he felt that Su Nuannuan's jealous appearance was particularly cute, Duan Chengyu quickly turned the topic away, "I made an appointment to go to dinner at noon. I can go back and change my clothes first."

Su Nuannuan looked at the dusty clothes on her body, saw Duan Chengyu's slightly wet trousers, reached out and touched them, and began to complain about him again: "Look at you, pick up some water and get your trousers wet!" All right, let's go back now. Go back and change your clothes first. Don't catch a cold.

After Duan Chengyu smiled and helped her pack up her things, he closed the doors and windows, took Su Nuannuan's hand and walked to the car side together.

The car quickly started, slowly drove out of the community, and slowly disappeared. At this time, a girl came out behind the tree and looked at the direction of the car disappeared. It turned out that it was the girl who caused them to make a misunderstanding, Yan Ruoyan.


After changing clothes from home, Su Nuannuan followed Duan Chengyu to the door of the Imperial Hotel.

As soon as they reached the door of the Imperial Hotel, a tall Yingbin lady greeted them enthusiastically and led them to the box: "Mr. Duan, Mr. Gao has come. Please come here."

Walking along the red-brown carpet, as soon as he turned a corner, Su Nuannuan saw a familiar figure waiting at the door of a box.

"Su Nuannuan! Su Nuannuan! It's really you! I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you? How's your health? The happy group rushed up in front of Su Nuannuan and couldn't help looking up and down.

"I'm fine. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you, Gao Qun? Xiaojuan, are they all right? Su Nuannuan was also very happy to see Gao Qun, and kept asking questions.

"Warm, go ahead and sit down." Duan Chengyu, who stood aside, took Su Nuannuan's shoulder and led her into the box.

"How are you, Uncle Duan?" Only then did Gao Qun see the indifferent Duan Chengyu and quickly greeted him. I didn't remember Duan Chengyu before, so I only said that he was Nuannuan's brother. Now I know that this "Uncle Duan" is very smooth.

"Well, Gao Qun, let's go in and chat. You see that everyone else is watching us." Su Nuannuan did not realize the strange look of Duan Chengyu, nor did he notice Gao Qun's name, but happily greeted Gao Qun to go in.

"Chengyu is here, come and sit here. Gao Qun, call Uncle Duan quickly. Gao Yiming, who was slowly tasting tea, saw Duan Chengyu and others coming in together. He got up with a smile, took the initiative to remove the chair beside him, and motioned Duan Chengyu to sit beside him.

"How are you, Uncle Duan?" Gao Qun smiled and greeted Duan Chengyu again.

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu nodded slightly to say hello.

As soon as Su Nuannuan came in, she saw the slightly fat middle-aged man sitting at the chief. He was a little surprised and did not recognize people. He pointed to Gao Yiming and said to Gao Qun, "Gao Qun, is this your father? Why do I look so familiar?"

"My father and I look so similar. Can you not be familiar with me?" Gao Qun laughed at Su Nuannuan's words and quickly introduced it to Gao Yiming, "Dad, this is my classmate Su Nuannuan."

"Hello, Uncle Gao." Su Nuannuan grinned at Gao Yiming and glanced at Duan Chengyu, but found that he did not look at him or speak. Instead, he sat down beside Gao Yiming. It happened that Gao Qun moved the chair beside her, and she sat down beside Gao Qun and did not see Duan Chengyu's hand to move the chair.

"Hello, Nuannuan. I often hear Gao Qun mention you how cute you are. When I see you today, it's really cute, hehe." Gao Yiming looked at the two children with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Uncle Gao for your praise." When Su Nuannuan heard Gao Yiming's words, she thought that she used to bully Gao Qun, but she was a little embarrassed and smiled at Gao Qun.

Gao Qun understood the meaning of Su Nuannuan's smile, but gave her a big smile without hesitation.

"Let Mr. Gao wait for a long time." Duan Chengyu put the smile of Su Nuannuan and Gao Qun into his eyes, looked away and turned to Gao Yiming.

"This is not about work. Seeing that you are shouting so much, uncle, just shout your name. Haha." Gao Yiming seems to be particularly easy-going.

"This time you took Nuannuan to City C, you must have met Yizhe. I haven't seen their family for a long time, and I really miss them. I don't know if Yizhe has told you when he will come back to City A?"

When Su Nuannuan heard Gao Yiming mention Gao Yizhe, she realized that they were her own brothers. Thinking of twins, she raised her eyebrows and pulled Gao Qun and opened the chat box again: "Gao Qun, your twin sister is so cute."

"Really? I've only heard my father talk about it, but I haven't seen them yet. Do the twins really look exactly the same? Gao Qun is obviously also interested in twins.

"It's exactly the same! Weiwei's sister-in-law dressed them in exactly the same clothes and combed the same hairstyle, but it was simply carved out of a mold! You are really a brother. Your sister is four years old, and you haven't seen her!" Su Nuannuan saw that Duan Chengyu and Gao Yiming were talking about the company over there. She was not interested, so she chatted with Gao Qun enthusiastically. The more she said, the more excited she became. She didn't notice Duan Chengyu's eyes and slightly frown from time to time.

"So similar, can't others distinguish it?" Gao Qun is curious.

"Yes, anyway, if they don't talk, I can't tell who is who. I heard from Weiwei's sister-in-law that when the twins were very young, she bathed the twins and washed them twice, but the sister didn't wash them once!"

Ah? No way! There is such a strange thing! Haha! In this case, why do you dress them in the same way? Isn't it easier to confuse them? Gao Qun laughed.

"That was the past. Weiwei's sister-in-law said that now she can tell who is who. However, the two little guys still like to dress exactly the same. If they are different, they will be unhappy and vomit.

"Bear by the way, what do you call my aunt sister-in-law?"

Just as Su Nuannuan was about to answer, Gao Yiming pointed to a table of wine and dishes and said first: "Gao Qun, don't just talk to Nuannuan. Say hello to Nuannuan to eat something. You help Nuannuan pour the drink."

"Good. Warm, I'll pour you milk." Gao Qun quickly got up and politely picked up the milk and poured it into Su Nuannuan's cup.