Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

048, anonymous phone

The warm spring breeze slightly blew the small branches that had just pulled out the tender buds, bringing a touch of spring into the pink and harmonious room. Su Nuannuan was wearing a pink casual shirt and looking at the thick books in front of her desk. As soon as she looked up and through the half-open curtains, she saw the warm sunshine quietly falling on the balcony. , can't help laughing.

So she got up and walked to the fan-shaped door leading to the balcony and opened all the curtains. Only then did she find that it was bright outside.

Su Nuannuan put her hand on the pink wall, leaned out half of her body, stretched out her palm, and the palm was bright, and a small shadow formed on the ground. She slowly grasped her hand, but the sun mischievably jumped out of the palm of her hand.

Su Nuannuan withdrew her hand, walked to the hanging basket on the balcony and sat down, withdrew her feet into the hanging basket, closed her eyes and sat quietly.

When he came back from C City, Duan Chengyu also said that she would continue to go to school at the beginning of school, but a few days ago, he suddenly changed his mind, saying that he was also reviewing old knowledge at school this semester. It's better to stay at home to review and wait for the exam. Instead, he went to school to be influenced by others. Excuse me, or send her directly to a school she wants to go to.

Su Nuannuan firmly opposed the latter. As for the former, she thought for a long time and thought that when she went to school, teachers and classmates would definitely ask questions. Finally, she decided to follow Duan Chengyu's arrangement and asked a tutor to guide her at home at the right time.

Fortunately, Su Nuannuan has a good foundation. Although she has been studying for more than two months, coupled with the instructions of famous teachers, she has made rapid progress and quickly made up for the courses she left behind.

Thinking of Duan Chengyu, Su Nuannuan smiled sweetly at the corners of her mouth. Suddenly, the hanging basket shook gently. She opened her eyes and saw that Chen Qiaolan stood aside with a smile and shook gently.

"Miss, are you tired of reading? Close your eyes and rest for a while. Li's mother is cooking corn porridge for you.

"Aunt Chen, thank you." Su Nuannuan smiled sweetly at Chen Qiaolan.

"Bear by the way, miss, this is the card given to you by Xiaowei."

Su Nuannuan noticed that Chen Qiaolan was holding a delicate small card in her hand, took it and opened it happily, and read it gently: "Sister Nuannuan, thank you for the learning materials you sent me. I will definitely study hard. I wish Nuannuan happy every day. Aunt Chen, Xiaowei is really awesome. He is only a freshman in high school, and he is about to finish all the content of his sophomore year of high school!"

"Xiaowei said that the learning materials you gave him were so detailed that he could get twice the result with half the effort. He said that if it hadn't been for you, how could he jump from the first year of junior high school to the third year of junior high school? He said that he is now applying to the school and wants to take the final exam of the second year of senior high school directly this semester. Chen Qiaolan smiled and thought of her son Jiang Wei, which made her face happy and proud.

"Xiao Wei can jump the grade because he is smart and diligent enough. What does it have to do with my information? If my information is useful, I will skip the grade myself.

"Miss, don't be modest. We Xiaowei often say that being too modest is equal to pride. In the past few years, if it hadn't been for your care and encouragement for him, how could he have been so progressive?

"Isn't it right for me to occupy Xiaowei's mother every day to make him with learning materials and send him some school supplies? Hee hee. Aunt Chen, you just wait for Xiaowei's blessing. He is still studying so hard under such difficult conditions. He all wants to get himself out of school quickly and solve your problems earlier. It's really rare for such a filial child!"

"Miss, you really understand Xiaowei's thoughts. No wonder he always says that he has an inexplicable sense of closeness when he mentions you."

"Hey, he has never seen me before."

"Miss, let's have some corn porridge." Li Xiaohong came in with a bowl of steaming corn porridge.

"Thank you, Aunt Li, thank you, Aunt Chen. Look, sitting in the hanging basket, basking in the warm sun, blowing the soft spring breeze, drinking fragrant corn porridge, and talking with you, this feeling is so good! I wish you could stay with me like this all the time." Su Nuannuan was still curled up in the hanging basket, slowly picking up the porridge and drinking it in one gulp, with a comfortable face, "Oh, Aunt Li, Aunt Chen, am I too selfish and greedy? You all have your own children!

"Miss, it's good that you don't think I'm an old man, and say selfish and greedy things." Li Xiaohong stood aside with the tray and smiled naively.

"Miss, you are also our child." Chen Qiaolan also smiled.

"Hey." Su Nuannuan smiled very sweetly.

"Miss, there is a phone call for you downstairs." A burst of rapid footsteps came from the inner room with the gasping sound of Wan Xianglan.

"Why do you call the landline downstairs? Just ask him to call my mobile phone." Su Nuannuan didn't move lazily. She only said it was Duan Chengyu's phone, because no one would call in the landline at home except him.

And Su Nuannuan's room has never been picked up by a landline. Maybe Duan Chengyu doesn't want others to disturb her life.

"Miss, it's not the young master's. He asked you to answer the phone. He said he would call back in two minutes and ask you to wait." Wan Xianglan has come from the room to the balcony with a few gasps.

"Not his? Whose will it be?" Su Nuannuan got up while talking to herself suspiciously, as if no one had ever called her, "Lan Ma, is that male or female?"

"It should be a man."

"Male? Maybe it's Gao Qun, this guy, doesn't he know my mobile phone number? I also need to call the landline." Su Nuannuan went straight to Duan Chengyu's room, because his room had a branch line.

Several servants watched Su Nuannuan answer the phone and went downstairs to be busy.

As soon as Su Nuannuan entered Duan Chengyu's room, the phone rang. She picked up the microphone and was about to make fun of Gao Qun, but she found a very strange voice coming from the phone.

"Is this Miss Su Nuannuan?"

"Yes, who are you?" Su Nuannuan always felt that the sound was strange. She understood that she was using a voice changer.

"Don't care who I am. I just want to ask you something." The voice in the microphone speaks very pure Mandarin. Although she used a voice changer, Su Nuannuan can still conclude that this is a man's voice.

"Ask me something? What's the matter?" Su Nuannuan is curious.

"Do you know why Duan Chengyu took you home three years ago?"

"Who are you? Why do you ask me these questions? If you have any malice, I will call the police." Su Nuannuan is very alert.

"Please don't misunderstand. I'm asking you all this for your own good." The other party quickly explained.

"Because my mother passed away, I was lonely and helpless." Su Nuannuan thought, what if the questioner knew about this situation? She wanted to see what this person wanted to say, so she left aside the matter about Duan Chengyu and his mother lying to lie to her, and directly picked the point.

"Have you ever thought about how he met your mother?"

"Uh..." Su Nuannuan couldn't answer for a moment. I remember that a few years ago, she also questioned this question, but she didn't think much about it. Duan Chengyu only said that he came to lie to her with her mother before, but did he talk about this issue?

"Let me answer for you. When they met, it was when your father Su Hao had an accident.

"What? I don't understand what you mean!"

"Duan Chengyu is the driver who caused your father to die in a car accident!" The other party said this sentence word by word.

"What? Impossible! Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" Su Nuannuan was shocked and said three impossible things in a row.

"It was raining heavily that day. Duan Chengyu, who was driving, made out with his girlfriend at that time in the car. For a moment, he was distracted and hit Su Hao, who came out to deliver takeaway at night. After being sent to the hospital, Su Hao died. In order to make up for his guilt, Duan Chengyu planned to give money to your mother, but your mother refused. Later, when your mother died, he brought you to raise you to make up for his debt to Su Hao. The sound of the phone has been telling the whole process in a very positive tone.

Su Nuannuan has long been stunned! The microphone in her hand almost fell down several times. She shook her head desperately: "I, I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do. In such cases that the parties have privately mediated, the Public Security Bureau will generally not leave a record. However, with the influence of Duan Chengyu in City A, I think even if there is a record, it has already been destroyed, and no one dares to stand up and tell you that he did it. Ha ha."

"Since there is no record and no one dares to testify, then your words have no evidence and no credibility at all!" After taking several deep breaths, Su Nuannuan finally stabilized herself a little and began to question each other.

"It's true that there is no way to investigate this. I'm just an insider. I don't want to see you cheated by the person who ruined your family and live in lies all your life. Believe it or not, it's up to you. Goodbye."

"Wait!" Su Nuannuan quickly shouted to the other party who wanted to hang up the phone, "You said earlier that Duan Chengyu was with his girlfriend at that time? Is his ex-girlfriend Ji Keyin?

"I don't know the name of his ex-girlfriend. All right, that's all for me. Take care of yourself.

"Wait, wait." Su Nuannuan shouted again, "Why did you tell me this?"

"As an insider, I just don't want to see you being deceived by bad people and living with your father-killing enemies for a lifetime." After saying that, there was a blind sound on the phone.

Su Nuannuan, with a pale face, sat down weakly against the head of the bed, and the microphone in her hand slipped to the carpet and made a muffled sound.