Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

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Only then did she find that her hands had been trembling! The forehead actually oozed fine beads of sweat!

Will he be the one who lost his father's life?

Will he be the one who broke his family apart?

Will he be the one who loses his happiness?

Will he be the one who has hated countless times in his dreams?

Su Nuannuan shook her head very hard and denied her idea.

Impossible! How could it be him?

Su Nuannuan only felt that her thoughts began to be messy again, and her world began to be messy.

This call didn't call early or late, but it came when I had accepted this relationship! Is this a coincidence, or is it a trick?

By the way, the insider said that there was Duan Chengyu's girlfriend in the car at that time! Four years ago, Duan Chengyu's girlfriend should have been Ji Keyin! Go to Ji Keyin and ask, don't you know the truth?

Su Nuannuan suddenly stood up and almost fell down! It turns out that her legs have already been weak.

After trying to calm myself down, I rushed downstairs.

"Miss, where are you going? I'm going to have lunch later!" Chen Qiaolan looked at Su Nuannuan running out and quickly put down her work and followed her, but Su Nuannuan ran very fast. By the time she chased to the road, Su Nuannuan had already got into a taxi.

Chen Qiaolan felt that something was wrong and hurried home to call Duan Chengyu.


Su Nuannuan sat in a taxi, and the driver kept asking her where she was going. Then she found that she didn't even know where Ji Keyin lived!

She sat in the car, allowing the driver to keep asking.

"Little girl, don't be in a daze! Tell me where you're going and I'll send you. I'm driving like this, which consumes my oil and your money!" While driving, the driver kept staring at Su Nuannuan from the rearview mirror, "I said little girl, look smart, are you a student of a modern school? Are you in a hurry to go to school?"

School? The student bookstore quickly flashed through Su Nuannuan's mind. By the way, Nie Yingqi! Nie Yingqi is Duan Yunrui's nephew, and Ji Keyin is Duan Yunrui's wife. Nie Yingqi must know where Ji Keyin lives!

Su Nuannuan quickly took out her mobile phone in her pocket, but found that the mobile phone was not on her body. Then she remembered that she had put her mobile phone on the desk.

"Brother, I forgot to bring my mobile phone. Can you lend me your mobile phone? I know where I'm going after making a phone call. Thinking that he didn't even bring money, Su Nuannuan's soft voice also brought a trace of timidity.

"Alle." The driver was very cheerful and took out his mobile phone and handed it to Su Nuannuan.

"Thank you." Su Nuannuan took the mobile phone, thought about it carefully, and entered a series of numbers.

A few months ago, she was quite familiar with Nie Yingqi's number. Although after such a long time, she could still remember it.

Soon, Nie Yingqi's familiar voice came from the microphone: "Hello?"

"I'm Su Nuannuan."

"Warm? Is that you? Are you all right?" Nie Yingqi was obviously surprised by her phone call.

"I want to know where Ji Keyin is." Su Nuannuan doesn't want to talk nonsense with him. She just wants to know what she wants to know.

"Are you looking for her?" Nie Yingqi seemed to have some doubts, but she didn't ask much. She said Ji Keyin's address and told her that Ji Keyin seemed to be unwell these days and had been staying at home.

Su Nuannuan returned the mobile phone to the driver and reported Ji Keyin's address.

The driver didn't say anything after hearing this. He turned the car around and sped away.

As the car flew forward, Su Nuannuan, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly felt waves of panic.

She began to complain that she was too curious to answer the phone; she began to complain that she was too simple to believe a stranger's words; she began to complain that she was too stupid to ask Ji Keyin about the situation; she began to complain that she was too polite and asked the driver to lend her mobile phone so kindly; She began to complain that she had a good memory, so that she got through to Nie Yingqi.

Because of fear, she felt cold all over her body.

What if Ji Keyin tells herself the same as the insider on the phone?

What should I do?

She doesn't know! She has never associated her father's death with Duan Chengyu!

If this is true... Su Nuannuan only felt that her heart was hollowed out, and blood surged up her head.

No! No! She suddenly felt a feeling of suffocation, which made her breathless.

Why did I come to ask Ji Keyin? She doesn't look like a good person with the callers! I don't want to listen to their provocation! I want to trust Duan Chengyu! Su Nuannuan struggled hard in her heart. She suddenly felt extremely scared. She was afraid to know the truth!

No! There is no truth! The truth is that Duan Chengyu has nothing to do with his father's death! Yes! Go back!

Su Nuannuan suddenly sat straight and just wanted to turn around to the driver, but found that the car had stopped.

"Little girl, the address you mentioned is here. Please get off the bus." The driver has got out of the car and helped her open the door.

Is it here? Su Nuannuan looked out of the window, and the car was parked in front of a very luxurious villa.

She walked out of the car and walked to the door of the villa. She didn't even notice that the taxi drove away, and she didn't want to notice that the taxi driver didn't ask her for the details of the money.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" A middle-aged woman who looked like a servant asked Su Nuannuan with a puzzled face through the iron gate.

"Warm? Why did you come here?" Another familiar voice sounded.

Su Nuannuan looked up and saw a man standing behind the woman who had finished his whole body and only showed half of his face.

"Nuannuan, I'm Ji Keyin. Why did you come here?" The person who finished the package continued to make a sound.

Su Nuannuan knew that this person was actually Ji Keyin.

The iron door opened, but Su Nuannuan still did not move or speak.

"Nuannuan, why did you come here?" Ji Keyin asked for the third time.

Su Nuannuan just looked at her in a stunned manner and still didn't make a sound.

"What can I do for you? Why don't you go to my room and talk about it?" At this time, Ji Keyin completely lost her arrogance and capriciousness at Duan Chengyu's house that day, and her tone became very soft.

Seeing that Su Nuannuan still had no response, Ji Keyin gently pulled Su Nuannuan to her room upstairs.

After closing the door, Ji Keyin and Su Nuannuan sat down by the sofa, and then asked gently, with a little anxiety in his tone: "Nuannuan, what happened? Is there something wrong with Chengyu?

Hearing Chengyu's words, Su Nuannuan's whole body trembled obviously.

Ji Keyin felt her change and quickly grabbed her hand and asked nervously, "What's wrong with Chengyu?" What the hell happened? Hurry up and say it!"

In a panic, Ji Keyin's scarf wrapped around her head fell down. Su Nuannuan looked at Ji Keyin's seemingly slightly swollen face in surprise: "You, what's wrong with your face?"

Because in Su Nuannuan's impression, Ji Keyin is very beautiful and also very beautiful.

Ji Keyin quickly surrounded the turban again, and her eyes flashed a little: "Nothing, I've been allergic to eating recently."

Su Nuannuan was not in the mood to ask so much, and her expression faded again. She lowered her eyes and stopped talking.

"Nuannuan sister, can you tell me what happened to Chengyu? I know you have always hated me. I don't mean anything else. I just want to know how Chengyu is doing. Please tell me!" Ji Keyin seemed very eager, and his tone was full of urgent care.

"When did you break up with him?"

"Break up?" Ji Keyin obviously felt abrupt about Su Nuannuan's words.

"Yes, when did you break up with him?" Su Nuannuan repeated again.

"Yes... it's been more than four years." Ji Keyin was stunned and thought about it before answering.

"Do you remember the car accident related to him four years ago?" Su Nuannuan, who was silent for a while, asked with difficulty.

"Do you mean the car accident that happened on that rainy night?" Ji Keyin looked at Su Nuannuan suspiciously, "How do you know about this? And after so many years, how can you ask about this?"

Su Nuannuan's face turned white and her heartbeat accelerated. Although she had tried to make psychological preparations and silence, Su Nuannuan slowly said, "Don't ask me so much, just tell me the detailed process of that day!"

Ji Keyin sighed slightly, tired on the sofa, hugged her legs, and said slowly, as if she began to enter the memory: "That day I will never forget in my life. I remember that it rained heavily that day. On the ring road, Chengyu drove the car very fast. Although I loved him very much, I resolutely broke up with him. At that time, he also loved me deeply and refused my request. For a moment, he pulled me in the co-driver's seat and kissed him. As a result, the car was out of control for a moment. When I panicked, I pushed him away and forced him to brake, the car had hit the poor man who was delivering the takeaway.

Su Nuannuan interrupted Ji Keyin's words, because she would not fully believe Ji Keyin's words: "Since you were so in love at that time, why did you break up with him?"

"Isn't it because of Duan Yunrui? Originally, Chengyu and I fell in love with each other, but Duan Yunrui fell in love with me and wanted to get me by any means. That day, he gave me an ultimatum and asked me to break up with Chengyu, threatening me that if I didn't follow him, I would strang out Chengyu's newly established company in the cradle, making him unable to turn over for the rest of his life. For Chengyu, I had to obey the despicable Duan Yunrui. Ji Keyin spoke and suddenly cried.

Su Nuannuan was stunned again and said in a long time, "Well, do you know the name of the man who was hit?"

"I don't remember the name of the deceased, but I remember his lover's name, Wen Rou, because the woman's temperament matches the words in her name, so I remember it clearly." Ji Keyin, who calmed herself down a little, replied affirmatively.