Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

053, drunk

"Hee." Su Nuannuan hugged Duan Chengyu again, "You are so kind."

"Okay, sit in the bed and wear so little. Be careful not to freeze." Duan Chengyu took Su Nuannuan into the quilt and covered the quilt before lying down beside her.

It's just that when he reached out to hug Su Nuannuan, he was gently pushed by her: "I'm so tired. Don't touch me."

Duan Chengyu no longer moved, lay flat and closed his eyes.


The moonlight outside the window is like water, and the room is as bright as day.

"Aunt Chen, Mother Li, thank you for your hard work." Su Nuannuan stood at the small table in the room and looked at the delicate dishes on the table with satisfaction and the two bottles of red wine on one side.

"Miss, then we will go down. I guess Mr. Duan will come in a moment." Chen Qiaolan once again made sure that everything on the table was ready, and then went downstairs with Li Xiaohong.

Su Nuannuan looked at their backs and looked a little sad.

"It smells so good!" Duan Chengyu came in from outside with a briefcase, "I'm so interested today."

"I'm tired of eating downstairs every day. Look how fresh it is to bring the food to the room." Su Nuannuan got up to pick up the bag in Duan Chengyu's hand and threw it on the desk.

"If you are tired of eating at home, I can take you out to eat." After washing his hands, Duan Chengyu came out of the bathroom and walked to the small table with a smile.

"I don't want to eat out. You can only feel at home when you eat at home. It's just that if downstairs, Aunt Chen and others see us eating and being intimate, they always like to laugh secretly. Su Nuannuan pouted with a little anguy, "Although I know they care about us, I just feel embarrassed."

"You also have embarrassing times, haha." Duan Chengyu picked up his chopsticks and tasted the food. "Today's dish doesn't seem to taste right."

"Of course not. This is all taught by Li's mother."

"Did you do it? Can you cook?

"Of course, when I was at home, I used to cook our meals." After saying that, Su Nuannuan's expression faded again, and then smiled at each other, "After coming to you, with Aunt Li and Aunt Chen, there is nothing I can do. Thank you."

"Nuannuan, thank you, isn't it too much?" Duan Chengyu frowned slightly and changed his smiling face in time. "I hope I can always eat the dishes you cook in the future."

Su Nuannuan just smiled and did not pick up his words. She poured the open red wine into two beautiful goblet glasses, picked up one casually, shook it gently, and handed it to Duan Chengyu: "Do you have to drink the wine I poured when you eat the food I cooked?"

"That's natural." Duan Chengyu took the glass and drank it all.

"You drank happily. I just put poison in the wine!" Su Nuannuan was next to Duan Chengyu, leaning against the edge of the table, and smiled, which was particularly playful.

"If you eat the food you cook and drink the wine you pour, you will naturally drink it with the medicine you gave. However, I think you'd better pour me a few more cups for a drink. If the medicine is not enough and only poisons me half to death, then I'm really too painful. Since I've taken the poison, take more to make the storm more fierce. Duan Chengyu looked at Su Nuannuan with a smile on his side, but he didn't mind.

"Okay, then I will poison you directly today!" Su Nuannuan poured another cup of cup for Duan Chengyu and sent it to Duan Chengyu.

Duan Chengyu did not answer. He stretched out his hand around Su Nuannuan's waist and directly sent his mouth up. The red ** became less and less in Su Nuannuan's hand until there was not a drop left.

"Come on, eat." Su Nuannuan took the opportunity to sit on Duan Chengyu's lap and took a chopstick dish and sent it over, "Is the poison delicious?"


"It's delicious. No one can say that poison is delicious!"

"As long as you feed it, everything is delicious."

"Okay, then eat more and drink more." Su Nuannuan filled the cup again.

"Good! But if you don't feed me, I won't eat it!" Duan Chengyu, who drank up again, played a little rogue.

"Then I will keep feeding you and let you fall drunk in my gentle hometown, hee hee."

"Bright, didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to see a sample of the share transfer agreement? I brought it today. Duan Chengyu picked up Su Nuannuan and put it on the chair on the side. Then he got up and took the briefcase, took out an agreement, and handed it to Su Nuannuan. "Look, that's it."

"How many pieces of paper? I didn't expect that something worth so much money to transfer, that is, a few pieces of paper. Su Nuannuan turned over casually, pointed to the last page and asked, "Why did you only sign one name?"

"I haven't signed it yet."

"Then why don't you sign it?"

"It's a big deal to eat with my warmth. This can be signed at any time." Duan Chengyu put the agreement on the corner of the table and smiled gently, "This thing is very important. Don't mess it up."

"You can rest assured to drink with me, and I will help you sort it out. It seems that the wife should learn to help her husband sort out the internal affairs, right? A trace of red glow flashed on Su Nuannuan's face.

"Yes! Warm." Duan Chengyu held Su Nuannuan on his lap again and looked at her affectionately, "Nuannuan, this feeling is very good. I really hope the time is still like this, and we can sit like this for a lifetime."

"Look at why you always say such words today, as if we are going to separate tomorrow. Do you want to separate from me?" Su Nuannuan seemed to be dissatisfied. She held his face and separated his face away from looking directly at herself.

"As long as you want, I will never let go of your hand." A complex look appeared in Duan Chengyu's side-faced eyes.

"Well, let's not talk about this. If you don't eat it, the food will be cold! If I don't finish eating these dishes, I won't make them for you in the future!" Su Nuannuan presented the full glass to Duan Chengyu, "Drink and eat vegetables!" Don't say anything else!"

"Yes! My future little wife!" Duan Chengyu's face returned to the usual soft lines, and there was no hesitation to refuse every glass of wine and every bite of dish sent by Su Nuannuan.

Soon, a bottle of red wine has bottomed out.

"Nuannuan, do you know how much I love you? I don't allow you to leave me. You can only belong to me. Can you believe me? I never wanted to deceive you." Duan Chengyu, with a slightly pale face, lay on Su Nuannuan's shoulder with confused eyes, and was a little incoherent.

"Well, I know. Come on, have another drink." Su Nuannuan straightened Duan Chengyu, let him lean on the back of the chair, and sent him another cup in front of him.

Suddenly, Duan Chengyu raised his hand and wanted to take the cup in Su Nuannuan's hand, but he couldn't find the direction of the cup. When he touched the mouth of the cup, the ** in the cup splashed.

"Ouch!" Su Nuannuan quickly got up, quickly patted the wine on her body, put down the glass, and went to pat Duan Chengyu's body.

"Soong Ping, where's the wine? Why didn't you fall down?" Duan Chengyu, who was half-closed his eyes, pointed randomly, "Brother, won't you give me a drink? I want to drink!"

"Okay, you're drunk. You can't drink any more." Su Nuannuan cleaned up the things on the table a little, then got up and tried to help Duan Chengyu to **.

"I'm not drunk. I can't be drunk. I have to take care of Nuannuan." When Su Nuannuan tried to help Duan Chengyu up, he pushed Su Nuannuan away, "Who are you? Don't stand next to me! Nuannuan will be unhappy!"

said and staggered out.

"Hey!" Su Nuannuan hurried to push him towards the bed.

Duan Chengyu's legs and feet were weak. He was pulled by Su Nuannuan and fell down at once**. Maybe he felt the comfort of the bed, but he didn't move. He just lay down, shouting " girl" in his mouth for a while and "warm" for a while.

Su Nuannuan turned him over with great effort, lifted his head, put a pillow under his head, then picked up the quilt and covered him. Then he sat beside him with a slight gasp and quietly looked at him who had entered a deep sleep.

A tear fell on Duan Chengyu's face. Su Nuannuan was shocked and wanted to reach out to wipe away the water stains for Duan Chengyu, but she saw Duan Chengyu turn over and muttered, " girl, go and change your wet clothes and don't catch a cold."

"You can only blame yourself!" Su Nuannuan wiped the tears off her face fiercely and twisted it on her arm, "It's time that you are still soft!" Don't forget how your father died!"

Su Nuannuan got up, picked up the unsigned agreement on the table and walked into the bathroom. He tore the agreement little by little and threw it into the toilet. As soon as he pressed the beginning, a stream of water poured in and then disappeared with paper fragments.


"Hmm..." Duan Chengyu stretched out his legs in a daze, turned over comfortably, and put one hand on a soft body.

"Hmm?" He quickly sat up, shook his head, and tried to adapt his eyes to the environment. Only then did he know that he was sleeping in Su Nuannuan's **. What he had just touched was Su Nuannuan's body.

"What's wrong?" Su Nuannuan, who sat aside, looked at him puzzledly.

"Me, how can I sleep here? Aren't we drinking?" Obviously, Duan Chengyu doesn't remember that he drank too much last night.

"You drank too much, and I helped you to sleep. How about it? Do you still have a headache?" Su Nuannuan stroked Duan Chengyu's forehead and gently pressed it for him a few times.

"It doesn't hurt, a little dizzy. What time is it?" Duan Chengyu closed his eyes a few times and looked out of the bright window and asked.

"It's nine o'clock."

"It's nine o'clock? I have to go to the company." Duan Chengyu quickly got up and walked to the bathroom. "That's right, Nuannuan, please help me take out the agreement in my bag. I have to sign it."

"Signature? Didn't you sign it yesterday? What else do you want to sign?"